Notice Sheet - Christ Church Epsom Common

Welcome to Christ Church
Sunday 11 January 2015
1st Sunday of Epiphany
Baptism of Christ
Christ Church
8.30 am
Holy Communion (CW2)
1st Reading: Acts 19: 1-7
Mark 1: 4-11
Rosemary Donovan
Rosemary Donovan
10.00 am
Parish Communion
Rosemary Donovan
Rosemary Donovan
Roger Morgan
Intercessor: Tricia Coleman
Ministry of Prayer in the chancel after
the service
Gill Glasspool and
Jim & Jackie Smith
Gill Glasspool and
Rosie Wood
Choral Evensong at
St. Martin’s
Christ Church on the Wells
11.00 am Worship on the Wells
‘Fishers of Men’
Minister & Preacher: Pam Buckingham
Heavenly Father at the Jordan you
revealed Jesus as your Son: may we
recognize him as our Lord and know
ourselves to be your beloved
children; through Jesus Christ our
Saviour. Amen.
If you would prefer a gluten-free wafer
at Communion, please let a sides
person know before the Service.
If this is your first visit to Christ Church
please call at the Welcome Desk
The church is fitted with a hearing
loop, and large print copies of hymn
books, service and notice sheets
are on the table at the back of
There are also small cards for use in the
offertory by those who give regularly by
standing order.
Vicar: The Revd Rosemary Donovan (01372 720302) (Day off - Friday);
Curate: The Revd Julian McAllen (01372 723354) (Day off – Tuesday)
Associate Minister (OLM) The Revd Sue Curtis: (01372 210492)
Churchwardens: Robert Burns (01372 724798)
& Carol Jamieson (01372 722070
Parish Office 01372 743133, (open 10.00 – 12.00 Monday – Friday)
Hall bookings via our website
Registered Charity No: 1127945
Christ Church Notices…
From the Vicar…
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Christ and
have the opportunity to renew our own baptismal
promises which is an appropriate thing to do at
the start of a new year. It is also a moment for
reflection and taking stock of where we are as
Church community reflecting on our Vision and
Mission statements. I would also like to
encourage us to think about the future and
where we would like to be in 5 years’ time.
 What is God calling us to?
 How can we respond in love and service
to the needs of our local community?
 In what ways can we be a LIVING WELL
and living well?
This is the start of a new phase of ministry for
Christ Church and I look forward to sharing it
A new enquirers course started this week and is
being held on Wednesday evenings at the
Vicarage 8- 9.30pm. The course is led by me
alongside other experienced and well qualified
lay members. It is mainly DVD and discussion
based material, and works best in a small group
environment. It would be lovely to have a few
more people attending speak to me today if
interested. Rosemary
Youth Club starts up on
Sunday 18th January 2015.
For more information contact or
Ann Chandler on 01372 727746
Book Club
The next book club is at 8 pm on
Thursday 22nd January at
97 Church Side, reading ‘Sense
and Sensibility’ by Joanna Trollope.
Limited edition prints
Only 15 available! Still time to purchase a limited
edition print of Brian Hook’s (Pippa’s Father)
watercolour of Christ Church as shown on our
Christmas card £5 unframed, £15 framed. See
Roger Morgan or Rosemary.
Singalong ‘The Sound of Music’
Are you a fan of this classic film?
Do you fancy a fun night out and raising money
for the new MU banner at the same time?
Saturday 7th February 7pm in church
Donations £10 to include drinks and nibbles
Fancy Dress optional!
PS it’s also my birthday so help me celebrate in
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
‘The Well is Deep’
This year's theme comes to us from the
churches of Brazil. Brazilians, who
have traditionally been tolerant of their various
social classes and ethnic groups, are now living
through a time of growing intolerance made
manifest in high levels of violence, especially
against minorities and the vulnerable. The logic
that undergirds this kind of behaviour is
competition for the religious market.
Increasingly, in Brazil, some Christian groups
compete with one another for a place on the
mass media, for new members and for public
The Brazilian churches have begun to recognise
that intolerance should be dealt with in a positive
way - respecting diversity and promoting
dialogue as a permanent path of reconciliation
and peace in fidelity to the gospel. We can share
this recognition. Although the competition
between churches is less obvious in our islands,
we are well aware that competition and violent
discrimination lie beneath the surface of our
lives together. Jesus challenges us to
acknowledge that diversity is part of God's
design, to approach one another in trust and to
see the face of God in the face of all men and
The week of prayer is traditionally observed from
the 18th to the 25th January - the octave of St.
Peter and St. Paul. There will be a special
service held at the URC on Sunday 18th
January 6:30pm to which we are all invited.
You can also download readings and prayers
from Brazil from the website.
newsletter from VPM is at the back of the
church. Please take a copy and read what
Franklyn Otwoma and his team are doing to
improve the lives of the people of Korogocho in
Nairobi. Pam Buckingham.
A small contribution to church life
We have a loyal and reliable team of helpers in
the crèche but really could now do with some
extra manpower as some of us are struggling to
be as available as we once were due to family
commitments. Please do consider helping with
the tinies in the crèche (babies and toddlers up 3
years) – they are lovely, lots of fun and so
rewarding! We won’t ask for a huge
commitment – certainly no more than 2 Sundays
a quarter, which could be fewer the more
volunteers we have! Please get in touch with
me if you would like to chat this through. For
those who would like to help, there will be a
straightforward Disclosure and Barring Service
(DBS, formerly CRB) check to ensure the wellbeing of our children. Families do look for
creche availability when selecting their new
church and ours is much appreciated by the
families who rely on us.
Many thanks. Gill Glasspool
Other Events
Foodbank – Please note current needs
Thank you to everyone who supports the
foodbank. After Christmas can be as difficult as
pre Christmas for families on low incomes.
Please note the following list of requirements,
many of which are laundry and personal hygiene
needs rather than food: Tinned sponge
puddings, tinned rice pudding, UHT milk, UHT
fruit juice, tinned spaghetti, sugar (500g),
jams/spreads/peanut butter, ketchup/brown
sauce, Dog food, Clothes washing
powder/liquid, washing up liquid, Toilet rolls,
adult toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, hair
conditioner, shower gel, male & female
deodorants, ladies' sanitary products
Elizabeth Martin
Churches Together in Epsom Lent 2015
Journey through Lent with the Christians
of the Middle East
Join us in a journey with Biblical reflections,
stories and prayers from Christians of the
Middle East, whose history goes back to the
earliest years of the faith.eb
We need
 people willing to welcome small groups of
5-8 people to their homes for 5 evenings
from 8.00 to 9.00 pm
 group leaders (leader’s introduction to the
course will be offered)
Please contact John Padwick on
( 01737 357282 or
your church’s representative:- Chris Purdy.
Dovecote Christian Bookshop needs more
volunteers: The Bookshop was opened in 1996
and has been dependent on many faithful
volunteers over the years for its existence.
However, from the end of February 2015 we will
be without our stalwart paid Manager of over 12
years, Rudy Chan, who is retiring. Rudy has
been Manager for three days a week over those
years and has held the business together. The
COTE Trustees and Bookshop Management
Committee are now looking for people to fill the
gaps caused, on a voluntary basis initially. Full
training and support will be given. If you wish to
find out more, please phone or e-mail Handley
Hammond on 01372 722530 or
Diary for Next Week
Monday 12 January
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
PCC Meeting
Tuesday 13 January
Morning Prayer
Home Groups
Wednesday 14 January
Holy Communion with the Ministry
of Prayer
Wheels and Squeals
Bell Ringing
Start Course at the Vicarage
Thursday 15 January
Morning Prayer
Song Squad
Choir Practice
Friday 16 January
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Saturday 17 January
Christ Church United and
Shooting Stars at Blenheim High
Next Sunday 18January
2nd Sunday of Epiphany
Holy Communion (CW2)
All Age Worship with Baptism
Youth Club
Coffee next Sunday
Richard Shortman and Sue Matthews
Crèche next Sunday
In our prayers this week…
Members of our church family and their families
 For more volunteers to help with youth work.
 For a real outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit
that we might be alive to discerning how we
can be both a Living Well and living well.
Prayer Tree
Please write requests on a leaf shape and hang
on the tree in the Chapel for Peace and
Reconciliation. These will be offered during
Morning and Evening Prayer the following week.
Candles can also be lit for loved ones during the
Sunday services.
Prayer Chain
This group will pray for any concerns with an
assurance of total confidentiality. Phone Joan
720634 or Sue 724080.
Pastoral Visits
If you would like to speak to someone in
confidence or know of someone in need who
would value a visit, please speak to either a
member of the Clergy, Sue Matthews,(Pastoral
Co-ordinator 724080), or Jo Woolfe, (Pastoral
Secretary 726782).