UU Update March 18, 2015 Sunday Service – March 22, 2015, 11:00 Rev. Deanna Vandiver will be in the pulpit “Grace Happens” Rev. Deanna will share stories of saving grace - love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost - and invite us to remember our own this Sunday. Join us in a worship of collective healing and hope. Worship Associate: Terry Van Brunt Greeters: Deryl and Mike Wicks Special Music: Melissa Rousseaux Sound Room: Guy Ross, Nina Helfert Sunday Service – March 29, 2015, 11:00 Rev. Paul Beedle will be in the pulpit "Crossing the Bridge to Justice" Voting rights, hard won, are again challenged today. On the 50th anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, Rev. Paul will reflect on its place in our history. Worship Associate: Carolyn Finnell Greeters: Judy Frish, Kada Harris Special Music: Tamara Murray Sound Room: Guy Ross, Nina Helfert Sunday Service – April 5, 2015, 11:00 Easter Sunday Rev. Kali Hayslett will be in the pulpit Worship Associate: Gwen Dennis Greeters: Maggie Sorrells, Fred Cureau Special Music: NSUUS Choir Sound Room: Guy Ross, Nina Helfert Special Collection for Habitat For Humanity – West St. Tammany ****** Pastoral Care Heloise Grant’s husband, Newton Grant, has been at Slidell Memorial Hospital for a week with pneumonia and a heart attack. Although he is very weak, he is recovering and will be discharged to a nursing facility soon. Heloise is looking for the best fit for Newton and managing as best she can. A visit or card is appreciated. Please keep the Goodnows in your thoughts and prayers as well. John has been experiencing side effects from chemotherapy and Jimi has had Bronchitis. They could use some healing energy! Please keep all our church family and friends in your thoughts this week as they travel, keep doctor’s appointments and continue their medical therapies. ******** Calendar of Events DATE TIME Sunday, 3/22/15 11:00 am EVENT LOCATION Sunday, 4/19/15 Sunday Service Rev. Deanna Vandiver 11:00 am Sunday Service Rev. Paul Beedle 11:00 am Easter Sunday Service Rev. Kali Hayslett 11:00 am Sunday Service Rev. Jane Mauldin 11:00 am Earth Day Sunday, 4/26/15 11:00 am Suzanne Cole NSUUS Sunday, 5/3/15 11:00 am Rev. Darcy Roak NSUUS Sunday, 5/10 11:00 am Mother’s Day Music Service NSUUS Sunday, 3/29/15 Sunday, 4/5/15 Sunday, 4/12/15 NSUUS NSUUS NSUUS NSUUS GNOUU Chalice Circles Here at NSUUS we have four Chalice Circles that meet regularly on the North Shore and one that you might be interested in on the South Shore: Meets in Covington (Tchefuncte Estates) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month 7:30-9:00 pm. Contact person is Bill Allin, 985-8759237, wballin@earthlink.net Meets at church 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month 7:15-8:45. Contact person Bert Green, 985-845-4649, brtgreen@bellsouth.net Meets at church 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 10:0011:30 am. Contact person Maggie Sorrels 985-641-7466, peachesmomloco@yahoo.com or frednsue@bellsouth.net Meets in Mandeville 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:008:30 pm. Contact person Leslie Roussel, 985-502-8745, leslie.nsuus@gmail.com or judeselva@bellsouth.net Old Mandeville will be meeting at Nina Helfert’s home, 208 Devon Dr, Mandeville until further notice. GNOUU 20’s and 30’s Chalice Circle, (South Shore) meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 7:30-9 PM; Hosting at Rev. Deanna Vandiver’s house - 1936 Bayou RD, NOLA 70116 - (3 blocks off Claiborne, 1 block off of Esplanade, @ the corner of N. Prieur) Dates will be 3/10/2015, 4/14/2015, 5/12/2015, 6/9/2015, and 7/14/2015. NSUUS EVENTS PASTORAL CARE ASSOCIATE TRAINING Two Sundays April 12 and May 17 1:00 – 3:30 PM In the NSUUS Sanctuary A two-session class to help NSUUS members and friends strengthen their caring skills and ability to respond to those in need. Led by: The Rev. Jane E. Mauldin, D. Min. Board Certified Chaplin Topics will include: What is Pastoral Care? Listening Skills; Levels of Care Ministry During Crisis; Grief and Loss, Boundaries, Relationships and Confidentiality Making Referrals; and Local Resources Pre-registration necessary, in order to prepare materials. Smaller Congregations UU Leadership Experience (SCUULE) Did you know that GNOUU has funds for leadership training? We have a bigger budget this year as we didn't spend all of the training funds that we allocated last year. Here is a great opportunity to take advantage of those funds! SCUULE will focus particularly on the opportunities and challenges facing congregations with 149 or fewer members, whether or not they have a minister or other professional staff. Like SUULE and DBLE, the other LEs offered in our region, SCUULE will be a very intense, week-long "experience" where congregational leaders dive deeply into both their own Unitarian Universalist faith and the congregational systems and dynamics that must be understood in order for leaders to support thriving congregations. Where: Camp McDowell, Nauvoo, AL (about an hour northwest of Birmingham, AL) When: May 31st - June 5th, 2015 (nomination window open until 15 April, 2015) Full details: click here ******** GNOUU will be hosting the Southwest UU conference's District Assembly The Southwestern Conference Assembly is gathering here on April 17-19th. There will be workshops (one led by Bart Frost!), panels, business meetings, presentations (one on Hurricane Katrina), evening entertainment, and opportunities to meet more UUs from our area. Registration is $95, and GNOUU has raised funds for leadership training and events like this so if you need assistance, just ask! To learn more, click here: http://www.seduua.org/aa2015.html ****** A Visual Journey in Vietnam Follow Johnny and Patricia Stout on their journey in Vietnam. Patricia is posting a blog with photos to share with us. Follow Patricia’s blog at www.stoutvietnam.wordpress.com. **** Sweetheart Dinner / Fundraiser The CELSJR Sweetheart Dinner and Silent Auction is postponed until May. Stay tuned for further information. HOT ART Save the Date! The annual Hot Art Show and Sale will be August 15 & 16. Email barbarashaw13@hotmail.com for information. ****** News from Religious Exploration I I I I I I hope hope hope hope hope hope you you you you you you make the best of it. see things that startle you. feel things you never felt before. meet people who have a different point of view. live a life you're proud of, and if you're not, have the courage to start all over again. - F. Scott Fitzgerald ===================================== SIGN UP THIS WEEK: Middle Youth Challenge Course Overnight, Canton, MS. – 6th – 9th Grades – March 28 – 29th with UU of Mobile, UCBR and First UU of Memphis, FUUNO. Contact the DRE (nsuus.dre@gmail.com/985-2349970). The course involves teambuilding, problem solving – low and high elements included. UU Summer Camps for families and for children: Many options for fun in Texas, New Orleans, and more – please see display in the lobby. NEW: Camp for young adults at U Bar U Announcing UBarU Young-adult camp, July 26 - Aug.1! This camp is for adults aged 19-25, and is being planned by a team of long-time senior campers. Our young-adult camp will retain many of the favorite activities of the camps for younger ages, while adding new activities suitable to a more mature group of campers. Full information and registration may be found at http://www.ubaru.org/home/youngAdultCamp. RE This Week: • Middle Youth/Youth: Building Bridges – Humanism, (con’d) • Primary Group: UU Superheroes, Lydia Maria Child, Lewis Latimer, Theodore Parker, Christopher Reeves + more and our UU Superhero song! NSUUS RE is on Facebook: Please “like” us here: www.facebook.com/NsuusRE Director Religious Education Lisa Rustemeyer 985-234-9970 nsuus.dre@gmail.com Emergency Church Phone: 985-882-0096 ****** Church Directory A PDF version of the current church directory is available by email upon member request. Send your request to leslie.nsuus@gmail.com. If there have been any changes in your email, telephone numbers or mailing address please send them to me. North Shore Unitarian Universalist Society of Louisiana, Inc. Located: 28662 Krentel Road, Lacombe, LA 70445 Mailing Address: PO Box 2006, Lacombe, LA 70445-2006 Telephone: NSUUS Office 985-882-0096; Website: http://www.northshoreuu.org/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NorthShoreUnitarianUniversalistSociety?fref=ts 2015 Board of Trustees: President: Lawrence Pratt Vice President: Gwen Dennis Treasurer: Secretary: Trustee: Gay DiGiovanni Melissa Rousseaux Fred Cureau Trustee: Keith Pederson Trustee: Maggie Sorrels Sexton: Fred Cureau frednsue@bellsouth.net 985-641-7915 Director Religious Exploration: Lisa Rustemeyer 985-234-9970; nsuus.dre@gmail.com Administrative Assistant: Leslie Roussel 985-502-8745; leslie.nsuus@gmail.com Pastoral Care Associate: Gay DiGiovanni phillychick26@gmail.com Choir Director: Melissa Rousseaux Melisma4u2sing@gmail.com Worship Committee Chair: Tamara Murray tami1227@msn.com This message is from North Shore Unitarian Universalist Society of Louisiana, Inc. You may (and are encouraged to!) forward this information to your friends and family. If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive it each week, or if you wish to change your e-mail address, or remove yourself from this mailing, Contact Office@NorthshoreUU.org or Leslie.nsuus@gmail.com We do not sell, rent, or give away subscriber information. Do you have Information for the Update? It is needed by noon on Wednesday each week. Send to leslie.nsuus@gmail.com
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