UPCOMING EVENTS - First Unitarian Universalist Society of San

Newcomers Orientation
12:30 PM, Fireside Room (TODAY!)
Would you like to learn more about this congregation and Unitarian
Universalism? If so, come to the Newcomers Orientation today from 12:301:30 PM in Fireside Room led by Intern Minister Cindy Pincus. Children are
welcome to attend. Questions? Contact Alyson Jacks, Associate Minister, 415776-4580 x232, ajacks@uusf.org.
Humanists and Non-Theist Potluck and Discussion
6PM, Chapel (TODAY!)
SHAPING WORTH; Continuing the Humanist and Non-Theist Discussion of
UUSF Sunday Service. A great deal of effort by many talented people goes into
planning our Sunday morning service. How is this planning done? What are
the objectives of our Sunday morning assembly, the one time when most of us
are together for a common purpose? Our Senior Minister, Rev. John Buehrens,
Assistant Minister, Rev. JD Benson and UUSF Worship Committee Chair Alison
Rittger will join us in this discussion of the practices in our community of
diverse backgrounds and beliefs. Our potluck begins at 6PM (bring something
to share if you are able). The discussion begins at 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome.
Climate Justice Month: Week 3 (Green Committee)
Energy Advocacy
Stop by the Climate Action Team table to pick up an informational pamphlet
on energy! Designed specifically for UUSF congregants, learn the issues
surrounding energy in the Bay Area and California. Support CleanPowerSF
and the switch to renewable energies.
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco
ince its founding in 1850 this congregation has been a beacon of religious liberalism
in this city. During the Civil War, the Rev. Thomas Starr King was credited with keeping
California in the Union. He also challenged racism, raised millions for humanitarian relief
and inspired new efforts in education.
Unitarianism and Universalism in America both arose in New England during the American
Revolution. Because the roots of both traditions are in the Judeo-Christian tradition, you
will see on the walls of our sanctuary two inscriptions:
"What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly
with your God?" (from the Hebrew prophet Micah) and “The Kingdom of God is within
you.” (from the Gospels)
Our religious forebears were far more interested in the religion of Jesus than in beliefs
about Jesus. Today we agree more about how we strive to treat others than we do about
beliefs. Our backgrounds and spiritual orientations are diverse. Among us are people who
consider themselves atheists, agnostics, humanists, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims,
and people guided by other forms of spirituality and belief.
Belief is many things, and so is disbelief. But we are interested in what happens to us when
we open our minds to wider truth, our hearts to compassion, and our souls to the call to
work for justice and peace.
If you are interested in learning more, we invite you to a Newcomers Orientation usually
held on the first Sunday of each month following the service. At the Welcome Table you
will find pamphlets and other information. For more about our congregation, please visit
our website at www.uusf.org.
Stories of Resurrection
Passover Seder (April 10 @ 6:30 PM)
12:30 PM, Sign-up at a table in the Gallery (TODAY!)
This year we celebrate Passover on the last night of the eight-day festival.
Join us for this moving recollection of the Exodus, and of every liberation
from oppression to freedom. Bring your children and invite your friends!
We’ll provide Maria’s famed Matzo-ball soup, all the ceremonial foods, matzo,
wine, grape juice, macaroons, and the non-veg entrée, roast chicken--plus
a user-friendly haggadah. You just bring a salad or veggie dish, plus a small
contribution ($5 to $10 per person) to cover shared costs. If you can help with
set up, let us know. Otherwise, you’ll be expected to help with clean-up.
This annual event will be a happy highlight of the spring! We’ll eat, sing, learn,
and reflect together. Sign up at the table after today's service or contact
Maria Solis 415-221-2575, goldiekelemen@gmail.com or John Buehrens at
jbuehrens@uusf.org; 415-776-4580, x 132.
Registration for the Annual All Church Retreat is open!
Ext. Email
Senior Minister
Associate Minister
Assistant Minister
Intern Minister
Director Finance & Administration
Center Facilities Director Building Manager
Communications Manager Youth & Young Adult Coordinator
Music Director
Organist Rev. John Buehrens
Rev. Alyson Jacks
Rev. JD Benson
Cindy Pincus
Emily Wilson
Kerry E. Parker
Donald Johnson
Jonathan Silk
Molly Johnson
Dr. Mark Sumner
Reiko Oda Lane
ewilson @uusf.org
252 sngwtme@gmail.com
282 reikolane@gmail.com
May 23-25 (Memorial Day Weekend)
We retreat at the wonderful CYO camp in Occidental. The ALL CHURCH
RETREAT is open to all ages. We'll have workshops, worship, a talent show,
games, hikes and time to relax and connect with friends. To register (uusf.
eventbrite.com). Questions? Gino Fortunato at AllChurchRetreat@uusf.org
1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 415-776-4580 ; FAX 415-776-4400
www.uusf.org/ info@uusf.org
April 5, 2015
11:00 AM
Welcome and Announcements
“We give thanks for all the stirrings of life renewed, for the soul's triumph
in the transmuting of tragedy, and for all the good and true which are
crucified but ever arise. Let not Easter come to earth, O Spirit of Life,
and not come to our spirits! Amen.”
Bill Klingelhoffer, Board Member
Greeting One Another
*Reciting Our Congregational Covenant Call for Volunteers for the PCD District Assembly!
Love is the spirit of this church, and service is its prayer. This is our great covenant:
to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in freedom, and to help one another.
- after A. Powell Davies
*Doxology      
 
  
           
Sonata Prima for Trumpet Giovanni Viviani
Tom Dambly, trumpet
Reiko Oda Lane, organ
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
Cindy Pincus
Out of the dusk a shadow; then, a spark. Out of the cloud a silence; then, a lark.
Out of the heart a rapture; then, a pain. Out of the dead, cold ashes; life again.
*Hymn #269
Easter Ritual
Story for All Ages
Lo, the Day of Days Is Here Rev. John Buehrens
Rev. Alyson Jacks
Rev. JD Benson
The Morning of the Third Day
Bell Choir
Now the Green Blade Riseth
French Carol
Stories of New Life Song
Stories of Revived Community Jubilate Deo
Responsive Reading #628 Rolling Away the Stone
Ubi Caritas
Pastoral Prayer and Meditation
*Hymn #266
Rev. John Buehrens
Now the Green Blade Riseth
Mike Rufo, guitar & vocals
Rev. John Buehrens
Benjamin Britten
Sara Moores Campbell
Maurice Durufle
Rev. Alyson Jacks
Noel Nouvelet
The district assembly is a one-day event this year and runs from 8 AM to 6PM on Saturday,
April 25. Volunteers are needed for the following positions:
• 4–6 people to take turns sitting at the registration table (8 AM–10 AM)
• 2–4 people to welcome people as they arrive (8 AM–10 AM)
• 2 or 3 people to wear “ask me!” ribbons and direct people to the right rooms (10:15 PM on ... Help get
people to workshop rooms...)
• 2 people to help set up breakfast goodies and coffee (caterer will provide food etc.)
• 4 people to help clean up at the end of breakfast
• 2 people to help set up lunch
• 4 people to help clean up at the end of lunch (we may need the MLK room for a workshop after lunch)
• 2–3 people to help with cleanup at the end of the day.
Questions or if you can volunteer?
Thad Smith, chair, Denominational Affairs Committee (630smith@gmail.com or 510-528-8540)
men. men.
Offertory Sentence Offertory
Air from Water Music Suite
*Hymn 270
O Day of Light and Gladness
Te Deum
G.F. Handel
Marc-Antoine Charpentier
* Please rise if you are able.
If you are visiting today, please take a moment to fill out the yellow Newcomer Card located in the pew rack.
It will allow you to sign up for our weekly e-newsletter, The Flame. Please stop by our Welcome Table in the
gallery after the service or speak with a minister to learn more about our liberal religious home.
arr. Kevin McChesney
Rev. JD Benson
    
ev -land,
ery by
land, by
ev tongue.
- ery tongue.
ev - ery
ev - ery
da - rra,
tie - rra,
ca -voz.
ca - daca -tie
ca - da
a - Let
rise; peace,
peace,- good
be through
sung through
a - rise;
will - on
a - ver
mor;- ver
_be -- za
lle - za
can - tan
afé,- mor;
dad, - ydad,
_be - ylle
can - tan
do, - do,
   
all dwell
that be
be -the
low skies;
the skies;
of and
hope and
- low
of hope
De - dosto -ba
dos- joba - el
jo gran
el sol;
gran sur
sol;- ja,
pe -- za
ran - za
- -ran
   
Tallis' Canon
This is the first time in many years that UUSF has hosted the Pacific Central District Assembly and your
HELP is needed to make it a success. We will be hosting UU’s from across northern California and Hawaii.
There are 24 assignments, but each assignment is a discrete task of about 30 minutes, so it may be that
one person would be willing to volunteer for more than one task.
About Today's Special Guest Musicians
Tom Dambly (trumpet) enjoys performing a wide-ranging repertoire, from Baroque music on period
instruments to modern classical music and jazz. As an author and translator, he has published numerous
articles and books about the trumpet and about music technology. Tom is also active as a recording
producer, with several commercial credits, including a Grammy-winning recording.
Mike "Roof" Rufo is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, civil liberties/anti-war/social justice activist, and
sustainable energy consultant. Roof's songs and poems arc across the waves of life. Streets of Plenty,
his recent CD, includes cuts from his early songwriting days, like Recessions Impressions, through recent
tunes such as Can You See Me and Three Skies. Roof's songs are gripping and eclectic, reflecting his
impassioned engagement with tone and texture. His musical language builds upon powerful lyrics,
soaring vocals, driving rhythms, and melodic riffs that explore emotional depths and transformation.
Mike also plays his original songs, and those written by co-band leader, David Johnson, in the Bay Area
rock group No Exit.* Mike and No Exit have performed throughout the Bay Area at venues including
the Awaken Café, Night Light, The Monkey House, DNA Lounge, 50 Mason Social House, the Red Devil
Lounge, Piedmont Jazz/Harvest Festival, the Solano Stroll, Ashkenaz, and the 23 Club in Brisbane.
Upcoming Service
Sunday, April 12, 11AM, Sanctuary
The Ministers and the Rites of Passage Kids
We have 12 third and fourth graders in our Rites of Passage class. They have prepared some
big questions to ask the Ministers. Join us for a joyous and interactive pondering of what smart
young minds have developed as their big questions about life and death, God and meaning.
Upcoming Events
Friday, April 10, 6:30 PM, King Rooms
Passover Seder (sign up after church!)
Led by John Buehrens and Maria Solis.
Sunday, April 12, 9:30 AM MLK Room
Forum: Society for Community Work (SCW)
Introducing beneficiaries of its work throughout the year.
Sunday, April 12, 9:30 AM Fireside Room
Minister's Seminar " The Untold Story of Spiritual Friendships"
With Rev. John Buehrens
We are a caring,
Do you need a listening
ear, a helping hand? Do
you know of a church
member who may be
in need? Call or email
Assistant Minister
Rev. JD Benson, x162,
Monday, April 13, 11AM Chapel
Veola Lovotti Remembered
A memorial service for this much-loved and longtime church member.
Saturday, April 18, 11AM, Stebbins Room
Starting A Spiritual Practice
An Introduction to "Living by Heart" with John Buehrens.
Sunday, April 19, 12:30 PM Stebbins Room
Invitation to Membership
We recommend you make an appointment with one our Ministers
before joining. Email info@uusf.org to schedule a meeting today!
Meet with John!
Rev. Buehrens is
eager to meet with
church members
and friends
individually. Contact
John to schedule an