March 29, 2015 Palm / Passion Sunday Annual General Meeting

Minister: Rev. Janet Thompson
Organist & Choir Director: Parvaneh Eshghi
Minister Emeritus: Rev. Dr. Joseph Burke
Telephone: 613-749-8727 Fax: 613-749-8520
Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am – 12 noon
March 29, 2015
Palm / Passion Sunday
Annual General Meeting
* Congregation stands as able.
Hymns: VU = Voices United; MV = More Voices
(Children gather in the Vestry with Rev. Janet.)
* Processional Hymn: VU # 124
He Came Riding on a Donkey
Procession of Children with Palms
Prayer Bell:
“Be Still”
Psalm 46
Lighting of the Christ Candle
* Call to Worship: (responsive)
He came riding on a donkey …
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
No one knew what to think …
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
But they knew that something extraordinary was going on,
something worth tearing the branches of palm trees and
waving them in the air …
Children: Hosanna! Hosanna!
Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
* Gathering Hymn: VU # 128 (three times)
Sanna, Sannanina
Children leave for Sunday School.
(Parents are welcome to bring children to the Nursery/Playroom.)
Centering Prayer: (responsive)
God of goodness and life, we gather in the hope and beauty
of this day, to be further opened along the pathways of faith
you set before us.
Holy One, be our journey and destination.
Question our safe decisions, prod our imaginings and walk
boldly beside us into the unknown, yet promised-filled future.
Holy One, be our journey and destination. Amen.
Scripture Readings:
Mark 11: 1 – 11
A Two Parade Day
* Hymn: VU # 123
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
The Life of the Congregation
Offertory Music:
Gavotte in G major
J.S. Bach
* Offertory Hymn: VU # 541 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures high and low;
give thanks to God in love made known:
Creator, Word and Spirit, One.
Choir Anthem:
Hosanna, We Sing
S. Petha
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
* Hymn: VU # 127 (tune VU # 20)
Ride On! Ride On in Majesty
* Sending Forth: (responsive)
As we continue to gather during this Holy Week,
as we seek to gather strength together,
as we claim the light,
go forth knowing the light of Christ will always sustain you
especially as we journey through troubling time.
Extinguishing of the Christ Candle
* Sung Benediction: VU # 649 (only refrain twice)
Prelude in G major
Walk with Me
J.S. Bach
† † † † † † † † † †
Please join us for the AGM (Annual General Meeting) and light lunch in the Memorial Hall following
the worship service. Visitors are asked to use a blue mug so we can make you feel welcome. We hope
you will join us. Annual Reports available in Narthex & Chapel Room (one copy per family). Please
bring the report and any questions to today’s AGM.
Please Welcome and Meet Rev. Janet Thompson as Temporary Replacement Minister at MacKay from
March 16 through June 30, 2015. Name Tags – Please help Rev. Janet get to know you and one
another by wearing your name tag.
Weekly Announcements – March 29, 2015
Fundraising Concert: You are invited to an evening of violin and piano performances by Declan, Nyah
and Annika Lavoie. The Concert will take place at MacKay today, March 29 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary
with refreshments to follow in Memorial Hall. A freewill donation at the door is welcome, with proceeds
to MacKay. We hope to see you there!
Last Chance: Easter Memorial Flowers will be placed in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 5th.
If you wish to contribute to the Flower Fund, please enclose your donation in an envelope
marked Flowers for Special Occasions with your name and the names of those you wish
to remember and place it on the offering plate. All donations should be received in the
church office by Tuesday, March 30! Please also add your name and dedication(s) to the
sign-up sheet in the Chapel Room.
Help needed for Good Friday fellowship following the service. Your Worship Team is looking for
muffins and croissants for the refreshments. If you can bring some, plated, before the service it would
be very much appreciated. Coffee, tea and juice will be available. If you can help, please speak with
Patricia Power or Shauna Vert.
Leading Note Foundation making OrKidstra happen presents: Fundraising Dinner and Show
Special Exchange to Sweden on Sunday, April 12 from 5:30 pm at the Bronson Centre. Tickets
available at The Leading Note or OrKidstra at 613-859-3559. Flyer posted.
Church Office will be closed on Good Friday, April 3 and on Easter Monday, April 6. Office will
reopen on Tuesday, April 7 with regular hours from 9 am to 12 noon through Friday. Telephone
messages will not be checked Monday. For pastoral emergencies, please contact the office at 613749-8727.
Rev. Janet will continue the monthly service at New Edinburgh Square next on Tuesday, March 31 at 3
pm (note date change as March 17 was St. Patrick’s Day celebrations).
Good Friday April 3: We invite you to the church for a Good Friday Service at 10 am in the
Sanctuary followed by light refreshments and talking time in the Memorial Hall. The Worship
Committee would appreciate donations of muffins or breakfast breads for Talk Time after this
Service. Please bring the food to kitchen before 9:30 am on Good Friday. Also advise Sherri
Sauvé if you are bringing food or can assist in the Memorial Hall / Kitchen.
Next FOOD BANK Sunday will be April 5th: Donations of non-perishable food items are important.
Thank you!
Want to HELP with Centre 507 but not able to drop off sandwiches, etc. at Church on the second
Wednesday of the month? Please prepare to bring non-perishables -- peanut butter, jam, pickles,
cheese, cookies, crackers, etc. to church on Sunday, April 5th. We will take any donations to Centre
507 for you. Any donation is much appreciated by the 507 clients!!! Thanks so much!
Next MacKay concert is scheduled for Saturday, April 18 at 7:30 pm Paris to Vienna Music of Debussy,
Schubert, and Kreisler performed by David Thies-Thompson, violin and viola, and Parvaneh Eshghi,
Next gathering of Good Cheer Club and UCW has been changed to Wednesday, April 22 (note date
change from March 25) at 12 noon offsite at Susan & Dennis Pitt's home.