For seating and material purposes, if you plan on attending, please

Safe And Secure Online
We are pleased to offer a one and a half hour class entitled “Safe and Secure Online.”
This class is designed for all parents (please no children). The main purpose is to learn
how to protect yourself and your children on the internet. Protecting your children and helping
them protect themselves are two of your top priorities as a parent. The main learning points of this
class are designed to teach you some of the dangers and protections that are available to you.
This presentation is NOT about discouraging the use of the internet or electronic devices –
these things are now a part of our lives, and we must accept that they will play an important role in
our children’s futures. As with any new technology or invention, there are many benefits that we
can all experience through the internet such as social networking, email and research.
Through this presentation, we will examine some of the risks associated with the use of
online systems, not with a mind to stop their use, but with the intent of protecting our children and
ourselves and allowing us to use these things safely, securely and as they were originally intended.
You will learn three main principles:
Cybersafety - teaching online behaviors that will protect a child’s physical well being.
Cyberethics - teaching children to treat each other online as they would like to be treated.
Cybersecurity - teaching you and your children to keep your computers safe.
The Topics We’ll Cover:
Social Networking
IM/Chat Rooms
Home Networking
Mobile Phones
Personal Computers
Our instructor is a Carpenter parent, Chip Wentz.
Chip Wentz is an Executive Director in the Advisory Services practice of Ernst & Young (EY) LLP. In his
current role, he serves as the Data Protection and Privacy (DDP) services leader for the Americas
Advisory Practice.
Chip has over 17 years of experience advising corporate boards, executives, and technical leaders in
developing comprehensive processes for managing and maturing their cyber their cyber security and
privacy programs to strategically protect their critical information assets, reduce business risk, and
address complex compliance mandates.
For seating and material purposes, if you plan on attending, please
send an email with how many people are attending to:
Questions: Contact Mrs. Jones