Welcome to Family Worship 16 November 2014

Welcome to Family Worship
16 November 2014
Welcome to Worship at HORDLE PARISH CHURCH
16 November 2014
Trinity 22
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.”
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in
love.” - Psalm 145:8
Psalm 145:8
We welcome all who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ to receive
Communion. If you have not attended a Communion Service before,
you are welcome to come forward for a prayer or blessing.
“A High Calling”
Rev Elizabeth Bennett
Banns for:
Scott James Nash and Martha Rose Lanham.
Hymn 650
The King is among us
Luke 1:26-38 p.1026 Colin Westlake
Rev David Moynagh
Roger Freeman
Hymn (Screen) O Perfect love (offertory)
The Peace
We bow down
Communnion Hymns:
No one but You, Lord
God I look to you
Oh to see the dawn
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ, Amen.
Side Duty:
Mal and Sue Winstone
Prayer: If you would like someone to pray with you, for any reason, please
make your way to the front pews where a member of the prayer team will
pray with you.
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11.30am MORNING PRAYER (CW) – Rev Elizabeth Bennett
“A High Calling”
Hymn 254 At the name of Jesus (omit verses 5 & 6)
Hymn CC7 O bless the God of Israel
Reading Psalm98:1-9 p.603
Jan Barnard
Hymn 14 Brethren, let us join to bless
Reading Luke 1:26-38 p.1026 Peregrine Bruce
Rev David Moynagh
Hymn 541 O God our Father, throned on high
Creed p.7 - followed by prayers, collect and Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 209 Crown Him with many crowns
Sides Duty: Peregrine Bruce
6.30pm EVENING PRAYER (BCP) – Hazel Hainsworth
“A High Calling”
Hymn 210 Rejoice, the Lord is King
Psalm 84 p.238
Reading Psalm98:1-9 p.603
Faith Webster
Hymn 282 To the name of our salvation
Reading Luke 1:26-38 p.1026 Trevor Hubbard
Nunc Dimittis
Creed, Collects and Intercessions p.20
Hymn 309 Speak, Lord, in the stillness
Christopher Knox
Hymn 569 We rest on Thee (offertory hymn)
Sides Duty: Madge Hopkins
Prayer - If you would like someone to pray with you, please speak with one of
the clergy
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Information for week beginning 16 November 2014
Office: phone: 01425 626565 E-mail: hordlepco@tiscali.co.uk
Website: www.hordle-church.hampshire.org.uk
This church is fitted with a loop system for hearing aids - switch to T.
In the unlikely event of a need to evacuate, please calmly follow instructions
from the front.
There is a toilet in the church foyer and an easy access toilet in the adjacent
church hall. Children’s groups take place in the church hall and there is a
room at the back of the church to take younger children if required.
10.30am Stroke Club in the Memorial Hall
10.00am Little Angels in the Memorial Hall
1.30pm Little Angels in the Memorial Hall
7.00pm Bell Ringers in the Tower
Wednesday 1.15pm Funeral Service for Dorothy Larner
Thursday 6.45pm Choir practice in the church
8.30am Coffee Pot for school parents/carers Upper Room
9.15am Prayers for the Parish in the Church Room
10.00am Messy Church Meeting in the Upper Room
5.00pm Friday Night fun Club in the Memorial Hall
Sunday 23rd November - “Mary’s Song”
10.00am Family Service - Gill Morris, Rev Paul Taylor
Psalm 95:1-7 Hook Family
Luke 1:46-56 Amanda Hook
Prayers: James Hook
Projector: Peter Reece
11.30am Holy Communion - Rev Paul Taylor, Hazel Hainsworth
Psalm 95:1-7 Elizabeth Edmunds
Luke 1:46-56 Daphne Vaughan
Connect Service in Memorial Hall
- Rev Paul Taylor, Rev Elizabeth Bennett
Christmas Invitations: It’s that time of year again! Invitations, batched up
into roads, are in the church foyer. We would greatly appreciate it if
everyone who lives in Hordle could deliver a road or two near to where they
For your prayers: We pray for all those with long term illnesses,
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those who are house-bound, and those mourning the loss of loved ones.
The Funeral Service for Dorothy Larner will take place in the church at
1.15pm on Wednesday 19th November followed by burial in New Milton
Cemetery. Refreshments will then be served in the Memorial Hall. The
family would like to invite all those who knew Dorothy.
Gift Sunday 2014: 1st November “All Saints’ Day” to 30th November St
Andrew’s Day. Traditionally between the Saint’s days for Hordle and Tiptoe,
we have a parish-wide envelope collection specially to help towards
Christian organizations outside the parish namely Tear Fund, Leprosy
Mission, Mildmay Hospital and the Bible Society. Special envelopes are
available in both churches for the month of November. Please Gift Aid if
you are an income tax payer. A form will be attached.
Ladies Coffee Morning: 22nd November 2014 at St. Andrew’s Hall, Tiptoe.
Come from 9.30am for a coffee and a chat before Rev Elizabeth Bennett
speaks at 10.00am.
Mother’s Union: 25 November 2014, 10.15 for 10.30 start. Advent service
with Rev. Graham Smith.
Men’s Breakfast: 29 November 2014. 8.15am for 8.30am, at the All Saints
Memorial Hall, Hordle. Cost £6.00. The speaker is Rev. Elizabeth Bennett.
Christingle Service: Sunday 30 November 2014, 4.00pm, at All Saints,
Hordle, followed by tea in the church hall.
The last Churchyard Working Party will take place on Saturday 29th
November starting straight after the Men’s Breakfast and ending at 12.30pm
Wellies and jeans will be allowed at the Men’s Breakfast so please come
along and help if you can.
Prayer breakfast: 8am at St Andrews Tiptoe on Saturday 6th December. All
are welcome to come along to share food, fellowship, praise and prayer. It
would be helpful if you would tell Elizabeth or Paddy (at Tiptoe) or me at
Hordle if you intend to come along. Netty Shea.
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Small Groups: Please may I encourage everyone to consider
joining/changing their small group? Tim and Rosie Cosby would love to
welcome new comers to their group on Tuesday evenings. Others I know
would appreciate a daytime group meeting in Hordle. Please come and see
me or leave a message so I may help in blessing you into a Small Group!!!
Jackie Brown 01425 511207.
Hordle Community Association: As the HCA takes over the running of the
Pavilion in the Recreation Ground, there are lots of ideas developing to
express a deeper sense of Community in Hordle. The Church is very involved
in this process and this is great appreciation.
Date for your diaries is 3rd December 2014 to switch on the Christmas lights
on the tree by the WI hall. Free mince pies and mulled wine and hot drinks
are to be served! If anyone could help in putting up the Christmas
decorations and Christmas tree on Sunday 30th November at 11.am your
help would be invaluable. Thank you. Jackie Brown.
Samaritan’s Purse: Thank you to all those who contributed to the Shoebox
Appeal this year. Nearly 100 boxes were received and have now been
Messy Church: is today at 4-6pm in the church hall.
We would value your prayers as we continue on this
exciting journey. If you would like to help or have a
look we would be pleased to see you. The Messy
Church team.
The Parish Holiday 2015 has been arranged for 22 to 26 June at the Valley
Hotel, Ironbridge near Telford, Shropshire. 36 people are already booked to
go and there are only 2 Double Rooms remaining. If you are interested in
joining us for a time of fun and fellowship, please contact Madge Hopkins as
soon as possible for details on cost, programme etc.
Leprosy Mission Quiz Night: Saturday 29 November 2014, 7.00pm at Ashley
Baptist Church. Soup and sweet supper included. Tickets £7.50 from the
church office at Ashley Baptist, or from Martin Pitman 01733 516092.
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