Prelude~ Kari Orosz~ Winter~ by Tori Amos Welcome & Greeting

Sunday, March 22
10:00 am
Monday, March 23
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 24
1:00 pm
Wednesday, March 25
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Thursday, March 26
9:00 am
Friday, March 27
6:30 pm
Worship Services
Community Time After Each Service
March 22 Lent 5 On Our Hearts
Message: Rev. Tracy
March 29 Palm Sunday
Message: Rev. Bob
April 3 Good Friday
Message: Rev. Bob
April 5 Easter Sunday
Message: Rev. Bob
April 12 No Need…To Lock Ourselves
Away Message: Rev. Bob
April 19 No Need…To Apologize for
Wonder Message: Rev. Bob
April 26 No Need… To Harden Our
Hearts Message: Rev. Tracy
Prayer Shawl Knitting
Cooking with Friends
Open Art Studio
Quilting for Others
Youth Group
Today’s Service
 Check White Board in the Narthex for location of activities
Please feel free to take a bulletin with you after Worship.
Scripture Reader: Joanne Larison
“Ask Me” Hosts: Pat & Stu Robbins
Greeter: Diane Paley
Christ Candle: Ariana Miller
Sound: John McCrea
Projection: Elaine Taylor-Kerr
Youth: Brittney Whittaker
Announcements: Mark Wagner
Sunday School Teachers:
Lisa Sanderson/Maxine Mendritzki
The United Church of Canada
St. Thomas is proud to be part of the United Church of Canada which ministers to close to 3
million people in 3,500 congregations across the country. (For more information about the
United Church visit its websites:
St. Thomas is an Affirming
Ministry within The United Church
Through our gifts we commit ourselves
of Canada. LGBT2S people are
to live out the mission and ministry of
whole people and full members in
the church. Please give generously to the
this community of faith.
Mission and Service Fund to make this
Welcome to Worship!
St. Thomas United is an open, affirming, accepting,
and child friendly faith community. With children
present we expect noise and movement, so there’s no
need to leave the Sanctuary when it happens. If
parents feel more comfortable with their children in
nursery care, we have a nursery for babies & children
under 3 years of age – just follow the posted signs.
We hope that your worship experience will feed you
and challenge you on your faith journey.
Please talk to a greeter or the folks wearing an “Ask
Me” badge if there’s anything you are unsure of or
have a question about.
There are Hearing Assistance Sets available. Ask a
greeter or Ask Me person to get one.
We project everything you will need to participate in
worship. You will also find hymnbooks in your seats
if you’d prefer to use them.
Newcomers – please fill out one of our
Communication Cards. This is our first opportunity
to be in touch with you so that we can start to get to
know one another.
Music Team: Pam Bazinet, Barb Robertson,
Erin MacLean-Berko, Dick Worton, Kloria Wen &
Kari Orosz
Accompanist: Kari Orosz
Office Manager: Sandra Dusoswa
Ministry Team:
Rev. Bob Fillier & Rev. Tracy Robertson
Youth Workers: Brittney Whittaker,
Marika Wagner, Matthew Taylor-Kerr
(A full version of this morning’s liturgy is available –
just ask a Greeter or Ask Me host.)
100 Hawkwood Blvd. NW Calgary AB T3G 2S9 – -
Sunday, March 22, 2015
10:00 am
On Our Hearts
Theme: VU = Voices United
MV = More Voices
Prelude~ Kari Orosz~ Winter~ by Tori Amos
Welcome & Greeting Visitors
Greeting One Another
Spirit Lines
Christ Candle, Tone Bowl, & Silence
Introit: Spirit, Open My Heart (v1)
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Transfer, Reaffirmation, Confirmation, &
Baptism: Jake Highfield (transfer), Corine Copeland
(confirmation), Sandra Glass(confirmation),
Gloria Moffat(confirmation), Lisanne Wagstaff
(confirmation), Jonathan King(confirmation),
Carma Ainsworth(adult baptism), Nolan King
(baptism- son of Carma Ainsworth & Jonathan King)
Hymn: Take My Life and Let It Be
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Ministry of Music: The Strummers~ Forgive Us
~ John McCutcheon
The Message: “On Our Hearts”
Hymn: I, the Lord of Sea and Sky
Minute for Mission: “Come and See”
Our Offerings Are Received
Ministry of Music: The Strummers
~ Higher Ground~ Johnson Oatman Jr.
Offertory: Grateful
Offertory Prayer
Call to Prayer: Take, O Take Me as I Am MV#85
Pastoral Prayers & Prayer of Jesus
Commissioning & Benediction
Hymn: I Am the Dream
Join us on a pilgrimage and take the 40acts ‘Do Lent Generously’ Challenge. Track your steps or distance,
add them to our weekly total and help us walk to Jerusalem with 13,543,307 steps. While you’re moving,
think about how to live out one of the 40acts. To join over 40,000 people across the world, go to Each day you will receive a new act of generosity that will take as little as five
minutes and a couple of dollars. The journey starts Feb. 18th, 2015! On your mark, get set,...
Youth Leaders needed for the Fall: St Thomas has an active youth group that meets for a social event
each week (usually Friday evening) and also meets on Sunday morning for faith development discussions
and discussion of topics of concern to the youth. We are looking for leaders for the 2015-2016 season
starting in September. You will be working in a team of two or three leaders. If you are interested in
taking a leadership role with this dynamic group of young people or for further information, please
contact Elaine Taylor-Kerr (403)239-8271 or
Youth Group Food Drive: Throughout Lent, the Youth Group will be organizing a food drive with all of the
donations going to the Calgary Food Bank. We are collecting any non-perishable food items and there will
be a donation box in the Narthex. We have set our goal at 500 items and are having a friendly
competition with the youth at Symons Valley to see who can collect the most food! Thank you for your
Stories from Prison: Join Tracy Robertson and Andrew Taylor-Kerr as they tell their stories of working at
the Calgary Young Offender Centre on April 7 at 7pm in the Sanctuary, and again to the Youth Group on
April 10 (during their regular youth group time). This will be a unique opportunity to hear about people
and a system many of us know nothing about. Tracy will speak from the viewpoint of being the Chaplain
and pastorally caring for the young offenders and Andrew from the viewpoint of Registered Nurse caring
for their physical and mental health. Everyone Grade 7 and older are welcome. If you need child care,
please let us know.
African Safari: April 21 at 7pm in the Sanctuary. Have you ever wanted to go on an African Safari? Well,
now is your chance to go on a photo safari led by Greg Hyatt who will share pictures and stories from a
recent trip.
Daisy is a 10yr old border collie shepherd cross whose parents are
moving into a smaller space and won’t be able to take her with
them. She’s very well behaved and house trained, just looking for a
good home and a new family to love. For more information please
contact Leon Driscoll at (403) 208-0061.
Bunnies for Rabbits: Please buy a chocolate bunny for someone you love and help to provide a rabbit to
feed a family in Uganda. This Easter the Mission and Outreach committee will be selling Purdy’s
Chocolates as part of the fundraising for KIHEFO, the clinic the Exposure Tour will be visiting in Uganda.
We will have some chocolate bunnies available for sale for $21.00 on March 15 and 22 or you will be
able to order from the Purdy’s brochure. All orders will be delivered to the church on Sunday, March 29.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to make the world a better place.
Join us for dinner? Mission and Outreach is planning our next dinner at Avenue 15 on March 29 and we
are looking for people to help. Avenue 15 is the youth homeless shelter supported by the Boys and Girls
Club of Calgary. We are looking for three or four more people willing to spend up to four hours making
and sharing a nice Sunday dinner with these youth and showing them they are still important and cared
for even though they have many challenges in their lives. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex or
please contact me if you’d like to volunteer as a family or organize your own team to prepare dinner at
Avenue 15. For more info contact Karen Kavanagh at (403)286-8073 or
St Thomas UCW News: Fair Trade coffee orders will be taken March 22 and 29. Please place your prepaid orders, for delivery in April. Did you know? Extra money received from the sale of this coffee is
used to purchase the Fair Trade coffee that St. Thomas uses. Your continued support is very important
to coffee farmers around the world.
Camp Kasota: A residential summer camp for children and youth. Specialty camps include canoeing,
kayaking, and sailing. Register online at For further information check the
bulletin board, email:, or call (403) 275-3636, and leave a message.
Primetimers: Coming up in May: Symons Valley Dinner Theatre – “Cooking Can Be Murder”. Date to be
determined but will be either Fri. May 8 or Sat. May 9. Cost $45.00 (a discount on the cost will apply
depending on how many sign up).Watch for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
The music committee brings you April Antics! On Sunday, April 26 following the service, we will be
having an informal talent show. The choirs and orchestra will all participate but we need you as well! If
you are interested in participating by singing, playing an instrument, doing a magic act, reciting poetry,
etc. etc., please contact Elaine Taylor-Kerr at by March 15. Please indicate what
you will perform and approximate time to perform.
Coming Out In Faith Monologues happen on Friday March 27, 2015 at Hillhurst United Church in
Kensington and will start their 6th anniversary celebration of being an Affirming ministry.
Knitting: The Prayer Shawl Knitters have lots of yarn available if anyone would like to help knit shawls for
baptisms, or confirmations, or to give to folks suffering with illness or grief.
Church Library: Please feel free to borrow books of reflection for yourself for Lent, and children’s books
about Easter, on the display in the Narthex. Also, help yourself to the books on the “extras” table.