“Now What?” Luke 24:36-49 Pastor Harry Kelm April 12, 2015 WELCOME Welcome to Grace Baptist Church! If you would like to find out more about our church or ministries, please visit our Information Centre located in the foyer. If you are visiting with us today, a Connection Card can be found in the pew rack. Please fill it out and place it in the offering plate as it passes or bring it to the Information Centre. We would love to hear from you! Info For Everyone Grace Quilters - Join us on Monday, April 20 from 10 am to 1:30 pm for warm fellowship as we create beautiful comforters. Bring your lunch, scissors, and sewing machine if possible. Baby Shower - Please join us for a baby shower for Katie Howes on Saturday, April 25 at 2:30 pm in the Chapel. Please respond by April 22 to elisajfrank@gmail.com. They are registered at West Coast Kids and Babies R Us. Bring a package of Pampers or Huggies for a chance to win a prize! Baptism - If you are interested in being baptized, or have any questions about baptism, please contact Pastor Harry. Our next baptism will be on April 26. R U New - If you are new or relatively new to Grace Baptist Church, we would love to get to know you and have you get to know the church better. Immediately following the service on April 26, you are welcome to go to the gym to meet the staff and some of the leaders here at the church. Ladies of Grace Women Flying Solo - Join us on April 26 for our double twoonie lunch right after the morning service. All single and single again women are invited! Exit 4:12 Ministries The Gathering - The Gathering is back tonight! See you at 5:30 pm! Junior High Progressive Dinner - Friday, April 17 from 6 - 10:30 pm. Please sign up with your small group leaders and check out Facebook for more Check us out on Facebook! Keep up to date with all the latest information and events happening at GBC. Like us at Grace Baptist Church of Calgary. Children’s Ministries Kidz BLOX means “Building Lives On Christ” and is a GBC Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry. Kidz BLOX helps children from Preschool to Grade 6 grow in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and one another. Baby BLOX - Nursery is available for children under the age of 2 during the Sunday Morning Service. Parent Sunday - April 19 is our Parent Sunday for parents of 4 year olds. The topic is Our Church. We will be having a family scavenger hunt! Mom and Tots - We meet every Thursday morning. This week we are having a Social. See our Facebook page for details. Prayer Requests Pray for those unwell and/or at home: Gladys deVries, Jane Miller, David Nelson, and Eldon Toews Pray for those in Extended Care: Aspen Lodge - Dais Davis, Lydia Sept Carewest George Boyack - Doreen Hunter, Alice Helwig Carewest Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre - Marie Tiede Waverly Home - Dennis Seever Whitehorn Village - Loretta Wiens Pray for: Sheryl Grunwald, Kidzana Praise God for connections made during her 4 weeks in Indonesia and for good conversations leading toward the development of a national 1for50 team. Praise God for the blessing of meeting one of the children she sponsors. Sheryl is gearing up to travel to Nigeria at the end of April to speak and present workshops at a national children's ministry conference. Please pray for creative insight as she prepares for these sessions. Pray that her Nigerian Visa will be granted in time Prayer Chain - Email Vickie at vffree@shaw.ca with prayer requests or fill out the prayer request section on a Connection Card found in the pew racks. Pray for those who are unable to join us on Sunday mornings due to illness or extended care giving circumstances. Prayer Time - Everyone is welcome to join us at 9:45 am Sunday mornings in the prayer room to pray for our church and the Sunday Service. If you are interested in knowing what it means to be a Christ follower, contact Pastor Harry at the church office. If there is a birth, death or illness and you would like support, assistance or prayer, please call the church office at 403-235-3636. “Now What?” Luke 24:36-49 I. Doubts Answered II. Prophecies Fulfilled III. Mission Given A. What III. Mission Given B. Where III. Mission Given C. Who III. Mission Given D. How Contact Information Church Office 403-235-3636 gbc@gbccalgary.com www.gbccalgary.com Dr. Harry Kelm 403-235-3636 ext. 25 hkelm@gbccalgary.com Pastor Alice Kung 403-235-3636 ext. 24 akung@gbccalgary.com Pastor Tony Lottes 403-235-3636 ext. 39 tlottes@gbccalgary.com Pastor Doug Meyers 403-235-3636 ext. 30 dmeyers@gbccalgary.com
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