MARCH/APRIL 2015 LaPorte RePorte News from LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian J U L Y 2 0 1 2 LPNC Annual Meeting Highlights Twenty-six members and friends attended the Annual meeting for 2014 held after coffee hour on January 25. After the opening prayer by Rev. Kit, reports were heard by or for the Secretary, Treasury, President, Minister, Sunday School, Youth League, and Wedding Ministry. The elected LPNC positions for 2015 were: Triecia Roberts (President, 3 years), Pat Tukos (Vice-President, 2 years remaining), Jessica Saboski (Secretary, 3 years), Barb Halle (Treasurer, 3 years), Jim Kidwell (Trustee, 1 year). A By-Law was amended 11/9/14 stating that there will be one Trustee elected for a 3-year term. Jim Kidwell is completing his 3-year term this year. Barb Halle gave a very detailed Treasurer’s report which projected some soon-to-be needed building repairs and maintenance for both the church and Manna House including the following: church kitchen wall, repair/paint sanctuary, update heating system for MH, asphalt patch in MH parking lot, remodel church bathroom to be Handicap Accessible, and update audio system. Tam Mounce stated that the LiPNiCKYLS group had 12-15 teens in attendance at twice-monthly events throughout the year with a large number of them attending Almont. They are thinking about new fundraisers for 2015 including a possible ‘Give-Back’ Night at Buffalo Wild Wings and a car wash. In addition to reports for 2014, a summary report of the October ministry evaluations was shared by Rev. Kit and Barb Halle. Overall Church Leadership scored 91%; Overall Ministry of Church was 86%; and Overall Church Health was 88%. This report were handed out at the meeting and also emailed to those not in attendance that afternoon. Jim Kidwell gave a lively report on the Minister Evaluation. Overall Minister Average Score was 97%. (Woohoo!) Much appreciation was expressed to the congregation who took their time to respond to the questions and make additional thoughtful comments. Eighteen people responded which allowed for a healthy and broad spectrum of opinions. These have been heard and addressed by the Board. Positive improvements and changes will be happening! Please look for the volunteer sign-up sheet to work at this sale. We need many people to offer their time and energy for these three sale days as well as some for the set-up in the week or so prior to the sale. Let your friends and family know Thurs-Sat, March 12-14 about this fundraiser – we have an abundance of very good quality 8:00—1:00 clothing for all ages, household goods, all sorts of items for children, Tell your friends! and some small furniture. Let’s work together to make this another great fundraiser for the church! One Word In their book "One Word That Will Change Your Life", authors Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, and Jon Gordon write about how spending an entire year focused on one word, such as serving, grace, purpose, or surrender, can change your life. Choosing one word will inspire you to simplify your life by focusing on that one word. The simple power of One Word is that it impacts all six dimensions of your life: mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. They say, "Just as a light focused becomes a laser that can cut through steel, a life focused with One Word becomes a force that can cut through the status quo." What word would you like to focus on for a week, a month, a year? Love? Forgiveness? Purpose? Fitness? Health? Surrender? Faith? Family? Something else? Reflect on what you would like to work on. You can find a rock and write it down and carry it in your pocket as a constant reminder, or make a note and put it up where you can see it, or focus on it in your mind every morning when you wake up. ~ Triecia Roberts A life of kindness is the primary meaning of divine worship. J U LAPORTE REPORTE New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine #124 MARCH / APRIL 2015 The Heart of It All PASTOR’S CORNER “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” (John 3:19-21) charity is a living, growing feeling and spiritual energy alive inside us, which must be actualized within good works for it to be truly real (praise God!). In short, deeply saving and regenerating faith is the kind of spiritual thoughts, insights, reasoning and consciousness that gradually grows and shines from deep inside someone--the living compassion and goodwill from the heart. We read, "I understand more than the ancients because I keep Your precepts." (Ps. 119:100) And the Apostle James wrote so deeply, "faith, by itself, if it does not have works, is dead, being alone." (2:17) As John reveals, it is when we want to care for one another, consciously in God's Light of Love, when we want to live in the Lord, believing He is constantly guiding all life, that we are by day. And God slowly multiplies His love and wisdom within us, changing the selfishness we inherit into love and kindness. Out of this love grows thoughts, reasoning and perceptions, which are the light coming from this spiritual heat. Swedenborg learned, "no one can have faith in the Lord unless he is in kindness and goodwill for all." (Doctrine of Faith 22) And he goes on, "the will leads the understanding and makes it act as one with itself." (44) In other words, genuine May your journeys this Lent bring you further into the heat, light and garden of salvation. Amen. My calling as your pastor is to work with you and assist you in your very real spiritual life and One of my most favorite beliefs within Swedenborgian life growth, helping the Lord in His and faith is how we perceive what truly saving faith is, extremely deep and patient molding of us all, as "you are like compared with what is not. I offer it to you for your reflection the clay in the potter’s hands," and God is the Divine Potter, and meditation, in your own journey of discovering spiritual lovingly touching, blessing and shaping us into deeply loving, love and truth in your life. wise, faithful and caring beings. (Jer. 18:6) Blessings! Rev. Kit Evening Lenten Program Series at Manna Hse Lent and Holy Week The Ash Wednesday evening service was held February 17 to begin our Lenten journey. During Lent, the LaPorte Ministerial Association, of which Rev. Kit is an active member, offers a “20 minutes with God” noon-time Lenten series on the following Wednesdays, all to be held at First United Methodist Church on Michigan Avenue. Ministers from various churches will offer the 20-minute messages. A light lunch is offered following each service. Louie's Café and Christo’s provides soup for some of the lunches; our church will be providing sandwiches (for aprx. 50 people) and serving on March 25. We need more help doing this, so please let Pat know if you can help. During Holy Week, Palm Sunday is March 29 followed by the Maundy Thursday service that week (April 2) held at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Our church will then participate in the City’s annual ecumenical Cross Walk at noon the next day on Good Friday beginning at the Methodist Church on Michigan Avenue. Our church will be the 6th stop on this walk. Our Easter worship celebration is April 5. This is a time for the family to gather together as there will be no Sunday School that day. Childcare will be available for children under four years old. Also, there will be no coffee hour that day. Rev. Kit will facilitate four sessions from 6:30-8:30, the format yet to be determined (either the Jesus of Nazareth movie, or based on biblical stories). Please let him know your preference and interest (see his Feb. 24th email). Program dates are Tues, March 10 (at church) and these Wednesdays, Mar. 18, 25, April 1 (at Manna House). Hear our Prayers, O Lord Tina & Dwayne Scherb Bill Ladra and his friends Emily and Laila Pera Jim Kidwell Kathy Jessen Sandy and Pete Peterson Johanna and Angelina Zangrilli Penny Billings Raymond East KC and Adam Buell Elise Blake Pat Parker Sheryl Vogel Tammara Mounce and her sons Tony Kalinowski Thank you, Gail, …for putting the finishing decorative and historical touches on the church’s remodeled fellowship stairwell and landing. LAPORTE REPORTE LiPNiCkYLS 2015 THE YEAR OF BIG LOVE WELCOME to a new year of Youth Group! Heidi, Rev. Kit, and I are so glad that you are here! These are the verses that we will be looking at and talking about over the next few months. We look forward to our conversations. You all are so insightful! 1 John 4:20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 Peter 4:8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 1 John 3:17 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Matthew 7:12 So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered person stirs up strife, but those who are slow to anger quiet contention. Our youth group had a great time on Friday, February 13! We had our 2nd annual Valentine’s party. We started with a great discussion on 1 Peter 4:8. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. We enjoyed a nacho bar with all the fixings. Then we designed treat bags, and everyone brought a treat to share with everyone. As you can see, it was fun! We aim to gather twice a month, alternating Fridays. All teens are welcome! ~ Tam Mounce, LPNC Youth League Leader Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first. ( January MLK Tween Retreat at Manna House Three girls and thirteen boys (wow!!!) packed into Manna House over MLK weekend to enjoy a retreat all about animals. Adult leaders Kurt Fekete, Lori Gayheart, Heather Jerrett-Guzik, Rachael Sbrocco and Rev. Jenn Tafel did their best to contain the energy, excitement and enthusiasm from spilling over into the out-of-control realm. What a fun time we all had working and playing with this group of youth! Jenn and Heather drove a van load of youth from Michigan and did a wonderful job helping with supervision and cooking. Sessions centered around Bible stories featuring animals. Some of the Bible stories we discussed included the serpent/snake from the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, fish and birds from the Day 5 Creation story in Genesis 1, the lamb from Revelation 21, the lion in Daniel and the Lion's Den from Daniel 6, and insects from the Plaques in Exodus 8 and 10. We also learned about the spiritual meanings of a great number of other domestic and wild animals and had an interesting time discussing different animals and how their behaviors can be seen in ourselves. Rachael and Lori led some wonderful crafts related to the animals that we talked about. The youth made duct tape braided snakes, foil fish and birds, cute clothespin and yarn lambs and wolves and insect jars for paper butterflies and bugs that can also be used to hold real insects! On Saturday we visited the library and then on Sunday after worship and a delicious lunch, we went on a fantastic sledding outing at the Tukos' house. After numerous runs down the hill we returned to Manna House to enjoy lots of rich hot chocolate. Thank you to all the retreat leaders and all the folks at LPNC for hosting such a great retreat. Just writing this up is getting me excited to plan the next one! ~ Kurt Fekete, SCYL Youth Director LA LAPORTE REPORTE PORTE REPO RT E MARCH / APRIL 2015 Ongoing Manna House Groups AA: Sober Circle, Saturdays, 10:15 am Looking Ahead... MARCH 1, Sunday 4, Weds First Sunday service 20 Minutes for God, noon service/lunch, at First United Methodist Church Board meeting, 6:00 pm, Manna House 8, Sunday Family Sunday service, Potluck 11, Weds 20 Minutes for God, noon service/lunch, at First United Methodist Church 12-14, Th-Sat Rummage Sale at Manna House, 8am-1pm 13, Friday Youth League gathering at church, 7-9 pm 15, Sunday Holy Communion service 18, Weds 20 Minutes for God, noon service/lunch, at First United Methodist Church 25, Weds 20 Minutes for God, noon service/lunch, First United Methodist Church*LPNC serves lunch* 27, Friday Youth League gathering, MH 7-9pm 29, Sunday Palm Sunday service APRIL 2, Thurs Maundy Thursday service, 7 pm 3, Friday Good Friday Cross Walk, meet noon at First United Methodist Church 5, Sunday Easter Sunday family worship service. No Sunday School or coffee hour today. 10, Friday Youth League gathering, MH, 7:00-9:00 pm 12, Sunday Family Sunday service, Potluck 13-16, M-Th Ministers’ Peer Supervision Retreat 19, Sunday Holy Communion 24, Friday Youth League gathering at MH, 7-9 pm COFFEE HOUR HOSTS Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Apr 5 Apr 12 GAIL’S GOBBLERS POTLUCK JUDY’S JOYS BARB’S BUDDIES HEIDI’S HOPPERS No Coffee Hour POTLUCK Apr 19 Apr 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 GAIL’S GOBBLERS CONNIE’S COOKS PAT’S PALS POTLUCK JUDY’S JOYS BARB’S BUDDIES HEIDI’S HOPPERS Your Giving Illinois Association Dues is payable now at $10 per member. Illinois Association Youth Activities Fundraiser helps send our Sunday School children to Almont Summer School/Camp by paying ½ of their Almont fees. (Please make your IA gifts payable to LPNC.) Other LPNC Gifts for March and April March & April: Manna House Stewardship to help with maintenance/utility costs, suggested $20-35/ month. March: Gift-Back quarterly donation to General Convention, suggested $25 per person PASTOR’S DAYS OFF A reminder that Rev. Kit’s days off are Monday and Tuesday. Unless it’s an emergency, please allow him this time. LaPorte New Church Swedenborgian 812 Indiana Avenue LaPorte, IN 46350 Pastor: Rev. Kit Billings Phone (219) 362-1959 J U LAPORTE REPORTE MARCH / APRIL 2015
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