View this week`s Bulletin - Holly Creek Baptist Church

Church Membership?
Are you prayerfully
considering becoming a
member of Holly Creek?
There are two
prerequisites to church
membership. The most
foundational biblical
prerequisite is you must
have a personal relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ. The
second prerequisite is to complete new
member orientation. Through this orientation
you will meet our pastor and staff, as you
learn of the life and ministry of Holly Creek.
We welcome you to speak with Pastor
Cochran, the church staff, or contact the
church office for more information about
becoming a member of Holly Creek.
PRAYER REQUEST– Nobie Adams, Susan
Bagley, JD & Etheline Barnes, Arthur Baxter,
Margie Baynes, Winfred Bearden, Cecil Beavers,
Felix Bordelon, Cooper Brazell, Sarah Brindle,
Grady Burgess, Nolan Burgess, Willie Mae
Cantrell, Jose Chavarria, Keith Culpepper, Myra
Darnell, Viola Densmore, Mable Ensley, Wayne
Grier, Joyce Hall, Ruth Hayes, Vickie Haynes,
Grace Langford, Jay Ledford, Allyson Lester,
Louise Lyles, Karlie Mathis, Pam McCurdy, Josh
Miller, Leon Morrison, Betty Nelson, Ella Owen,
Myra Owenby, Houston Parson, Dianne Plemons,
Brad Rowe, Jerry Sanford, Pat Shiver, CJ Smith,
Lela Stanley, Willene Thomason, Charlie Tolliver,
Floyd “Perk” Welch, Eloise Winkler, Gary Young
Church Wide Outreach
Monday, June 15 at 5:30 pm
Dinner will be provided.
Holly Creek Baptist Preschool will be
accepting resumes for positions in the
2 year old class and also for the
4 year old class.
HCBC will be offering the six week
Life Group study on Heaven by Randy
Alcorn beginning July 15. The cost is $10.
Please sign up in the vestibule.
Vacation Bible School is
June 22—26, 2015. Please visit the
information table to fill out a volunteer form.
Visit to
pre-register your child.
You are cordially invited to
Mike & Delores Long
5oth Anniversary at
Holly Creek Baptist CLC
Saturday June 27th
2:00—4:30 pm
June 7, 2015 Attendance
Sunday School
Sunday Morning
Nursing Home Ministry
No Service
Evening Worship
Wednesday Worship
Budget Offering
$ 18,105.84
CentriKid Camp
Youth Camp
$ 20,612.84
Sunday, June 14
Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:55 am
Sunday School—9:45 am
Building & Grounds Meeting—5:30 pm
Evening Service—6:30 pm
Monday, June 15
Church Wide Outreach—5:30 pm
Wednesday, June 17
Wednesday Service—7:00 pm
Friday, June 19—Saturday, June 20
The Main Event Men’s Conference
Saturday, June 20
Chatsworth Health Care—4:00 pm
There will be a Building & Grounds
Committee meeting TODAY at
5:30 pm in the Rock Building.
Church Wide Outreach Monday,
June 15 at 5:30 pm in the CLC.
Pizza will be provided for dinner.
The Main Event Men’s Conference
June 19-20 in Nashville, TN.
Please sign up in the vestibule.
See Pastor Russell Jackson for
more details.
Primetimers will be traveling to
Gatlinburg, TN for Jubilee
Conference September 21-23. Please
sign up in the vestibule. The $75 dollar
deposit is due July 28, 2015.
Last week we saw the future of those who never come to
faith in Christ. That horrible future is described in
Revelation 20:11-15. In contrast to that sad picture is the
description of the glorious future God has provided for
those who come to faith in his son, Jesus Christ. That
future was promised in John 14:1-3 and is escribed in
Rev. 21:1-22:5. There we read about our eternal home
in heaven. Heaven will be:
A. The Beauty of that Place. Rev. 21:11-21;
B. The Vastness of that Place. Rev. 21:1,16.
· Revelation describes the New Jerusalem, but
also tells us there will be a new heavens and new
C. The Newness of that Place. Rev. 21:5.
· “ Most people like to move into a new home.
One day we will move into a brand new world.”
John Phillips.
· We live in a world where there is so much need
and emptiness. There will be no unmet need in heaven.
A. The Satisfying Resources.
Rev. 21:6: I will give him the fountain of the water of
life freely.
Rev. 21:7: He …..shall inherit all things.
Rev. 22:2: The tree of life which bears twelve fruits.
Rev. 7:16: They shall neither hunger anymore not
thirst anymore.
B. The Satisfying Responsibilities.
Rev. 21:7: He . . .shall inherit all things.
Rev. 22:3: His servants shall serve him.
Rev. 22:5: They shall reign forever and ever.
C. The Satisfying Relationships.
1. With each other. Rev. 21:1 “no more sea”
2. With the Lord. Rev. 21:3.
· A degree of fellowship with God that man
has never known before.
III. A SAFE PLACE TO LIVE. (Consider the different types
of safety we will enjoy).
A. The Safety from Suffering. Rev. 21:4 “no more
B. The Safety from Sorrow. Rev. 21:4. “no more
· There will be no more funerals, no more
graves, no more hospitals, no more broken
homes and no more broken hearts.”
John Phillips.
C. The Safety from Sin. Rev. 21:8,27.
1. Safe from the dangers of sin. (Murder, thefts,
2. Safe from the struggles of sin. Rom. 7:25.
It is little wonder that after hearing this description of
heaven, John wrote, “Even so, come Lord Jesus” Rev.
22:20. Compare this description of heaven beginning in
Rev. 21 with the final verses of Rev. 20. (20:14-15). There
are two paths in life that lead to very different destinations
(Matt. 7:13-14). The path you choose in life determines
your destination in eternity. Choose Jesus and the path to
heaven (John 14:6).
Danny Cochran, Pastor
Chris Bell …..……..Children & Education Pastor
Russell Jackson ….………………Student Pastor
June 14, 2015
Robert Richardson.…….………..Worship Pastor
Cristin Huggins ……Financial/Ministry Assistant
Rebekah Akins .….....Member & Educ. Secretary
422 Holly Creek Cool Springs Road
Chatsworth, Georgia 30705
PHONE: 706.695.8522
FAX: 706.517.9722
Early Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School
9:45 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship
10:55 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Evening
7:00 p.m.
Email Addresses
Danny Cochran
Chris Bell -
Russell Jackson -
Cristin Huggins -
Rebekah Akins—
Tina Cochran —
Media Ministry—
Visitors to, attendees of, and
participants in any ministry of
Holly Creek Baptist Church are welcomed
into fellowship with and consent to be
covered and protected by the bylaws of
the church. Acts 2:42