Dr. G. Douglas Ripley, Senior Pastor November 9, 2014 TAKING CHRIST TO THE WORLD… Weekly Schedule Last Week’s Through the local ministries of DBC, last week 3 people received Christ as their Lord and Savior! If you would be interested in learning how to share the Gospel with others, please contact Lee Carter at the church office. Sunday: Attendance: GROWTH TRACK 201: November 9, 2014 Prayer Meeting……...........…...……. 7:30 a.m. Sunday School….............................. 8:30 a.m. Spanish Praise & Worship Service.. 10:00 a.m. Praise & Worship Service .............. 10:00 a.m. Illumination Station (K-5th)…………. 10:00 a.m. #MSConnect…………...................... 5:30 p.m. AWANA………………………………. 5:45 p.m. GROW Classes……………………… 5:45 p.m. High School Impact Groups (Axis).. 6:00 p.m. Library Open 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. & 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday: Literature Ministry……..….9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Wednesday: GriefShare……………... 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. #HSConnect.………........................ 6:00 p.m. Bible Study…………………………. 5:45 p.m. DivorceCare………………………… 6:30 p.m. Thursday: Celebrate Recovery…...….............. Reality / The Landing (students) .... 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday School/Home Groups………… Morning Praise & Worship................... Sunday Evening……………………….. 740 904 381 General Fund: 2014 Weekly Budget ………..…. Tithe/Offering ..…………...…..... 42,500.00 33,894.29 WOW PRAYER CLOSET: WOW Prayer Closet will meet on Friday, November 2014-2015 Commitment.......….... 347,210.00 choir room. Faith Promise To Date.................. Faith Promise Weekly Budget..... Faith Promise This Week........... Designated To Date…………...... Designated This Week................. 5,056.00 6,677.12 5,056.00 4,864.50 4,864.50 Building Fund Projects: Total Amount Needed................. 101,700.00 Received This Week…………... 1,110.00 Received To Date…….………… 49,579.00 14th, at 7:00-9:00 PM in the LADIES MISISONARY LEAGUE: Ladies Missionary League will be meeting on Tuesday, November 18 th, at 6:00 PM in room 205/210 of the education building. DIVORCECARE: Wednesday, November 19th, DivorceCare will offer “Surviving the Holidays.” This one-night seminar is for anyone that is separated or divorced. The class is free and will meet in room 211 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. There is no child care. HAPPY HEARTS: Saturday: Men’s Prayer Meeting………........ 7:00 a.m. CHURCHWIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT – SHEPHERD’S CLASS: It is a pleasure to see a group of developmentally disabled adults being ministered to each and every Sunday morning during our worship time in their own class room. They have their own lesson, and they participate in the worship service via live streaming. If you know of someone who would benefit from this ministry or if you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact Dwight Moss, Education Pastor at DwightMoss@decaturbaptist.org or call 256-353-8579. VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: We are so thankful to have Dawna Fulmer and Dexter Gay giving leadership to our Shepherd’s Class. Dawna, her husband, Gary, and son, Brandon, have been a part of DBC since 1988. Many people have been touched, ministered to, and loved on through Dawna’s leadership. Dexter and his wife, Brenda, have been members since 1983. Their granddaughter, Kyleigh, is faithful to help Dexter set up and pick up class members in one of our vans each week. We are truly blessed to be able to be a part of this type of ministry. If you see either Dawna, Dexter, or Kyleigh, give them a big “Thank you!” PASTOR ON CALL THIS WEEK IS CLAY THOMAS. 3+ visits widowed Name ______________________ Growth Track is the perfect opportunity for our guests to find out what DBC is all about! Visitors are able to learn what our church believes, who we are, and how we operate. Tonight’s class will be at 5:45 PM in Room 101, and we would love for you to join us! We want you to become a part of our family, and Growth Track is the first step. Missions Giving: Please check the following: first visit second visit single married Thanksgiving Dinner, Friday, November 21st, in the gym at 6:00 PM. Turkey and dressing will be provided; bring a side dish and a dessert. Bring a friend and your favorite game. Mark your calendar for our Christmas Party on December 12th in the Gatheria. CELEBRATE RECOVERY CRAFT FAIR: Celebrate Recovery will be holding a Craft Fair on November 22nd, at DBC from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. There will also be Chili and a Bake Sale. There are a few booths available. If you would like to rent a booth for arts and crafts, please contact Wendy Turner at wendyinrecovery@gmail.com. PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Impact Decatur will have a pancake breakfast fund-raiser on Saturday, December 6th, 7:00 - 10:00 AM in the Family Life Center. The cost is $5.00 per person. The proceeds from this fund-raiser will be used to provide utility assistance to needy families. Please see Jeff Gilliam to purchase tickets. DBC JACKETS: There is a limited supply of fleece jackets with the Decatur Baptist logo embroidered on them. The cost is $20.00. Jeff Gilliam will be at the information desk after the morning service if you would like to purchase a jacket. Don’t be left in the cold, get one today! Age group: 11-17 18-23 24-30 31-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Children & ages ______________________ ___________________________________ Email ______________________________ Home phone ________________________ Cell phone __________________________ Address ____________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ I prefer not to have a home visit. Who invited you to attend? __________________________________ Prayer Requests/Praises… __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ I’m Interested In Attending: Membership Growth Track class on Sunday night. I Would Like More Information On: Children (preschool, elementary, AWANA) Students (middle school, high school) Adults (single, married, seniors, sports) Support Groups (celebrate recovery, divorce care, grief share) Membership (church, sunday school) Discipleship (one on one, groups) Praise & Worship (choir, band, orchestra, drama) Media (lights, camera, sound, t.v.) Missions Being a Christian Please have a pastor contact me. MISSIONS Enroll Me In Sunday School or Home Groups Name__________________________ Address________________________ _______________________________ Home Phone_____________________ Work Phone_____________________ Cell Phone______________________ Email___________________________ _______________________________ Please help us keep our records correct. If you have had changes in your address, email, phone, etc. please complete the form above and place in the offering bag. Thank you. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRIPS: There is a mission trip to Dominican Republic on January 3-January 10, 2015. We will be planting churches with our partners in Dominican. Deadline to sign up is December 1st. Approximate cost of trip is $1,200.00. Please sign up on the Communication Card and put in the offering bag. The next trip will be February 7-14. You may also sign up by calling the missions office. ZAMBIA TEAM JOURNEY: The Zambia Team will return on November 16th. Team members are Deb Baxter, Kristi Huskey, Seth Keenum, Jay Schug, Nicole Smith, Hubert Wright (Shane’s dad), Shane and Cooper Wright, Larry and Cheryl Waye. Please be in prayer for them. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TEAM JOURNEY: The Dominican Team left Saturday, November 8th, and will return on Saturday, November 15th. Team members are Bro. Doug, Lee Carter, Scott Davis, Stephanie Roybal, David Stepp, Josh and Roger Anders. Please be in prayer for them this week. GUATEMALA TEAM JOURNEY: The Guatemala Team will leave Saturday, November 15th, and will return on Saturday, November 22nd. Team members are Leslie Terry, David Norwood, Janice Blankenship, James and Margaret Marble. Please be in prayer for them. Mission Journey Opportunity I am interested in the____________ Mission Journey. Date __________ ----------------------------2014-2015 Building Fund Projects Commitment Card Commitment to give over the next year: Amount $___________ Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Date: ____________ Circle: Adult Teen Child NOVEMBER HOMEBOUND: Bill Waye 2505 Spring Ave. SW Apt. I-37 Decatur, AL 35601 Birthday: 4-19 UPCOMING EVENTS FOR DECEMBER 14th 21st 24th - 25th Christmas Service Kids Christmas Program (AM Service) Church Offices Closed FOR ALL CHURCH EVENTS, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE.
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