A Short Guide to Praying as a Family, written by the Dominican

A Short Guide to Praying as a Family, written by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia.
We are very excited about the book! It is beautiful because it starts with very basics -what the Sign of the Cross is and how to make it a prayer -- but continues to lead
families as they are ready to more advanced forms of prayer. It reaches out to families
who don't really know how to pray as a family as well as to those who are already strong
in family prayer but wish to grow in new ways.
The book is set to be out by the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2015. Order before
February 16 for special pre-order discounts.
Lovely gift-book (hardcover or paperbound)
8.25” x 8.25”
176 pages
135 full color images of stained glass windows
Written by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia
Photographs By: Father Lawrence Lew, O.P.
Foreword by the Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia
Preview the book at http://nashvilledominican.org/News
You can order the book on-line at www.nashvilledominican.org/bookstore
For quantity discounts please e-mail bookstore@op-tn.org
The books retail for $27.95 for hardcover and $19.95 for paperback but until February
16, they are available on our website for $19.95 hardcover or $14.95 paper + shipping.