Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences

Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences 19800 Detroit Road, Ste 202 Rocky River, OH 44116 Winter 2014 Catalog Effective 4/9/15 This version supersedes all previous versions The Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences reserves the right to modify this catalog at any time with or without notice in accordance with the State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools policies and procedures. The intent of this catalog is to provide basic information about the Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health SciencesT. Statements in this catalog do not representany irrevocable contract between the school and its students. T
Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
ADENDUM catalog 1/26/15
This is to serve as a notice and addendum to the school catalog of the Parker Hannifin School of
Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences (new owners) -formerly known as the Institute of Holistic
Health Careers.
All policies, procedures, pricing in this catalog will be honored and used by the Parker Hannifin School of
Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences.
The new owners will honor all current students enrollment agreements an scholarships; that they will not
change the existing programs until all current students are taught out; and that we will be responsible for all
students records currently housed at the school (this would include the school’s own student records and
any other school’s student records they may be housing.
Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
19800 Detroit Road, Ste 202 Rocky River, OH 44116
Phone: Columbus - (614) 299-9438
Fax: Columbus - (614) 291-7252
Rocky River - 440-799-8400
Fax: Rocky River - 440-799-8451
GOVERNING BODIES American Association for Drugless Practitioners (AADP)
2200 Market Street, Suite 209 Galveston, Texas 77550-1530 Tel: 409-621-2600 Fax: 775-703-5334 American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA)
122 North Elm Street, Suite 504 Greensboro, NC 27401 Tel: 336-574-1121 Fax: 336-574-1151 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Charoula Dontopoulos, BS, BHPP, Polarity Practitioner, Herbalist, Columbus, Ohio Damon Fazio, ND, LMT, BHPP, RPE, Chicago, Illinois Letitia Bunge, Administrator, Columbus, Ohio Cynthia Taylor, BS, LMT, APP, Herbalist Lakewood, Ohio
Rose Kemen, RN, Student Body Representative, Cincinnati, Ohio SCHOOL REGISTRATION Registration: Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
TM (PHSIMHS) is registered with the State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools (Reg. # 00-01-1528T) and is authorized to teach a Certificate Certification Programs for training as an Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP), Elemental Reflexology™, Reiki Education, Energetic Systems Integration™, Holistic Health Advisor (Distance Education), Relaxation Massage, Corporate Wellness Coach and Herbal Education as well as Diploma Programs for training as Holistic Health Professionals, Holistic Health Bodyworkers, Holistic Health Coaches and Registered Polarity Practitioners. Columbus Campus is a Learning Center under PHSIMHS with registration also with the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. For more information about the State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools: State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools 30 East Broad Street, 24th Floor, Suite 2481 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tel: 614-466-2752 Fax: 614-466-2219 Website: Email: Table of Contents Facilities and Contact Information P1 About the Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences 2 - 7 School Information, Policies and Procedures Becoming an Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Student 8 - 9 10 - 13 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Training Overview Core Programs Overview 10 Classification of Courses 11 Objectives & Evaluation 12 Board Registrations/Certifications 13 Continuing Education Units at PHSIMHS 14 Financial Information 16 - 27 General Tuition, Fees, Refund Policy 16 - 17 Payment Plans 18 – 20 Program Costs 21 - 27 Diploma Programs 28 - 37 Holistic Health Professional (HHP) 29 - 30 Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) 31 - 33 Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) 34 - 35 Holistic Health Coach (HHC) 36 - 37 Certificate Certification Programs 38 - 47 Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) 39 Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy 40 41 Bioenergetic Health Practitioner (BHP) Elemental Reflexology (ER) 42 Elemental Relaxation Massage (RM) 43 Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy (ESI) 44 Herbal Education (Herb) 45 Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) 46 Reiki Education (Reiki) 47 Continuing Education 49 - 53 Professional Holistic Health Teacher (PHHT) 49 Aromatherapy (Aroma) 50 Craniosacral Therapy: Biodynamic Model 51 52 Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach (Detox) Discovering Energy & Theory 53 Ethics & Supervision (Ethics) 53 Class Descriptions 53 - 63 HHP Classes (Includes HHB & HHC) 54 - 57 BCPP 58 - 62 Faculty Profiles 64 - 69 Facilities and Contact Information Classes are held in two Ohio locations - Columbus and Rocky River (near Cleveland). Each facility is a supportive learning environment with a safe and comfortable teaching room. Classes offer a high faculty-to-student ratio for the optimum educational experience. Specific information will be given upon final registration to students with a selection of restaurants, hotels and locations for meals. Web: Locations & Phone: Rocky River, OH MAIN Campus and Corporate office Address: 19800 Detroit Road, Ste 202, Rocky River, OH 44116 Phone: 440-799-8400 Fax: 440-799-8451 Columbus, OH Office Address: 170 W 5th Ave, Columbus, OH 43201 Phone: 614- 299-9438 Fax: 614-291-7252 Columbus, OH Campus (Classroom Only)
Address: 1301 Olentangy River Rd., Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43212 Phone: Not Available, Contact Main Office Fax: Not Available, Contact Main Office Email: For General questions: For Financial questions: For Admissions questions: For Registration questions: For Student Services questions: See Advisors & Student Services section below Advisors & Student Services Dr. Mary Jo Ruggieri, PhD, BCPP, HHP President, Student Advisor Letitia Bunge, BA, BCPP, HHP Administrative Director of Student Services Faculty
© 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 1 About Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences School Information, Policies and Procedures Nature of the School The Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences (formerly the IHHC) is clock hour, competency based career school that employs a block program structure. PHSIMHS is a board certified, state approved and nationally accredited educational institute. (PHSIMHS is not a Federal Title IV approved school) Most course offerings are held on weekends or through online or teleconference training modules, allowing flexibility for those students who work full-time or who have other weekday obligations. Mission Statement The mission of the PHSIMHS is to provide a secure educational environment with a progressive curriculum that specializes in preparing proficient and capable practitioners of Holistic Health, Wellness, Preventive Healthcare and Energetic based studies. Purpose PHSIMHS is dedicated to training and educating students for competent and professional services in a broad spectrum of Holistic Health, Wellness, Preventive Healthcare, and Energetic Based therapies — on a practitioner and consultant or coaching basis. PHSIMHS also offers training in anatomy and pathology, communications, marketing and business practices, and legal issues to prepare students for careers in various holistic health care areas. Philosophy Holistic health training at PHSIMHS endeavors to immerse the student in the experience of holistic health care and energetic studies, including the philosophy that learning is holistic and actively engages the mind, body and spirit of the student. PHSIMHS’s training focuses on many of the aspects of holistic health, wellness and preventive healthcare education. PHSIMHS works diligently to provide a positive educational setting that honors student diversity and the right of each student to learn through a holistic mind, body and spirit approach. PHSIMHS seeks to make holistic wellness and preventive healthcare practices readily available to the general public, to healthcare professionals and to all students who desire this training. Faculty PHSIMHS strives to provide and maintain qualified faculty that includes medical and naturopathic doctors, and specialists in numerous modalities. These accomplished individuals focus on the best interests of students and their educational success to help them become skilled practitioners. All PHSIMHS faculty meets or exceeds the State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools qualification requirements. Program Objectives Students will gain a basic understanding of holistic healthcare and prepare to become practitioners for modalities such as Polarity Therapy, Elemental ReflexologyTM, Reiki Education, Holistic Health Advisor Herbal Education, Relaxation Massage and more, depending on the student’s choice of studies. Students will develop skills in the areas of energetic bodywork, food management, food systems such as Ayurvedic foods, Yoga (stretches), communication techniques, and consulting within the scope of Holistic Health Practices. These skills will prepare all students to begin utilizing holistic wellness and preventive practices as well as selfhelp care. Students will be provided a safe and © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 2 respectful environment for exploring their personal growth. Holistic Health, as a growing field within healthcare, will serve to provide education to the general public and healthcare professionals on the benefits of wellness and how to use preventive healthcare for quality care issues. Campus Visits / Visitors Potential Students/Visitors are welcome to participate in campus visits with permission from a Student Services representative. Campus visits are held every Wednesday evening and the second Saturday of every month. Guests, including minors, may not be left unattended. Unauthorized guests and/or minors will not be permitted. School Calendar and Class Terms PHSIMHS operates on a semester system with three (3) semesters (terms) per calendar year. The schedule is flexible so students may begin training at any time and may take different courses concurrently. Please visit our website at for a complete class schedule.  1st Semester (Winter/Spring): January 1-April 30 
2nd Semester (Summer): May 1-August 31 
3rd Semester (Fall): September 1-December 31 All classes are clock hour based and are offered every 12 to 16 months. Class schedule is designed so that each student can complete their course of study in a timely manner in accordance with the block program structure. Diploma program students will have an average of two (2) on-campus class weekends each month in addition to online/home-study/teleconference work. Class Cancellation Policy Classes may be cancelled for low or lack of enrollment (less than 10 students). Students will be notified in a timely fashion upon the decision of the administration. Class Locations Campus (location) for each class is subject to change. Campus will be rotated at the discretion of the administration. Students will be notified during semester registration of the campus on which the class will be held. See Facilities and Contact Information for more information. Electronic / Phone Communications PHSIMHS utilizes electronic communication and technology for the purpose of administration, student services and course requirements. A valid email address is mandatory for all students. Teleconferences are a part of all diploma programs and many certificate programs. Students are required to participate and are responsible for any telephone charges that they may incur. Travel and Distance Learning Options PHSIMHS is currently developing more distance learning options to better accommodate students. Some travel between campuses is REQUIRED in order to complete diploma programs. Travel is an out-of-pocket expense incurred by the student and is not included in fees. PHSIMHS strives to accommodate students from all over the world through distance options tailored for each individual student. Mentors are available in many parts of the United States (including Puerto Rico) and Europe (including Germany and Greece). At the time of this publication, PHSIMHS is currently testing Live-Streaming options to accommodate students nationwide. Not all classes are eligible for distance learning. Many classes are experiential in nature which means that the classes are required to be hands-on in the class group setting with direct faculty supervision. Contact Student Services for complete details © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 3 Materials Needed for Class  Notebook, pens, highlighters  Textbooks will be provided by PHSIMHS; however, some courses may require the purchase of additional publications.  Bodywork tables — PHSIMHS will have tables available for class sessions for those who need them. For practice sessions, students may purchase tables at a student discount through PHSIMHS’s main office. Tables are required.  2 sets of bottom and top Bodywork table sheets or twin size sheets (matching and in good condition)  Water bottle and ceramic mug for tea  Blanket, pillow, bolster for knees  Mat for yoga, if desired  Any special food items, as needed. (Spring water will be provided by PHSIMHS in classrooms.)  Tape recorder, if desired  Students must wear a white shirt (button down or turtleneck) and black pants for supervised clinicals.  Professional bag to carry supplies Common Courtesy and Student Conduct Students should remember that the Polarity or Holistic Health experience is a journey of health on all levels — body, mind and spirit. Harmful behavior should be avoided and replaced with good, supportive and nurturing habits. As holistic health practitioners, students should uphold the highest standards of excellence in all areas of their lives. Students are expected to maintain high standards of personal and academic integrity. Courtesy, honesty, punctuality, respect, and concern for others are qualities students should constantly cultivate and demonstrate. Students should also maintain personal habits that reflect sensitivity to others. Such habits include:  Wearing comfortable but modest dress appropriate for the classroom and for energetic and holistic health bodywork, which may 
include thin sweatpants, shorts, turtlenecks, or T-shirts. No jeans. Adhering to good personal hygiene and cleanliness. Being mindful of other student’s sensitivity by using unscented deodorants and refraining from the use of perfumes or other scents. Keeping fingernails trimmed as long nails can get in the way of bodywork. Refraining from wearing jewelry to class or removing it prior to bodywork sessions for safety reasons. Refraining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and the possession of illegal substances. Refraining from using profanity, abusive words or behavior in the classroom. Refraining from inappropriate noise, talking or disruptions in the classroom. Refraining from any acts in violation of state, federal or municipal laws Ethical Code of Conduct PHSIMHS has, with permission, adopted the American Polarity Therapy Association Code of Ethics. All students, faculty and staff are bound to uphold this code of Ethics. Complete Code of Ethics can be found on the school website and at Non‐Discrimination PHSIMHS follows an equal opportunity policy and selects students and staff without regard to race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, disability status, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status. This statement is in accordance with the
provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and
Regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
issued pursuant to these statutes at Title 45 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 80, 84, and 91 © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 4 Conditions for Dismissal / Academic Probation PHSIMHS has, with permission, adopted the American Polarity Therapy Association’s (APTA’s) Standards for Practice and Code of Ethics. All PHSIMHS students are required to abide by the same standards and ethics. Students engaging in behavior that is harmful to their self or others may be subject to faculty action, which may include suspension or dismissal from the school. Examples include:  Academic dishonesty  Improper or abusive treatment that threatens or harms any person  Misuse, destruction or theft of supplies, equipment, or property  Insubordination or failure to follow directives of school personnel  Ethical violations (See the American Polarity Therapy Association’s Code of Ethics for a complete list of ethical requirements)  Non-compliance within scope of practice  Misrepresentation of credentials or scope of practice  Submitting fraudulent documents related to any aspect of the school and enrollment process Student Grievance Procedure Students who may have a grievance with the school or an instructor should first discuss the problem with the faculty or PHSIMHS’s Director. If a resolution is not reached, students may submit a written complaint to PHSIMHS’s Director asking for a written response. If a satisfactory resolution of the problem is not obtained, students may contact: Privacy Policy Personal contact information of students and faculty is available only for contact and communication for school-related business and affairs only. The Privacy Policy is to ensure that this contact information is used for the best educational interest of each student. The Privacy Policy is to protect students from the distraction or pressure of unsolicited marketing of products and services. The focus and the environment of PHSIMHS is holistic healthcare training. Only PHSIMHS-approved training materials and products are approved for purchase through the school bookstore. No student/faculty shall sell, solicit or market during/after any PHSIMHS class. Only approved modality sessions are permitted to be scheduled or facilitated prior to, during, between or following class times at the school or on school grounds. No student or faculty shall use student information or mailing lists for private gain and/or any type of solicitation during school or after graduation. School Policies / Standards for Satisfactory Progress / Class Attendance & Tardiness In order to receive credit for a course, students are required to attend 100% of the course or make-up any class or course work missed. Whether or not the student will be permitted to make-up missed class time with tutoring or other options is solely at the discretion of the instructors. For make-up information, please contact the PHSIMHS office for an information packet. PHSIMHS reserves the right to dismiss students for poor attendance not resolved by Academic Assistance. Late arrivals or early departures from class are State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools distracting and disrespectful to both instructors and 30 East Broad Street, 24th Floor, Suite 2481 other students. If circumstances are such that a student Columbus, OH 43215 Tel: 614-466-2752 or toll free 877-275-4219 must be absent for a portion of a class, the student Fax: 614-466-2219 must inform the instructor in advance or contact the Email: PHSIMHS office to leave a message for the instructor. Grading System Students shall be graded on the Pass/Fail system. Students receiving less than passing grade on more than © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 5 two (2) aspects of a diploma program may speak to the course instructor regarding tutoring in order to help them achieve a passing grade. Completion Requirements Students are expected to complete their course of study within the parameters listed below (normal/ satisfactory progress). Students unable to meet these parameters will be placed in Academic Assistance. HHP: 24 - 36 months / 8– 12 semesters HHB: 16 - 28 months / 4 - 8 semesters HHC: 16 - 28 months / 4 – 8 semesters RPP/BCPP: 18 to 24 months / 4-5 semesters CWC: 4– 6 months / 1 – 2 semesters HHA: 3 months / 1 semesters PHHT: 36 – 60 months / 9 – 20 semesters (3 to 5 years) Individual Courses: 4 months / 1 semester Incompletes There is a system of assessing incompletes in regard to coursework for each course/class. The faculty will inform the students of the requirements and due dates for all course work on the first day of class. Failure to complete within the defined parameters will result in the student receiving an “Incomplete” status for the course. Students may be assessed Repeat or Make-up fees. Personal / Private Make‐Ups Private personal sessions will be made available to students needing to make-up missed classes or course work when the student is unable to do so within the actual class session time period. Restrictions apply to the amount of missed hours students may make-up. If the student misses more hours than allowable for make-up for the particular class, students will be instructed to return during the next available class session to complete the missed hours. Not all classes are eligible for private make-up. Many classes are experiential in nature which means that the classes are required to be hands-on with the class group setting. Students will be responsible for paying a standard fee per hour or day for each private personal session (actual amount will depend upon the nature of the coursework and location). Make-up sessions should be scheduled with the Student Services department in conjunction with the faculty. PHSIMHS will invoice the student prior to the make-up session, and all fees should be paid directly to the PHSIMHS office. Support Systems PHSIMHS wants to ensure students achieve their training goals and thus offers a student mentoring program and free access to a library with numerous references, video and audio tapes. Each student may request free space to study and practice their skills as needed. Any student with special needs will be given priority attention by PHSIMHS’s Student Services Representatives Academic Assistance Students who are unable to meet the standards for satisfactory progress will be placed in an Academic Assistance Program for one month and given extra help in an effort to reach the expected level of performance. PHSIMHS Student Coordinators are available to assist all students. Students may attempt a course a maximum of three (3) times to reach satisfactory progress. Auditing/Repeat Fees will apply for attempts two (2) and three (3). Leaves of Absence If necessary, students may apply for a leave of absence to extend no longer than the State Board maximum of six (6) months. All leaves of absence are subject to approval by the PHSIMHS Director. Upon completion of the leave, students will be required to go through a reentry and registration process, which may include assessment of re-admission fees. Payments are not deferred during leave of absence. Students may be expected to repeat/audit courses taken prior to leave of absence in order to re-integrate into the program. Leaves of Absence will delay graduation. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 6 Withdrawal Students considering withdrawing from PHSIMHS are strongly encouraged to meet with a student services representative to discuss their options. PHSIMHS encourages students to submit a formal letter or online form to the PHSIMHS administrative office in order to officially withdraw from a diploma program or certification course. Students will be charged for each of the classes they have taken in accordance with the individual prices in the current PHSIMHS school catalog (diploma package rate will be forfeited). Students that choose not to submit a formal letter of withdrawal or online withdrawal form will be considered withdrawn from their program after 60 days without attendance, activity participation or communication with school administration. Calculations regarding monies still owed to the school for tuition, etc., or refunds due to student will be made in accordance with State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools administrative code and provided in writing to the student. Re‐Entrance Students who are on an Academic Assistance or have withdrawn from a diploma program may be re-admitted upon completion of a personal interview with the PHSIMHS Director. Payment of all re-entrance fees are due at the time of re-admission. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 7 Becoming an Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Student Pursuing higher education is an important decision and commitment. PHSIMHS encourages you to take as much time as needed to fully understand the curriculum and commitment required so you can feel truly comfortable with becoming part of our student body. Typically, we ask students to allow a minimum of two weeks to complete all the necessary requirements to officially be accepted and enrolled at PHSIMHS. Selective Admissions PHSIMHS’s selective admissions process includes a review of a potential student’s references, posteducation and past experience via the application and interview processes. Applicants can obtain additional information on PHSIMHS classes through Information sessions available in person through campus visits, events and teleconferencing seminars. Applications Applications for all programs are available online. Prospective students should allow three (3) business days for the review of their application by the Admissions department. Transfer Credits PHSIMHS will review the acceptance of transfer credit hours for related coursework on a case-by-case basis for students. The PHSIMHS Director will have the final decision on the relevance of the coursework and number of allowable transfer hours. Entrance Requirements Applicants must  Be a minimum of 18 years of age and  AND a high school graduate or hold a GED Enrollment and Registration A student must first apply, complete the enrollment process and then be officially accepted into the school. Registration for classes is always prior to the start of the semester. PHSIMHS has a selective admissions process New diploma program students may apply/enroll anytime and will begin with online/home-study courses. Single certificate or CEU program students’ enrollment deadline is three (3) weeks before the first day of class. Late enrollment may incur an additional administrative processing fee of $45 per occurrence. Enrollment Process As part of the enrollment process, each applicant must:  Submit application and required nonrefundable application fee appropriate to the desired program  Have a personal interview with PHSIMHS personnel.  Sign a form stating that they are in good physical, mental and emotional health and are physically able to give and receive energetic bodywork with no adversity to their well-being.  Submit a current resume and/or two letters of character recommendation from a non-family member.  Authorize PHSIMHS to conduct a background check and, if interested in a tuition payment plan with PHSIMHS, a credit verification.  Attend a personal orientation with Student Services representative  Submit the necessary State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools enrollment agreement and other required forms, along with a down payment on tuition and fees.  Complete any and all required financial documents relating to payment plans © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 8 A PHSIMHS Student Advisor will inform each student of any prerequisites required for their chosen training program or course(s). Student Advising All students will be assigned a student advisor upon acceptance into PHSIMHS. Students will work closely with advisors to plan their class schedule throughout their entire program. Diploma program students are required to meet with their student advisor a minimum of three (3) times per year; one time prior to each term registration period. Before each semester registration period, an advisor meeting will be planned. Meetings can be scheduled by phone or in person Registration Upon acceptance into a diploma program, students will be required to register for courses on a term by term basis two months prior to the start of the term. Registration is online and students will be given specific instructions each prior to the registration period. Registration Periods Fall Term: July 1 – 10 Winter Term: November 1 – 10 Summer Term: March 1 - 10 Failure to register within the allotted time periods may result in Late Registration fee of $45 per occurrence. Late Registration periods are the 11th - 15th immediately following the regular registration period. Dropping a class within a diploma program after registration period may result in additional administrative fees of $45 per occurrence. Occasionally, PHSIMHS will offer special introductory courses for students who wish to receive an overview, but not necessarily participate in the entire program. If a student decides to continue a program beyond the introductory level, he/she will receive Level I credits and the fees paid for the introductory course will be applied toward the program tuition. Upon acceptance into the program, students will be sent a new student packet and welcome email with detailed instructions about getting started. Contact the Registrar Department for complete details © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 9 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Training – Overview © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 10 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Training Overview Classification of Courses Diploma Programs •Holistic Health Professional (HHP) •Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) (Formerly know as RPP) •Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) •Holistic Health Coach (HHC) Certificate Certification Programs •Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) •Corporate Wellness Coach (CWC) •Elemental Reflexology (ER) •Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy (ESI) •Herbal Education (Herbal) •Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) •Reiki Education (Reiki) •Elemental Relaxation Massage (RM) Continuing Education: Advanced Training •Professional Holistic Health Teacher (PHHT) Continuing Education: Complete Courses •Aromatherapy (Aroma) •Craniosacral Therapy: Biodynamic Model •Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach (Detox) •Discovering Energy & Theory •Ethics & Supervision (Ethics) Continuing Education: Introductory Courses and Seminars •Aromatherapy Introduction •Associate Polarity Practitioner Introduction •Chakra Balancing •Craniosacral Therapy Introduction •Elemental Reflexology Introduction •Herbal Introduction •Energetic Communication and Evaluation •Energetic Food Awareness •Energetics of Cancer and Complementary Healing Solutions •Positive Marketing & Business Practices •Relaxation Massage Introduction Diploma Program Required Classes •Anatomy & Physiology, Orthodox - Online •Expert Presentations (Calls) •Holistic Health Professional Core Block •Pathology (Self Study) •BHPP Courses for the HHP Student © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 11 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Training – Overview Objectives PHSIMHS students will gain a deeper understanding of various practices and techniques related to holistic health, wellness and preventative healthcare, and energetic balancing and bodywork modalities through inclass practicum work, group discussions and online training modules related to the chosen course. Students may further deepen their personal experience through clinical practice sessions, projects, externships or mentoring programs Students will also develop a basic understanding of the ethical, scope of practice and legal issues pursuant to starting a Holistic Health practice, and will also learn skills and techniques needed for business practice and promotion. Competency based training is the foremost training objective of PHSIMHS. Evaluation of Objectives Progress toward specific course objectives and goals may be assessed through the following methods:  Attendance: Students must complete all in-class hours (either at regularly scheduled classes or at appropriate make-up classes).  Supervision/Feedback: Depending upon the training program, students may receive ongoing in-class observation/feedback through guided sessions, pop quizzes and group discussions.  Practicum Feedback: Students may receive continual evaluation of their in-class work by the instructors.  Guided Clinicals / Practice Sessions: Certain courses require that students perform both inclass supervised guided clinicals and off-site 
practice sessions in order to earn a certificate or diploma. The number of required supervised clinicals and practice sessions are dependent upon the student’s area of focus. Home-Study Assignments and Teleconference Calls 
Online Training Modules: These may include quizzes and course evaluations. 
Externships/Mentoring Programs: Student’s progress will be monitored by an PHSIMHS Student Advisor. 
Mid-term and end of term written evaluations 
Evaluation of Normal Progress 
Research Projects: Diploma students may be required to submit a research project due upon completion of their course study. Students must complete all classroom hours and all clinical/intern/mentoring sessions with satisfactory grades for all courses. Tuition and/or any monies owed to PHSIMHS must be paid in full. APTA and AADP registration for APP, HHP, BCPP as well as application for graduation or diploma will not be approved by PHSIMHS’s Director unless all graduation requirements have been met and all fees are paid in full. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 12 Board Certifications and Registrations Wherever possible, each course offered by PHSIMHS can be a stand-alone course with a specific registration under the State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools or Continuing Education credit. Each course certificate may apply to national organizations. (Students will be responsible for registration/membership fees.) National Accreditations and Board Certified Certifications 
American Polarity Therapy Association APTA For specific information, please visit APTA’s website at 
American Association of Drugless Practitioners AADP AADP’s website at APTA and AADP Registration Procedures Upon completion of all program requirements, PHSIMHS faculty will process and submit students’ applications for registration and board certification(s) to the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) and/or the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). The application fees for APTA and AADP registration and memberships are separate from PHSIMHS tuition and fees. PHSIMHS will only submit registration paperwork for APTA and AADP upon the student’s completion of ALL class requirements and full payment of fees due to PHSIMHS. Each student will be responsible for paying the respective registration fees due at the time of application to these organizations. APTA The designations of APP (Associate Polarity Practitioner), and BCPP (Board Certified Polarity Practitioner) may not be used unless the applicant is fully registered by APTA and is a current member in good standing. The APP/BCPP courses taught at PHSIMHS are approved by the Board of Directors of the American Polarity Therapy Association. All Associate Polarity Practitioners must have certification in at least one (1) other health related modality (holistic or allopathic) to qualify with APTA. All Board Certified Polarity Practitioners are required by APTA to apply for and successfully pass the Board Certified Polarity Practitioner exam upon graduation from BHPP program. AADP AADP is available as a National Board Certified Certification and accreditation in all 50 states, Canada, and Europe. CEU’s for National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) available in all 50 states for Holistic Health Advisor, Associate Polarity Practitioner and Elemental ReflexologyTM. Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health SciencesTM is an approved training school registered by the American Polarity Therapy Association, the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, and the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 13 Continuing Education Units at Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences Continuing Education Units: Granted by PHSIMHS Many Level 1 classes can be used as introductory seminars and CEU credit. Students that decide to continue their studies at PHSIMHS shall receive Level I credits for introductory courses. Continuing education units are conferred on a clock hour basis. Continuing Education: Introductory Courses and Seminars •Aromatherapy Introduction •Associate Polarity Practitioner Introduction •Chakra Balancing •Craniosacral Therapy Introduction •Elemental Reflexology Introduction •Energetic Communication and Evaluation •Energetic Food Awareness •Energetics of Cancer and Complementary Healing Solutions •Positive Marketing & Business Practices •Relaxation Massage Introduction See Student Services department for a complete list of the most current offerings. Continuing Education Units: State and National Organizations Visit for complete details and updates The organizations listed below currently accept or have accepted CEU credit from PHSIMHS for specific approved programs. See Student Services department for complete details.  Ohio League for Nursing  National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (NCCAP)  Ohio Occupational Therapy Board  Ohio Physical Therapy Association  National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)  NEW YORK APPROVAL National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 14 Financial Information © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 15 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences
Administrative Fees Late Enrollment $45.00 Late Registration` $45.00 Statement of Fees $20.00 Payment Plan Refinance $250.00 Application Fees $125.00 - $75 Make-Up Fees (hourly) $35 per clock hour Re-Entrance See application and make-up fees Assessed by case Other administrative fees may be assessed. Students will be notified prior to these fees going into effect. No fees may be transferred to another student. Students may apply refund balances to future courses. See Finance department representative for details. Cancellation and Settlement Policy The student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement at any time. The following terms apply: 1. If the school does not accept the student, all monies will be refunded with the exception of the application fee. The enrollment agreement or application may be canceled within five calendar days after the date of signing provided the school is notified of the cancellation in writing. The school shall promptly refund in full all tuition and fees paid pursuant to the enrollment agreement. Such refund shall be made no later than thirty days after cancellation. This provision shall not apply where a student has already started classes. Tuition and Fees PHSIMHS Refund Policy PHSIMHS adheres to a refund policy as established in the Ohio Administrative Rule 3332-10: (i) A student who starts class and withdraws before the academic term is fifteen percent (15%) completed will be obligated for twenty-five (25%) percent of the tuition and refundable fees, plus the registration fee. (ii) A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is fifteen percent (15%) complete but before the academic term is twenty-five percent (25%) completed will be obligated for fifty percent (50%) of the tuition and refundable fees, plus the registration fee. (iii) A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is twenty-five percent (25%) complete but before the academic term is forty percent (40%) completed will be obligated for seventy-five percent (75%) of the tuition and refundable fees, plus the registration fee. (iv) A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is forty percent (40%) completed will be obligated for one hundred percent (100%) of the tuition, and will not be entitled to a refund of the tuition and registration fees. Auditing and Repeat Fees (Refresh / Re‐take) A standard fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the current course tuition fee will apply if a student registers to repeat or audit a course. Advisor approval needed for registration. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 16 Withdrawal PHSIMHS encourages students to submit a formal letter or online form to the PHSIMHS administrative office in order to officially withdraw from a diploma program or certification course. Students will be charged for each of the classes they have taken in accordance with the individual prices in the current PHSIMHS school catalog (diploma package rate will be forfeited). Students that choose not to submit a formal letter of withdrawal or online withdrawal form will be considered withdrawn from their program after 60 days without attendance, activity participation or communication with school administration. Calculations regarding monies still owed to the school for tuition, etc., or refunds due to student will be made in accordance with State of Ohio Board of Career Colleges and Schools administrative code and provided in writing to the student. Failure to Fulfill Financial Obligations Students that fail to fulfill their financial obligations may be denied entrance to classes and/or student activities, denied registration or dismissed from the school. Students experiencing financial difficulty should contact the Finance Department at Financial Aid At this time the Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences is not a Federal Title IV school. As such, no federal loans or grants are available to us or our students (FAFSA, Pell, etc.) However, we are approved under several State of Ohio government agencies. Some restrictions apply based upon the criteria of the specific agencies. As of now, PHSIMHS has approvals with the VA (Veteran’s Affairs), BVR (Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation), WIA/TRA/TAA (Jobs and Family Services, Office of Unemployment). While these are State programs, the individual counties administer the funds for their residents. If any of the above situations apply to you, start by contacting your local county offices. The PHSIMHS Student Service Director will be happy to assist in this process. Fee Increase Information Fees including tuition, clinicals and all other costs are anticipated to remain the same throughout the school term. If during a student’s term, there is a necessary cost of living increase, students will be given a full term notice (school terms are four months). Books, Manuals & Supply fees, which are separate from tuition, and clinical fees may vary depending upon the cost of the books. Any fee raises will not go into effect for one full term after students have been notified. Books/Manuals / Personal Sessions / Incidental Supplies Books/manuals and personal sessions are taxable. Personal sessions are paid directly to the practitioner at the time the session is given. Personal Sessions cannot be financed. Incidental supplies, massage tables, travel expense, supplemental manuals or national organization memberships are paid out of pocket by the student at the time the expense is due. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 17 Payment Plan Information of updated credit card information. Updated information should be submitted Payment Plans to the Finance Department immediately. PHSIMHS offers affordable payment plans to accepted Neither late fees nor interest rate increases students with approved credit. will be waived The average monthly payments vary from $200 per 2. All payment plans require a down payment that month up to $600 per month. These payments range will be applied to overall tuition and clinicals. from up to one year – (12 months) for certificate (Application fee and Books fees are separate) Required amount of down payment will be programs and 2-3 years max - (24 to 36 months) for the determined during the student’s payment plan diploma programs. orientation process. Students that apply for credit with PHSIMHS will be 3. Payment plans may include tuition and clinicals. required to submit complete credit information. Books/manuals, supplies and fees as disclosed PHSIMHS reserves the right to deny the extension of a in the Enrollment Agreement are separate and payment plan. must be paid prior to class begin date. PHSIMHS reserves the right to limit the amount that students may pay on a payment plan. This *PHSIMHS is not a Federal Title IV school. These
amount will be determined during the student’s payment plans are not “Student Loans” as only the
payment plan orientation process. federal government can confer that status. This means
that students would have to work directly with your tax
4. Tuition and fees disclosed in the Enrollment professional regarding deductions for such expenses.
Agreement do NOT include incidental supplies, 1098 tax forms are NOT distributed by PHSIMHS as only
massage tables, travel expense, supplemental manuals or national organization memberships. Federal schools give 1098 forms. The PHSIMHS Finance
The additional expenses cannot be included in Department does NOT give tax advice.
payment plans. Students are responsible for these out-of-pocket expenses. A.
Payment Plan Policies and Procedures 5. Payment plans are processed on the 15th and 30th of every month at midnight. Due date will 1. All payment plans require complete and valid be determined during the student’s payment credit/debit card information to be kept on file plan orientation process. Once the due date and current at all times. This credit/debit card has been determined, students are not information is used for automatic monthly permitted to change it without paying fee and payments. signing new payment plan documents. a. Regular monthly payments must be by credit/debit card with the automatic billing 6. All payment plans are processed and recorded system. with accurate running totals of all payments on b. Cash, Checks and Money orders are only a monthly basis. Students will receive a accepted in the event of pre-payment/extra payment schedule when they start their payments. payments and all payments will follow the c. It is up to Students to keep their student’s payment plan schedule. credit/debit card active and to watch the expiration date on the card. It is the student’s responsibility to notify PHSIMHS © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 18 7. Payment plans are legally binding documents and cannot be altered or changed verbally or via email. All changes to payment plans are required to be received in writing. Signing of new payment plan documents is required in the event of any change. All changes to payment plans are subjected to a $250 refinancing fee. See Finance department representative for complete details and process. 8. All fees and payment plans must be paid in full and all curriculum requirements completed before the student’s transcripts, completion records or any professional organization, including APTA and AADP, applications will be released. Certificates within the diploma program will only be award when the tuition paid is commensurate with the value of classes received. Students may not graduate or receive diploma until all fees and tuition. 9. All Application fees are non-refundable. These fees are specific to each class/course/program. See tuition and fees section of school catalog for further information. 10. There are no penalties for pre-payment on plans. PHSIMHS suggest that students consider pre-paying to help them get finished 11. Payment Plan eligibility is determined by Credit Application/Credit Report/Credit score. A credit score of 650 or lower MAY not be eligible for a payment plan. Students are asked to run their own credit history and submit at the time of application. 12. Students with parent(s), spouses or significant others responsible for payment will require the parent/spouse/significant other to co-sign on the payment plan as well as provide a credit application, report/history and score. 13. See page 17 for policies and procedures regarding withdrawal. 14. Deferment of Payments a. Because PHSIMHS payment plans are not Federal Student loans, deferments do not apply. Payments will not be deferred. b. Refinancing options may be considered but are not guaranteed. See item 5 for more detail. c. Leaves of absence do NOT imply payment plan deferment. 15. PHSIMHS reserves the right to deny payment plan. 16. Students may request a ‘Statement of Fees’ for all monies paid to the school at any time. An administrative fee of $20 per request will apply. 6Students must allow ten (10) full business days after the receipt of the applicable administrative fee to receive the statement. Students are advised to keep all of their receipts. *PHSIMHS is not a Federal Title IV school. These payment plans are not “Student Loans” as only the federal government can confer that status. This means that students would have to work directly with your tax professional regarding deductions for such expenses. 1098 tax forms are NOT distributed by PHSIMHS as only Federal schools give 1098 forms. The PHSIMHS Finance Department does NOT give tax advice. 17. It is in the best interest of the student to always respond promptly to any of our calls or e-mails to avoid late fees, interest rate increases and other penalties. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 19 19. Payment Declines / Missed Payments If Student’s credit card or debit card is declined: a. Students will be immediately called and emailed by PHSIMHS administration of to alert them. b. If students do not call the office by 5:00 pm that day, they will be notified via email that they will be charged a $10.00 a day late fee starting the next day. Late fees are due immediately with regular payment. Late fees cannot be added to the end of loan. d. When PHSIMHS has to run the credit card again, PHSIMHS will charge a reprocessing fee of $6.00. e. PHSIMHS will make one additional attempt on the card on file for the student’s payment plan each day for three (3) days. f. After three (3) days of late fees students will be sent a letter from PHSIMHS office. Students will also get other calls and e-mails to alert Students to the late payment. g. After five (5) business days of non-payment, the student will be put into default status. Students may not attend any classes while in default status. Students in default status will be subjected to legal proceedings in regards to debt collection. 20. Down Payments, Tuitions, Fees, etc., are not transferrable © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 20 Holistic Health Professional (HHP) Diploma Program Financial Information for HHP Program Cost
Out‐of‐Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 125.00
HHA on-line course - Prerequisite Tuition/Electronic Manuals $ 495.00
Personal Sessions $ 975.00
(15 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of
session) Graduation/Exam Fees $ 225.00
(paid at time of graduation application) Universal Class Online Anatomy $ 65.00
Food (Detox class) $ 100.00
(estimated cost of student contribution to group
meals) Eligible for Financing: Tuition/Clinicals $ 11,210.00
Books/Reference Manuals/Supplies $ 1,800.00
Includes Oils & Tuning Forks TOTAL COST* ($1,666.67 + $133.33) $14,995.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental books, national organization memberships, or
masseuse/masseur registration fees. Student is responsible for
their own phone access, computer equipment and internet access. Total amount that can be financed: $11,210.00 less down payment. Minimum Down payment: $560.00 Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 36 months This program qualifies students to become a member Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) under the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA). Additional application and membership fees apply and are payable directly to APTA. At the time of this printing, the APP application fee is $30.00 and the annual membership dues are $125.00. Students are highly encouraged to become a member of APTA. If a student chooses not to become an APTA member, they may NOT use the credentials/designation of APP and may refer to themselves only as Polarity practitioners. APP, RPP & BCPP are trademarked credentials under APTA. This program qualifies students to become a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). Additional application and membership fees apply. At the time of this printing, the AADP application fee is $285.00. Students are highly encouraged to become a member of APTA. If a student chooses not to become an APTA member, they may NOT use the credentials/ designation of APP and may refer to themselves only as Polarity practitioners. APP, RPP & BCPP are trademarked credentials under APTA. This program qualifies students to register as a masseuse/masseur with their local government. Additional application and FBI background check fess apply and are payable directly to the local licensing bureau/police. At the time of this printing, the average cost of this registration and FBI fees are approximately $150.00. Students are highly encouraged to obtain their masseuse/masseur registration, and should discuss registration regulations for the State of Ohio with a PHSIMHS Representative © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 21 Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) Diploma Program Financial Information for HHB Program Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Holistic Health Coach (HHC) Diploma Program Application Fee $ 125.00
Financial Information for HHC Program HHA on-line course - Prerequisite Tuition/Electronic Manuals $ 495.00
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee
$ 125.00
Personal Polarity Sessions $ 910.00
HHA on-line course - Prerequisite Tuition/Electronic Manuals $ 495.00
$ 65.00
Personal Sessions $ 325.00
Tuition/Clinicals $ 6,650.00
Universal Class Online Anatomy $ 65.00
Books/Reference Manuals, etc. $ 825.00
($763.89+ $61.11 tax) $ 9,070.00
Food (Detox Class)
$ 100.00
(14 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of
session) Universal Class Online Anatomy (5 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of
session) Eligible for Financing: TOTAL COST* (estimated cost of student contribution to group
meals) Eligible for Financing: *Does not include incidental supplies, supplemental manuals,
travel expenses, national organization memberships, or
masseuse/masseur registration fees. Student is responsible for
their own phone access, computer equipment and internet
access. Total amount that can be financed: $6,650.00 less down payment Minimum down payment of $350.00 Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 24 months This program qualifies students to become a member Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) under the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA). Additional application and membership fees apply and are payable directly to APTA. At the time of this printing, the APP application fee is $30.00 and the annual membership dues are $125.00. Students are highly encouraged to become a member of APTA. If a student chooses not to become an APTA member, they may NOT use the credentials/designation of APP and may refer to themselves only as Polarity practitioners. APP, RPP & BCPP are trademarked credentials under APTA. This program qualifies students to register as a masseuse/masseur with their local government. Additional application and FBI background check fees apply and are payable directly to the local licensing bureau/police. At the time of this printing, the average cost of this registration and FBI fees are approximately $150.00 Students are highly encouraged to obtain their masseuse/masseur registration, and should discuss registration regulations for the State of Ohio with an PHSIMHS Representative. Cost
$ 5,900.00
Books/Reference Manuals/Supplies $ 1,160.00
($1,074.07 + $85.93 tax) $ 8,170.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental books. Student is responsible for their own
phone access, computer equipment and internet access. Total amount that can be financed: $5,900.00 less down payment Minimum down payment of $300.00 Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 24 months NOTE: Amount above does not include Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) or tuition and fees. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 22 Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) Diploma Program (formerly known as RPP) Financial Information for Detox Program Professional Holistic Health Teacher (PHHT) Advanced CEU Training Program Cost Financial Information for PHHT Program Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 125.00
Application Fee
Personal Polarity Sessions (10 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session) $ 650.00
Eligible for Financing: Personal Ethics & Supervision Sessions (4 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session) $ 260.00
Tuition/Clinicals $ 6,715.00
Books/Reference Manual $ 650.00
($601.85 + $48.15 tax) $ 8,400.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental manuals. Total amount that can be financed: $6,715.00 less down payment Minimum down payment of $350.00 Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 24 months This program qualifies students to sit for the Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) exam under the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA). Additional application and membership fees apply and are payable directly to APTA. At the time of this printing the BCPP application fee is $30.00, the BCCP exam fee is $116.00 and the annual membership dues are $165.00. Please note that APTA requires that all BCPP’s pass the BCPP exam in order to obtain credentials. Please note that students are highly encouraged to become members of APTA. If a student chooses not to become of APTA, they may NOT use the credentials/designation of RPP/BCPP and may refer to themselves only as polarity practitioners. APP, RPP & BCPP are trademarked credentials under APTA. $ 125.00
$ 1,500.00—$ 4,500.00
$ 1,635.00—$ 4,625.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental books. Student is responsible for their own phone
access, computer equipment and internet access. Eligible for Financing: TOTAL COST* Cost Actual costs for PHHT training are subject to the student’s specified class focus. See PHSIMHS Student Advisor for more information. Total amount that can be financed: $4,500.00 less down payment Minimum down payment of $250.00 Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 24 months More Tuition options available for students wishing to pursue more than one (1) diploma program at a time or extra credit. Contact the PHSIMHS Finance Department for complete details at: Available Combinations:  HHP + BCPP  HHB + BCPP  HHC + BCPP  BCPP for the HHP Graduate  HHP for the BCPP Graduate  Advanced Communication for HHB  Advanced Communication for HHC © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 23 Aromatherapy (Aroma) Financial Information for Aromatherapy Program Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 75.00
Eligible for Financing: Tuition $ 900.00
Books/Charts $ 50.00
($46.30 + $3.70 tax) Supplies (Starter Oils Kit) the APP application fee is $30.00 and the annual membership dues are $125.00. Students are highly encouraged to become a member of APTA. If a student chooses not to become an APTA member, they may NOT use the credentials/designation of APP and may refer to themselves only as Polarity practitioners. APP, RPP & BCPP are trademarked credentials under APTA. Bioenergetic Health Practitioner (BHP) $ 145.00
($135.51 + Financial Information for CWC Program $9.49 tax) TOTAL COST* Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) $ 1,170.00
Application Fee
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manuals, or national organization memberships. Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) Financial Information for APP Cost
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 75.00
Personal Sessions with BCPP for APP $ 325.00
(5 @ $65 plus sales2050tax paid to practitioner at
time of session. Eligible for Financing: $ 75.00
Eligible for Financing: *Does NOT include optional introductory aromatherapy class Total amount that can be financed: $900.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $300.00 (minimum down payment $240.00). Monthly Payment Plans: 3 to 6 months Cost Tuition / Clinicals
$ 4,500.00
$ 4,575.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, supplemental manuals
or travel expenses for on‐site training. Total amount that can be financed: $4,500.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $1,000.00 (minimum down payment $750.00). Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: Financial Information for Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Tuition/Clinicals $ 2,560.00
Application Fee
$ 75.00
Books/Reference Manuals $ 210.00
($196.26 + Personal Sessions with RCST $ 390.00
TOTAL COST* $13.74 tax) 6 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session) $ 3,170.00
Eligible for Financing: *Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manuals, or national organization memberships. Total amount that can be financed: $2,560.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $495.00 (minimum down payment $280.00). Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months This program qualifies students to become a member Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) under the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA). Additional application and membership fees apply and are payable directly to APTA. At the time of this printing, Tuition/Clinicals
$ 3,200.00
Books/Reference Materials $ 75.00
(estimated cost – list provide of books required) TOTAL COST*
$ 5,105.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental manuals. Total amount that can be financed: $4,800.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $600.00 (minimum down payment $400.00) Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 24 Detox: Holistic Wellness Approach Complete Course Financial Information for Detox Program Discovering Energy Financial Information for DE Program Cost Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee
$ N/A
Application Fee $ 75.00
Tuition: Electronic/ Homestudy Course $ 85.00
Food $ 100.00
$ 85.00
(estimated cost of student contribution to group meals) *Does not include incidental supplies, supplemental manuals
or travel expenses for on‐site training. Eligible for Financing: * Pre‐pay only; no financing available for this program. Tuition/Clinicals $ 1,360.00
Books/Reference Manual $ 240.00
($222.22 + $17.78 tax) TOTAL COST* $ 1,775.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses, lodging
or supplemental manuals. Total amount that can be financed: $1,360.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $335.00 (minimum down payment $240.00). Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 9 months Elemental ReflexologyTM (ER) Financial Information for Elemental Reflexology™ Program Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Detox: Holistic Wellness Approach — Part 1 Only Financial Information for Detox Program—Part 1 Only Cost Application Fee
$ 75.00
Personal Sessions with ER $ 130.00
(2 @ $65 plus sales tax paid to practitioner at time of session) Eligible for Financing: Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Tuition/Clinicals
$ 1,800.00
Books/Reference Manuals/Charts $ 190.00
($175.93 + $14.07 tax) Application Fee $ N/A TOTAL COST*
Food $ 50.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental manuals. (estimated cost of student contribution to group meals) Eligible for Financing: Tuition/Clinicals $ 680.00
Books/Reference Manual $ 240.00
($224222 + $17.78 tax) TOTAL COST* $ 970.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses, lodging
or supplemental manuals Total amount that can be financed: $680.00 less down payment. Suggested Down payment: $395.00 (minimum down payment $240.00). Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 4 months $ 2,195.00
Total amount that can be financed: $1,800.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $325.00 (minimum down payment $190.00). Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 25 Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy (ESI) Financial Information for Energetic Systems Integration Expert Presentations Financial Information for Expert Presentations Program Cost Fees:
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 75.00
Supplies: Optional Tuning Fork Set
$ 250.00
($231.48 + Tuition/Clinicals $ 1,200.00
Books/Reference Manuals—APP $ 35.00
($32.41 + $2.59 tax) $ 1,560.00
TOTAL COST* *Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manuals, or optional tuning fork set.
Total amount that can be financed: $1,200.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $310.00 (minimum down payment $285.00). Monthly Payment Plan: Up to 9 months Application Fee $ N/A Personal Sessions—Ethics & Supervision $ 270.00
(3 @ $90.00 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session—these are estimated costs as mental health professional fees may vary) Tuition/Clinicals $ 275.00
Books/Reference Manuals $ 75.00
($69.44 + $5.56 tax) $ 620.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses or
supplemental manuals. Total amount that can be financed: $275.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: Pay class in full (minimum down payment $75.00). Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 2 months TOTAL COST*
$ 330.00
Pre‐pay only; no financing available for this program. Herbal Education (Herbals) Financial Information for Herbal Education Program Cost
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee
$ 75.00
Personal Sessions with Faculty $ 65.00
$ 1,800.00
Books/Reference Materials $ 135.00
($125.00 + TOTAL COST*
$ 2,075.00
$10.00 tax) *Does not include incidental supplies, regular travel and field
trip travel expenses, or supplemental manuals. Eligible for Financing: $ 330.00
Eligible for Financing: Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) TOTAL COST* $ N/A
(1 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session) Ethics & Supervision Financial Information for Ethics & Supervision Application Fee (non-refundable) *Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manual, or national organization memberships.
Student is responsible for their own computer equipment and
internet access. $18.52 tax) Eligible for Financing: Cost
Total amount that can be financed: $1,800.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $310.00 (minimum down payment $135.00). Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) / Online Course Financial Information for HHA Online Program Cost
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Tuition/Electronic Manuals $ 495.00
Optional: Hard Bound Copies of Manuals $ 159.95
$ 654.95
* Student is responsible for their own computer equipment and
internet access. Pre‐pay only; no financing available for this program.
© 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 26 Introductory Classes
Financial Information for Introductory Classes & Weekends Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Elemental Relaxation Massage Financial Information for Relaxation Massage Program Cost Cost
Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ 10.00- 40.00
Application Fee
$ 75.00
Eligible for Financing: Personal Sessions with LMT $ 130.00
Tuition/Clinicals ($195.00 per day) $90.00-270.00
Books/Reference Manuals/DVDs $ 40.00-250.00
(2 @ $65 plus tax paid to practitioner at time of session) (varies by course) Eligible for Financing: TOTAL COST* $140 to $560
$ 1,200.00
(plus applicable taxes) Books/Reference Manual $ 50.00
($46.30 + $3.70 tax) *Does not include incidental supplies. Student is responsible for
their own computer equipment and internet access. Clock hours vary—typically 6.5 hours up to 24 hours Total amount that can be financed: $560.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: Pay in full (minimum down payment 20% - 33%). Monthly Payment Plans: 2 to 4 months Reiki Education Financial Information for Reiki Education Program Cost Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) Application Fee $ N/A
Eligible for Financing: Tuition Books/Reference Manuals TOTAL COST* TOTAL COST*
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manuals, or masseuse/masseur registration
fees. Total amount that can be financed: $2,400.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: $495.00 (minimum down payment $300.00) Monthly Payment Plans: up to 12 months This program qualifies students to register as a masseuse/masseur with their local government. Additional application and FBI background check fess may apply and are payable directly to the local licensing bureau/police. At the time of this printing, the average cost of this registration and FBI fees are approximately $150.00. Students are highly encouraged to obtain their masseuse/masseur registration, and should discuss registration regulations for the State of Ohio with a PHSIMHS Representative. Theory: Science of Energy Financial Information for Theory Program $ 400.00
$ 65.00
($60.19 + $4.82 tax) Out of Pocket: (Non-Refundable) $ 465.00
Eligible for Financing: Application Fee
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manual, or national organization memberships. Total amount that can be financed: $400.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: Pay class in full (minimum down payment $65.00). Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 3 months $ 1,455.00
Books/Reference Manuals TOTAL COST*
$ N/A
$ 330.00
$ 65.00
($60.19 + $4.82 tax) $ 395.00
*Does not include incidental supplies, travel expenses,
supplemental manual, or national organization memberships. Total amount that can be financed: $330.00 less down payment Suggested Down payment: Pay class in full (minimum down payment $65.00). Monthly Payment Plans: Up to 3 months © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 27 Diploma Programs  Holistic Health Professional (HHP)  Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP)  Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB)  Holistic Health Coach (HHC) © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 28 Holistic Health Professional (HHP) The HHP diploma program prepares the student for working with clients interested in wellness and holistic medicine on both a professional coaching and bodywork level. HHP training provides the student with numerous bodywork modalities so they can become adept at either providing bodywork services to clients or identifying comprehensive programs utilizing foods and botanicals to meet clients’ personal healthcare needs. HHP training consists of classes which are completed in two to three day modules, teleconference calls, and on-line classes. Summary of Hours in the Holistic Health Professional (HHP) Program Hours Course Type Components 345 Foundational All course hours include actual class time 430 HHB Plus laboratory clinical hours 325 HHC 250 HHP Graduation Requirements are not included in total hours 1350 Total Hours 6 – 12 semesters to complete (24 – 36 months) Required Classes:  Foundational Courses (100’s)  HHP 101 – Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)  HHP 102 A – Discovering Energy (DE)*  HHP 102 B – Theory  HHP 103 A – Anatomy & Physiology  HHP 103 B – Pathology  HHP 104 – Ethics and Supervision  HHP 105 – Expert Presentations (Calls)  HHP 106 – BHPP Classes for the Holistic Health Diploma  BHPP 101 – Advanced Chakra Work I  BHPP 102 – Advanced Chakra Work II  BHPP 203 – Energetic Evaluation I & Comm. I  BHPP 204 – Energetic Communication II  BHPP 302 – Energetic Communication III  BHPP 303 – Energetic Foods I: Principles  BHPP 304 – Energetic Foods II: Principles 
BHPP 403 – Energetic Foods III: Principles BHPP 404 – Energetic Foods IV: Principles BHPP 602 – Energetic Evaluation II BHPP 603 – Energetic Evaluation III BHPP 604 – Energetic Evaluation IV BHPP 702 – Energetic Foods V: Principles, Concepts, Applications BHPP 703 – Energetic Foods V: Principles, Concepts, Applications BHPP 802 – Energetics of Cancer & Complementary Healing BHPP 803A – Energetic Communication IV BHPP 803B – Energetic Communication V BHPP 804 – Energetic Communication VI BHPP 903A* – Marketing and Business Practices I BHPP 903B* – Marketing and Business Practices II BHPP 903C* – Marketing and Business Practices III BHPP 904D* – Marketing and Business Practices IV  HHB Core Block (200’s)  HHP 201 – Associate Polarity Practitioner  HHP 202 – Elemental Reflexology  HHP 203 – Reiki Education  HHP 204 – Elemental Relaxation Massage  HHP 205 – Biodynamic Carniosacral (level 1)  HHC Core Block (300’s)  HHP 301 – Aromatherapy  HHP 302 – Herbal Education  HHP 303 – Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach  HHP 304 – Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy  HHP Core Block (400’s)  HHP 401 – Mentoring  HHP 402 – Extern/Intern  HHP 403 - Electives/Transfer*  HHP 404 – Graduation Requirements  Monthly teleconferences (Diploma Program Orientation calls)First Tuesday of every month, all diploma program students are required to attend a teleconference from 8:00pm to 9:30pm © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 29 Holistic Health Professional (HHP) Curriculum Hours Course Number: Holistic Health Bodyworker Core Courses Foundational Courses Holistic Health Coach Core Courses Holistic Health Professional Core Courses Clas
s Lab/Indepen
dent Study Clinic
al Clas
s Lab/Independ
ent Study Clinic
al Class Lab/Independen
t Study Clinica
l Class Lab/Independe
nt Study Clinica
l HHP 101: 50 HHP 102 A 0 – 15* HHP 102 B 30 HHP 103 A 32 18 HHP 103 B 12 3 HHP 104: 15 5 5 HHP 105: 20 10 HHP 106: 145 HHP 201: 100 45 15 HHP 202: 64 32 4 HHP 203: 25 HHP 204: 55 19 1 HHP 205: 48 20 2 HHP 301: 50 HHP 302: 51.5 23 25.5 HHP 303: 63 37 HHP 304: 45 30 HHP 401: 50 HHP 402: 200 HHP 403: 0100* HHP 404: 0 Subtotals 304 292 209.5 0 – 100* 36 – 51* 116 90 200 22 25.5 50 Class Hours Lab / Independen
t Study Hours Clinical Hours TOTAL Clock Hours 5 345 430 325 250 See Class Descriptions Section for course details © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 30 Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) (formerly Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) The BHPP Diploma Program provides students with advanced training on the techniques of Polarity Therapy, which is founded on the teachings of Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND. Polarity Therapy is an integrative hands-on approach to restoring balance to the mind and body through complementary therapeutic methods, including: bodywork and self-help techniques, exercises and stretches, and energy balancing. Summary of Hours in the Board Certified Polarity Practitioner* (BCPP) Program Hours Course Components Type 160 APP All course hours include actual 640 BHPP* class time. Plus laboratory clinical hours. Graduation Requirements are not included in total hours 800 Total Hours 4 – 5 Semesters to complete (18 to 24 months) Required Classes: See Class Descriptions Section for details  Prerequisite: Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) (HHP 201)  Foundational Courses (100’s)  HHP 102 B – Theory  HHP 103 A – Anatomy & Physiology  HHP 103 B – Pathology  HHP 104 – Ethics and Supervision  BHPP Core Classes  BHPP 101  BHPP 102  BHPP 103  BHPP 104  BHPP 201  BHPP 202 
BHPP 203 BHPP 204 BHPP 301 BHPP 302 BHPP 303 BHPP 304 BHPP 401 BHPP 402 BHPP 403 BHPP 501 BHPP 502 BHPP 503 BHPP 504 BHPP 601 BHPP 602 BHPP 603 BHPP 604 BHPP 701 BHPP 702 BHPP 703 BHPP 704 BHPP 801 BHPP 802 BHPP 803 BHPP 804 BHPP 901 BHPP 902 BHPP 903 BHPP 904 BHPP 1001 BHPP 1002 BHPP 1003 Elective (25 Clock Hours) Required elective - HPP 205 Biodynamic Cranio Research Project (55 Clock Hours) Guided Clinicals (45) Practice Sessions (70) Personal Sessions (10) First Aid/CPR PHSIMHS Exam APTA: BCPP Exam, application and membership Biography, Resume, Professional Photo, Liability Insurance © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 31 Registered Polarity Practitioner Program & Training Overview BHPP Training Implementation All BHPP* students must have completed the prerequisite course of APP. APP graduates are eligible for BHPP training, but the programs may be taken concurrently upon approval of PHSIMHS. BHPP training consists of sixteen (16 months) levels which are completed in two-day modules and some 3 day modules, for a total of 435 in-class hours. Clinicals include 45 supervised clinical guided sessions and 70 sessions given outside of class. Each student must have ten (10) personal Polarity experiences given by a RPP or Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) or a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP). There is a specific module for Evaluation and a final project worth 55 credit hours and a required practicum. The final exam consists of testing in Polarity and Orthodox Anatomy. Graduation Requirements 1. Class Hours/Clinicals/Practice & Personal Sessions: All required coursework and student sessions must be completed in full prior to the student receiving their Diploma. Students will maintain a log tracking their class training hours, guided clinicals, practice and personal sessions to be submitted to PHSIMHS faculty upon completion of the program, including required documentation (course certificates, session evaluations and sign-off sheets). Completion of all in-class hours, all clinical, practice, personal sessions, homework and payoff of tuition is required for graduation and APTA certification. 2. Research Project/Elective: Approved Research Projects/Elective must be submitted upon completion of BHPP coursework. Any extensions must be approved in advance by the PHSIMHS Director. 3. Final Practicum/Exams: A written exam is required on the last weekend of BHPP training. 75% correct answers are required for a passing grade. Students who do not reach 75% will be required to re-take the final exam and achieve a passing grade before they will receive the course instructor’s sign-off to apply for APTA registration and BCPP Exam. 4. First Aid/CPR Certification: Students must be trained in First Aid/CPR and hold current certification prior to graduation. 5. Recommendations: Students must submit two (2) written recommendations from healthcare professionals who witnessed their work. 6. Bio/Resume/Photo: As part of their BHPP certification with APTA, an updated bio/resume and photo will be required. 7. APTA BHPP Exam: Graduates will be required to take this exam as long as they are a member in good standing with APTA. 8. Personal Liability Insurance: Graduating students will be required to obtain insurance coverage prior to starting their own Polarity practice. PHSIMHS can provide information on potential carriers. Additional Information  Students must maintain normal progress and check in with faculty & interns at every class level  BCPP Class is Nationally Registered by APTA.  APTA Membership and BCPP Exam are required.  Extra hours (beyond APTA standards) are required under PHSIMHS for state registration All hours are approved by the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) and follow the standards for education as developed by APTA. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 32 Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP*) Curriculum Hours APP Clock Hours Course Title Class
BCPP Clock Hours Lab
Class Lab
1) Theory & Basic Principles of Polarity 10
20 2) Anatomy & Physiology • Energy model • Orthodox model 10
20 90 3) Energetic Evaluation & Integration 10
40 4) Polarity Energetic Bodywork 50
100 5) Communication & Facilitation • Didactic Study • Guided Personal Exposure 5
15 70 6) Energetic Foods 5
20 7) Stretching Postures 5
20 8) Business Management & Promotion 9) Professional Ethics & Law 30 5
10) Clinical Supervision • Number of one-hour sessions given • Hours of guided feedback 10 30
11) Personal Polarity Experiences: Number of one-hour sessions received from BCPP/RPP 5
12) Electives 10
25 13) Project/Research Subtotals 110
Hours of actual class time 110
460 180
435 50
Hours clinical sessions given & received TOTAL HOURS 70
160 TOTAL BCPP/APP HOURS © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 180
640 800 P a g e | 33 Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) The HHB diploma program prepares the student for working with clients interested in wellness and holistic medicine on a professional bodywork level. HHB training provides the student with numerous bodywork modalities so they can become adept at providing bodywork services to clients to meet clients’ personal healthcare needs. HHB training consists of classes which are completed in two to three day modules, teleconference calls, and on-line classes. HHB is a focused diploma program that is a subset of the more extensive Holistic Health Professional (HHP) program. Summary of Hours in the Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) Program Hours Course Type Components 270 Foundational All course hours include actual class time 430 HHB Plus laboratory clinical hours 0 HHC 50 HHP Graduation Requirements are not included in total hours 750 Total Hours  Body-work focus, 750 Clock Hours Limited Scope of Practice  4 semesters to complete (16 - 28 months) Required Classes:  Foundational Courses (100’s)  HHP 101 – Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)  HHP 102 A – Discovering Energy (DE)  HHP 102 B – Theory  HHP 103 A – Anatomy & Physiology  HHP 103 B – Pathology  HHP 104 – Ethics and Supervision  HHP 105 – Expert Presentations (Call)  HHP 106 – BHPP Classes for the Holistic Health Diploma  BHPP 102  BHPP 104  BHPP 203  BHPP 204  BHPP 302 
HHP 106 Con’t  BHPP 303*  BHPP 304*  BHPP 903  BHPP 904 
HHB Core Block  HHP 201 – Associate Polarity Practitioner  HHP 202 – Elemental Reflexology  HHP 203 – Reiki Education  HHP 204 – Elemental Relaxation Massage  HHP 205 - Biodynamic Craniosacral Level 1 
HHB Completion & Graduation Requirements  HHP 401 – Mentoring  HHP 404 – Graduation Requirements, Condensed 
Monthly teleconferences (Diploma Program Orientation calls) First Tuesday of every month, all diploma program students are required to attend a teleconference from 8:00pm to 9:30pm Expanded scope of practice: For those students that desire to work in a corporate, hospital or similar environment, PHSIMHS recommends that the HHB student expand their curriculum to include the advanced communication classes listed below. The additional classes, as a group, are 50 clock hours. Additional Tuition & Fees apply. Add Additional Advanced Communication Classes: HHP 106 – BHPP Classes for the Holistic Health Diploma  BHPP 602  BHPP 603  BHPP 604  BHPP 803A  BHPP 803B  BHPP 804 © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 34 Holistic Health Bodyworker (HHB) Curriculum Hours Foundational Courses Holistic Health Bodyworker Core Courses Lab/Indepe
Class Clinical ndent Study Holistic Health Professional Core Courses Lab/Independ
Class Clinical ent Study Course Number: Class Lab/Indepen
dent Study Clinica
l HHP 101: 50 HHP 102 A 0 – 15* HHP 102 B 30 HHP 103 A 32 18 HHP 103 B 12 3 HHP 104: 15 5 5 HHP 105: 20 10 HHP 106: 70 HHP 201: 100 45 15 HHP 202: 64 32 4 HHP 203: 25 HHP 204: 55 19 1 HHP 205: 48 20 2 HHP 401: 50 HHP 402: 0 HHP 403: 0100* HHP 404: 0 Subtotals 229 292 0 – 100* 36 – 51* 116 0 22 50 Class Hours Lab / Independent Study Hours Clinical Hours TOTAL Clock Hours 5 270 430 50 See Class Descriptions Section for course details © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 35 Holistic Health Coach (HHC) The HHC focused diploma program prepares the student for working with clients interested in wellness and/or holistic medicine. Once the student has completed the HHC training they will be adept at coaching their clients in numerous Holistic Health approaches to health specifically utilizing foods and botanicals. HHC training consists of classes which are completed in two to three day modules, teleconference calls, and on-line classes. HHC is a focused diploma program that is a subset of the more extensive Holistic Health Professional (HHP) program. HHC training consists of classes which are completed in two to three day modules, teleconference calls, and on-line classes. Summary of Hours in the Holistic Health Coach (HHC) Program Hours Course Type Components 285 Foundational All course hours include actual class time 0 HHB Plus laboratory clinical hours 325 HHC 50 HHP Graduation Requirements are not included in total hours 660 Total Hours  Educator/Consulting focus, 660 Clock Hours Limited Scope of Practice  4 semesters to complete (16 – 28 months) Required Classes:  Foundational Courses (100’s)  HHP 101 – Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)  HHP 102 A – Discovering Energy (DE)  HHP 102 B – Theory  HHP 103 A – Anatomy & Physiology  HHP 103 B – Pathology  HHP 104 – Ethics and Supervision  HHP 105 – Expert Presentations  HHP 106 – BHPP Classes for the Holistic Health Diploma  BHPP 102  BHPP 104  BHPP 203 
BHPP 204 BHPP 302 BHPP 403 BHPP 404 BHPP 702 BHPP 802 BHPP 903 BHPP 904  HHC Core Block (300’s)  HHP 301 – Aromatherapy  HHP 302 – Herbal Education  HHP 303 – Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach  HHP 304 – Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy  HHB Completion & Graduation Requirements  HHP 401 – Mentoring  HHP 404 – Graduation Requirements, Condensed  Monthly teleconferences (Diploma Program Orientation calls) First Tuesday of every month, all diploma program students are required to attend a teleconference from 8:00pm to 9:30pm Expanded scope of practice: For those students that desire to work in a corporate, hospital or similar environment, PHSIMHS recommends that the HHC student expand their curriculum to include the advanced communication classes listed below. The additional classes, as a group, are 50 clock hours. Additional Tuition & Fees apply. Add Additional Advanced Communication Classes: HHP 106 – BHPP Classes for the Holistic Health Diploma  BHPP 602  BHPP 603  BHPP 604  BHPP 803A  BHPP 803B  BHPP 804
© 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 36 Holistic Health Coach (HHC) Curriculum Hours Holistic Health Coach Core Courses Foundational Courses Course Number: Class HHP 101: 50 HHP 102 A 0 – 15* HHP 102 B 30 HHP 103 A 32 18 HHP 103 B 12 HHP 104: Holistic Health Professional Core Courses Class Lab/Indepen
dent Study Clinical 3 15 5 5 HHP 105: 20 10 HHP 106: 85 HHP 301: 50 HHP 302: 51.5 23 25.5 HHP 303: 63 37 HHP 304: 45 30 HHP 401: 50 HHP 402: HHP 403: 0100* 0 HHP 404: 0 Subtotals Class Hours 244 209.5 0 – 100* Lab / Independent Study Hours 36 – 51* 90 0 Clinical Hours 25.5 50 TOTAL Clock Hours Lab/Indepe
Clinical ndent Study 5 285 Class Lab/Indepe Clinica
ndent Study l 325 50 See Class Descriptions Section for course details © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 37 Certificate Certifications  Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP)  Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (Cranio)  Corporate Wellness Coach (CWC)  Elemental Reflexology™ (ER)  Elemental Relaxation Massage (RM)  Energetic Systems Integration: Sound Therapy (ESI)  Herbal Education (Herb)  Holistic Health Advisor (HHA)  Reiki Education (Reiki) © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 38 Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) 160 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 201) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: APP training teaches the basics of Polarity Therapy, an energy-based modality that integrates ancient Ayurvedic principles and was developed by Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND. Polarity is an integrative hands-on approach to restoring balance to the mind and body. It restores harmony through complementary therapeutic methods including: bodywork techniques, guidance in Polarity exercises and stretches, energetic foods, preventative and self-help techniques, and energy balancing. APP course includes: Theory and Basic Principles of Polarity Energy Systems, Anatomy and Physiology, Energetic Evaluation and Integration, Polarity Energetic Bodywork, Communication and Facilitation, Energetic Food Awareness, Stretching Postures, Business Management and Promotion, Professional Ethics and Law, Clinical Practice Sessions, Clinical Guided Sessions, Personal Sessions. Class hours are comprised of the following: Level I Intro A & Intro B, Level II Ether & Air, Level III Fire A & Fire B and Level IV Forms, Water & Earth. NOTE: APP is the first required class for entry/start into HHP unless otherwise advised. OBJECTIVES: APP students will receive an overview of the theory and basic principles of Polarity Therapy, including balancing the Ayurvedic elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth; anatomy and physiology (energy-based and orthodox); energetic food awareness; stretching postures; communication and facilitation; as well as energetic evaluation and assessment skills. APP Polarity-based bodywork training includes a focus on: 
Breathing and stretching Techniques 
Reflex Points 
Integrated Energy Release Protocols 
Stress Release Work  Pressure Sensitive Touch Based on Energy Flow In addition, APP students will receive training on integrating allopathic and holistic practices; business management and promotion; professional ethics and law to help them establish a Polarity Therapy practice. COURSE OVERVIEW: 
In‐Class Hours: 115 - consisting of four levels, completed in 2 two-day modules and 3 three-day module. 
Clinicals/Practice Session Requirements: Students will be required to give fifteen (15) supervised guided clinical sessions and thirty (30) practice sessions outside of class. All required guided clinicals and practice sessions must be completed in order to receive a certificate for the course. 
Personal Sessions: Students must also have five (5) personal Polarity experiences given by a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner (BCPP) or Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP). Cost of these personal sessions are not included in tuition fees but paid directly to the practitioner. 
APP Level Evaluations: Written evaluation is given to each student at each APP level to be completed by the next level. This evaluation shall be reviewed by the faculty in class at the following level. 
APP Final Exam: A written exam is required on the last weekend of class. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 39 Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (Cranio) 300 Clock Hours (CST 101) (HHP – 205 level 1) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy finds its roots over a hundred years ago in the pioneering work of Dr. William G. Sutherland, the founder of cranial osteopathy. He was inspired by a vision that the core physiology of the human system is like a respiratory system exhibiting cycles of expansion and contraction that can be palpated by sensitive practitioners. Based on his detailed research and clinical observations, he concluded that this rhythmic movement is an expression of what he called the “Breath of Life,” a manifestation of bioenergy transmuted into the cerebrospinal fluids and then conveyed into the whole fluid body of the human being. OBJECTIVES: 
Building on Dr. Sutherland’s pioneering teachings, Rollin Becker, DO, later defined this bioenergy of health as “biodynamic” energy. He recognized the inherent capacity of the bioenergy system of the human body to reorganize itself into a healthier expression of form, function, and motion and described the energetic dynamics that effect these changes. He developed clinical approaches to support the unfolding of what he called an “Inherent Treatment Plan” that expresses the intentions of an Inherent Health to resolve inertial or conditioned forces. 
COURSE OVERVIEW: Students attending this training will receive a didactic and experiential introduction and development of the theory, skills and practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) as currently articulated by Franklyn Sills and supported by the Standards of Practitioner Competencies approved by the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America. The origins and distinguishing features of BCST The core principles (Holism, Inherent Health and Treatment Plan, the Dynamics of Bioenergy in the Human System, How the Bioenergy Manages the Holistic Experience of Shock, and The Present Moment as Resource). The role of the relational field in the healing process. Understandings of anatomy and physiology particularly related to: the Primary Respiratory System, dural to facial continuity, nervous system conductivity, fluid dynamics, and structural aspects of the midline. The phenomena and organizing forces of Health: midline dynamics, natural fulcrums/inertial fulcrums, and the multiple levels of the bi-phasic expression of primary respiration (the cranial rhythmic impulse, the mid-tide, the long-tide, and Dynamic Stillness) The cultivation of perceptual skills needed to recognize and support the unfolding of the healing process in sessions The elements and progression of the Inherent Treatment Plan in a session The scope of practice as defined by the core principles and phenomenology of BCST 
8 months as 126 class hours: Level I = 2 weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun) 3 days Level II = 3 weekends (Sat & Sun) 2days Level III = 2 weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun) 3 days 
36 hrs In-Class clinical hours 
45 Practice Sessions 
87 Homework – Study hours 
6 Sessions with a Registered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST) HHP- 205 = Level 1 – 6 days © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 40 Bioenergetic Health Practitioner (BHP) 2. Explain and demonstrate how information modulates the genes (described by the science of epigenetics) and why field theory is needed to explain the body's control system beyond the DNA control system. 3. Understand why the body runs on a dual information system utilizing the connective tissue matrix, and why the nervous system alone cannot adequately explain how movement in the body occurs with precise and instant coordination. 4. Understand how the body produces, and how it can be encouraged to produce, its own healing messages. 5. Explain and demonstrate how certain types of disease occur or are spread via mechanisms that go beyond the traditional theories of viral or micro-organism transmission. 6. Gain competent information of the unique relations among feelings, emotional stress and shock may powerfully contribute to, or underlie, the disease processes. 7. How to choose the Bioenergetic system and biotechnology that best suits you and your clinical focus or career path. (Energy diagnostics and treatments, Electrodermal screening, and Bioresonance) 450 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (BHP 101) ABOUT THE PROGRAM The program explores the cutting edge science and research into bioenergetics, bio-informational approaches to health and well-being, biology, and physics and how these disciplines intersect. Bioenergetic Healthcare is an approach that bridges the worlds of conventional and complementary healthcare. In its conventional use, it is an approach that harnesses energy and information fields via technologies such as MRIs and other imaging systems, to activate and detect structures in the body on physical, molecular and bioelectrical levels. In the world of complementary medicine, Bioenergetics is taken further to include fields of energy and information that underlie the physical body and that may even control all physiological functioning – what is called a human biofield or bodyfield. This 450 hour certificate certification program was developed as a collaboration between leading international experts including doctors, scientists, practitioners such as Harry Massey and the presenters and authors featured in the documentary film The
Living Matrix. The program explains how information modulates the genes (described by the science of epigenetics) and why field theory is needed to explain the body's control system beyond the DNA control system. Information presented will explain how the body produces, and how it can be encouraged to produce, its own healing messages. OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand how cells require 'source energy' as well as traditional fuels such as sugars and fats, and how clients can be helped to optimize source energy. COURSE OVERVIEW: The BHP program consists of on-line self-study and readings, teleconferences, and live on-site training. 
300 hours home-study and reading assignments 
30 hours teleconference / expert calls 
55 hour on site, hands-on training in two (2) 5 day live seminars. All candidates must complete the interview process with PHSIMHS administration/faculty and Director before acceptance. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 41 Elemental Reflexology™ (ER) 100 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 202) ABOUT THE PROGRAM:
Reflexology is a system of applying pressure to certain “reflex areas” on the hands, feet or ears that correspond to organs, glands and other parts of the body to help heal the whole person not just prevailing symptoms. Elemental Reflexology™, integrates the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing with the modern energetic principles of Polarity Therapy developed by Randolph Stone, DO, DC, ND. This class integrates the ancient art of Ayurvedic reflexology with the modern energetic principles of Polarity. It teaches the specific elemental reflex points on the feet and their correlation to the elements. Students learn specific balancing techniques which, when applied to acupressure/energy points, will balance the elements and promote relaxation. Students will also learn to identify which elements are out of balance through assessing the elemental reflex points and become proficient in Elemental ReflexologyTM assessment. Level I Intro A & Intro B, Level II Ether & Air, Level III Fire A & Fire B and Level IV Water & Earth. OBJECTIVES:
To understand the basic physical, mental and emotional components of the Ayurvedic element system (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth)  To identify general muscle areas, organ locations and basic body physiology as they relate to the elements and their correlation to specific elemental reflex points on the feet  To understand the inner connection of the body, through the science of body reflexes  To learn specific reflexology techniques that will balance the elements and promote relaxation  To learn foot exercise that will promote balance in walking and foot balance  To become a competent practitioners who will be able to educate individuals on holistic and preventative healthcare COURSE OVERVIEW: 68 in-class hours consisting of four levels, to be completed in two-day modules scheduled one weekend for four months. Clinicals / Practice Session Requirements: Students will be required to give six (6) supervised guided clinical sessions and forty-five (45) practice sessions outside of class (documented and turned in after each level). All required guided clinicals and practice sessions must be completed in order to receive a certificate for the course. Personal Sessions: Students must also have two (2) personal Elemental Reflexology™ experiences given by a certified practitioner. The cost of these personal sessions are not included in tuition fees and will be paid by the student directly to the practitioner at the time of each session. Evaluation: Competency evaluations, in-class supervision, guided practice sessions, and verbal Q&A in class  To be able to assess where tension is being held in the body according to the elemental reflexology information and to identify what elements are out of balance © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 42 Elemental Relaxation Massage 150 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 204) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This program teaching the scope of practice for Relaxation massage vs. Therapeutic, basic relaxation massage techniques for 15 minutes, 30 and 60 minute relaxation massage using a chair and bodywork table. Participants will learn proper draping of the client, use of lotion or oils and universal precautions of hygiene, contraindications and precautions when performing relaxation massage. Also covered are body mechanics and self-care techniques designed to promote practitioner well-being, basic anatomy and physiology as it relates to general muscle areas and general landmarks and organ locations in the body. This course teaches students a basic understanding of simple massage protocols to be used to provide relaxation and stress relief. Our curriculum focuses on both teaching basic anatomy and physiology as it applies to muscles and the human skeleton and how they move in the body. The program provides step-bystep demonstration and guidance by seasoned licensed massage professionals with hands-on practice time provided in the classroom and required documented practice time outside of the classroom. OBJECTIVES: 
To understand that the body’s own healing system works optimally when in a relaxed state, as well as the benefits of stress reduction and relaxation To identify basic anatomy and physiology as it relates to general muscle areas, organs and other landmarks of the body 
To identify proper draping techniques, the types of strokes used and the application of lotions or oils during as relaxation massage session 
Learn the blending of Relaxation massage and the Polarity Elements to release energy blocks and assess based on energy blocks. 
To understand contraindications and precautions before performing relaxation massage 
To learn body mechanics and self-care techniques designed to promote practitioner well-being 
To understand basic business operations and ethics for your practice COURSE OVERVIEW: 
67 hours in-class sessions consisting of four levels, to be completed in 8 hour day modules scheduled one weekend per month for four months 
10 hours Anatomy and Physiology home study 
18 hours reading / home study assignments 
10 Clinical practice sessions 
6 hours of completion / credentialing 
Practice Sessions at Home: Students will be required to perform 40 documented home practice sessions, which must be completed to obtain course certificate. 
Evaluations: Quizzes at the end of each class and a final examination To learn relaxation massage techniques that can be performed in a straight-back chair, wheelchair, ergonomically-designed chair, or massage table for time periods of 15, 30 or 60 minutes © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 43 Energetic Systems Integration™: Sound Therapy (ESI) 75 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 304) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: The ESI program focuses on sound and color, and their vibrational relationships to the Ayurvedic elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth) and the body. Students will learn how to use tuning forks, chakra balancing, vibrational tones, and the musical scale to restore balance in the body and bring it into harmony and resolution. OBJECTIVES: COURSE OVERVIEW: 
45 in-class hours which include supervised clinical applications, to be completed in two three-day modules scheduled one weekend for two months 
20 hours of home practice sessions (documented and turned in after each level) - 15 hours with clients; 5 hours self-help. All required practice sessions and supervised clinicals must be completed in order to receive a certificate for the course. 
To understand the inner connections of the body through the science of vibration 
To learn scientific principles relating to sound, light and frequency 10 hours research: 1-2 projects to be typed up and submitted to the course instructor 
To study basic body physiology as related to energetic systems and vibrations Evaluation: Competency evaluations, in-class supervision and verbal Q&A in class 
To understand the physical, mental and emotional components of the body’s energy system including the chakras 
To learn basic balancing techniques using toning, tuning forks and colors to reduce stress and promote relaxation 
To learn basic reflex points on the body that can be accessed using tuning forks 
To become a competent practitioner who will be able to educate individuals on holistic and preventative healthcare © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 44 Herbal Education (Herbals) 100 Clock Hours Certificate Certification Program (HHP 302) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This program will provide students with an understanding of herbs and how they work to be able to discuss herbal treatments with clients. Classes will include hands-on experience with making herbal preparations, such as teas and infusions. Through an understanding of Indian and Chinese perspectives, students will gain an appreciation of the Ayurvedic elemental aspects and uses of herbs. This class familiarizes students in the use of herbs beginning with a study of the history of this modality. Students will gain an appreciation of the elemental aspects of herbs plus their specific historical usage. The basic knowledge will include instruction on the chemical makeup, classification, usage, and identification of plants. Students will learn the art of blending herbs as teas, tinctures, oils and salves for specific energetic imbalances. An emphasis will be placed on the safe use of herbs, including drug interactions. Students will also be educated in the ethical and legal aspects of Herbal practice. Specific Internships for more advanced work are available with faculty. Class hours are comprised of Levels A through I in four weekends of two days each. OBJECTIVES: This program will help students become acquainted with the history and nature of herbs, including: 
Chemical make-up, classification and specific actions of plants 
Safe vs. unsafe herbs, her-drug interactions. 
Using and buying herbs and the standardization debate 
External and internal uses of herbs 
The overall uses of herbs for different elemental imbalances, which will be acquired through the study and practice of assessment aspects and case studies 
Herbs from the perspective of Ayurveda, Polarity Therapy, and Chinese Medicine. 
The safe application of herbs through the art of blending as teas, tinctures, oils, and salves. 
Ethics and legal aspects of Herbology and its legal scope of practice COURSE OVERVIEW: 
51.5 in-class hours consisting of three levels, to be completed in two-day modules scheduled one weekend per month for four months 
Three field trips—22 hours 
Home Study / Practicum—25.5 hours 
One personal session with faculty 
Evaluation: Competency evaluations, in-class supervision and verbal Q&A in class © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 45 Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) 50 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 101) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: HHA is a self-driven online training program designed to train Nurses, Physicians, Allied Health Practitioners, Mental Health Practitioners, Registered Dieticians, Human Resources and Benefits Administrators, and any other registered or licensed healthcare practitioner to become competent and effective as a Holistic Healthcare Advisor. OBJECTIVES: 
To understand basic Holistic Health approaches to wellness including principles, processes and procedures To effectively recommend Holistic Health and Complementary Alternative Medicine (HH/CAM) services that are the most beneficial and specific for the symptoms or condition (at least 30 different modalities described) 
To identify and work with competent Holistic Health practitioners or providers 
To be able to communicate and set action steps to implement HH/CAM modalities with the Holistic Health Practitioner COURSE OVERVIEW: 
50 hours online self‐driven training, which can completed within a 4 to 12 week timeframe (depending on time devoted to the lessons and readings); students will have a maximum of 12 months to complete the training modules 
5 self-driven PowerPoint lectures 
12 informative videos explaining and demonstrating Holistic Health modalities 
Course workbook of PowerPoint lessons and readings 
Quick reference guide to conditions and suggested modalities 
Detailed resource manual (defining at least 30 different Holistic Health modalities) Upon completion of the program, a Holistic Health Advisor (HHA) will have the skills to: 1. Review HH/CAM treatment requests and complete a basic intake/assessment 2. Provide current information on HH/CAM protocols and procedures to employees/clients 3. Monitor HH/CAM costs and quality of care 4. Be effective in recommending appropriate HH/CAM services for: A. Early intervention (assessment) B. Intervention (selecting the appropriate modality) C. Prevention/self-help for sustainable health 5. Learn to build lasting relationships with HH/CAM clients and practitioners to continue preventive practices for wellness and sustained health. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 46 Reiki Education 25 Clock Hours ‐ Certificate Certification Program (HHP 203) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing which is administered by “laying on of hands” and is based on the idea that life force energy flows through us. If this energy is low, a person will be more likely to get sick or feel stressed, and if it is high, they will be more capable of happiness and health. Reiki creates beneficial effects like relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. It can be used in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery. The ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student through an “attunement” by a Reiki Master Teacher, which allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of life force energy. During this course, three levels of “attunements” are given to bring the student to the Master Level of Reiki. In addition to classes, students practice Reiki during offsite practice sessions and on clients in a faculty-monitored clinical environment. OBJECTIVES: 
To understand the philosophy of Reiki and the conscious use of Reiki energy for total physical and mental relaxation 
To learn non-invasive on and off-body Japanese Reiki balancing techniques to increase the flow of universal energy to promote relaxation and reduce stress 
To learn and become proficient in Reiki attunements, symbols, meditations and guided visualizations 
To be able to assess when Reiki is needed with the help of body energy scanning techniques 
To understand how to balance physical, mental and emotional components of the human system with the help of aura and chakra balancing 
To learn business and communication skills necessary for becoming a Reiki practitioner/teacher COURSE OVERVIEW: 
Reiki I and II—3 days; Advance Reiki Training—2 days; Master Reiki Training—3 days 
25 hours in-class sessions 
Evaluations: Practice and practicum work; verbal and written Q&As; group discussions © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 47 Continuing Education  Professional Holistic Health Teacher Training (PHHT)  Aromatherapy (Aroma)  Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach (Detox)  Discovering Energy & Theory: Science of Energy Medicine  Ethics & Supervision © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 48 Professional Holistic Health Teacher Training (PHHT)  500 – 1500 Clock Hours TBA Personal Focus, designed and arranged with advisor and faculty  Aromatherapy  Associate Polarity Practitioner*  Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy**  Detoxification & Energetic Foods  Elemental Reflexology  Energetic Systems Integration (Sound)  Herbal Education  Registered Polarity Educator (RPE)*  Reiki  Standards 1. 3 intern rounds of selected focus (3 complete classes above initial training)  Round 1 – Observation, classroom assistant  Round 2 – Observation, classroom assistant, demonstration, classroom assistant  Round 3 – Student Teaching, Demonstration assistant, classroom assistant 2. Written review of intern experience 3. Curriculum Development Project 4. Research Project 5. 2 rounds of junior faculty 6. 2 complete classes of focus 7. Junior faculty to teach while senior faculty observes  Pre-Requisites  One (1) diploma from PHSIMHS – HHC, HHB, HHBR or RPP/BCPP  Application & Essay  Personal Interview with Advisor/Faculty  All licenses, certifications & insurance kept current (must keep practitioner status)  Additional credentials may be required in some situations for adherence to the laws of the State of Ohio. See advisor for complete details. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 49 Aromatherapy (Aroma) 50 Clock Hours (HHP 301) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Aromatherapy utilizes concentrated extracts, also known as essential oils, from plants for healing. These essential oils are derived from the roots, leaves or blossoms of various plants. Each oil contains active ingredients which determine its healing properties such as the relief of swelling, fighting fungal infections, or enhancing relaxation and physical well-being. This program will study the history and applications of Aromatherapy, including case studies, blending, research methods, and the overall use of essential oils. Students will learn how Aromatherapy can be applied for specific imbalances and working with clients. In addition to classes, students will practice on each other and clients as part of their training. This course is open to all interested students, and is a core course for the Holistic Health Professional (HHP) and Holistic Health Coach (HHC) diploma programs. OBJECTIVES: Students will receive an overview of the science of Aromatherapy including: 
The origin, history and medicinal values of Aromatherapy 
Understanding Aromatherapy as it relates to the basic Ayurvedic elements of Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth 
Blending and creating oil formulations 
The suggested uses of essential oils for healing and relaxation COURSE OVERVIEW: 
In‐Class Hours: 50 - consisting of six levels, completed in two three-day modules. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 50 Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach (Detox) 100 Clock Hours (HHP 303) ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Students will learn how the body, through environmental factors, foods and personal habits can become toxic. Chronic conditions as a result of body toxicity will be discussed, including signs and symptoms of toxic overload. The course will focus on providing students with an awareness of different detoxification programs, their benefits or dangers and when they are beneficial to facilitate healing. Professional experts will present various systems of detoxification for educational purposes, including lymphatic detox. Students will gain an appreciation and understanding of sprouting, juicing and green living food, and may have a chance to personally experience detox systems. COURSE OVERVIEW: 
63 in-class hours consisting of two levels, which are completed in two three-day modules 
37 hours of home-study reading and assignments This course is open to all interested students, and is a core course for the Holistic Health Professional (HHPr) and Holistic Health Coach (HHC) diploma programs OBJECTIVES: Students will receive an overview of: 
Effective wellness assessment, approaches, understanding and researching wellness 
Lymphatic balance, detoxification (physical, mental, emotional), understanding toxicity, 
Cleansing systems, health building systems, energetic foods, juicing for health, 
System approach for clients and consumers and systems for implementation © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 51 Discovering Energy and Theory Ethics and Supervision 45Total Clock Hours (HHP 103 A & 103 B) This class will explore the science of energy, concepts of energy medicine, quantum physics, and related energetic anatomy. The research on energy fields and polarity and health and healing will be a focus. The history of tracing of energy as a healthcare system will be reviewed, as well as looking at the future of energy medicine and healing. COURSE OVERVIEW: 25 Total Clock Hours (HHP 104) This course focuses on the Professional ethics and code of conduct for a Holistic Health practitioner. Topics covered include understanding the scope of practice and when to refer out to another professional, boundaries, trust , confidentiality, dual relationships, intimacy., power, vulnerabilities and unethical behavior. COURSE OVERVIEW: 
30 teleconferencing hours in-class sessions consisting of 15 teleconferences 
Teleconferences are held once per month for two hours 
15 Home-study Hours. Students will receive electronic materials for Discovering Energy including 12 hours of recorded audio lecture, class manual and materials. 
15 hours in-class sessions consisting of 3 levels, which are completed in three one-day modules scheduled over two months. 
5 Clinical hours consisting of Professional and Peer Supervision 
5 Project hours. Topic assigned by faculty. Presentation to be given to the class with a partner. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 52 Class Descriptions  HHP Classes  BHPP Classes © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 53 HHP Class Descriptions Overview: 100’s = Foundational Courses 200’s = Bodywork Courses 300’s = Coaching Courses 400’s = Diploma Requirements HHP—101: Holistic Health Advisor 50 Total Clock Hours, Online A self-driven online training program designed to train the participants to become effective as a Holistic Healthcare (HH) Advisor in recommending HH services. Students will gain an understanding of the basic principles of at least 30 different Holistic Health Modalities. The program covers definitions, demonstrations and typical session information; information on body systems and conditions influenced; how to measure results and locate competent trained practitioners. HHP— 102 A & B: Discovering Energy and Theory 30 Total Clock Hours, Teleconference & Home‐Study This class will explore the science of energy, concepts of energy medicine, quantum physics, and related energetic anatomy. The research on energy fields and polarity and health and healing will be a focus. The history of tracing of energy as a healthcare system will be reviewed, as well as looking at the future of energy medicine and healing. HHP— 103 –A: Anatomy / Physiology 50 Total Clock Hours, Online An online course through Universal Class. Anatomy includes instruction on all major anatomy systems and their physiological interactions with each other. The human body, cellular structure and metabolism. Major systems of Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Nutrition and the Digestive System, Respiratory, Urinary, and Reproductive. *Please note that anatomy requirements for RPP/BCPP are different* HHP — 103– B: Pathology 15 Total Clock Hours, Teleconference (Students FIRST must complete the Anatomy / Physiology HHP-103 before beginning this course) This course includes instruction on all major anatomy systems and their physiological interactions with each other. Special emphasis will be placed on musculature and skeletal systems, and in communicating physical symptoms to Western practitioners. HHP— 104: Ethics and Supervision 25 Total Clock Hours This course focuses on the Professional ethics and code of conduct for a Holistic Health practitioner. Topics covered include: understanding the scope of practice and when to refer out to another professional, boundaries, trust, confidentiality, dual relationships, intimacy, power, vulnerabilities and unethical behavior. HHP — 105: Expert Presentations 30 Total Clock Hours, Teleconference These are two hour teleconference mentoring classes once every three to four weeks at which time a subject related to Holistic Health will be discussed. During the teleconferences, Experts and top Holistic Health practitioners will be guest speakers. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 54 HHP – 106:BHPP Classes for HHPs *See BHPP Class Descriptions for Complete Details 
BHPP 102: Advanced Chakra Work I 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 104: Advanced Chakra Work II 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 203: Energetic Evaluation I and Energetic Communication I. 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 204: Energetic Communication II 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 302: Energetic Communication III 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 303: Energetic Foods I: Principles 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 304: Energetic Foods II: Principles 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 403: Energetic Foods III: Principles 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 404: Energetic Foods IV: Principles 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 602: Energetic Evaluation II 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 603: Energetic Evaluation III 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 604: Energetic Evaluation IV 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 702: Energetic Food Awareness V 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 703: Energetic Food Awareness VI 7.6 Clock Hours BHPP 802: Energetics of Cancer and Complementary Healing Solutions. 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 803 A: Energetic Communication IV— Practicum 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 803 B: Applied Practice & Energetic Communication V 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 804: Communication VI 7.5 Clock Hours BHPP 903: Marketing and Positive Energetic Business Practices I 8.75 Clock Hours BHPP 904: Marketing and Positive Energetic Business Practices II 8.75 Clock Hours HHP—201: Associate Polarity Practitioner (APP) 160 Total Clock Hours APP course includes: Theory and Basic Principles of Polarity Energy Systems, Anatomy and Physiology, Energetic Evaluation and Integration, Polarity Energetic Bodywork, Communication and Facilitation, Energetic Food Awareness, Stretching Postures, Business Management and Promotion, Professional Ethics and Law, Clinical Practice Sessions, Clinical Guided Sessions, Personal Sessions. Class hours are comprised of the following: Level I Intro A & Intro B, Level II Ether & Air, Level III Fire A & Fire B and Level IV Forms, Water & Earth. HHP— 202: Elemental Reflexology TM 100 Total Clock Hours This class integrates the ancient art of Ayurvedic reflexology with the modern energetic principles of Polarity. It teaches the specific elemental reflex points on the feet and their correlation to the elements. Students learn specific balancing techniques which, when applied to acupressure/energy points, will balance the elements and promote relaxation. Students will also learn to identify which elements are out of balance through assessing the elemental reflex points and become proficient in Elemental Reflexology™ assessment. Level I Intro A & Intro B, Level II Ether & Air, Level III Fire A & Fire B and Level IV Water & Earth. HHP—203: Reiki Education 25 Total Clock Hours This class comprises 25 credit hours through our approved certificate program in the State of Ohio. Reiki Training can be completed in three months of classes and practice sessions. In addition to three levels of Reiki attunements, students will obtain an understanding of the use of Reiki symbols and will learn Japanese techniques. Class hours are comprised of Level I Reiki I & II, Level II Advanced Training and Level III Master training. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 55 HHP—204: Elemental Relaxation Massage 150 Total Clock Hours This program teaches the scope of practice for Relaxation massage vs. Therapeutic massage. The student will also learn basic relaxation massage techniques for 15, 30, and 60 minute sessions. Participants practice giving massages using both chair and massage tables. Students will learn proper draping of the client, use of lotion or oils, proper hygiene practices, contraindications, and precautions when performing relaxation massage. Also covered are body mechanics and self-care techniques designed to promote practitioner well-being. Basic anatomy and physiology as it relates to general muscle areas and general landmarks and organ locations in the body are covered as well. ethical and legal aspects of Herbal practice. Specific Internships for more advanced work are available with faculty. Class hours are comprised of Levels A through I in three weekends of three days each. HHP— 303: Detoxification: Holistic Wellness Approach 100 Total Clock Hours Students will learn how the body, through environmental factors, foods and personal habits can become toxic. Chronic conditions as a result of body toxicity will be discussed, including signs and symptoms of toxic overload. Awareness of different detoxification programs, their benefits or dangers and when they are beneficial to facilitate healing will be discussed. Professional experts will present various systems of detoxification for educational purposes, including lymphatic detox. Experts will provide instruction on various techniques on raw foods preparation for educational purposes. Students will gain an HHP— 301: Aromatherapy appreciation and understanding of sprouting, juicing, 50 Total Clock Hours HHP and green living foods. Students are encouraged to This class will study the history of aromatherapy and all personally experience detox systems. its applications. Case studies, blending, research methods, and overall use of aromatherapy will be discussed. Client use and uses of aromatherapy for HHP— 304: Energetic Systems Integration TM specific imbalances will be reviewed. Upon completion 75 Total Clock Hours of this course, students will receive state certificate of This class focuses on sound and color, and their certification. vibrational relationships to the Ayurvedic elements and the body. Students learn how to use tuning forks, chakra balancing, vibrational tones and the musical HHP— 302: Herbal Education scale to restore balance in the body and bring it into 100 Total Clock Hours harmony and resolution. Students will conduct ten This class familiarizes students in the use of herbs hours of research as part of this class. In addition to beginning with a study of the history of this modality. classes, students practice bodywork during off-campus Students will gain an appreciation of the elemental practice sessions in a faculty-monitored clinical setting. aspects of herbs plus their specific historical usage. Classes are held at both our Columbus and The basic knowledge will include instruction on the Cleveland/Akron Campuses. This class is a required chemical makeup, classification, usage, and course of study for the HHP Program, but is also open to identification of plants. Students will learn the art of the general public so other interested students may blending herbs as teas, tinctures, oils and salves for apply for acceptance into this training program. Class specific energetic imbalances. An emphasis will be hours are comprised of Levels A through F in two placed on the safe use of herbs, including drug weekends of three days each. interactions. Students will also be educated in the © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 56 HHP— 401: Mentoring 50 Total Clock Hours Mentoring student with advisor approval Students will do Mentoring with Faculty or Experienced Practitioner in their field of focus. This must be preapproved by a PHSIMHS Student Advisor or the PHSIMHS Director. HHP— 402: Externship 200 Total Clock Hours Students will do externships in a prearranged Holistic Health Center with professional practitioners who offer a Holistic approach to healthcare. The practitioners can be medical doctors (MD’s), osteopaths (DO’s,) chiropractors (DC’s), naturopaths (ND’s) or those in any other center pre-approved by an PHSIMHS Student Advisor that offers established services in Holistic Health in conjunction with or in lieu of allopathic services. HHP— 403: Electives / Transfer *0 – 100 Total Clock Hours Students may transfer up to 100 hours of electives from a PHSIMHS-approved course provider. These will be the only transferrable hours approved for HHP. The other 400 in-class credit hours must be taken within the HHP core courses and specialty courses. The 300 hours of internship, teleconference (expert calls) classes and mentoring are not transferrable. HHP— 404: Graduation Requirements *0 Total Clock Hours The final evaluation includes oral and written presentations of class projects, review of externship and course logs, and review of all clinical and practice sessions completed. Other Graduation Requirements  Application for graduation (fee due at time of submission)  Graduation presentation (Colloquium/ Symposium) 1. Oral presentation 2. Written Paper / PowerPoint Presentation 3. Q & A from Faculty  Intern Experiences - Written Review  First Aid/CPR Certification (to be arranged and completed by student)  Professional Liability Insurance  Current Bio, Resume and Picture  Certificates - APP from APTA  Two Official written recommendations from healthcare professionals who witnessed their work © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 57 BHPP Class Descriptions BHPP 101: Advanced Chakra Work I  Description of Centers  Functions of Chakras  Auric Bodies  Chakras and Polarity Principle  Chakra Assessment  Pendulum Work  Chakra Body Work  Chakra Protocol BHPP 102: Advanced Chakra Work II  Description of Centers  Functions of Chakras  Auric Bodies  Chakras and Polarity Principle  Chakra Assessment  Pendulum Work  Chakra Body Work BHPP 103: Advanced Air Principles I / Advanced Energetics of Brachial Plexus (Energetic Touch Sessions)  Demonstration  Practice  Related Anatomy  Neutral- Negative Pole Balance  Energetic Touch Sessions  Practice/Practicum  Work in Groups of Three, One Observes and Gives Verbal Input BHPP 104: Advanced Air Principles II  Energetics of Parasympathetic Nervous System  Energetic Air Integration Protocols (Positive, Neutral, Negative Pole Balance)  Dr. Stone’s Chart Analysis  Related Energetic Anatomy  Polarity Principles of Sattvic Concepts  Integration of Energetics of the Nervous System (Geometric Relationship) BHPP 201: Advanced Fire Principles I  Energetics of Sympathetic Nervous System  Energetic Fire Integration Protocols (Positive, Neutral, Negative Pole Balance)  Dr. Stone’s Chart Analysis  Related Energetic Anatomy  Polarity Principles of Rajasic Concepts  Interlaced Triangles  Vital Relationships  Projection/Reflection BHPP 202: Advanced Fire Principles II  Negative Pole Balance  Energetic Touch Sessions  Advanced Energetics of Digestion  Basic Energetic Touch Session  Practice/Practicum  Work in Groups of Three, One Observes and Gives Verbal Input © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 58 BHPP 203: Energetic Evaluation I & Energetic Communication I  An Overview of Energy Communication  Causes of Disease Conditions from an Energetic Perspective  The Energetic Phases Between Health and Disease  Assessment Guidelines  Energetic Patterns/Communicating Patterns  Overall Energetic Assessment of Client  Energetic Assessment of Conversation: Speech Patterns, Change in Affect, Key Words & Phrases, Questions, Lifestyle Energy  Listening and Communicating via the Elements BHPP 204: Energetic Communication II  An Overview of Energy (continued)  Client Values  Listening to the Elements  Reflective Listening BHPP 301: Advanced Ether Principles  Energetics of Creating Space  Sattvic Concepts  Ether as Neutral Balance  Energetic Balance of Head, Neck, Forehead, Eyes  Energetic Touch Session  Balancing Protocols for Ether  Dr. Stone’s Chart Analysis  Point Specific Work BHPP 302: Practical Polarity  Basic Energy Concepts of Communication III BHPP 303: Energetic Foods I  Principles of Foods  Concepts of Health Building  Concepts of Detox  Food Preparation BHPP 304: Energetic Foods II BHPP 401: Advanced Water / Earth Principles I Energetic Touch Sessions  Energetics of Central Nervous System  Energetic Water/Earth Integration Protocols (Positive, Neutral, Negative Pole Balance)  Dr. Stone’s Chart Analysis  Related Energetic Anatomy  Polarity Principle of Tamasic Concepts  Understanding Energetics of Structure and Form  Review of Step-Down Process BHPP 402: Advanced Water / Earth Principles II  Negative Pole Balance  Energetic Touch Sessions  Negative Pole Reflexes  Practice/Practicum  Work in Groups of Three, One Observes and Gives Verbal Input BHPP 403: Energetic Food Awareness III  Ayurvedic Principles of Foods  Concepts of Health Building  Concepts of Detox  Food Preparation  Polarity Concepts of Elements of Food BHPP 404: Energetic Food Awareness IV  Ayurvedic Principles (continued)  Detox Systems  Using Concepts of Polarity/Ayurvedic Foods in Client Care  Elemental Evaluation of Energetics of Food  Case Study  Application in Clinical Setting © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 59 BHPP 501: Advanced Star Work  Advanced Star Work, Five Pointed Star, Six Pointed Star  Star Reflexes  Symmetric and Balance Detail BHPP 502: Process Oriented Polarity I  Concepts of Involutionary and Evolutionary Energy Transitions  Involution – Generation  Evolution – Regeneration  Ether/Air  Related Protocols BHPP 503: Process Oriented Polarity II  Concepts of Involutionary and Evolutionary Energy Transitions (continued)  Involution – Generation / Evolution – Regeneration  Fire / Water / Earth  Related Protocols BHPP 504: Process Oriented Polarity III  Energy Tracing  Learn How to Trace Energy to Balance  Energy can be Traced through Lines of Stress that Produce Electromagnetic Tension Fields in the Body  Techniques for Tracing  Class Review  Practice/Practicum/Q & A BHPP 601: Spinal Harmonics / Review Negative Pole of Water / Back Balance  Spinal Harmonics Energy Protocols  Related Energetic Balance Protocols  Sacrum Star Balance  Beginning Back Balance  Application of Geometrics of Structure & Form BHPP 602: Energetic Evaluation II  Energetic Elemental Assessment I – Pulse Work  Elemental Assessment (5 Elements)  Physical, Mental, Emotional Evaluation Energy Techniques  Intake Process/Client Information BHPP 603: Energetic Evaluation III  Energetic Elemental Assessment II  Assessing Breathing  Tongue and Pulse Assessment  Assessment of Face and Special Senses  Vital Reserves  Assessment of Hands and Feet  Postural and Spinal Assessment  Energetics of Symptoms and Conditions  Putting It All Together: Determining the Overall Energetic Patterns, Integrating the Energetic Patterns with the Energetic Healing Protocols  Writing Energetic Assessments BHPP 604: Energetic Evaluation IV  Energetic Elemental Assessment III  Client Assessment / Practicum  Energetics of Structure and Form  Evaluating Clients through the Elements  Assessment of Energy Patterns and their Relationship to the Elements BHPP 701: Energetic Structural Integration I Polarity Sacrum & Back Balances  Sacred Sacrum and Spinal Energy Balances  Polarity Energetic Back Balance  Polarity Exercises and Prevention for Back Health  Healthy Back Focus © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 60 BHPP 702: Energetic Food Awareness V  Ayurvedic Principles (continued)  Detox Systems  Using Concepts of Polarity/Ayurvedic Foods in Client Care  Elemental Evaluation of Energetics of Food  Case Study  Application in Clinical Setting BHPP 703: Energetic Food Awareness VI  Detox Systems  Using Concepts of Polarity/Ayurvedic Foods in Client Care  Case Study  Application in Clinical Setting BHPP 704: Energetic Polarity Systems Integration I & II  Lymphatic Balance I - Polarity Energy Concepts of Healthy Immune System  Related Energetic Foods  Related Energetics of Liver as Detox System, Educational Health Focus  Related Energetic Liver Balancing Protocols Energetic Polarity Systems Integration II  Breath of Life - Breathing for Balance  Polarity Concepts for Respiratory/Circulatory Balance  Related Energetic Foods and Respiratory/ Circulatory Balance  Session for Respiratory/Circulatory Balance  Related Energetic Sessions for Respiratory/Circulatory Balance Polarity Carpal Tunnel Balance  Concepts of Carpal Tunnel/Shoulder Problem Areas  Energetics of Carpal Tunnel Problems/Shoulder  Related Preventive Exercises  Energetic Eval. and Assessment –Carpal Tunnel Polarity Knee Balance  Polarity Energetic Knee Balance  Concepts of Energy and Earth/Knee Balance  Related Preventive Exercises  Energetic Evaluation and Assessment of Knees BHPP 801: Energetic Structural Integration II, III, & IV Polarity Feet Balance  Polarity Energetic Feet and Balance  Concepts of Feet and Hips Problem Areas  Energetics of Plantar Fascial Tendonitis Problems  Related Preventive Exercises  Energetic Evaluation and Assessment of Feet BHPP 802: Energetics of Cancer and Complementary Healing Solutions Understanding Cancer and Cancer Rehabilitation through the Energy Model  Cancer Process  Terminology  Understanding Cancer Prototype  Career Research  Pre-Post Surgery Protocols Complementary Approaches to Cancer Herbal Approaches/Energetic Bodywork Protocols BHPP 803 A: Energetic Communication IV Practicum  Supervised Practicum  Developing Case Studies  Small Group Sessions BHPP 803 B: Applied Practice and Energetic Communication V  How to Process a Client  What Protocols to Use When  Dealing with Difficult Client Issues  How and When to Refer Clients BHPP 804: Energetic Communication VI  Energetic Communication Process  Advanced Listening Skills  Projection/Reflection  Grief Relief with Clients  Group Processing © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 61 BHPP 901: Energetic Structural Integration V  Intro to Elemental Reflexology™  Feet, Hand and Ear Reflexology Overview  General Protocols  Using Reflexology in Elemental Assessment  Reflexology Point-Specific Work  Practicum Work BHPP 902: Energetic Polarity Systems Integration III‐IV: Advanced Polarity Lymphatic Balance & Auto‐Immune Balances  Related Anatomy  Energy Lymphatic Protocols  Advanced Water Element Balance  Energetic Lymphatic Reflexes  Related Lymphatic Exercises  Auto-Immune Deficiency  Energetic Lymphatic for Specific Problem Areas  Energetics of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia BHPP 903: Marketing and Positive Energetic Business Practices I (Teleconference and in class day)  How to Build a Successful Practice  Setting up a Legal Practice  Marketing Tools  Creating Prosperity BHPP 904: Marketing and Positive Energetic Business Practices II (Teleconference)  Creating a Safe Practice  Accounting, Taxes, and More  Client Care Marketing and Positive Energetic Business Practices III  Creating a Successful Practice  Business Ethics  Staying Within Your Scope of Practice  Marketing Concepts of Energy  Creating Stable Clients BHPP 1001 Final Practicum Anatomy Evaluation BHPP 1002 Written Evaluation Part 1, Polarity A Part 2, Polarity B BHPP 1003 Credentials/Registration/Graduation APTA Applications State of Ohio Forms © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 62 Faculty Profiles © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 63 Profiles: Senior Faculty Mary Jo Ruggieri, PhD, BCPP, HHP School Founder and Director Mary Jo earned a doctorate degree from the University of Cincinnati after completing her undergraduate work at Kent State University. She has a 30year background in all facets of education with a focus in health science, physiology of exercise, sports training, and physical education. Mary Jo is a retired assistant professor of 25 years from The Ohio State University where she also coached national and Olympic athletes in synchronized swimming. She was a two-time Olympic coach in 1988 and 1992. Mary Jo is the founder and director of Columbus Center for Integrative Health and Wellness and the Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health SciencesTM, which trains and educates students as Energy Medicine Practitioners, Polarity Practitioners and Holistic Health Practitioners. She teaches complementary and holistic healthcare therapy and integrative health and conducts wellness seminars at several medical schools. She has been teaching CAM modules for the medical humanities department at The Ohio State University Medical School to first-year medical students for twenty years. She also supervises fourth-year medical students for rotations in CAM studies. Mary Jo has taught and established classes at Hocking Technical College, the University of Utah, Bellevue Hospital, Blue Sky Educational Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and internationally in Austria, Germany and Greece. She has maintained a private Polarity and Health and Wellness practice for 15 years and is frequently invited to speak about Holistic Health, Complementary and Alternative Health Care, and Energy Therapies at the local and international level. Sally Collamore BME, BCPP, RPE Faculty Sally has been an PHSIMHS faculty member for 13 years. Her credentials include Registered Polarity Practitioner, and Registered Polarity Educator. She also holds a certification in Elemental Reflexology™. Her skills as a former music teacher enhance her Polarity work with children. Through Polarity, energetic bodywork, the child receives benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally resulting in positive changes. Charoula Dontopoulos, BA, BCPP, RPE Faculty Charoula has a B.A. from Vassar College. She is Director of PHSIMHS’s Herbal Education Program. She has been practicing Polarity Therapy for 14 years. Charoula is also a Reiki Master, an herbalist and an organic gardener with over 20 years experience in herbology. Charoula grows most of her own organic herbs and makes her own herbal formulas. Charoula has been a member of the faculty at PHSIMHS since 1996. She also leads complementary medicine seminars at The Ohio State University Medical School to first year medical students. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 64 Irina Tatarintseva, MA, BCPP, RPE Faculty Irina has 19 years experience in energy healing, esoteric science and bodywork. She is a certified NIA teacher, certified Karuna Reiki Master, a Registered Polarity Practitioner and a Registered Polarity Educator. Irina has been on PHSIMHS’s faculty with the since 2005 and is the Director of PHSIMHS’s Reiki Education program. She is also a graduate of the Institute of Parapsychology in Moscow, Russia. Irina skillfully brings her talent of integrating exercise, NIA dance and the Art of Visualization with the five elements of the polarity system. Janet (Shila) Wilson BCPP, RPE, RCST® Faculty Shila has been on the faculty PHSIMHS since 1996. Shila is program director for PHSIMHS’s Associate Polarity Practitioner program and the Craniosacral Therapy program. She teaches communication skills, Elemental Energetic Assessment, Elemental ReflexologyTM, and Energetic Food Awareness. She brings to her teaching a background that includes 12 years at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, where she taught personal growth and health related programs. Shila maintains a private practice and teaches yoga classes Profiles: Specialty Faculty Damon Fazio, ND, LMT, BCPP, CPE Faculty Damon is the Director and faculty of PHSIMHS’s Homeopathy Program and faculty for the Board Certified Polarity Practitioner program. He is also the Founder, Director and Instructor of Earthwise Polarity Programs in New Mexico, Texas, and Illinois and the Director and a former Instructor of Polarity Programs at the Santa Fe Institute of Polarity Therapy. He maintains a Private Practice as a Naturopathic Physician, Massage Therapist, and Polarity Practitioner in Chicago, Illinois. Nadine (Ddeani) Hopwood Feighan, MSSA, BCPP, HHP Student Faculty Nadine is a Reiki Master and Registered Polarity Practitioner who also practices Elemental Reflexology™ and Holistic Counseling with an emphasis on stress related issues. She is a CEU Faculty Member of PHSIMHS. Nadine has a Masters Degree in Social Service Administration and many years experience in community and relationship building. She is a 20-year member of the Cuyahoga Community College Board of Trustees. Nadine is currently working on an advanced master's diploma as a Board Certified Holistic Health Professional with PHSIMHS. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 65 Diane C. Manos, MD, BCPP Faculty Diane is Director and faculty of PHSIMHS’s Orthodox Anatomy/Physiology and Pathology and brings with her a history in sports, medicine, and the health sciences. In 1978 she received a BSN in Nursing from Case Western Reserve University. She has worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at The Ohio State University Hospital. Earning her Medical Degree at OSU in 1987, she pursued a three-year residency training in family practice. She became Board Certified in Family Medicine in 1990, and had a private medical practice in Columbus until 1996. In addition to conventional medical therapies, she began pursing alternative therapies in 1976, and currently provides Reiki, Polarity and Acupressure. Carol Murphy BHPP, LPN Faculty Carol has been in healthcare for more than 35 years, she has a background in nursing as an LPN and 15 years experience as an LMT. Carol conducts CEU classes at the Menorah Park Center for Aging, and teaches at the Rose Institute and Stone Garden Assisted Living where she has a private practice. Carol has been on the faculty of PHSIMHS since 2009. She is the Co-Director of PHSIMHS’s Relaxation Massage program and teaches Educational Usui Reiki. Carol completed the Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner's training at PHSIMHS in 2011. Judy Tancinco, BCPP, RPE Faculty Judy has more than 15 years experience in energy healing and bodywork. She is a certified Yoga Therapist and Elemental ReflexologyTM Practitioner, as well as a Registered Polarity Practitioner and Registered Polarity Educator. Judy has been on PHSIMHS’s faculty since 2008 and is the Co-Director of PHSIMHS’s Elemental ReflexologyTM program, which she also teaches. Additionally, Judy maintains a private practice. Cynthia Taylor, BS, LMT, Polarity Practitioner, Herbalist Faculty Cynthia just completed a two-year clinical herbal training with David Winston Center of Herbal Studies. She has studied herbs, nutrition, bodywork (Massage, Polarity, Thai Massage) and holistic healing for seven years and is an herbal consultant and educator. Cynthia is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) licensed in Ohio and with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB). As faculty for five years at the PHSIMHS, Cynthia teaches in the Herbal Education and Relaxation Massage classes. Prior to working in the holistic field, Cynthia was a corporate trainer and business consultant. She has a degree in interpersonal communication and psychology. Tracy Troendly, APP. RCST Biodynamic Craniosacral Faculty Tracy is a certified Polarity Practitioner and Reiki Master Practitioner. In 2011, she completed a two year certification in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy training with the STAR Institute, and is in the process of completing her board registration, as well as completing a board certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Board Certified Polarity Practitioner with PHSIMHS. Her private practice is in Coshocton, Ohio. Reflexology and Homeopathy are additional services she provides. Stress management and pain reduction are benefits of her healing arts practice. Her passion is helping her clients gain better quality of life, with holistic health solutions, that support the whole person, as well as trauma resolution by supporting the nervous system. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 66 Echo Wright, AB, BCPP, RPE Faculty Echo earned an A.B. in Mathematics, became a Certified Public Accountant in 1993, and keeps her practicing license current. She is the Director and Faculty for PHSIMHS’s Energetic Structural Integration program, as well as faculty for PHSIMHS’s Associate Polarity Practitioner and Board Certified Polarity Practitioner programs. Echo completed both Associate Polarity Practitioner and Registered Polarity Practitioner studies at the PHSIMHS, and is registered through the American Polarity Therapy Association. She has completed her Ohio qualifications as a Certified Polarity Educator. She is a Reiki Master, and is certified as a facilitator for Levels 1 through 4 of the Melchizedek Method™ meditation classes. She is also certified as a teacher of the Level 1 SomaEnergetics™ tuning fork techniques. Profiles: Adjunct Faculty and Special Guest Lecturers Philip Belzunce Ph.D., ND, LSMFT, RPE, CPC Faculty Phil is an Integrative Psychologist, Naturopath, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, educator, and author. He derives great satisfaction in serving with a Higher Purpose of facilitating individuals, couples, families and groups through transitions in their life journey and transformations for growth, healing and well-being. Annette Franks, M.ED, LPC Adjunct Faculty Annette is a Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist and Licensed Professional Counselor licensed by the State of Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board. She has over 30 years counseling experience working with individuals, couples and families. She is also Adjunct For PHSIMHS. Lalei Elizabeth G. Gutierrez, Ph.D., BHPP, SMFT, CPE/RPE Faculty Lalei is a Holistic Psychologist, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner, Life and Wellness Coach, Body Process Therapist, Holistic Health Educator, Certified Healing Tao Instructor and Reiki Master. She has a psychotherapy, consulting, training and coaching practice and is a professional faculty member of the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, as well as at the Diversity Management Program of the Department of Psychology at Cleveland State University. She is a Gestalt Therapist, a certified Hypnotherapist, an EMDR practitioner, and an Energetic Bodyworker.
© 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 67 Profiles: International Faculty Stephanie Haslinger, BHPP, RPE International Faculty Since 1990, Stephanie has had clinical practice at the Vienna Private Hospital. She has experience in several Massage techniques and Lomi-lomi-nui. She is a Registered Polarity Practitioner with the Austrian and American Polarity Therapy Associations and a Registered Mediator. In 2006, she became the founder of "Dr. Randolph Stone College" in Vienna. Stephanie was the President of the Austrian Polarity Association from 2003 until 2009. She has been teaching and working with PHSIMHS for 5 years. Lily Merklin, BHPP, RPE, CST, Psychologist International Faculty
Lily earned a degree in psychology from Albert Ludwigs University (Freiburg) in Germany. She holds a diploma in Polarity, CranioSacral Therapy and various forms of massage. She has been a body worker for more than ten years and has a 15-year background of education. Her primary interest is to share her knowledge with students. What she likes most about Polarity is that it can be used by everybody in order to add quality to his or her life by doing very simple but conscious things. Lily has been on faculty and working with PHSIMHS for two years. Katerina Papakonstantinou, LLD Certified Aromatherapist International Faculty Katerina has more than 20 years experience as a practitioner and instructor of Holistic Aromatherapy and TM
Creative Healing . She is a member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) and of the Hellenic Association of Aromatherapists (HHA). Since 2003, she has been a member of the faculty of the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she is the Director of Holistic Aromatherapy Practitioner and Subtle Aromatherapy courses. She owns her own essential oil distillery in Ancient Olympia, Greece, and is a Reiki Master since 2005. Profiles: Junior Faculty and Interns Letitia Bunge, BA, BCPP, HHP Junior Faculty Letitia is PHSIMHS’s Administrative Director of Student Services. Letitia holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and is a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner. She started classes at PHSIMHS in 2007 and became a member of the staff in 2008. She was recently graduated from the Holistic Health Practitioner Diploma and is pursuing Registered Polarity Educator Certification. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 68 Paul Johnson, BS BCPP, ER Faculty Intern Paul holds a B.S. in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University. He is training to become a Registered Polarity Educator. He is a Board Certified Polarity Practitioner. In addition to Polarity Therapy, he practices Elemental Reflexology. He is now working toward a Holistic Health Practitioner diploma at PHSIMHS. Vicki Kuhns, BS, ER, BCPP Faculty Intern Vicki received a B.S. in Marketing from the University of Akron. She is faculty with PHSIMHS for Reiki and for CEU classes in Introduction to Polarity. Vicki is a faculty intern in Elemental Reflexology™ and Polarity. She is completing her Board Certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner under PHSIMHS. Vicki has a private practice in Reiki, Polarity, and Elemental Reflexology™. Sarah Lahoski. BCPP Faculty Intern Sarah is a PHSIMHS graduate of both the BHPP and HHP diploma programs and is registered through the American Polarity Therapy Association. She has been a Reiki Master since 1996; and has many modality certifications through PHSIMHS. She also certified as an Angel Therapy Practitioner with Charles Virtue and Matrix Energetics with Dr. Richard Bartlett. Sarah also holds a B.A. for Speech Language Pathology from the University of Akron. © 2014 Parker Hannifin School of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. All rights reserved. 440-799-8400 P a g e | 69