Children on Sundays Children are always welcome at the RUMC Church Services, OR at any of these: Children’s Sunday School is at 9:45. Brochures are in all the lobbies. The Nursery is for children 6 weeks through 2 years old. The nurseries are located down the hall from the Welcome Center. The Children's Mission Focus for March is toilet paper. Children’s Ministries March 15 – MISSION TRIP for 1st & 2nd graders (12:00-3:00 PM) to Oak Mountain Missions to deliver & stock mission items collected in Jan & Feb. Lunch provided. Only 2 spaces left! Email Susan St. John to register. April 4 – Easter Faith Walk & Egg Hunt – WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to be station/craft leaders, serve snacks, set up, assist in the egg hunt, etc. Please email Susan St. John to volunteer April 4 – Easter Faith Walk & Egg Hunt from 10:00-12:30 – NOW OPEN, ONLINE REGISTRATION! Egg Hunt requires one dozen candy-filled plastic eggs per child to be delivered to the church office by Friday, March 27 th. Candy should be individually wrapped. No chocolate or peanut products, please. June 8-12 – SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS! June 22-26 – MARVELOUS MISSION WEEK! Back by popular demand! Open to children who have completed 3rd-5th grades. Daily schedule from 9:00-3:00 PM, with aftercare until 5:00 PM. Registration coming soon! Youth Ministries - Sunday Night Middle and High School Youth Activities, begin with snack supper ($3.00) at 5:30 in the Fellowship hall. Youth Weekly Schedule: Wednesday Night Activities: RUSH Unwind, 6-8 PM. Middle School Mid-week 6-7 PM. Boy’s and Girl’s Bible Study 7-8 PM. Scouting Ministry: Boy Scouts - Randy Batten:; 988-0746. Girl Scouts - Cynthia Stafford:; 410-4715. Adult Ministries The Young Adult Sunday School Class is doing a 6-week seriesHe Said, She Said at 9:45 in Room 230. Rev. Mark Wadley leads. Singles (SIM) now meet Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in Riverchase Room B. Divorce Care: Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in E103. Career Assistance Ministry: Contact Mike Coffey, Community Grief Support: For information, call 870-8667. Beginning Experience: A ministry for those who are divorced or separated. For information, call 969-8509 or Open Prayer Meeting: Sundays at 4:00 PM in the Prayer Room, S214. 24-Hour Prayer Line: 1-800-251-2468; the Upper Room Prayer Center. Volunteers needed at The Stream at Baumhower’s Wings in Patton Creek at 9:45 AM. Find us at and Twitter @thestreambww. Adult Sunday School information available in the brochure racks in all Lobby areas. Calendar of Events S=Sanctuary; FH=Fellowship Hall; FR=Fireside Room; RR=Riverchase Room C=Children’s Wing; E=Education Building; SC=Student Center Sunday 3/8 7:00 AM Prayer Meeting-S 8:45 AM Worship-S Adult Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday School Worship-S Getting To Know RUMC-Rm 214 11:00 AM Worship-S WOW-130A R’chase Contemporary Worship-Gym Hispanic Worship-Upper Room 4:00 PM Prayer Team-S214 Hebrews-Rm 28 4:30 PM Youth Choir-SL 40 5:30 PM Peeps/RUSH-SC Knowing God’s Covenant-Rm 29 Covenant-Rm 26 6:00 PM Disciple 1-Rm 27 Monday 3/9 8:30 AM Pilates-Rm 37 10:00 AM Agape Circle-RR 6:00 PM Spiritual Warfare-Rm 28 Men’s Basketball League-Gym 6:30 PM AA-E111 Tuesday 3/10 8:30 AM Yoga-RRA 9:00 AM Mom’s Study-Rm 29 12 Ordinary Men-Rm 18 10:30 AM Lunch Bunch Games-RRB 12:00 PM Lunch Bunch 6:00 PM Yoga-FR 6:30 PM Zumba-FH Singles Impact-RRB 7:00 PM Chancel Ringers Wednesday 3/11 9:00 AM Disciple 4-E104 9:15 AM The Story-FR Wednesday 3/11Cont) 4:45 PM Wednesday Night Dinner-FH 5:00 PM Youth Handbells 6:00 PM Cherub Choir-C130A God’s Kids Choir-Rm 37 Joyful Noise Choir-Rm 40 Faith Kids-C131/C139 Blasting Zone-C130b M S Midweek-SC RUSH Unwind-SC Disciple 1,2-Rm 27, 29 Jesus in the Gospels-Rm 28 Getting to Know the Word of God-RRC Legacy Journey-RRA Divorce Recovery-E-103 Let’s All Be Brave -Rm 10 The Family of Jesus (Women)-Rm 11 I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That-S210 Orchestra-S Celebration Ringers 6:30 PM AA-E111 7:00 PM Faith Kids-C131 JAM Boys/GirlsC132-C135 M S Bible Study Boys/Girls-SC Sanctuary Choir Thursday 3/12 9:15 AM Women’s Bible Study-E104 5:00 PM Pilates-FR 6:00 PM Yoga-RRA Friday 3/13 9:00 AM Scrapbooking-Rm 27 Saturday 3/14 7:15 AM Pancake Breakfast-Gym 8:30 AM Great Day of Service 10:30 AM OA-Rm 32 6:30 PM AA-E111 Riverchase United Methodist Church 1953 Old Hwy. 31 ~ Birmingham, Alabama 35244 (205) 987-4030 ~ Web Site Sharing the Joy of Christ! March 8, 2015 9:45 and 11:00 AM Sympathy The church staff and congregation would like to offer our deepest sympathy to John and Paula Webster and Simon and Lara Brewer and family on the death of John’s mother, Lara’s grandmother, Adell McCullar; and to Pat and Debbie Patterson and family on the death of Pat’s mother, Lois Patterson; and to Larry and Barbara Sanders on the death of Larry’s sister, Audrey Carothers. Like us on Facebook: Email: Unless otherwise noted, all emails are (First Name) Dr. Jim Savage Senior Pastor 397-3013 Rev. John Ray Executive Pastor 397-3012 Altar Flowers The flowers on the altar are in honor of our life together, given by Scott Montgomery and Ruth Howald; and in memory of Ward Parsons, given by Dot Parsons and Lindsay and Lee McKee. Dr. Tyler Christiansen Pastor 987-9348 Rev. Mark Wadley Pastor 370-6552 Stewardship Report Mission & Ministry Budget 2015 $3,052,645 Budget Needed Weekly $58,705 Budget Receipts (March 1) $83,897 Over/(Under) $25,192 Long Term Debt $1,729,964 Total Worship (March 1) 1,471 Remember RUMC in your will. Dr. Jeff Reynolds Minister of Music Kathy Wallace, Pianist Walt Rogers, Organist Susan St. John Children’s Minister 397-3008 Cheryl Beckham Nursery Director 823-7100 Nancy Harper Discipleship Minister 397-3003 Seth Moon Scott Barnes Michelle Smith Youth Ministry 397-3006 Rev. Wesley Savage Minister of Young Adults 397-3004 Patti Copeland Director of Adult Ministries 397-3019 Rev. Buzz Barrett Minister of Generosity Darla Morrison Singles Ministries 397-3019 Natalie Moon Worship Arts 397-3005 Rev. Bob O’Neil Recreation Ministry 987-5290 Susan Phillips Minister of Finance 397-3002 Cindy Buchanan Administrative Assistant 397-0933 Leslie Deloach Day School Director 989-8070 RUMC Counseling Stephanie Fedor-Joseph 520-1379 A Service for the Worship of God (9:45 & 11:00) Anthem Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace Receiving of Our Tithes, Offerings, and Attendance PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP Welcome! Please fill in the Friendship Pad so we can record your attendance OR reach out to you if you are visiting. Thank you for silencing your phones. Offertory Something for Thee Arr. Martin OLD 100TH *Doxology (Hymnal 95) Announcements Praise the Lord FOR IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE Third Sunday of Lent Prelude Rutter Karg-Elert/Handley Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Riverchase Chancel Ringers Acolytes: 9:45 Ella Matthews 11:00 Clara Parker and Dylan Lunsford IT IS IN DYING THAT WE ARE BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE AN INSTRUMENT OF THY PEACE Scripture Lesson 9:45 (Pew Bible 25) Invocation Matthew 23:11-15 Scripture Lesson 11:00 (Pew Bible 97) John 6:8-9 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! *Prayer of St. Francis Leader: Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; People: where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; Sermon 9:45 Laws With No Heart Series #EPICfail Dr. Jim Savage Study Scriptures: Mt. 22:34-39; & 23:1-39; Mk. 12:38-40; Lk. 20:45-47 Sermon 11:00 Just One Series #EPICfail Rev. Mark Wadley Leader: where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. This Week Welcome New Members: Brandon, Katie, Brice, and Cooper Thompson; Andy and Linda Smith; and Robbie and Nicole Sommerville. Today, March 8: Getting to Know RUMC, bring your questions and come to the Prayer Chapel at 9:45. March 9, Agape Circle: Lowell Vann presents Chalk Art in RRB at 10 AM. Lunch Bunch: March 10, 10:30 games, 12:00 lunch, 12:30 Special Guest, our own Dr. Jim Savage. Call the church office to register for lunch and plan to come. Prayer Service from 5-5:15 PM in the Sanctuary each Wednesday during Lent. Great Day of Service March 14: Come for Pancake Breakfast with the Boy Scouts at 7:15 then stay to work. Boy Scout Troop 367 is having a Pine Straw fundraiser at Great Day of Service March 14. Or to place orders call 660-0579, email, or order at the church office. Delivery to local area available. Sunday, March 15: James Ryle will speak to combined Adult Sunday School classes in the Riverchase Room at 9:45 and preach at the 11:00 AM Traditional Service. His topic is “Released from the Prison My Father Built.” March 15: UMM meets at 7:15 AM. Cindy Bowman from Hand in Paw Animal Assisted Therapy will present the program. Coming Soon! March 10, SIM (Singles) will have a Biblical Dinner provided by Gordon Paul., at 6:30 PM in The Riverchase Room. Solo Handbell Concert by Ruth Howald, Monday, March 16, 9:45 in Riverchase Room B, rescheduled from February. Friendship Circle welcomes everyone! March 17, Needle and Thread meets from 10-12 in Room E104. We are making more crochet baby dolls for Lucy’s orphans in Kenya. Supplies and easy instructions available. March 17, Night Readers, 6 PM in Rm 18. Please read Wish You Well by David Baldacci (rescheduled from February), and bring a sack supper. March 19, Circle of Love, 6 PM, Rm 27. Nancy Harper will report on the 2014 trips to England, Greece, and Turkey. Invitation to Christian Discipleship People: O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; (Those wishing more information on church membership are asked to call Dr. Jim Savage, Senior Pastor, 397-3013) Leader: to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; *Hymn 431 All: *Benediction for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. *Hymn of Praise 89 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee HYMN TO JOY A Lenten Meditation The Cross Hymn of Joy arr. Phillips Wireless earphones and large print hymnals and pew Bibles are available from the ushers. Please ask an usher for assistance, if needed. *Greeting of Friends and Guests Children’s Moment and Children’s Church (11:00) WORLD PEACE May the cross of Christ guide us these forty days of Lent that we might be better servants for the Kingdom of God, following the example of Jesus who journeyed to Jerusalem’s cross for us. Amen. Postlude WHERE THERE IS HATRED, LOVE Let There Be Peace on Earth Debbie Ward arr. Nicholson Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer (in unison) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Holy Thursday - April 2 at 7:00 PM — A Service of Holy Communion Good Friday - April 3 at 7:00 PM — A traditional service with our Chamber Choir. Traditional Holy Saturday Easter Service - April 4, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary This will be identical to our Easter Sunday Services, Children’s Church will meet. Easter Sunday - April 5 Traditional Services at 8:45, 9:45, and 11:00 - Identical Services Riverchase Contemporary Service is at 11:00 AM in The Well. No Adult Sunday School Classes on Easter; Children & Youth Classes will meet. Study Classes and Wednesday Dinner Wednesday Dinner, Menu: Stir-fry chicken, rice, salad, roll, and desserts. Adults $6 / children $3.50. Sign-up on the Friendship Pad or call the church office by noon Monday! For salad bar, mark “S” on the pad. Look for these classes on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM: Getting to Know the Word of God in Riverchase C; Divorce Recovery in E103; The Family of Jesus (women) in Room 11; Let’s All Be Brave (women) in Room 10; I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That in S210. Sundays: Knowing God’s Covenant, with Ray Miller at 5:30 PM in Room 29. Hebrews with Mark Wadley from 4-6 PM in Room 28. Mondays: Spiritual Warfare: From 6-8 PM with Rev. Mark Wadley in Room 28. Tuesdays: 12 Ordinary Men—At 9:30 AM with Rev. Buzz Barrett in Room 18. Tuesday Morning Moms—Chase. Heather Monsma leads at 10 AM in Room 29. Childcare available. Thursdays: Women’s Bible Study - Acts with Debbie Lammons at 9:15 in E104. Mission Needs and Opportunities Jamaica Mission Trip planned for July 18-25, 2015. Please contact John Ray or Wesley Savage, if interested. Haiti Mission sign-up by Mar. 31 for Oct. 3-10 trip. See Mark Wadley. UMW Mission Focus: Urban Ministry needs bottled water, whole grain crackers (individual packs), and tuna pouches. Mark “UMW” and place in mission bins. Mission Moment The RUMC Great Day of Service is a hands on mission opportunity for the entire family. Adults and children of all ages will be able to serve in various capacities such as spreading pine straw, painting, organizing, cleaning, and completing other projects that have been identified as needs in our church. Join us this Saturday!
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