Vision Offering 2015: Sunday, April 26th Our Annual Offering for Christcity building, facilities and ministry expansion TIMES Christcity® One Life. One Love. Jesus Christ 14788 - 156 St • Edmonton, AB • T6V 1J2 Phone: 780-784-CITY (2489) • FAX: 780-784-1120 The passion of Christcity is to unite people with the Living God. As a local church we seek to equip people from all walks of life, all ethnic groups, all generations; seeing them rise to live lives driven by faith, hope, and love. Matthew 28:19 declares, "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations..." With a heart cry for our city and for the nations of the world… we run with the vision! ~Pastors Ron & Debra Steinbrenner, Lead Pastors Thank you for joining us today. We trust you will be encouraged and inspired in your walk with Christ! Romans 12:11 (NIRV) Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. Sign Up Today! Christcity delivers a PDF copy of the Times to your email every Sunday, which lets you keep up to date with what is happening at Christcity and become more involved in the church life! Select announcements are also sent out via email, but you must sign up to get the announcements. You can do so by visiting and clicking the "Sign up for Church Announcements” button on the front page. We encourage anyone who wants to keep up to date with what is going on to sign up! April 5th / 2015 TODAY 10:00 a.m. Service Pastor Ron Steinbrenner 6:00 p.m. Service No evening service (Resurrection Sunday) BREAK THE GLOBE CD! Available for purchase in foyer or on iTunes Corporate Prayer 9:30 a.m. in Forsythe Hall Interac Transaction: Please be advised our Interac is available 30 minutes prior to Sunday services, during the time of Offering, and up to 30 minutes following the service. We accept Debit transactions for tithes / offerings. For any other purchases you may also use Visa or Master Card. Seven Fire Anointings Exciting new book release from Rev. Ronald M. Steinbrenner! Seven wicked spirits sum up the entire activity, affliction, and temptation of Satan against man. God’s answer to each of these spirits is a particular power of the Holy Spirit. Seven Fire Anointings are fully able to deal with every wicked spirit and keep the believer in a place of spiritual victory. A multi-ethnic church reaching out to the World with a clear message of hope and life in Jesus Christ A.C.T.I.O.N ~ Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Christcity Prayer Do not miss this! We invite you to join us for a powerful night of exhortation, testimony, and strategic prayer. J Revival Youth (Forsythe Hall) Ladies Morning Out Thursdays 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. Theme: FEARLESS Abide in His Presence and Power Please join us on Thursday mornings, there will be a time of fellowship, worship, teaching and prayer. A childcare program is provided for ages Nursery to Preschool. We look forward to having you join with us as we seek the Lord and encourage one another! CHILDREN’S PROGRAM Tuesday Action Night Children’s Programs: Nursery (0-2) Clubhouse Kids (2-K) In the Park Xtreme Kids (1-6) In the Square GENERATIONS:UNITED OVERDRIVE (YOUNG ADULTS & YOUNG MARRIED COUPLES / MONDAY NIGHTS) No Overdrive due to long-weekend. JC REVIVAL (YOUTH / TUESDAY NIGHTS) JC Revival (Prayer at 630 p.m. Service at 7:00 p.m.) ! FRIDAY NIGHT Professor WEM’s Adventure Golf Bus leaves Christcity at 645pm pick up at Christcity 9pm Sign up at Reception Desk YC 2015: If you have reserved a ticket please make full payment by Sunday May 10th. Coffee Break Business Connection (CBBC) If you are in business, thinking of starting one, or work with those who are, the CBBC offers you an informal point of contact, insights and connection. Be a Kingdom builder and be strengthened with the CBBC on your journey. These will be FREE EVENTS that will take place just prior to the ACTION night programs. BUT, bring your own coffee. Third Day Coming to Christcity!! Friday, May 8th ! @ 7:00pm! Tickets at Messages of Mercy: Remembering Those in Prison… Bring hope and encouragement to an incarcerated woman through letter-writing and the ministry of prayer. To learn more, please pick up a Ministry Information Newsletter at the Reception Desk today! C.A.R.E. (Christ Centered Addiction Recovery Education) Christcity is pleased to offer a 12-step addiction recovery program Thursdays from 8:00 – 9:00 pm. Anyone struggling with substance abuse or addictive behaviours is welcome. Fellowship begins at 7:30 pm. Personal counselling is also available. Contact the church office or call/text Rick & Angie Beynon at 780-884-2299 Prayer Requests ~ Dedicated Intercessors pray over the requests of the church each week. If you would like to make a request known, please provide the information on a Prayer Request form and drop it in the box, both found at the Reception Desk. +55 Troupe – Join us for a Hot Meal! Friday, April 10th @ 6:00 pm Cost: $8.00 Sign up at the Reception Desk! G.E.M.S HAPPY EASTER! On Monday, April 6, at 1:00 P.M., come & join Cheri Knol at her residence for luncheon and an Easter movie. Cost $8. Please bring snacks if planning to stay for the evening. She would appreciate you contacting herself or the Reception Desk if planning to attend. Heaven and the Home ~ Four week series on Spiritual Parenting beginning on Tuesday, April 7:00pm Please sign up at the Reception Desk in the Foyer. Men’s Life: April 8th at 7:00 p.m. Come join us for Christ centered teaching, open discussions and meaningful fellowship
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