Connor Presbyterian Church

Connor Presbyterian Church
Minister: Rev. Richard Murray
Telephone: (028) 25 892 949
Sunday, 1st March, 2015
11:00 AM
12:00 noon
Sunday School & Bible Classes
Morning Service – Rev. Richard Murray
The Qualifications of a Committee Member (1 Timothy 3)
Crèche leaders today are Moyra McMaster, Jacqueline Erwin, & Liz Greer; next
week: Moyra McMaster, Jacqueline Erwin, & Emma Hutchinson. Children, up to and
including those of P4 age, can leave to go to Children’s Church in the Carncome
Room during the hymn after the offering.
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:30 PM
Prayer Meeting (Condiere Room)
Evening Service – Rev. Richard Murray
PW Committee Prayer Meeting
All women welcome.
The Week Ahead (2nd–7th March)
Boys’ Brigade (7:00 PM)
Girls’ Brigade (6:30 PM)
PW Choir Practice (7:00 PM)
This is in preparation for the upcoming PW Service. All
women will be welcome to come and help us make a joyful
noise unto the Lord!
Church Choir Practice (8:00 PM)
GriefShare (8:00 PM)
Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (7:45 PM)
Christian Endeavour (7:00 PM)
Presbyterian Women (8:00 PM)
Hope for Hard Times. The speaker will be Mrs Ann Hamill,
a well-known, local music teacher. Ann will be bringing a
hope-filled message and some singing too. We hope to be
joined by visitors from other local groups. All women and
friends will be welcome!
Sunday, 8th March, 2015
11:00 AM
12:00 noon
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
Sunday School & Bible Classes
PW Service
Rev. John Woodside (Drogheda Presbyterian Church). Come
and hear what God has been doing in Drogheda. Loose
offering will go to the PW Mission Fund.
Prayer Meeting
Evening Service – Rev. Richard Murray
Church Committee Election. Kirk Session has decided that an election
for the new Church Committee should take place in March 2015. A voters’
list is available for inspection in the vestibule today. Any amendments
to this must be submitted to Rev. Murray in writing before Sunday, 8th
March. Voting papers will be available from Sunday, 8th March. These
must be returned between Sunday, 15th March and Sunday, 22nd March
(inclusive). Kirk Session plans to meet on Monday, 23rd March to count
the votes. The members of the new Committee will be announced to the
congregation on Sunday, 29th March and Sunday, 5th April. A meeting of
the congregation will take place on Wednesday, 15th April to confirm the
appointment of the members of the new Church Committee.
Men Alive. We hope to hold our Men Alive breakfast in the Rosspark
Hotel at 8:30 AM on Saturday, 14th March. Cost: £10. Speaker: Rev.
Gareth ‘Spud’ Murphy, the director of CVM Ireland. Spud is well worth
listening to. Please sign up in the vestibule/concourse, and why not bring a
friend? The Men Alive weekend to Derganagh House, Ballycastle is booked
from Friday, 17th April till Sunday, 19th April. More details will follow
soon, but if you wish to attend, please speak to a Men Alive organizer.
Announcements should be emailed to by
6:00 PM on Thursday for inclusion on the following Sunday’s sheet.
Q62: What are the reasons annexed to the fourth
A: The reasons annexed to the fourth commandment
are, God’s allowing us six days of the week for our
own employments, his challenging a special propriety
in the seventh, his own example, and his blessing the