Welcome to Family Worship

Welcome to Worship at HORDLE PARISH CHURCH
19 October 2014
Trinity 18
Welcome to Family Worship
19 October 2014 - Trinity 18
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.”
Psalm 145:8
We welcome all who know and love the Lord Jesus
Christ to receive Communion. If you have not attended a Communion
Service before, you are welcome to come forward for a prayer or
“A Strong Fortress”
Rev Paul Taylor
Hymn 111
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Psalm 18: 1 – 19 p. Sue Evans
Rev Paul Taylor
Gill Morris
Hymn (Screen) Faithful One (offertory)
The Peace
Communion Hymns:
You are my strength
God, I look to You
Oh how could it be
Hymn (screen) The Lord’s my Shepherd
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:
In the name of Christ, Amen.
Prayer: If you would like someone to pray with you, for any reason, please
make your way to the front pews where a member of the prayer team will
pray with you.
Worship ⇑
Fellowship Χ
Reaching Out ⇔
“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” - Psalm 145:8
11.30am MORNING PRAYER (CW) – Tim Cosby
“A Strong Fortress”
Hymn 528 O worship the King
Hymn 188 God is our strength and refuge
Reading: Psalm 99: 1 - 9
Jan Barnard
Hymn 37 As the deer pants for the water
Reading: Psalm 18: 1 - 19
Peregrine Bruce
Rev Paul Taylor
Hymn 583 Safe in the shadow of the Lord
Creed p.7 - followed by prayers, collect and Lord’s Prayer
Hymn 192 God of grace and God of glory
Sides Duty: Peregrine Bruce
6.30pm EVENING PRAYER (BCP) – Rev Paul Taylor
“A Strong Fortress”
Hymn 16 All my hope on God is founded
Hymn 59 Blessed assurance)
Reading Psalm 143: 1 - 11
Faith Webster
Anthem Judge Eternal throned in splendour
Reading Psalm 18: 1 - 19
Trevor Hubbard
Creed, Collects and Intercessions p.20
Hymn 188 God is our strength and refuge
Hazel Hainsworth
Hymn 506 O Lord my God
(offertory hymn)
Prayer - If you would like someone to pray with you, please speak with one of
the clergy
Sides Duty: Madge Hopkins
Worship ⇑
Fellowship Χ
Reaching Out ⇔
Information for week beginning 19 October 2014
Office: phone: 01425 626565, E-mail: hordlepco@tiscali.co.uk
Website: www.hordle-church.hampshire.org.uk
This church is fitted with a loop system for hearing aids - switch to T
In the unlikely event of a fire, please calmly follow instructions from the front.
There is a toilet in the church foyer, to the right, and an easy access toilet in the
adjacent church hall. Children’s groups take place in the church hall and there is a
room at the back of the church to take younger children if required.
Stroke Club in the Memorial Hall
Licensing Service for Rev Elizabeth Bennett
at All Saints’ Hordle, followed by refreshments.
Tuesday 10.00am Little Angels in the Memorial Hall
1.30pm Little Angels in the Memorial Hall
7.00pm Bowls Club in the Memorial Hall
7.00pm Bell Ringers in the Tower
Wednesday 7.30pm Alpha Course at the Vicarage
Thursday 6.45pm Choir practice in the Church
8.30am Coffee Pot for school parents/carers Upper Room
9.15am Prayers for the Parish in the Church Room
Sunday 26 October “A Strong Foundation”
10.00am All Age Worship – Rev David Moynagh, Gill Morris
(Psalm 119: 105 – 112, TBA)
(Matt 7: 24 – 29 TBA)
(Prayers & Projector Duncan Argyle)
11.30am Holy Communion –
Rev David Moynagh, Christopher Knox
(Psalm 119: 105 – 112 Elizabeth Edmunds)
(Matt 7: 24 – 29 Daphne Vaughan)
6.30pm Connect Worship – Tim Cosby & Peter Reece
Rev Elizabeth Bennett’s Licensing Service Monday 20th October at 7.30pm
at All Saints’ Church, Hordle. All are welcome to attend. If you are coming
and will be staying for refreshments afterwards, please sign the list in the
church foyer. Gill Morris
Worship ⇑
Fellowship Χ
Reaching Out ⇔
For your prayers: We pray for all those with long term illnesses, those who
are house-bound, and those mourning the loss of loved ones.
Please pray especially for the family and friends of Peggy Rice, who sadly
passed away on Wednesday. Details of Funeral arrangements to be advised.
Please also pray for those attending the Alpha course, which continues on
Werner Oder: 23 October 2014, 7.30pm St. Saviour’s Church Hall,
Brockenhurst, SO42 7SJ. Werner Is speaking on his experiences and life as
the son of a Nazi War Criminal. Now a Christian, his teaching, both in the UK
and abroad, is very exciting and challenging. All welcome.
Songs of Praise and Tiptoe Anniversary: Sunday 2nd November 2014. A
warm welcome to join us at St Andrew’s on the 110th Anniversary of our
church being built and the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. Tea will
be at 5.00pm followed by the service at 6.30pm with wartime memories.
The tea is a “bring and share” so cake, sandwiches, scones, sausage rolls etc.
would be much appreciated. Please sign the list at the back of the church.
The Leprosy Mission: If you would like to order your Christmas cards and
gifts from the catalogue please speak to Brenda Hipkin, who can order for
you and save you delivery charges. There are catalogues available. Or you
can order online www.tlmtrading.com
Shoeboxes: Boxes and leaflets are available in the Church Room. Please
take one and fill it and return it by the beginning of November. If you would
rather donate money to help fill a box please see me. Gill Morris
Christians in Science: Can we believe Genesis today? A public lecture by
Revd Dr Ernest Lucas, Wednesday 29th October at 7.30pm in Southampton
University Building 46 (Physics) Lecture Theatre. A free Entry! Daphne and
Bernard Vaughan will be going with 2 spare seats in their car. Please contact
them if you would like to go.
Jam Jars: Could you please save empty jam jars with lids. We are going to
try to keep up Daphne’s tradition of making and selling marmalade in aid of
the Leprosy Mission, but need more jars. Please leave any clean jars in the
box near the entrance to the church. Thanks, Debbie Gaskin.
Worship ⇑
Fellowship Χ
Reaching Out ⇔