Please note: this is a working document for informational purposes only. It is subject to change as well as approval by the Federal Foreign Office. Some speakers may or may not have been confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding this document please contact 26 March 2015 (Draft – Subject to change) 7:00 –9:00 Registration Moderator of the Conference: Christoph von Marschall 9:00 –9:45 Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Germany st New Energy Policy – A Global Challenge for the 21 Century Sigmar Gabriel Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany 15 Years of the German Energiewende – Lessons learnt Adnan Amin Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Global Developments and Challenges for Renewable Energies 9:45 – 10:15 Coffee Break 10:15 – 11:00 Hermann Albers Vice President, German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) A Resilient Economy through Renewable Energy Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann President and CEO of Viessmann Group Exhibits open Energy Transition – The Key to Success is the Dual Strategy of Renewable Energy and Efficiency Jeremy Rifkin President, Foundation on Economic Trends The Transition to Zero Marginal Cost Renewable Energy and the Third Industrial Revolution Please note: this is a working document for informational purposes only. It is subject to change as well as approval by the Federal Foreign Office. Some speakers may or may not have been confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding this document please contact 11:00 – 12:30 Panel: How should Enabling Policies for a successful Energy Transition look like? Moderator: Rainer Baake, State Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Martin Lidegaard, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark Børge Brende, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy, United Arab Emirates Jan Mládek, Minister of Trade and Industry, Czech Republic Liu Qi, Deputy Director of the National Energy Administration, China Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA) Dr. Markus Tacke, CEO, Siemens Wind Power 12:30 – 13:45 13:45 – 15:15 Breakout Sessions Lunch Break Session 1 [W]: Key Role of Political Frameworks: Defining the Right Incentive Scheme Session 2 [E]: Market and System Integration of Variable Renewable Power Generation Moderator: Peter Fischer, Deputy Director-General for Globalisation, Energy and Climate Policy, German Federal Foreign Office Moderator: Dr. Karin Freier, Head of Division Renewable Energies, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Marie Donnelly, Head of Directorate C (Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency), DG Energy, European Commission Jean-François ConilLacoste, Chairman of the Management Board, EPEX SPOT Joachim Goldbeck, Managing Director, Goldbeck Solar Thomas Egebo, Permanent Secretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Energy, Denmark Dr. Magdy Rady, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations and International Cooperation, Egypt Boris Schucht, CEO, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH Hans-Dieter Kettwig, CEO, ENERCON GmbH Prof. Dr. Uwe Leprich, Scientific Director, IZES gGmbH Wang Zhongying, Deputy Director-General, Energy Research Institute (ERI), National Development and Session 3 [L]: Centralized vs. Decentralized Energy Transition, Mini-Grids, Off-Grid RES Moderator: Dr. Tania Rödiger-Vorwerk, Deputy Director-General for Sustainable Development, German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Prof. Dr. Eicke R. Weber, Director, Fraunhofer ISE Clemens Triebel, Founder and Chief Visionary Officer (CVO), Younicos Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) César Emiliano Hernandéz Ochoa, Undersecretary of Electricity, Ministry of Please note: this is a working document for informational purposes only. It is subject to change as well as approval by the Federal Foreign Office. Some speakers may or may not have been confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding this document please contact Mario C. Marasigan, Director IV, Renewable Energy Management Bureau, Department of Energy, the Philippines Reform Commission (NDRC) Energy, Mexico Thomas Gottschalk, Managing Director, Mobisol GmbH Steve Sawyer, Secretary General, Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) 15:15 –15:45 15:45 –17:15 Breakout Sessions Coffee Break Session 4 [W]: Key Role of Financing: How to attract Private and Public Investments Moderator: Silvia Kreibiehl, Head of the Frankfurt School United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Collaborating Centre Dr. Norbert Kloppenburg, Member of the Executive Board, KfW Group Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim AlThani, Minister’s Assistant for International Cooperation Affairs, Qatar Astrid Manroth, Managing Director, Head of Environmental and Social Capital, Deutsche Bank Dr. Karsten Sach, Deputy Director-General for Climate Policy, European and International Policy, German Federal Environment Ministry Anders Hauch, Investment Director & Partner, DI Frontier Market Energy & Carbon Fund Session 5 [E]: Grid Integration, Grid Management and Grid Development Moderator: Ulrich Benterbusch, Managing Director, German Energy Agency (dena) Dr. Philipp Strauss, Member of the Board DERlab e.V., Deputy Director, Fraunhofer IWES Kassel Session 6 [L]: Economic Value Creation, Sustainable Growth and Jobs Moderator: Michaela Spaeth, Head of Division, Energy and Raw Material Foreign Policy, German Federal Foreign Office Dr. Jan M. Mrosik, CEO Division Energy Management, Siemens AG Dr. Henning Wüster, Director of the Knowledge, Policy and Finance Centre, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Achim Zerres, Head of Energy Regulation at Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) Dr. Barbara Praetorius, Deputy Executive Director and Head of Team Germany, Agora Energiewende Prof. Tomas Kåberger, Professor for Industrial Energy Policy, Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Sir David King, Foreign Secretary’s Special Representative for Climate Change, the United Kingdom Christian D’Adamo, Head of Electric Network Operation, Enel Distribution Milan Nitzschke, Vice President, Solarworld Prof. Dr. Maciej Nowicki, Professor, Former Minister of the Environment, Poland Toshiro Okada, Director, Senior Policy Advisor, International Affairs Division, Commissioner’s Secretariat, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Please note: this is a working document for informational purposes only. It is subject to change as well as approval by the Federal Foreign Office. Some speakers may or may not have been confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding this document please contact Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 17:15 –17:45 Plenary: Session Summaries Reception 27 March 2015 (Draft – Subject to change) 7:00 –9:00 Registration Dr. Barbara Hendricks Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany 9:00–9:15 The Global Energy Transition – Prerequisite for mitigating Climate Change 9:15 – 11:00 Ministerial Panel on International Renewable Flagship Projects Moderator: Christoph von Marschall 11:00 –11:30 Exhibits open Máximo Pacheco, Minister of Energy, Chile Dr. Peter Gašperšič, Minister of Infrastructure, Slovenia Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Omair, Minister of Oil and Minister of State of the National Assembly, Kuwait Youcef Yousfi, Minister of Energy and Mining, Algeria Andrei Dominic Gerea, Minister of Energy, SMEs and Business Milieu, Romania César Emiliano Hernandéz Ochoa, Undersecretary of Electricity, Ministry of Energy, Mexico Nils Vikmång, State Secretary to Minister for Energy, Ministry of the Environment, Sweden Coffee Break Please note: this is a working document for informational purposes only. It is subject to change as well as approval by the Federal Foreign Office. Some speakers may or may not have been confirmed. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have questions regarding this document please contact 11:30 –13:00 Breakout Sessions Session 7 [L]: Efficient Financing through Effective Administration Session 8 [E]: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Heating and Cooling Session 9 [W]: Market Developments and Free Trade Moderator: Christine Lins, Executive Secretary, REN21 Moderator: Thorsten Herdan, Director-General, Energy Policy Department, German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Moderator: Jörg Mayer, Managing Director, German Solar Association (BSW) Humza Yousaf, Minister for Europe and International Development, Scottish Parliament, The Scottish Government Prof. Dr. Mario Ragwitz, Deputy Head of Competence Center Energy Policy and Energy Markets, Coordinator of Business Unit Renewable Energies, Fraunhofer ISI Datuk Loo Took Gee, Secretary General, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology & Water, Malaysia 13:00–13:30 Tanja Gönner, Chair of the Management Board of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) Dr. Carsten Rolle, Executive Director World Energy Council Germany, Federation of German Industries (BDI) Mokgadi Modise, Chief Director for Clean Energy, Department of Energy, South Africa Abdelkader Baccouche, Head of Solar Thermal Department, National Agency of Energy Conservation ANME, Tunisia Jan-Benjamin Spitzley, PV Legal Project, Deputy Head of Policy Department, eclareon Dr. Frank Schmidt, Board of Directors, Viessmann Group Sven Teske, Senior Energy Expert, Greenpeace International Geir Nysetvold, Director for Strategy and Communication, Enova (Norway), President of the European Energy Network Paddy Padmanathan, CEO, ACWA Power Prof. Gernot Klepper, Head of Environment and Natural Resources, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) Plenary Wrap-Up and Close Hosts and Moderator 13:30–14:30 Dr. Paolo Frankl, Head of the Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA) Light Lunch Filipe Ramalheira, Chair TBT Committee 2014 (Technical Barriers to Trade), World Trade Organisation (WTO) Hildegard Müller, Managing Director, German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW)
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