TODAY’S ORDER OF WORSHIP: Announcements and opening prayer Scripture: Psalm 84 page 661 in the pew Bible Singing: Now God Our Father Yours Is the Kingdom Psalm 62 God With Us Pursue Me J.A.M. Message: Pastor Shane Cockrill, God Our Father: The Father that Pursues Singing: How Great Is Our God If at any point in the singing you need a break from standing, please feel free to sit down. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Memorial Day Picnic We hope you’ll be there as we celebrate Memorial Day together with our annual picnic on TONIGHT, May 24 at 5pm at the former L.A. property. The church will provide meat and drinks, but please bring a side dish to share. You might also want to bring your lawn chairs and lawn games for our time of fellowship together. IF:Table C.O.O.L. Prayer Walks The Women's Ministry team would like to invite all women to join us as we share a meal and conversation, growing together through authentic community. Come once a month for real discussions about real issues in our faith walk. Our first IF:Table gathering will be Thursday, May 28 from 6:308:30pm in the church basement. Please bring an appetizer to share. Sign up at the information table or online at One of the most important preparations that we make for C.O.O.L. Day is our time in prayer. Please consider joining us weekly as we meet for prayer walks. These walks are Mondays from 1-2pm and Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. We will meet in the parking lot of First Baptist Church (20 th 6 Street SE, Massillon). Summer Block Party 2015 It’s time to start planning and thinking about our summer block party again! This year’s block party will be Saturday, June 13. Save the date and start praying for this outreach opportunity! Block Party Giveaway Got stuff you don't need anymore? Cleaning out your closets? The Evangelism Team will be collecting the following items to give away at the Block Party on June 13. Please keep in mind that we would not want to give away anything that we ourselves would not be want use or wear. So please make sure items work and clothes are clean. Clothing - kids and adults Toys Household Items You can drop off your donated items at the former Demmer Building on Sunday May 31 and Sunday June 7. Adult Sunday School We are currently going through a study called Grace: More Than We Deserve, More Than We Imagine by Max Lucado in adult Sunday school. Please consider joining us next Sunday morning at 9:30. Additional Saturday C.O.O.L. Prayer Walk Several special Saturday prayer walks have been added to the schedule. Please join us on Saturday, May 30 from 9:30-10:30am as we walk through the Wellman neighborhood and pray. These prayer walks will also begin in the parking lot of First Baptist Church. We hope you’ll consider coming along, as prayer is such an essential part of the groundwork for C.O.O.L. Day. Hebrews Project Each month, we collect baked goods for the residents of the Family Living Center. Next month’s collection date will be Sunday, June 21. Graduation Parties Since many of our graduates like to invite the church to their graduation parties, we are including information about these parties in the list below. BRIEANNA ROHR: Sunday, June 7; 4pm--?; 7630 Alabama Ave. SW, Navarre 44662 If you’d like us to include information about your graduation party, please contact Sarah Senften at Childcare & Children’s Services During the service, we offer a drop off nursery for children ages 3 and under. This nursery is located in the back of the sanctuary. After our time of singing, children from th age 3 through 5 grade are invited to join us at the front of the sanctuary for a blessing before our Jesus and Me service (J.A.M.) in the church basement. The children will have their class during the sermon, and parents are asked to go downstairs to pick up their kids after the sermon and final song. Board of Directors Meeting There will be a meeting of the board of directors on Monday, June 1 at 7pm in the church library. Mark Your Calendars! We know that you’re busy, so we’re doing our best to give you a few dates well ahead of time so that you can put them on your calendar and plan to join us! th July 5: July 4 picnic Welcome, Visitors! We at Abundant Life are so glad that you’ve decided to worship with us this Sunday! Please consider filling out one of our connection cards (found in the chair pockets) and dropping it off in the church’s library or into the offering plate. The church’s information center is located in the church library, and we have a small gift for you there.
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