Weekly Announcement Insert. - The Episcopal Church of Heavenly

We are a Church that is called to welcome everyone as Christ.
You are invited to be part of our weekly opportunities
for prayer and action. If you are new to Heavenly Rest, please fill
out a welcome card found in the pews and let us know who you are.
Sundays at Heavenly Rest
Worship: Sundays at Heavenly Rest include Holy Eucharist (Communion) at
8 am, 9 am, and 10:30 am, and a quiet sung Night Prayer by candlelight at
7 pm in the Chapel. These services follow the Anglican tradition of the Book of
Common Prayer. All are welcome to receive communion.
Children’s Chapel (During the 10:30 am service in the Chapel): Children ages 3
through 3rd grade are welcome to join us for for a simple service with age-appropriate lessons and crafts.
#Questioningfaith (Following the 10:30 am service in the Chancel): Each week,
these 45-minute classes explore one question about scripture, tradition, or current
Rector’s Forums (At 9:30 am in Darlington Hall): These 45-minute weekly
forums provide teaching and discussion on a wide variety of topics: scripture,
Christian history, ethics, and mission.
Youth Group (At Noon in the Common Room): Pizza, check-ins, and activities
for kids 6th grade and up. For more information contact Tuesday Rupp at trupp@
heavenlyrest.org or (212)369-0859.
Every Week at Heavenly Rest
Morning Prayer (Monday through Friday at 8 am in the Chancel): This
service begins each day with prayer, psalms, and scripture using the Daily Office of
the Book of Common Prayer.
Monday Playgroup (Mondays at 10:30 am): Parents and caregivers meet in the
Good Shepherd Room with their babies and toddlers for free play in an open space.
Monday Meditation (6:15 pm in the Chancel): This group follows the
Christian tradition of centering prayer as a way to experience God’s grace.
Men’s Bible Study (Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 am in the
Choir Room): This one-hour group explores a passage of scripture.
Choristers (Tuesday 3:45 pm & 4:15 pm and Wednesdays 4 pm): Children age 7
through High School meet each week for singing and fellowship in the Choir Room.
Wednesday Eucharists (Noon and 6:15 pm in the Chapel): These weekly
communion services include brief homilies.
Friday Bible Study (9 am in the Choir Room): This one-hour group participates in
a lively discussion about a passage of scripture, often taking time to read an entire
book of the Bible slowly together.
Friday Playgroup (Fridays at 9:15 am): Parents and caregivers meet in the Good
Shepherd Room with their babies and toddlers for free play in an open space.
Saturday Noonday Prayer (in the Chancel): This weekly observance includes
intercessory prayer, scripture, and psalms.
Joy and Fun
Community Meals are held quarterly as a way for the entire parish to spend time
together over a light lunch in Darlington Hall following Sunday services.
The Young and Heavenly RESTless Our fellowship group for those in their 20’s
and 30’s meets on the fourth Sunday of every month for brunch at Noon.
Our “Storykeepers” group is a gathering of CHR seniors connecting with one
another around topics of mutual interest. Storykeepers meet on the third Sunday of
every month in Darlington Hall after the 10:30 am service.
Women’s Breakfast Group meets on alternate Tuesdays at 8:00 am at 3 Guys
Restaurant for breakfast and conversation.
The Intercessions List: The Church has been asked to pray for these people and
concerns. Please remember them in your own prayers: Betsy, D.J. Jones, Nathan
Hayward, Dominga Delgado, Lydia Delgado, Art Sachs, Jennifer Hayes, Jesse Briggs,
Micki Cibor, Dale LaPera, Caleb Wallace, Patsy McPherson, Janine, Barbara Sullivan,
Pat Fekula, George Begley, Tatum Rose, Max, Michael Donnally, Jeanne Abichandani,
The Michaeli Family, Delany Jones, John, Marie-Jose Mardirossian, Gonzalo Barahona,
The people of Baltimore, The people of Nepal.
For the repose of the souls of: The Rev. Dr. Willoughby Newton, Freddie Gray,
Peter Cronkite.
2 East 90th Street, New York, NY 10128
212-289-3400 www.heavenlyrest.org
May 3. 2015
Easter V
If you or a member of your family is in need of pastoral care, is hospitalized or would like
a visit from one of our clergy, please call the church office at 212-289-3400.
Church of the Heavenly Rest
2 East 90th Street, New York, NY 10128
visit our website at www.heavenlyrest.org
212-289-3400 info@heavenlyrest.org
Bishop of New York
The Rt. Rev. Andrew M L Dietsche
The Rev. Matthew Heyd, Rector, Ext. 211, mheyd@heavenlyrest.org
The Rev. Cynthia Stravers, Associate Rector, Ext. 214, cstravers@heavenlyrest.org
The Rev. Elizabeth Garnsey, Priest Associate
The Rev. Euan Cameron, Priest Associate
The Rev. Margaret Rose, Priest Associate
The Rev. Caroline Boynton, Deacon
Hartwell Hylton, Seminarian
Mollie Nichols, Director of Music, Ext. 204, mnichols@heavenlyrest.org
Steven Lawson, Assisting Organist
Ruth Anne Giannetto, Director of Capital Projects
Ext. 215, ragiannetto@heavenlyrest.org
Kara Flannery, Director of Communications & Stewardship, Ext. 206, kflannery@heavenlryest.org
Tuesday Rupp, Director of Christian Formation & Arts Ministry, Ext. 207,
Lindsey Briggs, Parish Program Coordinator and Assistant to the Rector
Ext. 210, lbriggs@heavenlyrest.org
Tapua Tunduwani, Pastoral Assistant; Ttunduwani@heavenlyrest.org
Gloria Clowes, Temporary Business Office Assist, Ext. 216, businessoffice@heavenlyrest.org
Mia Moore-Ray, Welcome Assistant and Receptionist, Ext. 200, receptionist@heavenlyrest.org
Roger Chavannes, Verger
Craig S. Sibblies, José Barahona, Sextons
James Fox, Security
Wardens & Vestry
Wardens: John Hitchcock, Caroline Williamson Treasurer: JoDare Mitchell
Vestry: PJ Camp, David Chapman, Ann Collins, Judi Counts, Evan Davis,
Josh Doyle, Meredith Hawkins, Steph Houghton, Holly Hughes, Douglas McIntyre,
Margaret McQuade, Elizabeth Stevens, Judith Washam, Gail Zimmermann
We love to celebrate our congregation in photos and videos. From time to
time we film events inside and outside the church for use in our publications
and on our website. By your presence, you are agreeing to grant Church of
the Heavenly Rest unrestricted rights to use and publish, transmit or telecast
images, and or likenesses that may be taken of you for use in communications
related to the church. Contact Kara Flannery, Director of Communications, with
any questions at kflannery@heavenlyrest.org or 212-289-3400, ext. 206.
since God loved us so much, we also ought to love each other…
If we love one another, God lives in us and God’s
love is perfected in us.
(1 John 4:11,12)
We are called to be disciples by the gifts that God has given us:
Nurturing Children & Families
Contemplative Spirituality & Christian Practice
Arts & Spirituality
We are a community of prayer and action that
welcomes everyone as beloved children of God—
with many voices, many open doors,
and many paths to Christ.
God is calling us to be a church of deep and joyful spirituality—
to the practice of prayer, worship, and to the experience of
inspirational music, art, and design.
God is calling us to be a church of more than Sunday mornings—
to welcome people wherever they are in their spiritual life, to
serve as a neighborhood center, and to bridge the sacred and
God is calling us to be a church that cares for the needs of all
ages and stages and engages across generations.
God is calling us to be a church that does God’s work outside
our doors in partnership with our neighbors.
God is calling us to be a church that practices stewardship as
God calls us to be a church that is joyful and fun.
Sunday, May 3
Easter V
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:10 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am Noon Noon 3:00 pm
7:00 pm
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room
Sunday School Classes
Rector’s Forum in Darlington Hall
Holy Eucharist and Children’s Chapel
Sermon: The Rev. Matthew Heyd
#questioningfaith meets in the Chancel
Youth Group meets in the Common Room
Holy Eucharist and Confirmation Service
in the Church
Night Prayer in the Chapel
• Rectors Forum Arts and the life of the Spirit: On Sunday we continue
our series on arts with iconographer Maureen McCormick. Maureen will
speak about the spirituality behind the craft of Iconography and bring icons
to display. In an upcoming forum on May 17, former rector Hugh Hildesley
will lead a session on Christian art.
• Confirmation: At 3:00pm, ten young people from our community will
participate in our Confirmation service. Our class has worked hard preparing
since October for this rite of passage. This will be a wonder-filled day indeed,
a meaningful rite of passage worthy of a vast cloud of witnesses. Won’t you
please join us for this momentous occasion? We want so much to encourage
our young people in this powerful, mystical choice with our own Ministry of
• #questioningfaith: The Anglican tradition encourages a faith that prods,
probes, and questions our faith. Following the 10:30 am service each
week we will examine a question related to scripture, tradition, or current
experience. Beginners are welcome … and, we’re all beginners. Today’s topic
is “What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection?”
• “The Gifts of Imperfection” Book Group Continues Wednesday. Join
us for our Easter Book Group! We are reading Brene Brown’s “The Gifts of
Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace
Who You Are.” Brown is a researcher who specializes in what it means to live
a wholehearted life. For more information, please contact Tuesday Rupp,
trupp@heavenlyrest.org. Happy reading!
• Super Thrift Sale: Saturday, May 9, from 10am - 4pm. Admission
is $5 from 10:00am - 1:00 pm; $3 from 1:00 pm - 4:00pm. You will find
stylish designer and practical clothes plus children’s clothes, toys, household
items, vintage china and books for every age.
• On Thursday, May 14, the fortieth day after Easter, the church will
celebrate Ascension Day with a Holy Eucharist at 6:15 pm. Ascension
Day is one of the “principal feasts’ of the Church according to our Book of
Common Prayer, and has been observed as a festival in the Church since at
least the fourth century. It recalls the events in Acts 1:3-11, where Jesus, after
being seen by the disciples for forty days after his resurrection, was taken
away from their sight. Before this happened, Jesus promised his followers that
they would receive power through the Spirit, which they did shortly afterwards
at Pentecost. Celebrating Ascension Day helps us to make the transition from
the joy of the resurrection to the inspiring, strengthening moment of Pentecost,
where we remember how Jesus’s followers grew into confident, fearless
preachers and healers.
• The Canterbury Choral Society’s final performance of the season
will be Sunday, May 17 at 4:00 pm. The performance, conducted by
Jonathan De Vries, will comprise Franz Schubert’s Mass in E Flat and Ludwig van
Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy in C minor for Piano, Orchestra and Chorus, Op. 80.
Admission: $25; $20 for seniors/students.
• Heavenly Rest Heritage Society: This Society comprises a group of people
who have chosen to remember our beloved church as a legacy in their will. A
reception will be held at the Rectory on Monday, May 18, at 6:30pm in
grateful appreciation to all of the current members. If you would like to discuss
becoming a member of our Heritage Society or have any questions concerning
your membership, please contact Richard Johnson at rsdjohnson@msn.com.
• Save the Date! On Wednesday, May 20 at 6:30 pm join us for a special
evensong celebrating our longtime association with the Trevor Day School.
Former rector, the Rev. James L. Burns, will preach, and a reception will follow.
Capital Campign for our Third Founding
Now is our Time to Build
On Sunday, April 12, we launched the
public phase of the Campaign for Our Third
Founding. We are called to discipleship and
mission and are ready to reclaim space for
mission as the Trevor Day School leaves this
summer and we begin the next chapter in
our life together. We are all welcomed into a
community that reflects Christ’s love for us and
we are all invited to share the gifts that God has given us.
Our goal for the campaign is $8 million — reflecting the $6.9 million needed
for construction together with $1.1 pledged for endowment. To date we
have raised $4,107,872 from seventy-four commitments, which include both
long-time members and newcomers. It will require hard work and God’s help to
raise the remaining $3.9 million, but we have had a great start.
We Welcome Your Help! In order for us to complete all of the visits and
not leave anyone out, we welcome your help as a volunteer visitor! A visitor
is someone willing and able to spend and hour in training and to accompany
another visitor in making a brief (confidential) personal visit to other friends
of the Heavenly Rest family. Campaign visits are thoughtful, inspirational, and
encouraging, and may involve the following:
• Friends visiting friends for less than an hour;
• Praying and reading scripture together;
• Having Fellowship with each other;
• Ministering to one another;
• Opportunities to create or strengthen bonds;
• Having a good time by bringing fun and joy;
• Discussing the needed “reclaimed space” and renovations.
If you believe in the ministries, programs, service and outreach; If you enjoy
fellowship with other church members; If you have God-given gifts to serve and
lead; If you support great visionary projects (the future of Church of the Heavenly
Rest); Please join us for an information and training session this
coming Thursday, May 7, at 6:45 pm at the Rectory. Sign up at the
Capital Campaign Table in the Narthex
On the first Sunday of every month, we will celebrate upcoming birthdays in our
congregation with a blessing during the service and a birthday cake at coffee
hour. Below are members of our congregation celebrating birthdays this month.
If you have a birthday this month and do not see yourself listed, please contact
Mia Moore Ray at 212-289-3400, ext. 200 or mmooreray@heavenlyrest.org to
have your date of birth entered into our records.
May 1st
Victoria Federgreen
Charles Garnett
Grace Ward
Jonathan Rein
May 2 nd
Anina Kallop
May 3rd Harper Campbell
C. Andrew Hughes
Patrick Patalino
Travers Silverman
May 4th Christian Stevens
May 5th Ken Weisshaar
Charles Mc Spadden
Lily Warner
Lydia Enstrom
Edward Lilly May 6th
Beatrice Mitchell
Hansen Ogden
Daniela Ramirez
Harlan Strader
John Taylor
May 7th Alan Blanchard
Hope Cutler
Jeanne Dickinson
Ruth Ann Mc Spadden
William Grant
William Henry
May 8
Darrah Brewster
Stephen Koch
Daniel Lam
Stacey Morse
William Murphy
May 9th
Hugh Deane
Brent Kallop
May 10th Jed Herrmann
Olivia Masterson
Robert Treuhold
May 11th
Emma Hitchcock
Margaret Mc Spadden
Michael Robertson
Scarlett Roy
May 12th
Thomas Fisher
Jane Havemeyer
Deborah Page
Madeleine Polubinski
Charlotte Stockley
David Chapman
Sloane Schuster
May 13th Ted Polubinski
Jordan King
Jill Lloyd
May 14th China Gordon
Emma Hayes
Bo Niles
Molly Stockley
Victoria Quirk
May 15th Miles Enstrom
Virginia Forman
Troy Rohrbaugh
May 16th Phoebe Anderson
Carole Hunt
Pauline Cronin
May 17th Emily Brigstocke
Lewis Flinn
Peter Lengyel
May 18th Amy Rohrbaugh
May 24th
Charlotte Cooley
George Cooley
Susannah Cooley
Sarah Gooss
Schuyler Henderson
Melanie Chow
May 25th
Siena Kissel
Meriwether Voris
Katherine WeatherlyWhite
May 26th
Jay Erickson
Olivia Neubohn
Theodore Milstead
May 27th Brent Bostwick
Stewart Cutler
Deborah Patton
Charles Spinosa
August Corper
Caroline Boynton
Mary Callard
Emily Cronin
Katherine Cronin
Blair Smith
Thomas Corper
Sallie Giordano
Sara Truslow
John Van Merkensteijn
May 28th Alexander Bing
Sophie Kry
Shana VanValkenburg
C. Alexander Hoyt
Sheila Traub
May 30th May 19th
May 20th Tyler Gordon
Sara Hudson
Kenneth Page
May 21st
Minna Pinger
Patrick Stewart
Sofia Blanchard
Ofelia Del Principe
Peter Frelinghuysen
Jennifer Mouriz
May 22nd
Elizabeth Rubacha
Calder Ryan
Alexander Smith
Alyssa Arroyo
William Colson
May 23rd
Robert Mitchell
Diana Frelinghuysen
Harrison Jenkins
Elizabeth Jones
May 29th
Gillian Scouler
Sebastian Del Principe
Johanna Mayer
Elizabeth Nickles
Amanda Quaid
Joan Sharpe Pandaleon
Gordon Smith
Katherine Hazard
Jenica Shipley
Adaline Frelinghuysen
Ryan Green
May 31st
James De Woody
Christopher Johannesen
Meredith BrannanWilliams
Deliwe Davila
Eliza Gilpin
Lucy Gilpin
Nicholas Herron
Chelsea Holder
Jennifer Wallace