e Th Sixth Annua l 6TH ANNUAL SWAMP SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT MARCH 27, 2015 | UF MARK BOSTICK GOLF COURSE | 1:00 PM SHOTGUN START REGISTRATION FORM Registration includes green fee, cart fee, range balls, logo gift, lunch, food on the course, awards, and alumni reception admission following play. The cost is $85 for an individual or $340 for a foursome entering together. Contact Person: _______________________________Company Name:________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ____________________________ Daytime Phone: __________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ INDIVIDUAL/TEAM REGISTRATION* Player(s) First & Last Name: ALUMNI RECEPTION Please indicate which player(s) will attend the reception. (Admission included in registration fee.) 1.) __________________________________________ Please select: _____Attending _____Not Attending 2.) __________________________________________ Please select: _____Attending _____Not Attending 3.) __________________________________________ Please select: _____Attending _____Not Attending 4.) __________________________________________ Please select: _____Attending _____Not Attending *SPONSOR A STUDENT PLAYER I would like to sponsor an HHP student(s) to play on my foursome. (Please list “HHP student” in the Individual/Team Registration section above.) INDIVIDUAL GOLFER(S) FOURSOME $85 x ______ = $ ________ $340 x ______ = $ ________ I wish to make an additional donation of $___________________ to further support the students and programs in the Department of Tourism, Recreation & Sport Management. These funds allow students to attend conferences, conduct research and participate in professional development opportunities. TOTAL ENCLOSED: $______________ Please make check(s) payable to the University of Florida Foundation. MAIL REGISTRATION FORM & PAYMENT TO: Attn: Christine Coombes UF College of Health & Human Performance PO Box 118200 | Gainesville, FL 32611 QUESTIONS? Visit hhp.ufl.edu/swampscramble or contact Christine Coombes: ccoombes@ufl.edu or 352-294-1622
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