This February/March 2015 Edition is Free of Charge FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 Parish News Copy Deadline Dates Inside this issue April/May edition 6th March 2015 Page 3 A View from the Vicarage 4 From the Church Registers 5-7 Church Diaries 8-9 Services in Lent and Easter 10 Message from the Editors June/July edition 8th May 2015 August/September edition 10th July 2015 12 - 13 Stewardship Update October/November edition 4th September 2015 15—16 Fundraising 17-18 Outward Giving News 19 Community News 19-25 Local services 26-27 Rotas 28 Who’s Who at St Philip’s December/January edition 6th November 2015 Help needed!-Urgent A volunteer is urgently needed to organise delivery of the Parish News to the team of distributors following the ‘retirement’ of Don Barden, who took on this task for over 10 years! If you can help with this important part of the outreach of St Philip’s, please email the editors (Geoff & Kath Roberts) on news@kelsallparishchurch,org,uk or phone 01829 752209 Website: twitter: @stphilipskelsal 2 A View from the Vicarage Fear for the future? On Monday 26 January the Rt Revd Libby Lane was consecrated bishop in York Minster, to serve in this diocese as the Bishop of Stockport; over twenty years since women were first ordained priests in the Church of England, she is now its first woman bishop. And at this point in our church’s history Bishop Libby has said, “The church faces wonderful opportunities, to proclaim afresh, in this generation, the Good News of Jesus and to build His Kingdom. The Church of England is called to serve all the people of this country, and being present in every community, we communicate our faith best when our lives build up the lives of others, especially the most vulnerable. I am excited by the possibilities and challenges ahead.” In the last few weeks the Church of England has produced a number of reports that seek to set a course for the direction of the national and local church; these reports have sparked an interesting discussion in the church press, as you can probably imagine. It’s very clear that the reports have been provoked by nervousness at the centre; the underlying question is, what future does the church have? The reports also demonstrate the responsibility that our Archbishops, Bishops and General Synod feel for supporting parishes in our mission and ministry. Despite some inevitable criticism of ‘centralisation’ no-one can be in any doubt that the future of the Church of England lies with the people in our parish churches. Which is, of course, the point that Bishop Libby makes, that we are the church, present in our community; people living in our village do not relate particularly to bishops, however well they speak on television, but may be influenced by the quiet witness and loving ministries of the Christian people alongside whom they live. You are the church. The Church of England as an organisation exists to support your ministry, through leadership, training and resourcing; we – because we are a part of it – are called to support one another in ministry throughout the country and, particularly, in this diocese. Sometimes, though, our parish churches feel the pressure of being part of the bigger organisation. Andy Wisbey points to this in his article on page 12 on behalf of the stewardship group. As you will read there, the Archdeacon of Chester has been to discuss with us the financial challenges that we face as a parish and we are now squaring up to these as we ask everyone to review their giving (which we now aim to do on an annual basis) and to consider supporting us through fundraising. The discussions around finance can sometimes seem quite daunting. What is the future for our parish church? Do we have hope or are we filled with fear? It is right that we take stock, seek to be good stewards and make plans for the future. But if we become overly concerned about the church, too inward-looking, there is a danger 3 that our doom-laden predictions become self-fulfilling. If we take our eyes off God we stop being faithful and start being fearful. So as the discussions continue, in the wider church and in our own*, let us look to Jesus, who began and will complete the work in us. Let us worship God, renewing our faith in His promises and listening again to His word to us. Perfect love casts out fear – and that perfect love is not found in the church but in Christ. Keep hope alive! Peter *The Annual Meeting of the Parishioners (for the election of churchwardens) and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 26 April, following our Celebration of Church Life, which will be our Morning Worship at 10.30 that Sunday. The attendance at these meetings has been encouraging since we moved them to a Sunday; please put this date in your diary! From the Church Registers We welcome into the Church Family, through Holy Baptism Tommy Kian Moynihan On 4th January 2015 We congratulate those married at St Philip’s Daniel Whitmore & Amy Ellis-Taylor on 20th December 2015 We commit to God’s everlasting care those who have died: Robin Williams buried at St Philip’s 25th November 2014 Richard John Nelson committal in Chester 5th January 2015 4 Dates for your Diary Sun 1 9.00 am 10.30 am 4th Sunday of Epiphany BCP Holy Communion (said) Holy Communion Mon 2 9.00 am Prayer at the Vicarage Tues 3 9.00 am 10:00 am Morning Prayer (said) AKT ministers meeting Thurs 5 9.00 am 10.30 am 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Morning Prayer (said) Holy Communion (said) Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group Fri 6 Sat 7 7.30 pm 7.30 pm 8.30 am Sun 8 4.00 pm 2nd Sunday before Lent Morning Worship with Traditional Hymns Informal Worship with Music Group Splash and Whatever Groups BCP Holy Communion (sung) 9.30 am 1.45 pm 7.30 pm 9.00 am Prayer at the Vicarage Christianity Explored at Merle Bank PCC Meeting in Church Lounge Morning Prayer (said) 9.00 am 2.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Morning Prayer (said) Sable Cottage Holy Communion Christianity Explored Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group Sunday before Lent Holy Communion BCP (said) Family Communion 9.00 am 10.30 am Mon 9 Tues 10 Thurs 12 Sun 15 Youth Club – Aerobics Film Night at KMC – “What we did on our holiday” First thing on first Saturday-Prayer Breakfast 9.00 am 10.30 am Mon 16 9.00 am 8.00 pm Prayer at the Vicarage Becketts Croft Home Group Tue 17 9.00 am Morning Prayer (said) 5 Wed 18 Thurs 19 Sun 22 7.00 pm 9.00 am 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Ash Wednesday Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes Morning Prayer (said) Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group 1st Sunday of Lent Holy Communion BCP (sung) Family Service AKT Youth Fellowship Prayer at the Vicarage Mon 23 9.00 am 10.30 am 6:15 pm 9.00 am Tues 24 9.00 am Morning Prayer (said) Thurs 26 9.00 am 9.30 am 7.30 pm 7.45 pm Fri 27 Morning Prayer (said) Care Group Meeting at Weetwood Farm Christianity Explored Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] No Thursday Home Group Vicar and Wardens Meeting Youth Club – Circus Skills 8.00 pm Sun 7.30 pm 1 2nd Sunday of Lent Holy Communion BCP (said) Holy Communion Prayer at the Vicarage Mon 2 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.00 am Tues 3 9.00 am Morning Prayer (said) Thurs 5 Fri 6 9.00 am 7.45 pm 8.00 pm 7.30 pm Morning Prayer (said) Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group Film Night at KMC – The Hundred Foot Journey Sat 7 8:30 am First thing on first Saturday-Prayer Breakfast Sun 8 Mon 9 4.00 pm 9.00 am 3rd Sunday of Lent Morning Worship with Traditional Hymns Informal Worship with Music Group Splash and Whatever Groups BCP Holy Communion (sung) Prayer at the Vicarage Tues 10 9.00 am Morning Prayer (said) 9.00 am 10.30 am 6 Thurs 12 9.00 am 2.30 pm 7.30 pm 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Fri 13 7.30 pm Sun 15 9.00 am 10.30 am Mon 16 9.00 am Tue 17 Thurs 19 9.00 am 2:30 pm 8.00 pm 9.00 am 7.30 pm 8.00 pm Sun 22 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 7.30 pm 9.00 am Mon 23 Tues 24 Thurs 26 9.00 am 7.45 pm 8.00 pm Fri 27 7.30 pm Sun 29 Morning Prayer (said) Sable Cottage Holy Communion Christianity Explored Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group Youth Club – Rock Solid 4th Sunday of Lent /Mothering Sunday Holy Communion BCP (said) Holy Communion Splash and Whatever Groups Prayer at the Vicarage Morning Prayer (said) Deanery Chapter at Holy Ascension, Upton Growth Group Leaders Meeting Morning Prayer (said) Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group 5th Sunday of Lent Holy Communion BCP (sung) Family Worship Prayer at the Vicarage PCC Meeting Morning Prayer (said) Morning Prayer (said) Choir Practice [Men at 7.15pm] Thursday Home Group Youth Club – Egg Race Mon 30 9.00 am Palm Sunday Holy Communion BCP (said) Morning Worship AKT Youth Fellowship Prayer at the Vicarage Tue 31 9.00 am Morning Prayer (said) 9.00 am 10.30 am 6:15 pm 7 Lent, Holy Week & Easter begins on Ash Wednesday, so we will meet in church at 7.00 p.m. on February 18th for a celebration of Holy Communion including the imposition of ashes. Many people find this service very moving and it’s a traditional way of beginning our observation of Lent. It includes the opportunity to receive on your forehead the sign of the cross in ash, with the words “Remember that you are but dust, and to dust you will return.” During Lent our preaching will help us to explore the theme of Prayer, looking particularly at how we pray together as a church. Mothering Sunday falls on Sunday 15th March and we celebrate at our Family Worship at 10.30 a.m. as well as with Holy Communion at 9 a.m. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 29th. During Holy Week we will continue the tradition of sharing in short services of Evening Prayer at 7.00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; this year our Maundy Thursday services include Holy Communion at 9 a.m. and an Agape in the Church Lounge at 7.00 p.m. 8 Details of our Good Friday services are still to be announced. On Holy Saturday there will be a Prayer Breakfast at 8.30 a.m. and on Easter Day we will celebrate with Holy Communion at 9 a.m. and 10.30 a.m. EASTER FLOWERS We shall, as usual, be decorating St Philips for the festival of Easter on Easter Saturday, 4th April from 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Please do bring any daffodils, tulips and greenery from your gardens. Please stay and help decorate a window for half an hour or so, even if you have not been before. Everyone is welcome, and no great skill is required. A box will be placed at the back of church for donations for Easter lilies and other festival flowers. Mary Diggle 752608 9 IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR PARISH NEWS SUBSCRIBERS FROM THE EDITORS ON BEHALF OF THE PCC As we are sure you will know, the price of the Parish News has remained the same for several years. Over recent months there have been a number of changes which mean that it is now necessary to increase the annual subscription. Our long term printers, Cowdalls, closed in Spring 2014 and we now have new printers but there has been an increase in printing costs as a result of this change. We are also now providing a copy to businesses and organisations in the village, such as the Greedy Pig, the Medical Centre and the Vets, and also to the Welcome Packs for the new houses being built in Kelsall with the aim of creating more interest in the Church and the gospel. The PCC recently took the decision that there should be a small increase in the annual subscription from £3.60 to £5.00 per year (6 issues). This should mean that the Parish News is self-financing. We also felt that a change to the time of year when the subscriptions are collected would help the distributors, so this year subscriptions are due when the April/May edition is delivered, so effectively, this issue for February/March 2015 is Free of Charge. We hope you will understand the situation over this decision and we hope you will want to continue receiving the Parish News. However, if you wish to opt-out, please let the editors know on 01829 752209 (leave a message if we are out) or email Geoff and Kath Roberts, Joint Editors 10 Kelsall Churches Training Partnership Christians learning, serving and growing together An initiative of Kelsall Methodist Church & St Philip’s C of E Spring 2015 training day Creating Worship: a day with John L. Bell of the Iona Community’s Wild Goose Resource Group A day together looking at two topics; the Imagination as a Resource for Faith & Songs from the Iona Community Saturday 18 April 2015 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Kelsall Methodist Church, Cheshire JOHN L. BELL is based in Glasgow and works with his colleagues in the areas of music, worship and spirituality. He does not have a mobile phone, driving licence, camera, i-pod or wife. He has never traced his family origins, played a guitar or eaten a Big Mac… but you might know him as the writer of the hymns ‘Jesus Christ is waiting’, ‘Will you come and follow me’, or ‘A touching place’, amongst others; or you may know his reputation as an inspiring teacher and preacher, a Wild Goose Resource Worker, part of the Iona Community. Our day together is an opportunity to share in John’s excitement in creating worship and to hear more about the songs that have come out of Iona. The Iona Community, founded in 1938 by the Rev George MacLeod, is an ecumenical Christian community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church. Its headquarters are in Glasgow, Scotland, where its publishing house Wild Goose Publications is also based, but its main activities take place on the island of Iona. Pick up an information leaflet and booking form in church or e-mail 11 Stewardship Update There has been a focus upon money by the Stewardship group for the past few years, due to the hole in the church finances. However, it seems unlikely (humanly speaking at least) that we can resolve our financial problems simply by seeking to raise more money from church members. In some ways this has been liberating. We recognise that the work of the church is God’s and our main mission is not to raise money but to reach out into our community to bring God’s love and the good news that each person in Kelsall is important and that we all have a purpose. Over the past few months, numerous discussions have taken place, thinking how we can best fulfil our goal of bringing Christ into our community. There is not a fully developed plan but already some of the newly built homes have been visited and welcomed, and the Christianity Explored course is running again. There is much to do but it was lovely to see so many people in church at the Christmas services. If you haven’t been to church for a while, give it a go again – if you need help getting to church, then let us know and we will try and organise a lift for you. Despite all of the above, we need to be good stewards of our money still and so I end with a few paragraphs to recap the status of St.Philip’s finances. We have been running a steadily growing deficit, ~£7000 in 2014 and probably ~£10,000 in 2015. We are dipping into our reserves; continuing as we are will mean that we will run out of savings in 3-4 years’ time. There is often a perception that churches receive money from the Church of England, but in fact quite the reverse – St.Philip’s contributes over £50,000/ year to Chester diocese. This is known as the Parish Share – this is how each church supports the clergy, including our own Vicar. For the next few years 12 the Parish Share paid by St.Philip’s is increasing by 5.5% because Kelsall parish (not the church, note) is a wealthy area and this is the main reason why our deficit will continue to rise over the next few years. Just before Christmas, St.Philip’s PCC met with our Archdeacon to discuss our finances. The key points to come from this meeting were – The Parish Share is a free-will offering to the diocese and St.Philip’s cannot be compelled to continue giving at the same rate. If we are unable to continue giving our full Parish Share there is no immediate problem. However, once Peter, our present Vicar, leaves, then it is unlikely that Kelsall would have a dedicated Vicar. The additional Parish Share that we are giving helps the diocese to maintain a vicar in the less wealthy parts of the diocese. So the good news is that the church will be able to continue, but there remain numerous issues to resolve. Please pray for those charged with dealing with the church finances and take this opportunity to consider your own contribution. Andy Wisbey Chester Bible Focus Come to All Saints’ Hoole on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th February 2015 at 7.30 p.m. for the next Chester Bible Focus. The speaker is Alasdair Paine, Vicar of St Andrew the Great, Cambridge and a Trustee of the Keswick Convention. He will speak on “Bread of Life”, giving four talks from John 6. Cost is £3 per night or £5 for both nights. Speak to Peter if you would like to give or receive a lift. 13 Confirmation In the Anglican Church, Confirmation is an opportunity to publicly re-affirm the promises that were made for you by your parents and godparents at baptism. It can also be combined with baptism, for those not already baptised. In the Confirmation service you, along with other candidates, make a commitment to follow and serve Jesus, and we, with the bishop, then pray for you. Although we have no visit from a bishop planned this year, we do sometimes take candidates to the Cathedral or to another church for confirmation. If you would like to explore the possibility of being confirmed, please let me know. Peter Mackriell 752639 or Feedback on Worship All those who lead worship take their responsibility very seriously, spending time praying, planning, reading and writing in preparation for our weekly acts of worship. But could we do better? We would like your feedback on our worship and we are therefore distributing some feedback forms on a number of Sundays in the coming weeks. This is not a statistical survey but an opportunity for you to give us some qualitative feedback on what helps you draw close to God, learn from scripture and share in fellowship with others. We will take your comments seriously and we will report on the most interesting findings; this is not a precursor to radical change but part of an ongoing conversation about how we worship together. If we, as a church, find the exercise helpful, we may repeat it later in the year (to see what, if anything, has changed). Do take part in the conversation! 14 FUNDRAISING We are all very aware of the financial position in which St Philips currently finds itself and yet again this year it looks like what comes in won’t cover what goes out. We have a beautiful but old church that needs constant maintenance and improvements.. We have a church lounge that is in desperate need of refurbishment and modernisation to make it into a more useable space for us and our community. We are all keepers of God’s church here in Kelsall. He has made each one of us a steward, to manage both the property and finance.. Therefore it is up to each of us as individuals as well as together to do the best we can. Personally I feel that people are giving as much as they can on a regular basis so how do we bring more funds into the church? I am aware that not everyone will agree, but we need to do some Fundraising. Now I appreciate that Fundraising can be hard work, and often if not well supported a thankless task. I am also aware from past experience that if it is left to a few people to organise everything it becomes a chore, a bore and wears you out. And FUN is taken out of the word altogether! Therefore whatever we choose to organise and do has to be FUN. I have agreed to be the Fundraising Co-ordinator. Co-ordinating events, not organising them, or even attending all of them, but to make sure we have a varied programme of things to suit all ages and all pockets. 15 People shouldn’t feel that they have to support every event that is organised. Different sorts of events will float different people’s boats. We shouldn’t feel obliged or pressured to supporting things we don’t enjoy or can’t afford, but the more variety we have on offer, the more chance there is that there will be something to suit you, your family, friend s and neighbours. If you have an idea, however crazy you think it sounds, tell me about it. We need some small events perhaps organised by individuals or couples, and also some big events which can be organised by a group of like minded people. This is what I think fundraising means to us, so come on lets make 2015 the year we put the FUN back into some FUNDraising and see if we can’t achieve all of the following whilst making a financial difference to St Philips in the process. F U N D R A I S I N G fun unity new comers dates refurbishment all ages income stewardship individuals new events groups Andrea Gray 16 Some Outward Giving Updates SPLASH sponsor Pingwende through Compassion – an international Christian child development ministry committed to the spiritual, economic, social and physical development of children living in extreme poverty, enabling them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. We’ve been sponsoring Pingwende for the past 5 years and she is now 15 years old. She lives with her farming family in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The latest letter has a prayer request from Pingwende ‘Pray that God will assist me in my studies at school’. Our sponsorship has enabled Pingwende’s attendance at school and she continues to work hard with her studies. Save the Family thanks all those who have donated gifts at Christmas and throughout 2014. In the absence of government funding, they need continued support to enable them to carry on meeting the needs of vulnerable families that go to them for help. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) report on their website that Northern Irish missionary Maud Kells was flown by a MAF plane to hospital to be treated for gunshot wounds during a robbery in her village in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The 75-year-old missionary from Cookstown, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland was shot twice in the shoulder in a night attack by bandits in Mulita, on 4 January 2015. Staff from MAF’s Nyankunde base coordinated a medevac flight to hospital. As of 9th January, she was in a stable condition. This is an example of transport that can be done only by plane. For the full story, see John Diggle 17 CMS Partners in Nepal. Paul, Jean and Jennifer Dobbing are back in Kathmandu after their UK 'furlough' this summer. Paul is busy with his work at the small ethical IT company and also supports some Christian IT students. Jean is involved in training women, especially within the Nepali church, and encourages them to take the newly found skills back to their own churches, many of them rural, and with the confidence to organise their own training within their own communities. Jean is also doing a Course in teaching English as a foreign language. They heartily appreciate the prayers and financial support from St Philip's and send their grateful thanks to you all Elaine Shakspeare Right: The family, December 2014 Bottom Left: Jennifer with one of her Christmas presents Bottom Right: Women praying at the Women’s Training Programme 18 Community news Kelsall & District GOOD COMPANIONS Feb 12 Feb 26 Mar 12 Mar 26 Apr 9 Travels with my caravan to be announced to be announced title pending Ukelele Sing-a-long Sandra Johnson Brian O’Connor Pat Taylor Barnes All meetings start at 2.15 pm in the Methodist Church Schoolroom, unless shown otherwise. Visitors always welcome. Lifts can be arranged. Mary Diggle 752608 Ann Barnett 752576 Local Services Chartered Physiotherapist offering advice, treatment and rehabilitation at home Bupa Registered Orthopaedic, Rheumatology, post surgery re-education elderly and neurology Pilates and Acupuncture. Please call Victoria - 07813 912 313 19 20 New address 4 Church Street Kelsall Tarporley CW6 0QG 21 Eyecare at Home Do you need an Eye Test? Would you find it difficult to get to your Opticians without someone to help you? TROUBLE HEARING? FREE Hearing Test in the comfor t and convenience of your own home by a fully qualified hearing aid audiologist. Wide Range of Tiny, Discreet, Hearing Aids Free Digital Hearing Aid Demonstration I can test your eyes in your own home – What’s more this service is free if you are over 60, diabetic or on certain benefits! Call today on 056011 28518 Helen Corson BSc Hons MCOptom Free Ongoing Aftercare The Best Price Guaranteed* 30 Day No Quibble Money Back Guarantee For friendly informative advice about your hearing, call me today! Andrew Cattini, RHAD, MSHAA FreePhone 0808 131 6767 * See website for further details The naughty twins, Billy and Ben, are up to mischief on their grandparents' farm and Scamp, the farm dog, is always ready to join in with their life of fun and adventure. Price £2.99. Order from Waterstones, Amazon or publisher Arthur H Stockwell Ltd p.p. £1, tel: 01271 862557 22 Willington Fruit Farm Shop OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND Home pressed Apple Juice – 8 varieties Fresh Fruit & Veg always available Home grown and local produce as in season Free range eggs, local honey, Cheshire yogurt, Cheshire Farm ice-cream, jams & preserves Herbs & perennials from May onwards 1st February-30th April OPEN Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday From 1st May OPEN 7 days a week 9.30am-5.30pm CHAPEL LANE, WILLINGTON, NR KELSALL, CHESHIRE CW6 0PH 01829 751216 23 POPE FUNERAL SERVICES We are who we say we are An independent family business offering:A 24 Hours Service, Dedicated Chapels of Rest Floral tributes, Catering, Prepaid Funeral Plans And a Complete Monumental Service 17-21 Delamere St 39 Hartford Road WINSFORD Davenham Cheshire NORTHWICH CW7 2LX CW9 8JA 01606 863570 01606 47870 D M OWENS LTD Est 1976 PAINTER & DECORATOR Interior & Exterior work carried out Tel: 01978 854184 Mobile: 07710 609481 email: We welcome advertisements but inclusion of an advertisement in the Parish News does not constitute endorsement by the PCC or Parish News of the service offered. Wallace Dutton Church Street, Kelsall Tel: 751355 For quality meat at competitive prices. Deep freezer meat prices quoted. Orders delivered daily. 24 L & S PLUMBING LIMITED Ian Simpson AIPHE Gas Safe Reg 213295 All aspects of plumbing and heating work undertaken. Friendly, reliable and honest local business. 01829 759331 07793 752 324 SW Heating and Plumbing Services STUART WALL Ivy Ridge Chester Road Kelsall Nr Tarporley Cheshire CW6 0SD Energy efficient heating systems & upgrades Boiler changes and bathrooms 07951 870230 Mobile Gas Safe reg. TARPORLEY ALARMS The Stone House Quarry Lane Kelsall Cheshire CW6 0NJ Alarm systems installed, maintained and repaired 01829 752003 Office 25 26 Margaret Edgerton Pam Phuler Allison John Ro Cowell CHURCH CLEANING BRASS CLEANING FLOWERS HC: Andy Wisbey 10.30 am HC: Dot Baker Janet Ward 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 10.30 am HC: Tony Castle Stan Astbury 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 1st PRAYERS READERS (pm) READERS (am) SIDESPERSONS FEBRUARY Margaret Davies 10.30 am FW: Frank Grant 4pm HC (sung): Heather Leather MW 9 am: Paul Kennaugh Cliff & Norma Nixey 4pm HC (sung): Paul Coney or David Goodier 9 am MW: Norma Nixey John Diggle 10.30 am FW: Paul Coney David Goodier 9 am MW: Don Barden 8th 15th Ro Cowell Jane Knight Ro Cowell Jane Knight Volunteer needed HC: Lyn Rischmiller 10.30 am HC: Brian Rischmiller Val Bogle 9 am HC (said): Don Barden 10.30 am HC: John Jones Val Bogle 9 am HC (said): Ro Cowell ROTAS Lent – no flowers Anne Parry Lent - TBA 10.30 am FW: Sue Clifton Roger Ellis 9 am HC (sung): Don Barden 10.30 am FW: Roger Ellis Andrew Wisbey 9 am HC (sung): Richard and Margaret Davies 22nd 1st Sunday of Lent 27 Lent – TBA Suzanne Goodier Margaret Davies Lent – no flowers CHURCH CLEANING BRASS CLEANING FLOWERS 10.30 am HC: Lyn Rischmiller Mary Diggle 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 10.30 am HC: Brian and Lyn Rischmiller 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 1st PRAYERS READERS (pm) READERS (am) SIDESPERSONS MARCH Lent – no flowers Douglas & Barbara Walters 4pm HC (sung): Douglas & Barbara Walters Lent – TBA 10.30 am FW: Chris Spray 4pm HC (sung): Geoff or Kath Roberts 9 am MW: Don Barden Paul Kennaugh 10.30 am FW: Geoff & Kath Roberts 9 am MW: Don Barden 8th Linda Dickenson Val Bogle Mary Diggle Sheila Hyde Lent – TBA 10.30 am FW: Maggie Grant Sally Wilkinson 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 10.30 am FW: Cliff & Norma Nixey 15th Mothering Sunday 9 am HC (said): Ro Cowell ROTAS Lent – no flowers Jean Tatton Lent – TBA 10.30 am HC: Steve Clarke Jo Mackriell 9 am HC (said): Don Barden 10.30 am HC: Elaine Shakspeare Steve Clarke 9 am HC (said): Richard & Margaret Davies 22nd Pam Phuler Allison John Lent – no flowers Margaret Edgerton Lent - TBA 10.30 am MW: Andrea Gray Irene Skinner 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham 10.30 am MW: Frank & Maggie Grant 29th Palm Sunday 9 am HC (said): Mike Abraham St Philip’s, Kelsall Connecting our Community with God Vicar: Revd Peter Mackriell 752639 e-mail: Peter usually works outside the parish on Wednesday. His day off is usually Friday. Churchwardens: Mrs Irene Skinner Dr Andrew Wisbey Readers: Mr John Diggle Mrs Elisabeth Wye 25 Birch Heath Rd, Tarporley Bankside, Dog Lane 733479 752256 Becketts Croft, Brooms Lane Merle Bank, Rough Low, Willington 752608 751603 Organist & Choirmaster: Mr Paul Kennaugh 8 Peel Crescent, Ashton Hayes PCC Secretary: Mrs Heather Leather 07734 680277 1 Kelsborrow Way 752558 PCC Joint Treasurers: Mrs Anne Kershaw Meadowbank, Willington Road Mrs Norma Nixey Weetwood Farm, Willington Road 751820 751373 PCC Collections & Gift Aid Treasurer : Mr Brian Rischmiller Bush Cottage, Hollins Hill, Utkinton 760548 Deanery Synod Representatives: Mr John Diggle 752608 Mr Brian Rischmiller 760548 Standing Committee The Vicar, Churchwardens, and the following elected from the PCC Mr Paul Coney 751560 Mrs Heather Leather Mr Brian Rischmiller 760548 Mr John Diggle 752558 752608 PCC Members All of the above, by election or ex-officio, and also: Mr Roger Ellis 752856 Mr Andrew Macaulay Mrs Andrea Gray 07761 010944 Mr Chris Spray Mrs Andrea Edwards 751747 Mr Geoff Roberts 752251 751453 752209 SPLASH (Sunday School) c/o The Vicar 752639 Youth Club Mr Daniel Gaskarth 759048 Safeguarding Officer: Electoral Roll Secretary: Church Lounge Bookings: Mrs Andrea Edwards Dr Cliff Nixey Mrs Heather Leather 751747 751373 752558 Weekly Church Notice Sheet: Notices to Paul Kennaugh ( by Wednesday evening. Parish News: Mrs M Davies e mail: Mr Geoff & Mrs Kath Roberts 751346 752209 Distribution c/o Geoff & Kath Roberts 7522009 Copy for April/May Edition to be received by 6th March 2015 28
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