ISSN 1832-0198 1120 FREE COPIES PRINTED Issue 264 THANK YOU FROM THE HOLT FAMILY DONATED FLEECES RAISE FUNDS FOR GOOD FRIDAY APPEAL Saturday 28 March, 2015. We all voted in the SW Election, my brother-in-law celebrated a birthday, and we lost our home to fire. Kylie’s parents had arrived late in the week for a weekend visit. Saturday afternoon the children offered to cook dinner, little did we know it would end in a kitchen fire that destroyed our home. The oil on the stove, while briefly unattended, ignited and the flames were drawn up the rangehood and into the roof. The roaring sound of the flames alerted us to what was happening. Efforts to extinguish the fire proved ineffective and once the flames began exiting several of the ceiling and airconditioning ducts, we knew it was time to leave. From this point onwards the event becomes a little blurry for all nine of us who were in the house that afternoon. We all found ourselves standing on the front lawn waiting as our home became completely engulfed in flames. We lost it all. Ask any of us to replay that afternoon in our minds and you will find we all have a slightly different recollection of what happened. Vine St was full of people. The firemen were extinguishing the fire, Yes, but what about the person who put cash into my hand, the person who gave me their shoes to wear, the person who gave a hug and a smile, or the person who stood beside me and cried. The recollections all contain one thing—YOU. The Holbrook Community and we thank you. To the people who were there on the night, the next day at the house while we searched for anything salvageable. To the people who managed the overwhelming donations of goods and their offerings of labour and time. To the community organizations who had a collection and presented us with a cheque. Thank you. We will rebuild but for now it is a waiting game with our insurance company and council red tape. Five weeks have passed since the fire and we all have found ourselves asking “Where else would you live?”. “Where else could you live and experience such an event only to have the entire community stand side-by-side and deal with the tragedy together?” Holbrook— the Submarine Town. With love, we thank you all. The Holt Family. The sale of the wool for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, through Fox & Lillie, was a huge success with numerous fleeces from the area donated, particularly from fleece competition entries from the Culcairn Show Society, the Holbrook Show Society and the Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair. Two lots were sold on behalf of the Good Friday Appeal, Techwool buying both lines and raising well over $4000! Thank You to all growers who donated fleeces (some even donated more than one) as well as the Show Societies and Sheep & Wool Fair for their ongoing support for this cause. Special thanks to Tania Tresidder from Henty, who not only donated fleeces, along with her husband Peter, but also stepped up as Auctioneer on the day, revving up the crowd of buyers and selling both donated lines of wool. Any donations would be appreciated for next year, donations are accepted from any type of sheep, so remember at shearing to put aside a fleece for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal as well as your local show! Your local show would appreciate any fleece entrants as this is a large attraction to spectators. You don’t have to be the competitive type to enter, as the agricultural sections are more about displaying what is being produced within our region. A varied array of fleeces makes for better entertainment value for people coming to look at our local show! Now is the time to begin putting aside a fleece, or two, to enter into either the Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair (held immediately after the June long weekend), or the Holbrook Show (early November). There is absolutely no reason why a competition fleece cannot be entered into both. If you have something to enter please contact Rita Bowler (0427 832 803), Jenni Turner (Fox & Lillie, Culcairn) or Kendall Byrnes (Elders, Holbrook). The Holbrook Show also has a special wool section for children, so why not have the kids involved. They are always keen to find out how their entries fared at a show, and would love to find a ribbon draped across a fleece they have entered. Eamon Timms & Jack Lillie with a bale of donated wool to be auctioned. 13 May 2015 Holbrook Happenings 1 HOLBROOK HAPPENINGS’ POLICY STATEMENT This newsletter is presented by the CTC@Holbrook for the purpose of disseminating information and articles free of charge for the benefit of the public. This information is not a substitute for professional advice and is not intended to be used as such. The editors do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on such information. The editors of Holbrook Happenings make every effort to ensure the quality of the information. However, Holbrook Happenings cannot guarantee and assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, currency or completeness of information. It is the responsibility of contributors to secure permission for the use of any photographs or material provided for the Holbrook Happenings. DEADLINE Next deadline 9am Friday 22 May 2015 We prefer articles to be emailed to: Holbrook Ph: 0428 293 817 Blinds & Awnings The best way to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. If you are a new advertiser, email us for information & a booking form. Call Ewen for a free quote 0428 293 817 Classified 1/16 page Advertising Cost $16.00 1/8 page $ 32.00 ¼ page $ 64.00 3/8 page $96.00 ½ page (check for availability) $ 128.00 Offering Quality coffee, Insert (not printed at CTC) $128.00 Gourmet food Insert (when printed at CTC) $ 64.00 Per issue Please note this publication is available online at LIESCHKE MOTORS 78 ALBURY ST HOLBROOK Gluten free options High tea Internet café & free Wi-Fi Fast friendly service Ph: 6036 2244 Proud Sponsor of Holbrook Happenings 2 Holbrook Happenings 13 May 2015 Open 7 days 8.30 to 5.00. 02 6036 2211 Library Complex OPENING HOURS Tues—Fri: 11.00 - 1.00pm 2.00-5.30pm Saturday: 9.30 -12.30pm (library services only) Ph: 02 6036 3262 HOMEWORK Club Every Tuesday from 3.30-4.30pm Cost $2 Save the Date Holbrook Library Complex’s BIGGEST MORNING TEA Friday 29th May at 11am - Raise your cup and join us for our much anticipated speakers. In 2014 Carlee McDowell and Kerrie Morton (team Titzup), took an HD Holden on the Outback Car Trek rally to raise money for the RFDS. Join us for a trip to the outback, some funny stories and beautiful photographs while enjoying a delicious morning tea all for a much loved charity. Donations of yummy goods on the day are always much appreciated. ADULT COMPUTI8G Next Adult Computing is Tuesday 2nd June and then 7th July. If you are intending to come it is essential that you book a place. TUTORING Don’t tear your hair out! No need to travel to Albury. We have tutors available for most ages and abilities in a wide variety of subjects. Premier’s Reading Challenge Due to popular demand we have a trolley full of Premier’s Reading Challenge books on display for our young readers to choose from. Story Time Every Thursday at 11am PASSPORT PHOTOS Available while you wait Free Thursday 4th & 11th June 2015 6pm—9pm Library Complex, Holbrook Full course $170.00 Refresher $150.00 and computer access available at the Holbrook Library Complex DRIVER K8OWLEDGE TESTI8G, HAZARD PERCEPTIO8 TESTI8G A8D DRIVER QUALIFICATIO8 TESTI8G AVAILABLE AT THE LIBRARY COMPLEX FOR ALL LICE8CE CLASSES Bookings essential 13 May 2015 Coming courses available at the Holbrook Library Complex through Bookings to be made through TAFE 1300 823 374 or RCG $135—15 May Food Safety Supervisor $240– 14 & 21 May Holbrook Happenings 3 Buy Local in Greater Hume Shire COUNCIL NEWS – April 2015 The Heritage Office of NSW co-funds Council to make available annual dollar for dollar grants to owners of heritage listed properties to assist and encourage these owners to undertake essential repair and or conservation works to their properties. The aim of this program is not only to help the conservation of these properties, but to raise public awareness of heritage, encourage investment in the community and the preservation of specialist trade skills. At the meeting Council approved a heritage grant of $1,925 to assist the Walbundrie Hotel to undertake conservation works to the roof of the hotel. Council is currently facing a number of key decisions about its future. So next up a report regarding the current status of the preparation of Council’s Fit for the Future submission was tabled including a community engagement plan to inform residents and ratepayers about the process. Greater Hume Shire Council has been given two options – potentially merge with Albury City Council, or join as a Council in a Joint Organisation. But Council is steadfast in its view that Greater Hume ratepayers and the communities it support are best served by being part of a rural based council. Therefore, Council is preparing a submission to continue to stand-alone. I urge all ratepayers to become informed about this issue. To assist this, all ratepayers are being mailed an information brochure regarding Fit for the Future and its impact on Greater Hume Shire. Later in May, residents and ratepayers will have the opportunity to comment on Council’s draft submission, the Improvement Action Plan and the direction Council is taking in relation to its future. Council has noted the name of Tindal Road for the private road west off the Southern Freeway Interchange at Holbrook. Council has resolved to adopt the name Forrest Court for the road near the Northern Freeway Interchange and has determined to advertise the proposal to rename the old Hume Highway north of Albury Street as Sydney Road. The next ordinary meeting of Greater Hume Shire Council will be held on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 at the Council Chambers in Culcairn commencing with a public forum at 4.30pm. 4 Holbrook Happenings Initiative. In receiving the report, Greater Hume Shire Council recognises the crucial role small businesses play in developing the character of our local communities by generating economic activity and strengthening community cohesion across our shire, creating jobs and employment opportunities. “Council’s primary aim is to raise awareness in the community about the importance of shopping locally and positively influence buying behaviour to increase shopping at our local shops and businesses, and to encourage an increase in local business to business activity as well” said Mayor, Cr Wilton. Shopping locally benefits our economies further by the multiplier effect, which in simple terms is about how many times money spent by a resident, business, or visitor circulates in the local economy and the economy generally. “Council views that the Buy Local in Greater Hume Shire initiative is an ideal mechanism to position Council as working for the whole of the shire and the business community” added Mayor, Cr Heather Wilton. Due to a solid response from the business community, Council will take the lead role developing the initiative and managing the program. The proposal outlined that Council officers in conjunction with a working committee will determine the elements of the program. It is envisaged this will include a unique brand image, sticker decals, posters, outdoor signage and an ambassador network, along with internet and social media support tools. A possible Stage 2 of the initiative will include a shopper incentive offer. It is envisaged that the initiative will be launched within six weeks and continue to the end of December, with a review and follow up survey to be conducted in early 2016. LITTLE BILLABONG CWA Each year CWA members learn about a different country and this year the Country of Study is Italy. With this in mind, members of Little Billabong Branch are asked to bring an Italian dish to share to the next meeting—at the Little Billabong Hall on Monday 18 May. We will begin the meeting at 10.30am and share in an Italian lunch and friendship. Husbands/partners are welcome to join us for lunch. Murray Group’s combined International Day and Agricultural/Environment Day is being held in Albury on Monday 25 May. This should be an interesting day out with guest speakers and an Italian themed meal. As well as learning more about Italy this is an opportunity to find out a bit more about Butterflies, Boronia and Beetroot, which are the Ag/ Env. topics for the year. Please let Tammy Williams know if you are interested in attending, for catering purposes. 13 May 2015 HOSTEL FETE ANGLICAN NEWS A huge thank you to the Holbrook Community for supporting our annual Hostel Fete. It was a very successful day with people enjoying the delicious Devonshire teas and well supported stalls. Many thanks to all those who donated cakes, produce and knick knacks to our stalls and the Holbrook Community Markets for their generous support. First Prize: Hamper won by Sister Marie McAlister. 2nd Prize: Mothers Day Pack (donated by Jenny Sheather & Jean Knight) won by Robyn Spokes. 3rd Prize:$40 Tony’s Supermarket voucher won by Alan Buchanan. 4th Prize: Rose (donated by Jane Plunkett) won by Richard Savill This Sunday we are having a special all-age family service. The children will be part of the main service and help with many aspects of it. Next Sunday (24 May) we will be visiting the Uniting Church to join them at their 9:30am service. The guest speaker is Kevin Keegan, the Australian National Director of the Far East Broadcasting Company, an organisation that for 50 years has broadcast Christian radio programmes into ‘closed’ countries. He will share stories of lives transformed by the message of God’s love: within prisons, hospitals, remote villages, and other hard-to-reach places. Kevin will also be the guest speaker at our Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 23 May, 8am at the Anglican Church. HISTORY QUIZ 11 March 1961 Raie Williams married who at Holbrook? This person is now a resident of Albury, and was a well known Holbrook identity. Answer: Edward ‘Teddy’ Wornes Quiz: June 1961 Holbrook Shire Council took over what? KNOX UNITING CHURCH invites visitors to come to our church service on Sunday 17th May, to hear an address by Garron Farrell, from the Open Doors Foundation. His work takes him to the front line in providing aid to embattled Christians who are suffering persecution in many countries around the world. The service begins at 9.30 a.m., and all are welcome. Four Generations of the Brooke / Tuck Family together for Anzac Day. Left to right: Robyn Hassett, Joy Brooke, Michael Tuck (a naval marine technician)& Tracey Tuck. 13 May 2015 Holbrook Happenings 5 Still finding many jobs to do in the garden at this time of the year, and with another load of bark arriving there are never ending things to do. A great day at the Hostel Fete, with a lot of the community coming to support a good cause and buy some plants, which benefits both the community garden and the hostel. Once again thank you to Ken and Kim Hulme and Bob Byron for helping me load up and man the stall. We have a new volunteer to help in the garden and would like to welcome Jenny ( who bought the log cabin) into our small but hard working group. There have been people dropping off bags of bulbs and cuttings for us to use so thank you for that. We are progressing well with our project of mosaic art for the garden and the St Patrick’s School children are looking forward to getting involved in the project as well. We are still looking for a few items to complete the project and if anyone in the community can help us out with: tiles (white or coloured), outdoor coffee tables and chairs, bags of cement. You can leave donations at the garden behind the Catholic School. All the pumpkins have been harvested and we will be having a cooking morning at the school to do pumpkin soup to have available for any of our residents who may need a bit of support over the winter months and if we feel adventurous we hope to do some scones to have on hand as well. Anyone wanting to join us on the morning is most welcome. Date and time will be in next issue. Sue: 0427 369 570 HOLBROOK HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Our small group provides funds for the purchase of equipment and furnishing for the hospital and aged care wing. In addition we provide funds for activities for the residents of the Harry Jarvis Wing. The Harry Jarvis Wing has been recently extended to provide a beautiful new sunroom/lounge area on the northern aspect of the building. We aim to raise funds to provide window furnishings for this beautiful area. Also the enclosing garden area needs some renovation post building thus assistance is needed. This month we intend to hold a breakfast outside Holbrook Stores on Friday, 15th May commencing at 8.30am in conjunction with sales of raffle tickets. We will also be selling raffle tickets on Saturday 23rd & 30th May at the same venue. Donations are always great fully accepted. Holbrook Hospital has been proposed as a Multipurpose Health Service and planning is underway for additions to the hospital should the appropriate funding become available. The growing health care facility we have in Holbrook together with the highly trained staff is very central and important to our small community. The auxiliary requires your help by supporting our fundraising activities. We are always looking for new auxiliary members both male and female. Please contact us if you are interested. 6 Holbrook Happenings 13 May 2015 BI8GO Every Monday. Tickets on sale from 10am, eyes down at 11am Lunch available. Everyone welcome CLUB RESTAURA8T Winter opening hours will be Dinner 5.30 - 8.30pm 7 days and Lunch 12 -2 pm Sun - Fri CLUB RAFFLES FRIDAY NIGHTS 12 Meat & Vege packs, 3 vouchers and 2 Members Draws. Drawn at 7.00pm SUNDAY LUNCH 12 Meat & Vege packs, 3 vouchers and a Members Draw. Drawn at 1pm CLUB TRADI8G HOURS Club open every day Monday - Saturday from 10am Sunday from 9am HOLBROOK LANDCARE HLN Women in Ag (WiA) group will deliver a Women in Wool event on Wednesday 10th June. The day is aimed at women of all ages in the wool industry—especially young women and girls who would like to obtain basic wool training, develop their careers in the wool industry and increase their capacity to participate. The first session of the day will be presented in collaboration with the Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair Schools’ Day, with a number of workshops for girls and high-school students on basic training aspects and career opportunities in the wool industry. Secondly, we will be running a session focussed on careers and skills in the wool industry as presented by Jenni Turner (Fox & Lillie) and Fiona Raleigh (TAFE Wool classing teacher). This will be followed by a cocktail/dinner evening networking function with exciting guest speakers within the industry. We are seeking your input and would be grateful if you could visit to fill in a survey to help us plan some interesting topics for the day. HLN have secured from MLLS, through the National Landcare Programme, funding to identify priority sites for the Southern Pygmy Perch. This will increase our knowledge of the distribution of the endangered SPP in the Holbrook area. Over the next few months HLN will be identifying possible SPP PROBUS is an association that originated in the U.K. in 1965, began in Australia in 1976 with Holbrook having its inaugural meeting on 30th March 1993. PROBUS is now a world-wide movement in over 22 countries with 150,000 members across Australia and the South Pacific. PROBUS is for active members of the community who no longer work full time to join together in friendship, fellowship & fun. Its basic purpose is to provide regular opportunities to progress healthy minds and active bodies, through social interaction and activities, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends. Holbrook PROBUS meets monthly at the R.S. Club and always welcomes new members. At our last meeting, 57 members were privileged to hear Hugh Satchell speak on his Watts Motor Neuron Disease Challenge Ride that 4 mates did from 6th to 9th November 2014. The ride left Albury and headed via Mitta to Bairnsdale for the first night. Day 2 was Sale for breakfast, Foster for lunch and ending up at Phillip Island. Day 3 the ride headed to Flinders, Sorrento, Castlemaine and ended at Harcourt. Day 4 heading for home they picked up 40 riderss at Wangaratta to arrive back in Albury to friends, family and a BBQ. Hugh and his mates managed to raise $100,000 for Motor Neuron Disease, what a fantastic effort. Our next meeting is 26th May 2015. I praise loudly. I blame softly.- Catherine the Great Quality Meat, Groceries & Friendly Service sites (farm dams and creeks). If you would like to take part in identifying potential habitat sites on your property, contact Claire at the HLN office. HLN’s Annual Agriculture Forum is on again. This year’s topic is “Marketing for Your Farming System” and will be held on Wednesday 3rd June from 9am. We are delighted to have Mick Keogh, Executive Director of Australian Farm Institute, discussing regional and global market influences and what this means for Australian agriculture. Other presenters include: Georgina Gubbins, specialist beef and lamb producer. Kirrily & Derek Blomfield, 2014 NSW Farmers of the Year. Tom Bull, prime lamb seed stock producer. Mark Inglis, Farm Assurance & Supply Chain Manager, JBS Australia Cost for the forum is $25 for HLN members and $35 for non-members. For more information go to, or to RSVP to HLN on (02) 6036 3181. HLN are seeking Expressions of Interest from any local agribusinesses who would like to have a display at the forum. Please contact the HLN office for further details. 13 May 2015 Holbrook’s Fresh Food Option Specials from the 13th May - 19th May Fruit & Veg Pink Lady Apples $2.49/kg, Oranges $1.99/kg Red Grapes $2.99/kg, Mandarines $2.98/kg Gold Sweet Potatoes $ 1.99/kg 2.5kg P/P Washed Potatoes $2.98ea Deli Virginian Ham $ 10.99/kg, Strassburg $9.99/kg Saveloys $5.99/kg, Cocktail Franks $5.99/kg Butcher Beef Porterhouse $19.99/kg, Premium Beef Mince $9.99/kg Beef Casserole Steak $9.99/kg Beef Stir Fry with vegies $15.99/kg Rissoles 10 for $5.00 . Open Monday-Friday 7.00am til 7.00pm and weekends until 4.00pm. 127 Albury Street Holbrook P: 02 6036 3288 F: 02 6036 3808 Holbrook Happenings 7 MULLENGANDRA SCHOOL NEWS Excursion to Harbison’s Farm On 2nd April the children of Mullengandra Public School went to Mrs Harbison’s, their teacher’s, house. Mrs Harbison has three children but only one came with us on the excursion. His name is Charlie. Mrs Harbison also has a golden retriever called Cindy. Ms Twitt our Teaching Principal also came. Once we had a look around we ate scones with jam and cream and fruit. We went in cars to the fern trees. On our way Mrs Harbison had all our gear, water containers and lunch provisions slide off the back of the ute as she drove through a gully. Lucky Ms Twitt wasn’t driving too close behind her. We got out of the cars and walked up the hill from the fern trees to where we were going to have lunch. Mrs Harbison drove the ute up the hill. We put yabby nets in a dam just down from the hill. We walked to some gum trees and had an Easter Egg Hunt. I found four eggs. After the hunt we made shelters out of tree parts, leaves and bark. We walked back to the ute and Mr Harbison (Harbo) was there cooking sausages. We had sausages and juice for lunch. Then we roasted marshmallows. We packed up and went back to the house before we went home or if you are a Hayes girl you went to Sydney!!! Eloise Hayes ST PATRICK’S SCHOOL Results are in from our recent Athletics Carnival showing amazing efforts from all involved. Carroll house were the victors followed by Flinders and Joseph. Junior Girl Champion - Scarlet Galvin, Grace Doyle runners up Junior Boy Champion - Jett Liddell, Jack Hulme runners up 11 Year Girl Champion - Holly Jones, Andrea Seymour runners up 11 Year Boy Champion - Hunter Galvin, Ben Parker runners up Senior Girls Champion - Olivia Schuur, Phoebe Plunkett runners up Senior Boy Champion Austin Scheetz, Fletcher Hart runners up The school are raising funds for Caritas Australia's Nepal appeal on Friday 22nd May. Gold coins will be lined up for this charity. We wish all mothers a Happy Mothers Day last week and thank parents for arranging the Mothers Day Stall. The school are participating in NAPLAN this week and we wish them well during this time. We are also renovating our school restrooms. Soon to be completed. A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. Tenneva Jordan An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. Spanish Proverb Donation to Early Learning Centre A donation cheque was presented to Mrs Meryl Allworth for the Holbrook Early Learning Centre by representatives of the 2013 Holbrook Public School Reunion group. Come try our new range of Artisan Breads available Fri, Sat, Sun & Monday Trading Hours Central Bakery (B1) Mon-Thurs 6am-7pm Fri 6am-8pm Sat & Sun 8am-7pm 02 6036 2049 (B1) 51 Albury Street (B2) (southern end of town) 8.30am-3pm 7 days/week 02 6036 3300 (B2) 8 Holbrook Happenings 13 May 2015 HOLBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL Riverina Pre-Selection etball Trials: Congratulations to Millie Walsh and Aylee Jenkyn for being selected to attend the Riverina Netball Trials on Friday 22 May in Wagga. Paul Kelly Cup: A team of 18 boys played in the 2nd round of the Paul Kelly Cup in Wagga last Thursday. They won their first three games convincingly, to make it to the semi-final. Unfortunately, they were not successful in winning the semi-final. It was a fantastic effort for the team to make it so far. Peer Support Camp: Year 6 students, accompanied by teachers Miss Peterson and Mrs Wedgwood, spent last Tuesday and Wednesday at the Great Aussie Holiday Park, Bowna. The students participated in a range of team building and leadership activities to prepare them for running peer support groups, which involves all students in our school. APLA: Students in Years 3 & 5 are participating in national testing of literacy, numeracy and text writing skills this week. Cross Country: Well done to the 34 students who participated at the Southern Riverina Cross Country last Monday at Burrumbuttock. Congratulations to the team, as Holbrook was the overall winning school. Also congratulations to Henry Gulliver, Ewan Mackinlay, Claire Cottrell, Olivia King, Will Satchell and Tia Charles, who made the Riverina team to compete in Gundagai on 11 June. ew School Plan 2015 – 2017: The plan focuses on three strategic directions and their purpose, Excellence in Learning, Excellence in Teaching and Excellence in Leading. The comprehensive plan is available to view on our school website. As part of Excellence in Learning, our school has introduced two new programs, Soundwaves and Mathletics, both designed to support students’ learning in literacy and numeracy. These programs can be accessed from home and are beneficial in reinforcing concepts learnt at school. P & C ews: Congratulations to the new executive, who will lead the P&C this year. Prue Pincott (President), Margot Pitzen (Vice–President), Liz de Steiger (Secretary) and Jess Barr Smith (Treasurer). Athletics: The annual athletics carnival was held on Monday, 18 May at Alexandra Park, Albury. Part of HPS AZAC display in the school hall. Cousins - Hamilton & Maddie Black and Matilda & Oscar Preston with photo & medals of their great, great grandfather Charles Alfred Pertzel (father of the late Phyllis Body). He was from Henty and fought in both WW1 & WW2, despite being too young for WW1 & too old for WW2. He was a prisoner of war in Changi. He died at the age of 95 in the Harry Jarvis Wing. YOUR O8E STOP SHOP. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, WHITEGOODS, GARDE8 & SOIL Come in and join us for The Biggest Morning Tea on Friday 22 May Trading Hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 6.30pm Sat - Sun 8.30am- 2.00pm (Bulk hardware services available until 12noon Saturday) Ph: 6036 2111 155 Albury Street, Holbrook 13 May 2015 Holbrook Happenings 9 Holbrook R.S. Club Veteran Golfers’ Association 2015 Annual Cancer Appeal Golf Tournament Results Straight Drive: This event was sponsored the Dad’s Army Golfers. Ladies Heather Chaston, Veterans Gordon Webb, on Veterans Harry Melbourne. 8earest The Pins: Sponsored by the Dad’s Army Golfers. 3rd Hole G. Vlatko, 5th Hole Ray Jennings, 9th Hole W. Robertson, 10th Hole A. Buchanan, 14th Hole Gordon Webb, 16th Hole P. Jeal. Ladies Events; Winner sponsored by Grandma’s Closet & JB’s Café - Heather Chaston 36 points, 2nd Place sponsored by Cool Cats - Marj Winnett 29 points, 3rd Place sponsored by Cool Cats - Mirra Webb 23 points. 8on-Veterans Events: Winner sponsored by Commercial Club-Albury - Terry Melbourne 41 points, 2nd Place sponsored by Holbrook Tyre Service—Warren Bender 38 points, 3rd Place sponsored by Holbrook Mowers & Chainsaws - Karel Groenewound 37 points (C/B), 4th Place Wes Black 37 points. C Grade Veterans: Winner sponsored by Hollyrocks Cleaning—P. Mills 41 points, 2nd Place sponsored by Commercial Club Albury—Leo Mackinlay 37 points (C/B), 3rd Place sponsored by the Byer Motel, - Peter Chaston 37 points, 4th Place Rick Murphy 32 points. B Grade Veterans: Winner sonsored by Hollyrocks Cleaning—Vic Durbridge 46 points, 2nd Place sponsored by Albury Commercial Club—Tim Pilkington 40 points, 3rd Place sponsored by the Byer Motel—Cyril Keenan 36 points (C/B), 4th Place John Vascolino 36 points. A Grade Veterans: Winner sponsored by Hollyrocks Cleaning—Frank Zarboch 45 points, 2nd Place sponsored by Albury Commercial Club—Gordon Webb 44 points, 3rd Place sponsored by the Byer Motel - Phil Spokes 41 points, 4th Place Neville Jones 40 points. THERE WERE 40 PLAYERS IN ATTENDANCE FOOTBALL Rd 4 was a tough day on the track for the senior Brookers with both Seniors and Reserves going down by large margins. The senior game was further soured by an unsavory incident that saw our young under 17’s Captain, Coby Ross being harshly tackled by a much larger opponent resulting in a broken collar bone for Coby and a two week suspension for the Magpies player involved. Awards in the Senior : L. Trethowan (Riverina Hotel), G. Lewin (Ag’n’Vet) J. Jones (Star Bar) A.B. Mackinlay (Players Award and Tackle Award) Reserves Awards: L. Casey (Riverina Hotel), H. Dowling (Star Bar) G. Kilmartin (Pizza Shop) L. Day (Tony’s Supermarket) M. Prosporo (Ag’n’Vet) Under 17’s had a sound win Holbrook 13.13-91 to Magpies 6.2-38. Awards went to T. Pinkney (Riverina Hotel) J. Burton (Pizza Shop) R. Ross (Holbrook Embroidery) B. McCarthy (Footy Club Meal Voucher). Under 14’s also enjoyed another win; Holbrook 12.9-81 to Magpies 3.7-25. Awards 10 Holbrook Happenings w e nt t o : E K e o gh ( R i ve r i n a H ot e l ) R. Comb (Newsagency) E. Mackinlay (Bakery) L. Joyce (Tony’s Supermarket) O. Whitley (Coaches Award) Rd 5 was an equally tough encounter for the young Brookers against a strong Jindera side at Jindera. Awards Snr J. Jones (Riverina Hotel) K. McCarthy (Ag’nVet and players player) S. Hamilton (Star Bar) L. Trethowan (Tackling Award) The Reserves also suffered another crushing defeat. Awards J. McCarthy (Riverina Hotel) W. Nicholls (Star Bar) B Reynolds (Pizza Shop) W. Holmes (Tony’s Supermarket. The U 17’s played a tight and physical tussle against the Jindera team and came away a goal short. Holbrook 5.3-33 and Jindera 5.9-39. Awards to A. Maconachie (Riverina Hotel) B. McNamara (Pizza Shop) N. Keogh (Meal Voucher) C. Walsh (Holbrook Embroidery) The U14’s had a convincing win; Holbrook 8,10-58 to Jindera 1.1-7. Awards to W. Plunkett (Riverina Hotel) T. McNamara (Newsagency) J. Keogh (Bakery) L. Bowen (Tony’s Supermarket) Don’t miss the Free Family Movie night on this weekend at the Footy Clubrooms. Stay after footy for Fish and Chips for $8 or $30 for the family and then enjoy the movies. The first movie, Penguins of Madagascar starts at 6.30 with another movie for the family at 8.30. Popcorn lollies and drinks will be for sale as well. NETBALL Rd 4 Holbrook vs Murray Magpies Under 12- Holbrook 41 defeated Murray Magpies 1. Award Aylee Jenkyn (Holbrook Bakery). Under 14Holbrook 21 defeated by Murray Magpies 30. Award Jess Lowry. Under 16- Holbrook 17 defeated by Murray Magpies 49. Award Ally Keogh. C ReserveHolbrook 38 defeated by Murray Magpies 40. Award Georgie Cavanough (Woomargama Hotel). C GradeHolbrook 44 defeated Murray Magpies 35.Award Kristie Preston (Riverina Hotel). B Grade- Holbrook 35 defeated Murray Magpies 30. Award Emma Parker (Tony's Butchery). A Holbrook 31 defeated by Murray Magpies 47. Award Ness Taylor (Bounce Physio) Rd 5 Jindera vs Holbrook A Grade Holbrook 46 defeated Jindera 34. Awards Kesh Brennan (Holbrook Pizza), Lucy Grills (Woomargama Hotel) B Grade Holbrook 53 defeated Jindera 35. Awards Anna Rossiter (Riverina Hotel) & Lauren Ryan (Players Player). C Grade Holbrook 25 defeated by Jindera 26. Awards Claire Ross (Riverina Hotel) & Kristie Preston (Players Player). C Reserve- Holbrook 22 defeated by Jindera 35. Award Teash Keogh (Tony's Supermarket) Under 16- Holbrook 39 defeated Jindera 32. Awards Nicola Gledhill (Holbrook Pizza), Chloe McKenna ( Bakery) Under 14- Holbrook 50 defeated Jindera 8. Awards Tamin Archer ( Bakery), Olivia Hearn (Holbrook Pizza) Under 12- Holbrook 30 defeated Jindera 0. Award Lara Pardey (Bakery) 13 May 2015 Council’s Fit for the Future Submission to Retain Existing Boundaries and Remain a Rural Based Shire Greater Hume Shire Council, like the majority of councils in NSW, is currently facing a number of key decisions about its future. This week, ratepayers in Greater Hume Shire will receive an information guide in the mail outlining Council’s case for Fit for the Future. The information guide explains what is Fit for the Future and its impact on Greater Hume Shire, how Council will consult with the community and the options that ratepayers will have to provide feedback during May and early June which will be considered as part of the submission. By 30 June 2015, all councils in NSW are required to prepare plans to demonstrate that they are sustainable in the long term which includes demonstrating that they have the scale and capacity to meet the reasonable expectations of the community, industry and government, or develop a merger proposal with neighbouring councils. For some time Council has clearly understood the Government’s message that ‘no change was not an option’” said Greater Hume Shire Council Mayor, Cr Heather Wilton. “Therefore Councillors and Management have been working hard to reform the organisation over the past few years” added Mayor Wilton. “Despite significant challenges faced following the 2004 amalgamation, Council has since built a strong record of achievement”. “In the past three years, a raft of changes have been implemented to improve the sustainability of our rural based Council and to adapt to a changing operational environment”, Cr Wilton explained. Service levels and methods of service delivery have been reviewed e.g. construction and gravel resheeting crews working longer hours during daylight saving period, implementation of the Waste Management Strategy which rationalised the operation of landfills and transfer stations in the shire, aligning library services with Riverina Regional Library and participating in the winding up of the Upper Murray Regional Library. Better utilisation of debt financing to ensure capital projects can be undertaken in a timely manner. Withdrawal from residential aged care and sale of assets to the ‘not for profit’ sector. Withdrawal from being provider of aged and community services. Council’s role in the future will be one of facilitation to ensure the continuation of an appropriate level of aged and community services throughout the shire. The removal of a number of administrative/office based positions. Equivalent full time positions being reduced from 149 in June 2011 to the current level of 115. Council is also currently working on its Improvement Action Plan that Council believes can ensure its financial stability into the future. The community will be able to view the plan from Thursday, 21 May 2015 on Council’s website and provide comment back to Council prior to the submission due with the NSW Government on 30th June. WOMENS BOWLS Social Bowls: Winners 29 April - Marj Garnsey, Cathy Jones & Karen Copeland. 6 May – Pam Seymour, Debbie Gadd & Ailsa Murdoch. Congratulations to Lorraine Carmody who was runner – up in the RDWBA singles. Well done! June Cookson, Marlene Thurling, Heather Chaston & Pam Seymour along with Cathy Jones, Pauline Cheney, Marion Kathleen & Pam Kaletta enjoyed two days’ bowling in the Versatility Fours at Culcairn. Pam Kaletta’s team won 4 out of 6 games, taking home 4th prize. Pam Seymour, Marion Kathleen & Karen Copeland travelled to Tumut last week for a triples tournament. A lovely day was had by all! AGM 18 May @ 2pm. THE HOLBROOK PHARMACY 119 Albury Street Holbrook 02 6036 2055 Free Blood Pressure testing Come in and see us today. 143 Albury Street Holbrook 2644 02 6036 3333 Mon/Fri 8-4pm, Sat 8-3pm, Sun 9-3pm Relax in our friendly & comfortable air conditioned café . Indoor & courtyard seating Fully Licenced Homemade gourmet food & cakes Specialty Gluten Free Food made daily Superior Coffee 13 May 2015 Holbrook Happenings 11 Physiotherapist- Sarah Finlay Plumber, Drainer, Gasfitter, Bobcat, Tip Truck, Ditchwitch Trencher, Excavator, Kanga Loader Concrete & Rubbish Removal, Site Cleanups Slashing, Trenching, Post Holes, Rotary Hoe, Bucket Work, Levelling (Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science, Masters of Physiotherapy) APA member. Sports injuries, back and neck injuries, muscle & joint injuries, women’s health, pre & post natal programs. Workcover NSW, DVA, MAA, TAC Private health rebates available Holbrook Hospital, Bowler St, Holbrook FOR BOOKI8GS & E8QUIRIES Call Sarah on 0409 907 058 Call Luke Howard 0403 191 780 NEW Sales Service and Installation Qualified Technicians Quality Equipment Austel Licensed Wagga Digital TV now available. Servicing Holbrook Area Weekly TV Aerial Installation Digital Set Top Boxes Antennas, VCR & TV Tuning Plasma and LCD sales Panasonic 50” HD Plasma TV $999 Zane 0408 698 000 (Albury) H B PLUMBING Darren Hallsbree Vic Licence No: 103619 NSW Licence No: 2555686C ALL GENERAL PLUMBING Mini Excavator T & S BAGLEY BUILDERS SERVICE, QUALITY & TRADESMANSHIP NEW HOMES, EXTENSIONS, RENOVATIONS & LIGHT COMMERCIAL. LET US QUOTE ON YOUR PLAN OR OURS. Gas fitting, Drainage, Roofing, P: 02 6020 2070 Septic Tanks, Storm Water, M: 0419 34 8 209 Hot/Cold Water 12 Holbrook Happenings 13 May 2015 Ph: 02 6036 8114 Mob: 0429 638 527 Lic. No: 179460C FARM TREE MAINTENANCE Paul Day Plumber & Gasfitter 0428511727 0260363394 Driveways cleared to 8 metres. Unwanted trees felled. Dead trees ringed for firewood. Plantation Maintenance 15 years experience in all aspects of forestry thinnings. Thinning and pruning service available. 4 wheel drive cherry picker for pruning to 8 metres. Phone me: I will be happy to come out and view your plantation with you and offer my thoughts. Fully insured. No fee—no obligation. John: 0428 211837 Meets every Sunday at 10am At the CTC Centre Bowler St, Holbrook You are welcome to attend this service…you will be blessed, encouraged and inspired as we fellowship together! Minister: Pastor Joe Spokes Bible study group Wednesdays at 7pm Youth group every Friday night… Contact Matt Bennetts for program details: 0408 296 203 PLUMBI8G PAUL POTOC8IK G.R. Mulloy Fencing ♦ Rural and Domestic ♦ Fabrication of stockyards and small sheds ♦ Trenches and post holes ♦ Free quotes available Contact Graham — 0427 095 761 • • • • • • • Now digging post holes and trenches, still catering for all your fences ABN: 51 852 536 411 13 May 2015 Kitchen & Bathroom Renovations Roof & Guttering Hot Water Replacement Cold Water Renewals Maintenance Sewage Blockages Gas Installations Vic Lic: 8o. 45354 8SW Lic: 8o. 195486C Ph: 0447 150 165 Holbrook Happenings 13 COMMUNITY DIARY ANNOUNCEMENTS May 2015 Wed 13 Ladies’ Golf Tournament Fri 15 RCG Course @ Library Complex Hospital Auxiliary Breakfast 8.30am @ Holbrook Stores Sun 17 Men’s Golf Tournament Mon 18 Craft Group meet Little Billabong CWA 10.30am @ Little Billabong Hall Womens’ Bowls AGM Tue 19 SES Training 7pm Wed 20 GHSC meeting 4.30pm @ Culcairn Council Chambers Thu 21 Women’s Health Clinic @ Hospital Sat 23 Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC Men’s Breakfast 8am @ Anglican Church Sun 24 Polocrosse Carnival @ HEC Miniature Train runs Holbrook Community Markets Mon 25 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Show Society AGM 7.30pm @ 7 Fleet St Blood Bank Tue 26 Holbrook Probus Wed 27 Red Cross Zone Conf @ Walbundrie Fri 29 Biggest Morning Tea 11am @ Library Complex June 2015 Mon 1 Craft Group meet Ex-View Club ladies’ lunch—1pm @ RS Club Tue 2 Adult Computing @ Library Complex SES Meeting 7pm Wed 3 Holbrook Landcare’s Annual Agricultural Forum @ Shire Hall Thu 4 Senior First Aid Course 6-9pm @ Library Complex Fri 5 Lankeys Creek Happy Hour Mon 8 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Wed 10 Holb Sheep & Wool Fair Schools’ Day Thu 11 Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair Senior First Aid Course 6-9pm @ Library Complex Fri 12 Holbrook Sheep & Wool Fair Sun 14 Miniature Train runs Mon 15 Craft Group meet Tue 16 SES Training 7pm Thu 18 Biggest Morning Tea @ Hostel 10-11am Mon 22 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Show Society Meeting Thu 25 Women’s Health Clinic @ Hospital Sat 27 Men’s Breakfast 8am @ Anglican Church Mon 29 Craft Group meet Tue 30 Holbrook Probus July 2015 Fri 3 Lankeys Creek Happy Hour Mon 6 Crafty Hands @ 7 Fleet St Tue 7 Adult Computing @ Library Complex 14 Holbrook Happenings HOLBROOK SHOW SOCIETY AGM 7.30pm MONDAY 25 May 2015 @ 7 Fleet St, Holbrook All welcome RICK PLUNKETT Welding & Machinery Repairs. On-site Welding. Crane Truck & Bobcat Hire Ph: 0421 191 768 Wagga Holbrook Couriers Small or large items 0402 054 604 HUME MEDICAL CE8TRE We are looking for a part-time Registered Nurse to join our friendly team at Hume Medical Centre. Applicants must have full registration with AHPRA and have an Immunisation Certificate. The position will initially be for 13 hours per week and will involve some reception duties. Applicants must be able to work as part of a team and independently. If you believe that you have the skills and attitude we are looking for, please forward your application and CV to FIREWOOD Clean dry blue gum from local farm forestry plantations Delivered, long lengths 3.5m bundles for you to cut your own. $85 m3. Call John on 0428 211 837 for a quote. Community Radio 96.7FM Holbrook Community Website 13 May 2015 HANDYMAN IN HOLBROOK R&D Home Maintenance » No Job Too Small » Free Quote House painting (inside & out) / Rendering / Plastering & Repairs / Tiling (floor and wall) / Bathroom & Laundry Renos / Fences & Sheds Spray Painted. ABN 33 146 093 819 Ring Rod 0418 675 193 Electric Powerline Design A Professional Design Service for underground and overhead powerlines for Urban, Rural, Residential, Commercial and Industrial situations Ken Follett P: 02 6036 3397 M: 0419 481 270 13 May 2015 Holbrook Happenings 15 16 Holbrook Happenings 13 May 2015
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