here - Foothills District

Foothills District UMC
Inside this issue:
Voyages of Paul
Prayer Focus for
Appointive Season
Motorcycle Ride
to Lake Hope for
VIM Trip to Nicaragua
Camp Asbury
Interpreter Subscription-Renew
100% Apportionment Report for
TARRP Event—
Reclaiming Our
UM Heritage
2015 Confirmation Camp
Good Works
Summer Internships Available
“I’m Not Being
Fed at This
Church” - a
shared blog
Prayer Concerns
Lay Ministry
Classes Offered
March 2015
From the Desk of the DS
“God is Still Calling Christians to the Mission Field”
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Footnotes from the
Although it’s been twenty years, I don’t think I will ever forget the answer Christian
missionary John Miller gave me when I inquired why anyone would leave the comforts and securities of our American lifestyle to serve the Lord in South America. (At
the time, we were sitting together in a van in downtown Guayaquil, Ecuador.) Without hesitation John said, “Dennis, it’s simply the call of God. God called me to come
to Ecuador and I said, ‘Yes.’ That’s why I’m here.”
It’s fascinating to see where God takes us in life when we open ourselves to the Holy
Spirit. On April 27, 2015, several from the Foothills District will be traveling to Vietnam. Our team consists of John Alice (Rolling Plains UMC), Dennis Baker (Coburn
UMC), Tommy Botts (New Beginnings UMC), Doug Flinn (The Plains UMC), Gregory Inboden (Dresden UMC), Paul Medaugh (Dresden UMC), Richard Purvis
(Stockport UMC) Robbie Scott (Foothills District ADS), Dennis Miller (Foothills District DS).
The plan is to fly via Columbus to Washington D.C. to Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh City
(formerly Saigon). Once we arrive, we will travel from village to village with several
Vietnamese pastors. Each day we will visit United Methodist house churches. We
will lead worship, preach, and teach. We will also be meeting with former Vietnamese soldiers and Viet Cong who have given their lives to Christ. In total, we will travel
approximately 750 miles from coast to highlands, from countryside villages to thriving humanity-packed cities! This will be an adventure of a lifetime!
I don't mind telling you that I am excited! What an amazing opportunity to be part of
the missionary work of the Church. Please pray for me, for the members of the mission team, for the Vietnamese brothers and sisters we encounter, for the United
Methodist Mission in Vietnam, and for God to change and renew the hearts and
minds of all who are involved in this endeavor.
Where is God calling you to go in 2015? For most of us, a trip to Southeast Asia is
not in our near future. Yet perhaps the mission field is as close as your neighbor
down the street. Romans 10:13-15 says, “For everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved. But how can they call on God to save them unless they believe?
And how can they believe in God if they have never heard? And how can they hear
about God unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of mes-
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sengers who bring good news!”
In the days ahead, may we heed the words of songwriter Keith Green, “Go to the hungry ones and fill
them with His bread. They'll leave their darkness as you shine the light He shed. Point to His promises, believe in what He said. And His joy will be manifest to you. And the lost will be found by the
things you do.”
I’m forever grateful that someone told me the story!
Dennis Miller
“Voyages of Paul” Cruise
with Bishop Palmer & Foothills DS Miller
October 1-12, 2015
You are invited to join Bishop Palmer& his wife Cynthia
this October 1-12, 2015 to retrace the Apostle Paul’s
journeys in Greece, Turkey and Italy! Foothills District
Superintendent Dennis and Rachel Miller will be the tour
hosts. We will travel aboard the Celebrity Reflection as we cruise throughout the Mediterranean and
watch the Bible come alive like never before! Bishop Palmer, DS Miller, and other church leaders will
lead devotions at various Biblical sites. We will visit Rome, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Mykonos, Ancient Pompeii, Sicily, and the much more! Cost: $3,795. All Inclusive Pricing: Deluxe Cruise abroad Celebrity Reflection, First Class Hotels, Meals on Ship, Airfare from Columbus, Guided Tours, Deluxe A/C
Motor Coaches, Entrance and Program Fees, Taxes, Port Charges, etc.
DS Dennis & Rachel Miller will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, April 12 at 4:00 pm at the
Foothills District Office, 47 Johnson Rd., The Plains, Ohio. For more detailed information, brochures
are available at the Foothills district office or contacting Dennis at
The appointment season has begun! Let us be in prayer today for our Bishop and Cabinet -especially
our District Superintendent Dennis Miller-as they begin to carefully match pastors and churches
around the conference:
Dear God, We pray today for Bishop Palmer, District Superintendent Miller, and all of the West Ohio
Cabinet as they continue their appointment work this month, matching pastors and churches to the
best of their ability. May this season be bathed in prayer; may churches and pastors be honest in who
they are and in what they desire; may your Spirit guide the appointments to further your kingdom in
this world. Be with churches, pastors, and pastoral families in this time of waiting and praying, hoping
and discerning. In the midst of all the moves, grant your grace, your hope, and your presence. In Jesus name, Amen.
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Footnotes from the Foothills
Join the ride from Grove City, Marietta, Waverly, or Zanesville!
Enjoy scenic vistas and valleys through the byways of the Foothills District in southeastern Ohio!
Meet other riders who want to ride for a cause!
Raise funds to purchase a small motorbike for a United Methodist pastor in Vietnam!
Be welcomed at Lake Hope State Park, enjoy a BBQ lunch, group photo, and short inspirational message
from our DS!
We are excitedly anticipating our Foothills District Spring motorcycle ride in support of United Methodist pastors in Southeast Asia. We will depart from four launching points and ride to Lake Hope State Park. We will
have a delicious BBQ lunch and take a freewill offering ($25 per biker suggested) to purchase a small motorbike
for a pastor in Vietnam. We hope you can join us for an enjoyable, relaxing, and invigorating ride with great
fellowship and good food. Mark the date! More information to come! Please contact DS Dennis Miller if interested at
Ride Leaders: Bill Bartram – Grove City; Don Archer – Marietta; Robbie Scott – Waverly; Dennis Miller - Zanesville
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Footnotes from the Foothills
JUNE 22-30, 2015
This year's June 22-30 VIM team will be especially for high school and older youth, as well as
The work will mainly be in schools involving interaction with students, some construction, school maintenance, public hospital visitations, Bible school and children feeding at a Nicaraguan Methodist
Church, and other activities. In addition, there will be time for worship, sightseeing and shopping.
Departure city is Columbus, Ohio. Full team related cost is $1,300 per person.
An application form and brochure are available upon request to
Asbury Summer Camp Dates for 2015:
June 7-12
Elementary Camp
June 21-26
Cluster Camp (High/middle school)
June 29- July 1 Intro Camp
July 12-17
Middle School
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Footnotes from the Foothills
100% Conference & District Apportionments Report for 2014
We are able to accomplish great things together! Through our Apportionment giving, each United Methodist
Church is able to participate in significant ministries which transform individuals, families, communities, and the
world. Within the Foothills District, the following churches paid 100% of their 2014 conference and district
apportionments. Thank you!
Athens Central
Athens First
Athens Korean Church
Bates Chapel
Belpre Rockland
Belpre St Marks
Bethany (Meigs Co)
Bethel (Hocking Co)
Bremen Calvary
Centenary (Gallia Co)
Centenary (Washington Co)
East Fultonham
Ebenezer (Muskingum Co)
Fairview (Hocking Co)
Forest Run
Gallipolis Christ
Gibsonville Mt Olive
Gilman Avenue
Hocking Hills
Hopewell (Perry Co)
Kline Memorial
Laurel Hills
Marietta Christ
Marietta Norwood
Brian Davis
Walt Goble
Gene Goodwin
Frank Hare
Sheryl Goble
Paul Risler
Wendy Lybarger
Kuen Sang Lee
Jeffrey Hancock
Jeffrey Hancock
Georgann Thomas
Jim Condrey
David Hubbard
Arland King
Mike Menrath
Ray Sharritts
Joe Chrisman
Dave Shoemaker
Jim Lambert
Arland King
Harold Benson
Lou Whitney
Angel Crowell
Phil Thomas
Katherine Riley
John Sellers
Paul McGuire
Clyde Boring
Terry Priest
Stephen Bondurant
John Kohne
Chuck Norris
Wes Thoene
Michael Queen
Jack Berry
John Williams
Diann O’Bryant
Randy Hardman
Ricci Arthur
Roland Mitchell
John Edwards
John Sellers
Randy Hardman
Hollie Null
Linda Ward
Brian Davis
Lou Whitney
Don Archer
Stacy Evans
Walt Goble
Carolyn Hoskinson
Morning Star
Mt Perry
Mt Pisgah
New Beginnings
New Marshfield
New Plymouth
New Zion
Oakland (Morgan)
Pine Grove (Hocking)
Pleasant Hill (Berne)
Pleasant Hill (White)
Pleasant Hill (Hocking)
Rio Grande Simpson Chapel
Rolling Plains
Salem Center
Smith Chapel
Sugar Grove
The Plains
Trinity (Gallia Co)
Tuppers Plains St Paul
Union (Athens Co)
Union (Hocking Co)
Warren Chapel
Webbs Chapel
Wesley Chapel
Zanesville Central Trinity
Zanesville First
Zanesville Grace
Zion (Fairfield)
Arland King
Michael Queen
Alethea Botts
Joyce Smith
Gloria Ankrom
Stephen Bondurant
Richard Purvis
Jeffrey Hancock
Jane Ann Miller
Mike Menrath
Phil Thomas
Paul Wymer
Todd Noland
Linda Ward
Vera Welker
Dick Covert
Gene Goodwin
Dan Lamphier
John Williams
John Alice
John Chapman
Georgann Thomas
Ricci Arthur
Sheryl Goble
Richard Purvis
Kandy Nuce
James Saunders
Doug Flinn
Jeremy Shank
Dan Lamphier
Richard Thomas
Angel Crowell
Joyce Smith
Linda Ward
Richard Thomas
Russell White
Rick Bennington
Michael Queen
Mark Brookins
Bart Ankrom
Steven Fewell
John French
Steve McGuire
Dave Jackson
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Footnotes from the Foothills
TARRP Event – March 14 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Re-Claiming Our United Methodist Heritage
United Methodists have impacted our world in amazing ways – with hospitals, schools, prison reform,
publishing houses, orphanages, and forwarding thinking in the need for higher education for all people.
UM’s have impacted lives here, and around the world, through its connectional system; implementing
mission wherever it’s needed.
Dr. Paul W. Chilcote, the Academic Dean of Ashland Theological Seminary, and Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies will lead us in the common areas of
our EUB & Wesleyan Heritage, remembering our traditions, recovering spirituality,
social action, and holiness – all ways to strengthen our relationship with God and
equip us in connecting to the lost and hurting people in our communities.
Bring a team, to discover our impact upon the world and what the UM denomination
can continue to be. We will review many ways we practice our faith, and learn who
we are called to be, so churches and individuals we can keep moving forward in mission and ministry. The UMC makes disciples in Jesus’ name and makes a transformational kingdom difference in their communities and around the world.
The Location 8 miles east of Interstate 71:
Three Crosses: A United Methodist Fellowship
12 Cleveland Street
Butler, OH 44822
How to Register: Contact Rev. Debra Ketcham at or 614-5802382
Cost: $25.00 for one; $23.00 each for two; $20.00 each for 3 or more from the same church or charge
CEU's Available: .6 (6 hours of class)
The West Ohio Conference is offering a Conference Camp as an enhancement of your church’s church confirmation program. Students already involved in the confirmation process at their church may attend a great spring
retreat designed to supplement the confirmation experience. This weekend retreat will provide students an opportunity to explore their own faith journey through selected topics such as: Personal Relationship with Christ,
Discovering and using Spiritual Gifts, and Understanding our Wesleyan Tradition. This is a fun opportunity for
youth to connect with other young believers in a camp and retreat setting. Youth will be able to meet other
confirmands, attend powerful worship, outdoor activity, debrief within small groups, and enjoy great meals.
This retreat is recommended for students in grades 6-9. Please one church leader per gender per six youth.
Group registrations must be received at the camp, 3 weeks before the event.
Option #2: Friday, March 20 - 7 pm to Sunday, March 22, 2015 - 10:30 am. Location: CAMP WESLEY, 653
Twp. Road 37 E, Bellafontaine OH 43311
Price: $95 students, $39 adult leaders.
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I made the WIDOW’S heart sing
I took up the case of the STRANGER
I was a father to the FATHERLESS (Job 29:12-17)
Good Works in Athens, Ohio is seeking 6-8 applicants for their Summer Service Internship, June 7August 8, 2015. This summer marks the 15th year of our Summer Service Internship and the start of
our 35th year in ministry with people who are vulnerable and struggling with poverty in rural SE
Do you know someone who would benefit from exploring this 9 week paid internship focused on discipleship and leadership development in the context of Christian community?
Interns will:
Oversee the relational discipleship of teens and adults who are participating in short-term mission experiences with Good Works.
Provide leadership for our every day Summer Kids’ Discovery Club and community meal
Lead short-term mission teams (called Work Retreats) in practical service including repairs and
small construction at the homes of seniors or people with disabilities
Mentor local youth ages 14-17 through our Teen Agricultural Internship focused on service, character development and learning how to grow healthy food.
Work alongside our friends who are struggling with pverty as they participate in service and earn
“points” to obtain cars, appliances and food through our Transformation Station
Participate in Friday Night Life, our weekly community meal which is followed by health education, Kids’ Club, live music, Bible studies, gardening and other community building activities
Experience leadership development as you interact with the Good Works staff on issues of discipleship, Appalachian culture, ministry with people in poverty, community and justice in weekly
Applicants must be at least 20 years old or have completed at least one year of college. Good
Works provides housing, most of your food and a $1,500 stipend. Interns can also raise additional
The Next Step – Visit our website at and explore Good Works. Request an
application through e-mail at Applications must be completed by
March 31st. Interviews are held on site in Athens in April.
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Footnotes from the Foothills
Hello Friends,
Every so often I run across an article that convicts me. In this case, the article spoke to what I went
through before I was a pastor, way back when I was a layperson in the pew. While I know this will not
be a gentle read, I find that I always need loving reminders to keep me on the right path. I am hopeful
this is as helpful to you as it was to me. RS
“I’m Not Being Fed at This Church”
FEBRUARY 25, 2015 from the blog of THOM SCHULTZ
“I don’t feel we’re being fed at this church,” Bill admitted. He’s thinking about switching to another church–
where he can be “fed.” What does Bill mean? It seems that Bill, and many others who express similar feelings,
go to weekend services expecting to receive encouragement, solace or inspiration. Their expectations are often unmet.
These expectations now form what many consider to be the essence of a church’s mission or purpose. It’s to
satisfy the appetite of the audience. A church elder in the documentary When God Left the Building, states his
church’s mission this way: “I believe it’s to keep the membership up, keep it fortified, keep everyone feeling
good about being there, keep people desiring to come there and want to be there.”
Many church leaders advocate a similar consumer mindset for church involvement. They often say, “You need
to go to a church where you’ll be fed.”
This whole image bothers me. There’s something very self-focused about it. I can’t help thinking of Audrey,
the gluttonous flesh-eating plant in the show The Little Shop of Horrors, bellowing out, “Feed me!”
I’m all for spiritual nourishment. But I worry we’re producing a generation of pudgy pew sitters who desire
nothing more than to gorge themselves on super-sized feasts of knowledge and anecdotes. Many teachers and
preachers believe it’s their job to satisfy this big appetite with ever-more-tempting platters of “deep” Bible details, soaring oratory, and five steps toward a happier life.
What’s the outcome? Are we producing healthy, productive disciples–or well-fed, complacent gluttons? We’re
seeing some telling effects among the Dones, the mature Christians and life-long church members who are
now leaving the institutional church. Sociologist Josh Packard reports in his upcoming book Church Refugees that these people are feeling over-stuffed. They’re tired of the same high-fat meal that’s dished out for
them weekly. They want to actively exercise their faith.
A question of mission
Should people view their local church as a spiritual fast-food joint? Is the prime objective to make sure patrons
amble out rubbing their stomachs, feeling well-fed? I think not. I don’t believe God intended the church to be a
diner for self-absorption, even spiritual self-absorption. Rather, the church should strive to be the healthy Body
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Footnotes from the Foothills
of Christ, the community of believers coming together to experience and love God, and to love one another
and the larger community.
For those ready for a healthier diet, some suggestions:
MEMBERS & ATTENDERS. Stop looking for a trough where you can be “fed.” Look for a Jesus-centered community where you can be the church, where you’re given full access to love one another, to experience God,
and to exercise your faith.
CHURCH LEADERS. Don’t pander to those who wish to sit, gorge, and grow obese. Shift the primary focal
point from a mere mass-feeding to a time for the Body to connect, love one another, experience God together, put their faith into action, and share stories with one another of God’s recent interactions.
Some churches today are doing it. They have chosen to intentionally step beyond the “feed me” mentality. One
such congregation, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, even incorporated its bigger mission into its name – The Point
Is to Serve. From the get-go, people understand the point is not merely to “be fed.” Instead, these Jesusfollowers are known for how they feed others. Sometimes literally. Like the time they delivered 32,000 pounds
of ham and bacon to the needy.
Pastor Allen Kjesbo said, “We believe service is a key (and often neglected) path of spiritual formation.” The
church’s small groups, called LifeServe Groups, “not only study the Bible and pray together, they also serve
together,” Kjesbo said.
This church isn’t striving to fill pews with satiated spectators. “We were challenged to consider how to measure success differently,” Kjesbo said. “It’s about transformation–not ‘nickels and noses.'”
To our Faithful Foothills Laity…. There are no “Perfect Pastors” who can bring back the days when
your congregation was the centerpiece of its community.
To our Faithful Foothills Pastors…. There are no “Perfect Churches” who already have ministry figured
out, and all that is needed is your encouraging words on Sunday and smiles at chicken dinners.
We need each other to most effectively fulfill the Great Commission, from the person who clears the
sidewalks to the Bishop in the Conference Office.
Let’s be the “United” people that our name implies as we strive to obey our Lord’s call.
In His Service and Yours,
Page 10
PO Box 67
47 Johnson Rd.
The Plains, OH 45780-0067
Phone: 888-868-1225
Fax: 740-797-4582
Rev. Dr. Dennis Miller, D.S.
Rev. Robbie Scott, Asst. to the D.S.
Sherri L. Rogers, Office Administrator
Merv Davis, Treasurer/Bookkeeper
Prayer Concerns
David and Bev Shoemaker on the death of Bev’s step-father. (Buchtel
Rev. Walt Goble (Albany & McArthur)
Rev. Bill Marshall (East Letart & Racine)
Hocking Hills United Methodist Church is selling the following items:
Baldwin Spinet Piano - Hamilton model
West Campus Chapel
Hamilton Spinet Piano
West Campus Sanctuary
Baldwin Orgasonic
West Campus Chapel
Wurlitzer Multi-matic Percussion Organ
East Campus Chapel
The sale will be handled with sealed bids turned into the church office with a
deadline of 4:00 pm on Wednesday, March 4, 2015. The buyer will be responsible for moving the item(s).
The bids will be opened at 12:00 pm on Friday, March 6. You will be notified if
you were the highest bidder. If you have any questions, please call the church
office at 385-4136. Office hours are Tuesday through Friday 8:30 - 4:30
(closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30). Please submit your bids to Hocking Hills
UMC - 66 E. Hunter St., Logan, Ohio 43138.
We will offer two Advanced Courses from the Core Curriculum later in the
year. Registration forms will be mailed out closer to the time of each event.
Leading in Prayer will be held on May 16, 2015 at the Hocking Hills UMC in
Logan, Ohio and
Check us out on the Web:
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts on August 22, 2015, also at the Hocking
Hills UMC.
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events.