Welcome to Christ Church Sunday 22 February 2015 1st Sunday of Lent Christ Church on the Wells Christ Church 8.30 am Holy Communion (CW2) 11.00 am Worship on the Wells st 1 Reading: 1 Peter 3: 18-end Gospel: Mark 1: 9-15 Preacher & Minister: Berwick Curtis President: Preacher: Rosemary Donovan Rosemary Donovan Collect 10.00 am Parish Communion Preacher: President: Minister: Reader: Intercessor: Rosemary Donovan Julian McAllen Rosemary Donovan Gordon Mylchreest Hazel Rose Heavenly Father, your Son battled with the powers of darkness, and grew closer to you in the desert: help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer that we may witness to your saving love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Ministry of Prayer in the chancel after the service Coffee: Chris & Penny Purdy and Rosie & David Blacoe Crèche: Sarah Sear and Sarah Chorley 6.30pm 2nd Thoughts at St Martin’s Nick Parish is reflecting on images of priesthood in the media If you would prefer a gluten-free wafer at Communion, please let a sides person know before the Service. If this is your first visit to Christ Church please call at the Welcome Desk The church is fitted with a hearing loop, and large print copies of hymn books, service and notice sheets are on the table at the back of church. There are also small cards for use in the offertory by those who give regularly by standing order. Vicar: The Revd Rosemary Donovan (01372 720302) (Day off - Friday); vicar@christchurchepsom.org.uk Curate: The Revd Julian McAllen (01372 723354) (Day off – Tuesday) curate@christchurchepsom.org.uk Associate Minister (OLM) The Revd Sue Curtis: (01372 210492) sacsac@ntlword.com Churchwardens: Robert Burns (01372 724798) rbt.burns@btinternet.com) & Carol Jamieson (01372 722070 cljamieson@btinternet.com Parish Office 01372 743133, (open 10.00 – 12.00 Monday – Friday) christchurch.parishoffice@btinternet.com Hall bookings via our website www.christchurchepsom.org.uk Registered Charity No: 1127945 Christ Church Notices… From the Vicar… Welcome back to the Christmas tree! No I’ve not gone completely mad; throughout Lent at the 10 am service as we sing the Kyrie we will be symbolically removing branches to represent us cutting away the things that prevent us from entering into full relationship with God so that by Good Friday we shall be left with a bare cross. Prior to the Service please use the images on the screen to help your preparation for worship. Today for those who wish, there is also opportunity to receive anointing and prayer ministry to strengthen and encourage them in their Lent journey. Even though we have only just begun Lent we would like to promote an initiative for after Easter now! 40 Days with Jesus is an opportunity to explore the accounts of Jesus’ resurrection appearances between Easter and Pentecost. Invitations are at the back of Church, under the post point, and at Christ Church on The Wells to take part in reading a short daily reflection. These can be found in a book called ‘40 Days with Jesus’ by Dave Smith. You can look at a sample by putting ‘40 Days with Jesus’ into your search engine. If you would like to join in this initiative, please put a completed invitation in Sue Curtis’ pigeon hole at Christ Church or give to the minister taking the service at The Wells Church who will pass it on. Books cost £4.99 and if you can afford to contribute towards this please put a contribution in with your reply, cash or cheques made out to Christ Church Epsom Common. Replies are needed by March 15th to allow for delivery by Easter. We shall also be running a new art project based on the Stations of the Resurrection during this period and a special sermon series. Book Club Tomorrow Monday 23rd February meeting at 59 Christ Church Mount 8.00.p.m reading ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley. Karen Matthews Listening Prayer Group Wednesday 25th Feb 10:15 am in the Peace and Reconciliation Chapel. This group is open to anyone who feels they could support me by waiting on God about topics that require the discernment of the Holy Spirit. For more information please see Rosemary. Alpha Course Beginning next Wednesday 25th for 6 sessions. The course is for non-church-goers and those on the fringes of the church so if you know anyone who may be interested please drop them a flyer found at the back of the church. Julian Women’s World Day of Prayer 10.30 am and 8.00pm on Friday, 6th March at St Barnabas Church. Compiled by the women of the Bahamas, the service theme is "Jesus said to them: Do you know what I have done to you?” and will be reflecting on some of the social problems experienced on the islands. It would be lovely if as many as possible supported them in focussing on their country. Jo Wolfe Tea Club Wednesday, March 11th from 2.30-4.00pm. in the Hall. Gordon Mylchreest will continue his illustrated talk on some lively happenings of the Kings & Judges in the Old Testament, followed by tea and the usual scrummy cakes. Offers of help to Sheila Frame 020 8393 1571, offers of/requests for lifts to Sue Matthews 724080. She Inspires Me A 4 day mini festival to recapture the spiritual significance of Mothering Sunday and celebrate the influential role of women in encouraging and nurturing faith. Thursday 12th March 2pm Children’s Community Concert th Friday 13 March 8pm Storytelling evening Saturday 14th March 10am Family Fun – workshop & film th Sunday 15 March Mothering Sunday 10am All Age Worship 6:30pm Choral Evensong Invitation to sing in the choir for our Festival Evensong on Mothering Sunday 15 March at 6:30pm. Rehearsals are as follows: Thursday’s 26 Feb, 5, 12, March 7:45 - 8:45pm. Sunday 15 March 5-6pm followed by service at 6:30pm with a short tea break in between. Please contact Julie Shaw email@julieshaw.net if you’d like to be involved. Church Gardening and Spring Cleaning An early reminder that the next gardening and spring cleaning day will be on Saturday 21 March from 9.00-12.30 with refreshments at 10.15 in the Hall for both teams. Choose an indoor or outdoor job and bring garden tools or dusters. Please don’t leave it to everyone else because everyone else is leaving it to you! Jim Smith Premises Group Christ Church Electoral Roll & APCM 2015 We warmly invite those who feel part of the Christ Church, and Christ Church on the Wells, family to join our Electoral Roll if you have not yet done so. Forms are available in church or from the Welcomers. May we encourage you to do this as soon as possible in the run-up to our APCM which is on Sunday 26th at 12noon. After revision the Electoral Roll will be displayed in the church and at the Wells Centre, so please check your details are correct. All changes/additions to the Church office who will forward them to the Electoral Roll Officer. Parish holiday: ‘Re-creation’ 19-21st June Horsley Park Those already booked are reminded that the remaining balance needs to be in by 1st April 2015. If you would like to come for the day adults £40 under 16’s £20 to include lunch, unlimited tea and coffee as well as full use of facilities. Please see Rosemary to register for the day rate. Brazilian Mission encounter It has been 2 years since a group from Christ Church visited CBC in Fortaleza. I am intending to spend part of my Extended Ministerial Development time in the autumn working alongside Marc and Ruth building up and encouraging self-esteem amongst the staff and pupils as well as examining community links. I hope to go for over 3 weeks but would welcome a team joining me for a week 17-25th October. Return flights are approx. £800 plus accommodation, transport and other expenses. If you would be interested in joining this trip please speak to me today. Rosemary Marmalade – Seville, Lemon and Three fruit Marmalades. Also Pumpkin Chutney and Blackberry and Apple jam. Available now from Avril 01372 812175 for a £2 donation to Univida – helping children in Brazil. Save Premier Christian Radio Premier Christian Radio is being challenged by the broadcasting authorities for renewal of its national broadcasting licence. If it fails in convincing the authorities that it is a valuable and essential radio station it will have its licence renewal cancelled and it’s banding given to another station. Please support Premier by taking a letter to send to your local MP via Premier, copy it three times and give to 3 friends to complete and show your support for the station and the good work it does in putting the Christian message out to the nation. Copies are on the table by the post point. Further details can be found on the Premier website: www.premier.org.uk Diary for Next Week Monday 23 February 09.00 Morning Prayer 17.00 Evening Prayer 19.45 Good Friday Rehearsal in Church 20.00 Finance Group Tuesday 24 February 09.00 Morning Prayer 20.00 Home Groups Wednesday 25 February 09.30 Holy Communion with Ministry of Prayer 10.15 Listening Prayer Group 10.30 Wheels & Squeals 13.00 Bell Ringing Thursday 26 February 09.00 Morning Prayer 18.15 Song Squad 20.00 Choir Practice Friday 27 February 09.00 Morning Prayer 17.00 Evening Prayer Saturday 28 February 09.00 Christ Church United & Shooting Stars at Blenheim High School 11.00 Inauguration of Bishop of Guildford at Cathedral – ticket only Next Sunday 1 March 2nd Sunday of Lent 08.30 Holy Communion (CW2) 10.00 Parish Communion 11.00 Worship on the Wells 17.00 Youth Club 18.30 Evening Praise Service REVIVE In our prayers this week… Members of our church family and their families For our congregation that we can be welcoming all ages especially teenagers or those new to church For space to reflect on how we keep a holy Lent. For all producers and distributers of Fairtrade products in this Fairtrade fortnight. For Bishop Andrew and his family as they begin a new phase of ministry in Guildford (Please sign a welcome card for them today!) Prayer Tree Please write requests on a leaf shape and hang on the tree in the Chapel for Peace and Reconciliation. These will be offered during Morning and Evening Prayer the following week. Candles can also be lit for loved ones during the Sunday services. Prayer Chain This group will pray for any concerns with an assurance of total confidentiality. Phone Joan 720634 or Sue 724080. Pastoral Visits If you would like to speak to someone in confidence or know of someone in need who would value a visit, please speak to either a member of the Clergy, Sue Matthews,(Pastoral Co-ordinator 724080), or Jo Woolfe, (Pastoral Secretary 726782). Coffee next Sunday Cari B, Roger Tompsett and Jenny Power Crèche next Sunday Tbc BLOB LENT: A series of cartoons taken from the book by Ian Long and Pip Wilson Week 1 Allow your eye to settle on a Blob who feels like you do as you start your journey towards Easter. Which Blob would you most like to be like and why, what would you need to change to make this happen? Pray about this.
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