Newsletter No.5 Term 1 Tuesday 31st March 2015 Tel: 9404 8373 – Fax 9404 7502 – H DATES TO REMEMBER nd 2 April • Last Day of Term st 21 April • Students Return to School Term 2 nd 22 April • ANZAC Day Assembly From the Principal • Road Safety Reminder: Students are Vulnerable Road Users • Harmony Days • ANZAC Day Assembly • Happy Easter and a Safe Holiday Merit Winners Aussie of the Month Harmony Day 2015 Values at Hocking – Conservation Mental Maths Lexile Legends Interm Swimming Lessons Voluntary Contributions Direct Deposit Payments Lost Property PE News Sun Smart Science Lab Numero Challenge Watering Tips School Board Parents and Citizen (P&C) Specialist Trial Days Community Advertisements REMINDERS H SMS: 0417 942 643 FROM THE PRINCIPAL ROAD SAFETY REMINDER: STUDENTS ARE VULNERABLE ROAD USERS Students are vulnerable road users when they walk and cycle to and from school because they have little protection from cars in the event of crashes. The Road Safety Council and School Drug Education and Road Aware are urging schools to remind parents and community members to take extra care when travelling around schools. Parents can following this link to access information to support them share with their children the importance of being aware and safe on the road. HARMONY DAYS Wow, what a great day of cultural awareness and understanding! Well done to all the students for getting dressed up and to the parents for their support and provision of such a diverse range of food. ANZAC DAY ASSEMBLY A reminder to all families that we will be holding our ceremony on Wednesday 22nd April commencing 9.30am on the grassed area in front of the school’s flag poles. Children are asked to bring in a flower on the Tuesday morning (first day back for students for Term 2) to assist in the making of the school wreaths for our ceremony. Any students that are involved with Scouts, Girl Guides and Boys Brigade etc, are invited to wear their uniform to the ANZAC day assembly. HAPPY EASTER AND A SAFE HOLIDAY Finally, this term has been extremely busy and I acknowledge and thank all staff for their hard work and commitment to the students at Hocking Primary School. I would also like to wish all students, staff and parents a happy Easter and safe holiday. All skateboards, scooters and bikes are to be carried or wheeled to and from the bike racks where they must be secured for the day. Protective safety equipment is encouraged at all times. Only use the designated Kiss ‘n Drive area to drop and collect students. School gates open at 8.15am. Students should arrive at 8.25am. If students arrive prior to this time they must sit outside the Deputies’ Office. Four Square games are only to be played during recess and lunch time. Drivers are responsible for safety on the roads and in car parks. A few jokes to brighten up your day! What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke? Hot cross bunnies! It might crack up!! Steve Dickson – Principal Jemma Finn Tahlyia Samantha Jackson Harley LA07 (Yr 1) LA08 (Yr 1) LA09 (Yr 1) LA10 (Yr 1) LA01 (Yr 2) LA02 (Yr 2) Daniel Mia Daniel Kayla Connor Louise MERIT WINNERS WEEK 8 LA03 (Yr 2) LA04 (Yr 2) LA20 (Yr 3) LA21 (Yr 3) LA26 (Yr 3) LA26 (Yr 3) Felicity Sarah Ella Megan Brooke Madeleine LA27 (Yr 3) LA14 (Yr 4) LA23 (Yr 4) LA23 (Yr 4) LA13 (Yr 5) LA13 (Yr 5) Arian Jaeden Zahli Kayla Keenan LA15 (Yr 5) LA15 (Yr 5) LA18 (Yr 5) LA17 (Yr 6) LA19 (Yr 6) AUSSIE OF THE MONTH Congratulations to our first Aussie of the Month recipient for 2015, Ella from LA3. Ella has made a fantastic start to the year by demonstrating some of our new school values. Ella displays the value of Empowerment by encouraging others to share ideas in the class and playground. Well done Ella. Don’t forget, nomination forms are available from the front office or as a pdf from the school website HARMONY DAY 2015 What a great week with a number of activities happening all around the school. It was great to see the number of cooperative learning activities being provided to the students as well as the opportunity to explore the variety of cultures we have at our school. We concluded the week with the cultural dress day on Friday and as usual, we were amazed with the effort put into sharing those cultures with everyone at the school. We were even treated to a parade from our Kindy students during the afternoon - how brave they were! Thank you to all the parents, students and teachers who went out of their way to share these wonderful stories (and not to mention the food for those lucky classes!) Steve Hardingham – Deputy Principal Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 VALUES AT HOCKING –CONSERVATION Sustainable Development: The management of the environment should take into account the need to preserve its diversity and balance for the future. • Balance the use of resources in a way that maintains a consistent and steady supply for all. • Manage Australia’s very fragile environment in a way that will ensure the survival of all natural things. • Use things in moderation and they will last a lot longer. • Care for my cultural and natural environment. • Things will last as long as I look after them. • Look after my environment. To develop my child’s understanding of sustainable development I can: • Set up recycling practices at home. • Try to repair things rather than replace them. • Reward them for turning off light switches and taps. • Cook only what will be eaten at meal times so that there isn’t any wastage. • Discuss with them why we need to conserve things. • Go shopping for need as opposed to want. • Discuss with them which things are running out – oil, iron ore, minerals, water etc. • Ask them what they can do to help conserve things. • Use scrap paper to write on. • Grow your own vegetables and fruit. • Make them ride or walk to school while you ride or walk to work. • Teach them to use public transport systems. MENTAL MATHS AWARDS MONU-Mental champions – Congratulations LA 19 Yr 6 DEVELOP-Mental Champions - Well done LA 20 Yr 3 LEXILE LEGENDS Tomorrow 20 students for Yrs 4-6 will be enjoying a free lunch due to their efforts in our Literacy Pro (Lexile) reading program. Selection of these students has been based on the number of words read by individual students as well as the number of quizzes completed and also teacher nominations. Congratulations and well done to these students on their effort throughout the term. INTERM SWIMMING LESSONS When: Monday May 4th – Friday 15th May Venue: Aquamotion Cost: $43.00 per student required by Friday 1st May 2015 in the envelope provided and placed in the money box located in the school’s front office. This comprises of $27.00 for pool entry and $ 16.00 for bus hire (please note that the transport component is non-refundable). Timetable: (May be subject to change- Awaiting confirmation from the Swimming co-ordinator) Students attending: PP1, PP2, PP3, LA’s 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10, 14,22,23 Swimming enrolment form to be completed and returned to classroom teacher prior to first lesson. Bus departs Lesson Time Bus returns LA’s Session 1 8.55 9.15 – 9.55 10.10 1,2,3 Session 2 9.40 10.00 – 10.40 10.55 7,8,4 Session 3 10.35 10.55 – 11.35 11.50 9,10 Session 4 11.20 11.40 – 12.20 12.35 PP1,PP2 Session 5 12.25 12.45 – 1.25 1.40 PP3, 14 Session 6 1.10 1.40-2.20 2.35 22,23 Mark Pegoraro – Deputy Principal Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Have you paid your Voluntary Contributions? Be in the draw for $100 Wish Card donated by the P&C. Pay before 9am on April 2 to qualify. One prize per year level, limited to one prize per family. DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYMENTS Only payments for Hocking PS can be made by Direct Deposit. All payments for the P&C need to be made by cash /cheque payable to Hocking Primary School P and C. LOST PROPERTY The lost property baskets are located outside the Front Office. If your child has lost anything this year, please come and check the lost property. All uniforms, lunchboxes and drink bottles with no names on and not collected by the end of this term will be donated to charity. Kate Webster - Registrar PE NEWS Running Club The Running Club has continued to grow in popularity this year with the number of students running around the oval almost becoming a continuous line. To spread out the numbers and in preparation for the cross country and athletics carnival, students who wish to run the majority of the sessions will be able to run the longer distance around Gungurru Park and the majority of younger students- Kindy – Year 2/3 and older students who are happy to walk more than run can continue on the school oval. As this is going to stretch the teachers and parents who regularly help out, any additional parent help in dotting hands and recording laps would be appreciated. We will continue in Term 2 on the same days and time – Mondays and Thursdays from 8.00am and new starters are always welcome. SUN SMART TIPS Be SunSmart and protect your eyes with close fitting wraparound sunglasses. Graham Jones – PE Teacher SCIENCE LAB What’s going on In Science @ Hocking Primary School? Science Joke Centre How do scientists freshen their breath? With Experi-mints Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide Why did the scientist take out his doorbell? He wanted to win the No-Bell prize In the Lab Well we’ve almost reached the end of the term and all of the students have been working really hard, learning new concepts and collaborating in investigations. In Year One the students have been getting their hands on some real animals. So far they’ve learnt about the different parts of worms and snails. They’ve learnt new vocabulary such as predators and habitats and how to create annotated diagrams. Whilst in Year Two the classes have been carrying out an investigation about whether the temperature affects the growth of mealworms. So far, the students have noticed some amazing changes and learnt that this kind of change is called ‘metamorphosis’. The Year Threes have become junior taxonomists and have used the kind of keys that scientists use to classify animals. Next week we’ll go into the school garden and try and locate some annelids, myriapods or even the odd arachnid. Over in Year Four the students have learnt the process of pollination and the importance that bees play. They’ve begun working in groups to create a model pollinator to see how the bee spreads the pollen and fertilises the Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 flower. In our last week of term we’ll go into the garden and observe the types of flowers that we have at Hocking. The Year Fives have been studying the adaptations of leaves and how they manage to survive in the desert. This has involved using models of leaves (actually wet cloths) and very sensitive digital scales. The next investigation will look at how desert animals with large ears manage to keep cool in the desert. Again, models will be used as it is a bit tricky to get a bilby or a fennec fox into the class. Finally, the Year Sixes have carried out investigations that have proved that yeast is actually a living organism and produces waste gases. They are now going to begin studying mould. As you can see the students have been very busy and have all worked very hard over the term. Early next term we will begin the new topic of chemistry and this will involve reactions and the understanding of solids, liquids and gases. Did you know? SPACE • The Sun is over 300000 times larger than earth. • Halley’s Comet was last seen in the inner Solar System in 1986, it will be visible again from Earth sometime in 2061 (get your camera ready). • Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees Celsius. • Many scientists believe that an asteroid impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago. • The Solar System formed around 4.6 billion years ago. • The Moon appears to have more craters and scars than Earth because it has a lot less natural activity going on, the Earth is constantly reforming its surface through earthquakes, erosion, rain, wind and plants growing on the surface, while the moon has very little weather to alter its appearance. • Saturn isn't the only ringed planet, other gas giants such as Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, and they are just less obvious. • Footprints and tyre tracks left behind by astronauts on the moon will stay there forever as there is no wind to blow them away. • In 2006, astronomers changed the definition of a planet. This means that Pluto is now referred to as a dwarf planet. • Because of lower gravity, a person who weighs 200 pounds on earth would only weigh 76 pounds on the surface of Mars. • The only planet that rotates on its side like a barrel is Uranus. The only planet that spins backwards relative to the others is Venus. • Some of the fastest meteoroids can travel through the solar system at a speed of around 42 kilometres per second (26 miles per second). • The first manmade object sent into space was in 1957 when the Russian satellite named Sputnik was launched. • Jupiter's 4 biggest moons are named Europa, Ganymede, Calisto and Io. It is because of the Sun & Moons gravity that we have high & low tide Fun Experiment to Do Experience Gravity Free Water What goes up must come down right? Well try bending the rules a little with a cup of water that stays inside the glass when held upside down. You’ll need the help of some cardboard and a little bit of air pressure. What you’ll need: • A glass filled right to the top with water • A piece of cardboard Instructions: 1. Put the cardboard over the mouth of the glass, making sure that no air bubbles enter the as you hold onto the cardboard. 2. Turn the glass upside down (over a sink or outside until you get good). 3. Take away your hand holding the cardboard. Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 Whats’s happening? If all goes to plan then the cardboard and water should stay put. Even though the cup of water is upside down the water stays in place, defying gravity! So why is this happening? With no air inside the glass, the air pressure from outside the glass is greater than the pressure of the water inside the glass. The extra air pressure manages to hold the cardboard in place, keeping you dry and your water where it should be, inside the glass. Fun Online Activities Have a look at some of these websites (This is all about chemistry for Years 1-6) Grant Rielly – Science Teacher NUMERO CHALLENGE Numero is a Mathematical card game which, when played regularly, significantly boosts mental maths abilities and computation skills. Each newsletter will contain a version of the game called Top Take. This game calls for you to do the best ‘take’ you can, in one turn. To do a successful ‘take’, you must make any number of the centre cards equal to one of the number cards from your hand i.e. by ‘building’. Wild cards indicate a free turn and you can only play one number card out of your hand – so this must be your answer card! Once you have a ‘take’, come and see Mrs Jung and she will give you the formal entry form to record it down on. Entries will then be posted to the West Australian on Friday for your chance to win your very own deck of Numero cards and have your name and school published in the Ed Lift-Out of the West Australian! Remember, if you need help, come and see Mrs Jung. The answer to this challenge will be published in the next newsletter. So what are you waiting for? Get number crunching!! Stacey Jung – NUMERO Teacher WATERING TIPS Did you know? • Half of the world’s wetlands have been lost since 1900. LITTERING TIPS Did you know? • People litter more if there is litter already there. Jane Clement – Clean Schools Committee SCHOOL BOARD If you would like more information about the School Board or if you would like to raise any issues for discussion please contact your School Board Chairperson, Janelle Perkins via email or write to The Chairperson, School Board C/- Hocking Primary School. Janelle Perkins– Chair Person Hocking Primary School Board PARENT & CITIZENS (P&C) P&C NEWS Entertainment BOOKS Get in early and pre-order your Entertainment Book or the Digital version for your phone now! Go to Details for ordering books will be sent home next term with students also. Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 Mother’s Day Stall Week 2 of Term 2 the P&C will be holding a Mother’s Day Stall. More information will be available in the next newsletter. Colin Watts – P&C President CANTEEN NEWS We would like to wish all the students and families a wonderful and safe holiday break. This term has just flown by and without the help of our wonderful volunteers we wouldn’t have been able to provide all that we do in the canteen, so thank you to the following ladies your help! Sharon Spera, Deb Van Sambeeck, Kira Pepers, Christina Robinson, Bron Roberts, Manuela Harrison, Amanda Smith, Kelly McNamara and Janice Njo you ladies are awesome! The canteen will be open this week as normal, Monday and Wednesday. Next term the canteen will change to our winter menu, we will be sending home the menu next term so please recycle your old menu and keep a check on the kids school bags early next term for the new one Tammy Park– Canteen Coordinator SPECIALIST PROGRAM TRIALS Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENTS The following are paid advertisements. Hocking PS in no way endorses any statements or claims made in these adverts TLM Fitness For Kids! Starts Wednesday Feb 11th 2015 Fitness for kids every Wednesday 5yrs- 7yrs - 3pm-3.30pm 8yrs -11yrs - 3.30pm- 4pm $5 a session Location – Hocking Primary School Oval Call or email Tracey with your interest on 0402 262 517 Do you love “Glee” “X Factor” “Australian Idol” or “The Voice”? Fun-key Music is coming to Wangara! Rise Performing Arts Dance Studio, 3/44 Rigali Way, Wangara BOOK IN NOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE OF 2! Thursday 23rd and 30th April and Thursday 7th May - Class sizes are small so places are limited For bookings and more information please call Carole on 0425 898 916 or 1300 139 631, Email: Website: Holiday Clinic Where: Connolly Primary School Dates: 14th April - 16th April Time: 9:00am to 11:00am Cost: $75 Don’t forget water bottle, sunscreen and a hat!!!! For more information please call 0415 533 237 or Helen O’Grady Drama Academy Our Drama programme helps 317 year olds develop confidence, increase self-esteem, improve communication and learn life skills. Contact 9402 8744. LACROSSE FOR LIFE Wanneroo Lacrosse Club Contact: Dennis 0401 330 357 Registrar: 0431 710 173 Penistone Reserve, Penistone Street GREENWOOD HOCKEY 2015 Season runs April to September. Online Registration Open Keyed Up Music will be running guitar and keyboard lessons after school at in term 2. Prices start from $15.95 plus gst for a group lesson. To enrol, go to or ring Therese on 1300 366 243 with any queries. ALL YEAR GROUPS & LEVELS CATERED FOR: Hin2H for Kindy to Year 4: play Saturday mornings at home grounds Year 5/6 and Year 7/8: play Saturday mornings For more information visit our website: Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065 Netball WA is running an 8 week ANZ NetSetGo Program Where: Hocking Primary School Courts When: Tuesdays 3-4pm, commencing the 28th Apreil and finishing on the 16th June Cost: $110(inc gst). This includes a paricipant pack (Tshirt, netball, medallion). To registrar: or call Eve 9380 3733 for further details. HOLIDAY BASKETBALL CAMP EAST PERTH EAGLES WHO: 4 to 14 year old Girls & Boys (NO BASKETBALL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED) WHERE: Chisholm Catholic College 1104 Beaufort Street, Bedford WA 6052 WHEN: April 2015 Monday 13th – Friday 17th 9am – 3pm WHAT: The camp will include a variety of games and, competitions! COST: $200 for all 5 Days OR $45 a Day. BRING: Lunch & snacks for day, Water Bottle, Hat & Your Own Basketball If You Have One CONTACT: We have changed to an online registration process. To register please send a confirmation email to Steph Jones at & a link where you can register will be emailed back to you. Hocking Primary School 50 Gungurru Avenue, Hocking WA 6065
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