February e h T 2015 e-link Connecting Church and Community Fairview United Methodist Church • Maryville, Tennessee February 8 - February 14, 2015 For those of you unfamiliar with the biblical story, the phrase "land flowing with milk and honey" was the description God used while commissioning Moses to lead His "chosen people" out of captivity in Egypt. God was painting a picture of the future home of the Israelites, a home rich in resources and natural land. However, what God’s people did not know about this "promised land" was that they would never enjoy its richness. Because they were unwilling to cooperate with God and take the risky steps of obedience, they wandered in the desert for 40 years. The wandering Israelites were eating something called manna every day, for 40 years straight. What is manna? Well, it wasn’t the tastiest of meals for 40 years straight. Can you imagine? I remember, while growing up, complaining if my mom made the same thing twice in one week! While the Israelites grumbled in the desert, God provided a means by which they would not die of starvation. At first, the manna was surprisingly flavorsome. But after a while it got old, and the people began to lash out at God and Moses, saying, "You promised milk and honey but have led us out here into the desert to rot and die." But that was far from what God was doing. God was simply providing a necessary element of life for a season until he could bring about his promised blessing. Manna-before-milk stories surface in our lives continuously, sometimes even without our knowledge. For modern-day children of God, this is a huge truth to grasp because while we often complain about a season of work that isn’t exactly what we hoped for or when we walk through personal or family crises, we desperately seek to resolve the inner, as well as the outer, conflict as soon as possible. The manna begins to get old. Some start taking the resources God brings their way to sustain and provide for granted. What person really wants to deal with an unsympathetic boss, rebellious kids, or a close-minded partner? Not anyone I know, including myself. However, these are situations and the relationships (the manna) that we should be allowing to change, mature and strengthen us. The day of a land flowing with milk and honey will come soon enough. We need not worry about that. We must be busy concerning ourselves with preparation so that on that day we will be ready to enter the rich land. And this is really where the testing of discipleship comes in. Can Christ-followers be content to trek the desert path and learn what it means to be thankful and obedient? Sadly, the Israelites lacked the perspective and humility to use the manna season as preparation and training for their hearts and minds. When God brought them to the border of Canaan and showed them the milk and honey, the beauty and the richness, they retreated in fear, partly because they had not used the season of manna as a time for learning and preparation. Use your manna seasons to trust God and grow in your level of gratitude. Don’t waste your time grumbling and miss an incredible opportunity—the opportunity to embrace the learning experience and prepare for the tougher road ahead. Pastor Gilbert Needed - someone to take the minutes at the Trustees Meeting. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The meeting is recorded to make it possible to take the notes home to type for the report. Please contact Becky at the church office. 983-2080 ex 101 or bsewell@fairview-umc.org. Dawn Reagan, Chairperson SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Stewardship “I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with my prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness: Sunday General Offering: $25,843.16 Together Toward Tomorrow: $4,560.00 PRAYER “We may have very little to give our friends, but, however little of this world’s goods we possess, we may give them the priceless treasure of our prayers.” Christian sympathy is extended to family and friends of Alden Smith, David and Carol Hatcher on the death of David’s sister, Nancy Craig. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers. BIRTHS Congratulations to Jimmy and Sabrina (Shelgren) Manis on the birth of their daughter Lydia Kate Manis. Volunteers Needed for Children’s Welcome Window Adult or Youth interested in helping greet our families with young children we need you! We have several slots available before each service and before Sunday School. It is a once per month commitment for about 20 minutes. It’s a great opportunity to help with this important ministry and you can still attend the service and Sunday School! Please contact Karen Van Son if you would be available to help or would like additional information. Kvsdesign@charter.net or 604-8294. Wednesday Night Bible Study Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” Revelation 21:5 Join us for "What's new in the Bible" Roxanna Jones Sunday, February 08, 2015 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 AM Discovery Class 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 12:30 PM Gladius potluck luncheon 1:00 PM Children's Ministry Leadership 3:15 PM H.A.T.S. Drama Group 4:15 PM Youth Choir 5:15 PM Youth 6:00 PM Worship Monday, February 09, 2015 7:00 AM Men's Bible Study 10:00 AM Mats for the Homeless 3:00 PM Women's Emmaus Group Mtg. 5:00 PM Upward practice 6:30 PM Upward Cheerleading 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 888 Tuesday, February 10, 2015 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study 5:00 PM Upward practice 6:00 PM Mats for the Homeless 6:30 PM Trustees 6:30 PM Upward Cheerleading 7:00 PM Men's Emmaus Reunion Group Wednesday, February 11, 2015 6:00 PM "Dare to Share" - Remedy 6:00 PM Orchestra 6:00 PM Two or More - Women 6:00 PM W.O.W. Wonders/Worship Arts 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Adult Study 6:00 PM Women's Small Group - Stroud 6:00 PM Youth Small Groups 6:45 PM Adult Choir 7:00 PM Pickle Ball 7:00 PM Youth Study and Pizza 7:30 PM Youth Dance Ministry Thursday, February 12, 2015 5:00 PM Upward practice 5:30 PM Girl Scout Troop 21083 6:30 PM Cub Scouts Pack 184 Friday, February 13, 2015 9:00 AM Ladies Fellowship of Maryville 10:00 AM Bible Study-Hispanic Community 5:00 PM Upward practice Saturday, February 14, 2015 8:00 AM Upward Basketball The Seekers Sunday School Class challenges adult classes to a fund raising contest. We will provide breakfast for the Sunday School class that raises the most money between February 1 and February 15 for the: Pregnancy Resource Center 3028 Old Niles Ferry Rd. Their mission is to minister to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those facing difficult decisions regarding unplanned pregnancies by offering life-affirming alternatives to abortion, to promote God’s plan for sexual purity, and to offer God’s restoration to those who are hurting from past abortions. Just as we did last year we will determine the winning class based on a per capita amount. In order to do this, we will use the attendance books to discern the number of class members, so please make sure your book is up to date. You also need to make sure your class name is on the bottle tag. On the church line put FUMC – Class Name. Last year we raised $8,323.78. The Topical class, who averaged $75.10 per class member was treated to breakfast. Good Luck! Volunteers needed: 16 volunteers are needed to work on the mission project at Flat Gap School @ Jubilee Project in Sneedville, Tennessee. Volunteers will meet at the church at 6:30 am. They will work all day on the following days so bring a sack lunch and drink. Join us on: February 14– painting, carpentry, and finish work. Sign up at the Welcome Desk in the Great Hall or contact Ron Nichols (742-8230) or Joe Schrock (4418895. Bring along any tools you may need, if you have any. If not, just come and join us! KEENAGERS Keenagers will meet on Tuesday, February 24 at 11:30 am. John Hartmann, Legacy Planning Services and attorney, Jeffrey Cobble will lead a "Lunch and Learn" seminar on Getting Your Affairs in Order With Estate Planning." Topics include Living Trusts vs. Wills--The Differences with discussion on protecting the assets from a nursing home event. McAlister's box lunches include your choice of ham, turkey, or roast beef. Sign up at the Welcome Table. For further information, contact Shirley Webb at 983-1762. Altar Flowers Signup Signup for the 2015 Altar Flowers - You are welcomed to sign up for the 2015 altar flowers. The Altar Flowers Signup Book is in the Narthex, or you may contact Millie Stoutt at 621-6594 or email her at mstoutt@utk.edu . The church currently uses The Flower Shop; they give us a discount, for example, a $80 arrangement would be $72. Thank you so much for helping to dress up the altar; for years churches have placed flowers on their altars. When no designations were given, the flowers were symbols of the resurrection (i.e., Jesus appearing in a garden after he had risen). Thank you. FUMC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Are you planning to attend college in 2015 – 2016 as an undergraduate? Will you be a candidate for a degree at an accredited college or university? If you are, then you should apply for one of Fairview’s Endowment Scholarships, funded by the generosity of persons and memorials over the years. Each scholarship is $500, enough to help toward book and supply costs, and each year a limited number will be given out. Selection is based on academic, church, and community achievements; application responses; and your interest in continuing your education. Scholarships can be used at any accredited college or university of your choice, wherever located, except those designated for a particular institution. Application forms can be obtained from the church office. Applications and associated recommendations and documentation must be returned to the church office by April 14, 2015. Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted. We have always heard “It takes a village to raise a child”. It really takes a village to do anything. Each Sunday at Fairview and Remedy it takes many, many people to make church happen. Without volunteers, church would not happen. Each Sunday at Remedy we have musicians, greeters, nursery workers, people who make coffee, and people to just make things work. Where would we be if the volunteers decided to not show up on Sunday? This week Roger Williams and I want to thank all the volunteers on both sides of the street that make church happen each Sunday. What a blessing it is to serve. Have a great week. Carol Ellis, Remedy Ash Wednesday Worship Service February 18 6:00 p.m. CHILDREN’S CLOTHES Please help us out at the Clothes Closet. We have very few children’s clothes. As you clean out your children’s closets, please give them to our Clothing Closet and help us take care of families in need. Thank you so very much for meeting this need. Samaritan Hands Sweetheart Banquet is looking for a few good servers! It will be February 15th and you would need to arrive by 5:30pm and stay to help clean the gym after the banquet. It would approximately be 8:30pm plus when you will get dinner! You would need to wear black pants and a white shirt. Please let Ms Yvonne know if you are interested asap! Thanks! It’s time for Snack Suppers again! We need help with our Sunday Night Snack Suppers. The youth love the food and fellowship time. Please contact Kari Roy at kari1427@gmail.com if you can help! THANK YOU to Dan Cooper! He has all our new televisions and DVD players up and running! Also to Paul Priest for putting our new storage units together. You guys ROCK! Come One, Come All! We need artists to decorate the youth rooms! Tamyra Parks will be leading us in painting on canvas on Tuesday, March 3rd from 6-9PM. We will meet in the small dining room in the gym area. You must sign up for this night so we will have the correct number of supplies. It will be totally free, the only request is you let us hang your work in the youth area for a year. Come out and join the fun! We will have a blast! To sign up email Ms Yvonne at yshelgren@fairview-umc.org Please Note Day Change! It’s Senior Banquet Time! March 29 5:30-7:30 We will recognize all our graduating seniors. We need lots of help! Pray about helping in one of these areas: kitchen helpers, decorators of the gym, grocery shoppers, clean up and many more! Our seniors will be receiving packets in the mail with all their information and RSVP cards. It’s a great time to thank our seniors and pray for them as they begin a new season of their lives! Wednesday Night Bible Study Begins February 11 from 6-7PM Senior High will be studying “Truth Matters” a course preparing our youth to defend their faith in the world. Junior High will be studying a combination of “Gods Not Dead” and “A Case for Christ”. Everyone needs to bring their Bible to class. We will have pizza our first night as the new studies are introduced. It will be a great night! Easter SonRise Breakfast April 5, 2015 We need our awesome parents this morning! It’s a great fundraiser for the summer tour. Please pray about the following jobs and let Ms Yvonne know where you can help. Securer: Be at kitchen on Good Friday for check in and contact those who forgot Set Up: Help students set up tables and place settings Good Friday. (Also roll napkins, forks, salt and pepper on tables.) Shopper: For tableware, napkins and cups Greeters: Greet guests at entry point and direct into 2 serving lines from 7:15-7:45 Youth Choir Member Breakfast Prep: Package breakfast for choir members 15 minutes before end of first service And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deut Our first serve project will take place Wednesday February 4th at 6:00 pm in the gym. ALL families (parents and guardians included) are welcome to participate. WOW Wonders (K-5th) Choir kids, and Fusion (6th grade) will be participating in making special “Blessing Bags” so that we can mobilize the church to serve people in the community. We will be putting together bags that will include toothbrushes, toothpaste, gum and other items. These bags will be given out to the congregation to keep in their car so the next time they encounter a person in need, they can hand them out the window and be a blessing! Anyone is welcome to join us on February 4th in the gym to help put together the bags. You can pick up your blessing bags on Sunday February 8th after church outside of the sanctuary in the great hall. ALL donations are appreciated! Each bag costs about $3 W.O.W. (Worship on Wednesdays) Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 pm Nursery is provided for children age 0-3 Wee wonders (preschool age 4) like a mini-VBS with singing, crafts, games and a snack with a Bible-based curriculum. Wonders (K-5th) we may have a food smelling contest in the cooking station or eat popcorn in the theater and watch a clip about Moses after a short lesson. We may make Jesus flipflops out of duct tape in art or play minute-to-win-it games. Worship Arts (K-5th) kids may be singing their hearts out in Worship Arts while they memorize the Word of God through song or play. They also learn drama, movement and instruments!
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