Welcome to Christ Church - Christ Church Epsom Common

Welcome to Christ Church
Sunday 15 February 2015
Sunday next before Lent
Christ Church on the Wells
Christ Church
8.30 am
Holy Communion (CW2)
1 Reading: 2 Corinthians 4: 3-6
Mark 9: 2-9
Julian McAllen
Julian McAllen
10.00 am
All Age Worship
‘The Widows Mite’
Luke 21: 1-4
Sue Curtis
Berwick Curtis
Ministry of Prayer in the chancel after
the service
Pam Vonberg and
Brenda Bouldstridge
No crèche
EMBRACE – Celtic
Evening Prayer
11.00 am Worship on the Wells
With Communion
Preacher & President: Ray Leigh
Holy God, you know the disorder of
our sinful lives: put right our
crooked hearts, and bend our wills
to love your goodness and your
glory in Jesus Christ our Lord.
If you would prefer a gluten-free wafer
at Communion, please let a sides
person know before the Service.
If this is your first visit to Christ Church
please call at the Welcome Desk
The church is fitted with a hearing
loop, and large print copies of hymn
books, service and notice sheets
are on the table at the back of
There are also small cards for use in the
offertory by those who give regularly by
standing order.
Vicar: The Revd Rosemary Donovan (01372 720302) (Day off - Friday); vicar@christchurchepsom.org.uk
Curate: The Revd Julian McAllen (01372 723354) (Day off – Tuesday) curate@christchurchepsom.org.uk
Associate Minister (OLM) The Revd Sue Curtis: (01372 210492) sacsac@ntlword.com
Churchwardens: Robert Burns (01372 724798) rbt.burns@btinternet.com)
& Carol Jamieson (01372 722070 cljamieson@btinternet.com
Parish Office 01372 743133, (open 10.00 – 12.00 Monday – Friday) christchurch.parishoffice@btinternet.com
Hall bookings via our website www.christchurchepsom.org.uk
Registered Charity No: 1127945
Christ Church Notices…
From the Vicar…
Our All Age Worship this year is taking our own
stained glass windows as starting point and
looking at the different stories and themes they
present to us. Today we are challenged to
consider what do we offer to God and do we do
it wholeheartedly?
Tonight’s EMBRACE will focus on God in
‘Ordinary’ at 6:30pm. All welcome to this more
contemplative service that allows us to take
advantage of a short breathing space before
turning towards the Passion of Christ as Lent
begins this Wednesday.
ASH WEDNESDAY 18th February
9:30am Said Holy Communion with Ashing
8:00pm Choral Communion Service also with
Ashing and open invitation to the congregation
of St. Barnabas too.
Please do take home a flyer of all Lent and Holy
Week services and I commend the sentiments of
the Bible Society who state that Lent is a time
for giving up, but this year they challenge us to
just give. Check out their website or the
Christian Aid App or simply support Operation
Wellfund through the red buckets at the back of
Church during the next 6 weeks. I challenge you
to raise £40 in the 40 days of Lent. Do
something different this Lent, don’t just give up,
just give. Rosemary
Women’s World Day of Prayer
10.30 am on Friday, 6th March at St Barnabas
Church. Compiled by the women of the
Bahamas, the theme is "Jesus said to them: Do
you know what I have done to you?”
65 years after they were last asked to create the
service. This service will reflect some of the
social problems experienced on the islands and
it would be lovely if as many as possible
supported them in focussing on their country.
Jo Wolfe
Youth Club every Sunday at
5pm. For more information
contact Ann Chandler on
01372 727746 or
She Inspires Me
A 4 day mini festival to recapture
the spiritual significance of
Mothering Sunday and celebrate
the influential role of women in
encouraging and nurturing faith.
Thursday 12th March
Children’s Community Concert
Friday 13 March
Storytelling evening
Saturday 14 March
Family Fun – workshop & film
Sunday 15 March Mothering Sunday
All Age Worship
Choral Evensong
More information to follow. Rosemary
All are welcome to sing in the choir for our
Festival Evensong on Mothering Sunday 15
March at 6:30pm.
Rehearsals are as follows:
Thursday 19 February 7:45 - 8:45pm
Thursday 26 February 7:45 - 8:45pm
Thursday 5 March 7:45 - 8:45pm
Thursday 12 March 7:45 - 8:45pm
Sunday 15 March 5-6pm followed by service at
6:30pm with a short tea break in between
Please email Julie Shaw
on email@julieshaw.net if you would like to be
Alpha Course
We will be running a short six
week Alpha course for those who
are new to the Christian faith. The
course is for non-church-goers and
those on the fringes of the church
so if you know anyone who may be interested
please drop them a flyer found at the back of the
church. For more information contact
Book Club
The next meeting is at 59 Christ
Church Mount at 8.00.p.m on
Monday 23rd February, reading
‘Brave New World’ by Aldous
Huxley. Karen Matthews
Churches Together in Epsom
Journey through Lent with the
Christians of the Middle East
Evening studies start week beginning 23
February, you need to sign up so that we can
arrange for you to join a group. Fill in the form
at the back of the church, or ring John Padwick
(01737 357282) If you wish to attend the Friday
lunch-time study at St Martin’s Church House,
Just go along on 27 February! Elizabeth M
Listening Prayer Group
Will begin again after a winter break on
Wednesday 25th Feb 10:15 am in the Peace
and Reconciliation Chapel. This group is open to
anyone who feels they could support me by
waiting on God about topics that require the
discernment of the Holy Spirit. For more
information please see Rosemary
Church Gardening and Spring Cleaning
Here we go again! An early reminder that the
next Church grounds gardening and Church
spring cleaning day will be on Saturday 21
March from 9.00-12.30 with refreshments at
10.15 in the Hall for both teams. Choose an
indoor or outdoor job and bring garden tools or
dusters. Please don’t leave it to everyone else
because everyone else is leaving it to you!
Jim Smith Premises Group
Parish holiday: ‘Re-creation’
19-21st June Horsley Park
It is wonderful that 62 people have so far signed
up for the whole w/e and I am busy finalising the
programme which now includes a talented
comedian on the Friday evening. Those already
booked are reminded that the remaining balance
needs to be in by 1st April 2015.
If you would like to come for the day adults £40
under 16’s £20 to include lunch, unlimited tea
and coffee as well as full use of facilities.
Please see Rosemary to register for the day
A small contribution to church life
We have a loyal and reliable team of helpers in
the crèche but are looking for some extra
manpower / womanpower. We need help with
the tinies in the crèche (up to 3 years) – they are
lovely and lots of fun! We won’t ask for a huge
commitment – certainly no more than 2 Sundays
a quarter, and could be fewer the more
volunteers we have! If you are interested please
contact Gill Glasspool 01372 741699.
Brazilian Mission encounter
It has been 2 years since a group from Christ
Church visited CBC in Fortaleza. I am intending
to spend part of my Extended Ministerial
Development time in the autumn working
alongside Marc and Ruth building up and
encouraging self-esteem amongst the staff and
pupils as well as examining community links. I
hope to go for over 3 weeks but would welcome
a team joining me for a week 17-25th October.
Return flights are approx. £800 plus
accommodation, transport and other expenses.
If you would be interested in joining this trip
please speak to me by the end of February.
Marmalade – Seville, Lemon and Three fruit
Marmalades. Also Pumpkin Chutney and
Blackberry and Apple jam.
Available now from Avril 01372 812175 for a £2
donation to Univida – helping children in Brazil.
Good Friday
Rehearsals for the Good Friday Passion Play
are on Monday evenings. Before the rehearsal,
in church, there is an opportunity for anyone
who is free to come from 7-7.30 to pray for all
involved and for the impact of the presentation in
the town. Sue Curtis
Feeling cold? Switching the Church radiators
on or off affects the balance of the heating
system which, in turn, reduces the temperature
in Church. Please do not attempt to alter the
heating system without authorisation Any
queries about heating should be addressed to
me, Richard Martin, or the Verger. Thank you
for your help. Jim Smith, Premises Group.
Diary for Next Week
Monday 16 February
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Good Friday Rehearsal in Church
booked by Sue Curtis
Tuesday 17 February
Morning Prayer
Home Groups
Wednesday 18 February Ash Wednesday
Holy Communion with Ministry of
Funeral of Miss Sylvia Smith
Choral Communion Service
Thursday 19 February
Morning Prayer
Choir Practice
Friday 20 February
Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Saturday 21 February
Next Sunday 22 February
1st Sunday of Lent
Holy Communion (CW2)
Parish Communion with annointing
Worship on the Wells
Fairtrade stall in the hall after the
Baptism of Lily Marcian and
Chloe Chandler
Youth Club
2nd Thoughts at St. Martin’s
Coffee next Sunday
Chris & Penny Purdy and Rosie & David Blacoe
Crèche next Sunday
Sarah Sear and Sarah Chorley
In our prayers this week…
Members of our church family and their families
 For effective outreach to teenagers in the
developments around Christ Church.
 For space to reflect on how we keep a holy
 For our local schools on half term breaks.
Prayer Tree
Please write requests on a leaf shape and hang
on the tree in the Chapel for Peace and
Reconciliation. These will be offered during
Morning and Evening Prayer the following week.
Candles can also be lit for loved ones during the
Sunday services.
Prayer Chain
This group will pray for any concerns with an
assurance of total confidentiality. Phone Joan
720634 or Sue 724080.
Pastoral Visits
If you would like to speak to someone in
confidence or know of someone in need who
would value a visit, please speak to either a
member of the Clergy, Sue Matthews,(Pastoral
Co-ordinator 724080), or Jo Woolfe, (Pastoral
Secretary 726782).
Knowing Growing Going
Please note it is half term next week and the
office will only be open on Tuesday 17th and
Friday 20th February 10.00am until 12.00noon.
Thank you Pippa and Pernilla