The Vine Thornton Methodist Church Magazine CLC BOOKSHOP 45 Abingdon Street Blackpool 01253 624160 Bibles books cards and gifts available here or order from your church bookstall Opening times Monday Saturday 9.30-5.00pm Jack Jordan qualified unisex mobile hairdresser with 4 years salon experience. Are you a business then this space could be working for you Reasonable prices and working flexible hours. For any enquiries or to make an appointment please contact Jack on 07794560782 email Victorian Arts and Crafts “I am the resurrection and the life” Mark 11, v25 FE APRIL/ MAY 2015 suggested donation 50p 1 Looking for a Book-keeper? Need someone to help with VAT Returns and/or Payroll? Ring Moira Hannah for a no obligation quote 8 Blackpool Old Road Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 7DH For all your Needlework and Craft supplies Knitting, crochet, patchwork, Cross stitch, etc 07870 174649 Fellow Member of Association of Accounting Technicians with over 30 years’ experience Tel: 01253 883685 Email: 2 The Vine – April and May 2015 Welcome to this edition of The Vine. During this edition we celebrate Easter and the Rev Stephen Dunn will start is 3 month sabbatical. We pray that this will be a time of blessing for Stephen and we also pray for Sarah, Grace and Eve. If you would like an article in the June/July edition of The Vine the deadline is Friday 8th May. Please let Lesley have your items, or you can send by email to the Church Office or they can be taken to the church office, which is open on Fridays from 10.00 to 12 noon. . PLEASE HELP US TO GET TO KNOW YOU! Name…………………………………………………………. Telephone……………………………………………………. Address………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………... Please tick ………I am new to this church ………I would like someone to call ………I would like to receive this magazine regularly ……... I would like further info about………………………....... …………………………………………………………….. Please cut this out and hand / post it to the Minister, give to one of the Stewards or email your details to Rev Stephen Dunn 60 Victoria Road East Thornton Cleveleys FY5 5HQ 01253 855917 07913 442627 Dear Friends Its 9:30 in the morning, and we are under the cover of darkness. It’s 20th March and of course the Solar Eclipse is upon us. A rare event, but not quite once in a lifetime, there will be another one in 11 years or so…This reminds me of a true once in a lifetime, one-off event in history when it went dark at 12 noon until 3 in the afternoon as Jesus hung on The Cross and died, once for all. The darkness marking the separation from God, but thankfully the Son and the sun rose again to bring us light and life. As we celebrate Easter together, I pray that you may know of the light and life of Jesus, the Son of God, which He died to bring us. This summer I’ll be taking a sabbatical, which is not quite a once in a lifetime, but once in 7 years, gift from the Church. I am released from my usual duties for 3 months and will study, travel, rest, and do a few triathlons! My last services will be on Sunday 10th May and after the sabbatical and some family holiday I’ll be back at work in late August. I will be away doing studies at Cliff College around small group discipleship, and travelling to Holy Island (Lindisfarne) for a personal retreat. I shall also be travelling to meet with other church leaders to look at how their churches use small groups as a part of their discipleship. There is emergency pastoral cover provided by the circuit staff, (details below) but all other ministries will be covered in house. 4 If there is any doubt, speak to Sheena or Lesley, or I’m sure Geoff and Bill will be willing to share their wisdom too. I am confident that the Church will thrive without my input, just as the darkness during the daytime feels strange all will return to normal before long. And if Jesus can trust us (and even me!) to be and to guide His Church while He returned to heaven, I’m sure that I too can leave the church in your hands, knowing that you’ll do your best to embrace God’s ways of light and life and share that with all. I’ll be running and riding around Thornton a lot in training for the triathlons, I love you and care about you, please do say hello, although save the Church politics until I’m back to work! We offer our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have died recently, assuring them of our prayers. In particular: We pray for the family and friends of Bessie Somerton whose funeral took place at Carleton Crematorium on 21 January. We particularly remember her daughter Margaret and family in our prayers. We pray for the family and friends of Cathy Cheetham whose funeral took place at Thornton Methodist Church on 4 February. We particularly remember son Ash and her daughter Lesley and their families in our prayers. Have a great summer, full of light and life. We pray for the family and friends of Lilian Singleton whose funeral took place at Lytham Crematorium on 12 February. We particularly remember son Rob and her daughter Elaine and their families in our prayers. God bless you all Stephen While I am released from my normal duties there will be ministerial cover: 11 May to 21 June - Rev Paul Critchley phone 790277 22 June to 30 June – Rev Barrie Lees phone 892211 1 July to 24 August – Rev Michael Payne phone 852909 Paul, Barrie and Michael are providing emergency cover only, eg severe sickness / hospital admission, end of life care, funerals etc. Other issues should be covered within TMC, if in doubt speak to Lesley, or Sheena! Have a great summer, you’ll be in my prayers Stephen 5 We pray for the family and friends of Mary Sandford, a member at Thornton Methodist Church whose funeral took place at TMC on 3 March. We particularly remember all her friends, and the church family in our prayers. We pray for the family and friends of Tony Clynes whose funeral took place at Carleton Crematorium on 5 March. We particularly remember his parents Geoff and Pauline and family in our prayers. We pray for the family and friends of Stella Mossen whose funeral took place at Carleton Crematorium on 9 March. We particularly remember her sons Greg and John in our prayers. Blessed are those who die in the Lord; for they rest from their labours 6 Sunday Worship April and May Worship at TMC At TMC it is part of our Vision that we cater for a variety of worship preferences, which is why we hold two services on Sunday mornings. Our 9.30 a.m. is traditional whilst our 11 a.m. service is contemporary. At 10.30 a.m. between services we all meet together for coffee/tea and fellowship. Once a month we hold our Tent Service at 7.00 p.m. This is a contemporary worship service usually led by our Worship Band and features testimony, prayer and teaching. If you have never been to a tent service before, why not give it a try? You would be made very welcome. Sunday 5th April – Easter Day 9.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn 11.00 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn 7.00 p.m. The Tent – Rev Stephen Dunn – Holy Communon Sunday 12th April 9.30 a.m. Harry Postlethwaite Worship Leader – Eileen Harper 11.00 a.m. Deborah Spinks Sunday 19th April 10.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn Sunday 26th April 9.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn 11.00 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn – All Age Worship Baines School will be taking part in the service Sunday 3rd May 9.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn 11.00 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn – Holy Communion Worship Leader – Pam Hathaway 7.00 p.m. The Tent – Rev Stephen Dunn Worship Leader – David Rangeley 7 Sunday 10th May 9.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn – Holy Communion Worship Leader – Eileen Harper 11.00 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn – All Age Worship and Parade Sunday 17th May 9.30 a.m. Sylvia Clark 11.00 a.m. Deacon Jo Critchley Sunday 24th May 9.30 a.m. Rev John Harris 11.00 a.m. Rev Bill Davies Sunday 31st May 9.30 a.m. Brian Robbins 11.00 a..m. Brian Robbins Holding two and sometimes three services in a day requires a lot of teamwork and support. If you feel you can help in any way, perhaps welcoming, serving coffee, or with sound and vision, please start off by talking to one of the stewards who will be delighted to speak with you. Remember, the more volunteers we have, the greater the spread of our tasks. We particularly need more welcome stewards. If you are interested please see Lesley. WEEKLY NOTICES If you have an email address and do not receive the weekly notices by email, but would like to, simply email and they will be sent to you. They can also be viewed online at our website 8 'The Parenting Course' (for those parenting 0 to 10 year olds) You can attend either Tuesday mornings from 9:3011:30am OR Thursday evenings 7-9pm The Tuesday morning course starts on 14th April and will run for 5 weeks until 12th May A free creche facility will be provided throughout these sessions. The church will be open from 9am and a light breakfast will be available. The Thursday evening course starts on 16th April and will run for 5 weeks until 14th May Cake and hot drinks available. For more information or to book a place please contact Wendy on 07753414930 or at 9 Comfort Zone News Letter March 2015 Welcome to Paul our new manager. Paul is also the manager at Blackpool Street Angels and we are so excited that he brings a wealth of experience to our community. Paul is contracted to work for 16 hours a week and he is busy getting to know the community. The community garden is busy planting fruit and vegetables and we look forward to sampling the produce soon. We worked out that we served 10,000 meals last year and about 7,000 food parcels were given out to people in need. The constant sourcing of food remains very time consuming but again thank you to all who donate so much to us. Benefit sanctions continue to cause a great amount of stress for people. Many are left without money for up to six months! We advocate at a local and national level, as well as providing them with food and emergency utilities payments. The winter months saw us struggle in finding shelter for people; the severe weather provision put in place by the local council did not always run so efficiently! Much advocating (and shouting) was needed to get people a safe place to stay when the temperature dropped below freezing. Many of our community are struggling with substandard accommodation and trying to keep warm in a damp flat is almost impossible. Again we have spent many hours with the housing and environmental health teams trying to advocate on their behalf. We have also seen a rise in people who are sleeping outside and so need a constant supply of tents and sleeping bags to keep them safe. The management committee is now up and running and we are constantly refining and reviewing what we do at Comfort Zone. We are still very much a work in progress as we respond to people’s needs. 10 Many of our community are graduating to “volunteer” status. This gives us great joy as we see them learn new skills, mature and need less support. We continue to learn and grow together exploring what it means to be Christ-like with one another. I personally receive a huge amount of support from the community as we minister to each other. Our regular communion and worship services continue to grow as we share both physical and spiritual food together. The community is now a support for each other physically, emotionally and spiritually. We have a dedicated band of volunteers who work many hours and with great passion but many of us are weary and often overwhelmed and frustrated. Please pray for us that we find the strength and courage we need to keep up the work in the face of such need. Thank you for all your love and support……… Lynn Cawley (Chaplain) Gift Aid Donations 2014/15 Thank you to everyone who has been able to Gift Aid their donations. As very few Annual Statements were taken last year, as a cost saving measure I intend to only supply a Statement if requested. Available after 6th April 2015. Please do not hesitate to ask. Julie Miller Gift Aid Secretary CHURCHES TOGETHER IN THORNTON Pentecost service on Sunday 24 May at 3.00 pm St Nicholas Owen 11 FINANCE TEAM NEWSFLASH The first 6 months of the current Church year have been rather difficult from a financial point of view as our income has not matched our expenditure. Whilst this was expected for many reasons (higher utility bills in the winter/annual insurance premium paid in advance), regrettably our income from Offertory/Standing Orders has fallen below expectations. If we do nothing then we will probably have a deficit of around £5000 at the end of August. During April we are holding the Annual Church meeting and Gift Day and I would urge everyone to donate as much as possible so that we at least break even by the end of August. If all members increased their Giving by as little as 50p per week we would not have a problem. On a more positive note, estimates are being obtained for the upgrade of toilet/kitchen facilities and Grants may be obtainable for some of this work but additional fundraising efforts by all Members is required if we are to proceed. A new Appeal Fund will be launched at the Annual Church meeting Your Treasurer, Ken Holden, is always happy to receive your donations and requests that you please put a note of explanation with the money to enable correct recording of the donation/proceeds from events etc. It is also important with donations to state whether it is to be gift aided to enable as much Tax Refund from the H M Revenue and Customs. Brian Watkins 12 PRAYER TIMES ‘Soaking’ prayer involves finding a place where you can relax (a favourite comfortable chair, lying on the sofa) and As we’re all aware, there are many ways of praying, many approaches that different people use to help them focus on, and to come consciously into the loving presence of our God. When your prayer life seems dry and you’re struggling to spend time in prayer (it happens to all of us sometimes), or when you’re in danger of simply going through the motions; using a change of approach can be helpful and can enrich and listening to peaceful, Christian music. There is music available which uses words from scripture and God can bring peace and healing as you listen. This is not about emptying your mind. It is about stilling oneself and focusing on Him. Take one step back from the pressing concerns of everyday life and take time to be alone with Him who we know loves us. strengthen your prayer. Jan Bramhall In the last issue of “The Vine” Prayer Times there were some simple suggestions that may help you focus quiet times of ‘Soaking prayer has become an essential part of my prayer prayer on simply ‘being with’ God. life. Sometimes, I listen to gentle worship songs and the words The following further suggestion may also be of help. really minister to me, bringing a sense of peace and calm. I have found it most helpful when I can’t sleep, or when I am Soaking Prayer caught up in an anxiety attack. When I want to pray and Being silent creates a peaceful background to prayer, but find that my mind is continually distracted, I listen to using music, as an aid to prayer can also help us to rest instrumental worship and this helps me to focus on God and quietly and ‘soak’ in His presence. 13 14 talk to Him. It also helps me to listen, to create ‘space’ for My time in Bradford so far… Him and to ‘be’ in the moment. These are some of the craziest people I have ever met but I have grown to love them through the highs and lows, these guys are family… Leadership Academy 2014/15 I have been really blessed as I have practised these two types of soaking prayer. It has been central to my mental and spiritual wellbeing over the last twelve months. God is so gracious.’ Pam Hathaway If you haven’t already put your name on the rota to be a part of this special time of prayer, please contact Stephen: Telephone: (01253) 855917 E-mail: 15 As I write this, there is only 4 months left to the academy year and wow has it flown by. I have been pushed and pulled, stretched this way and that, been shaped into who I am in Christ, a son and a leader. Really early mornings to long days and late nights, these are all part of building Gods kingdom, Jesus never said the work was light, but he did say that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I can’t say that I have enjoyed every bit of academy (my pride getting in the way) but I can say that I have learnt and grown through those times where it was not so great and that I am now a better brother, son and leader because of it. I have discovered that I love building local church and I absolutely love the body of Christ with all of its uniqueness and differences. One of the things that God had been teaching me here is trust, in Matthew 6:25-34 it tells us to not worry about anything as our Dad in heaven knows exactly what we need even better than we do. Jesus says to seek his kingdom and his righteousness first and then all of the stuff we worry about will be taken care of. A few things to pray for: YA Movement – Young Adults conference that is being held this weekend at LIFE Church, so far there are around 600 young adults coming (20TH-21ST March) The lost and the lonely That God would raise up more leaders within the body of Christ cross denominationally who would not be scared or afraid of working together in building Gods kingdom. Calvin Whiteside 16 QUIZ AND AFTERNOON TEA Saturday 25th April Quiz and Afternoon Tea from 4.00 to 6.00pm proceeds for Christian Aid. Tickets £3.50 adults and £1.50 children are available from Helen Jones, Jenny Whiteside, Betty Beasley and Lesley. If you can provide cakes or can help on the day will you please see Jenny Whiteside? THURSDAY LUNCH 23rd April and 21st May at 12.30pm For more information and to book contact Helen Jones 886749 or Jenny Whiteside 702662 INSPIRE CONFERENCE On Saturday 7th March, Lesley, Joyce Wood and myself travelled to Rushaw College for this year’s Inspire Conference. The theme this year was ‘Loving Your Neighbour’ and the keynote speaker was Paul Morrison from the Joint Public Issues Team. His talks were ‘eye openers’ and his challenge to us was to try to ensure our Politicians worked for the ‘people’ and we were asked to question them on economy issues, poverty and inequality. The two workshops I chose were ‘Living Matters: Suicide’ and ‘Working alongside People with Dementia’. I felt challenged to do the two workshops and I found them to very informative, and the other 19 attendees at each workshop brought up some challenging questions. There were plenty of leaflet information to take away so if anyone would be interested in looking at the leaflets please ask me. It is a long day going to Inspire but well worth going. SOCIAL TEAM The Social Team met on Thursday 12th March to discuss forthcoming events planned for TMC. Here are a few dates for your diary Saturday 25th April : Christian Aid Quiz. 4.00 to 6.00 pm Saturday 9th May: Spring Fair – 10.00 to 1.00pm Saturday 6th June: The Happy Daze Band – 7.30 to 9.00pm July - tbc On Saturday 22nd August there will be a Garden Party at Helen and Mansel Jones. We decided to hold our next meeting on Thursday 11th June at 7.30 pm. This is to enable anyone who may be interested (but working during the day) to come along to the meeting. We hope to grow the Social Team by this decision and therefore use the many talents and gifts God has given to us. THANK YOU Marjorie Smart wishes to thank everyone for their cards, gifts and good wishes on the occasion of her 90 th birthday. God Bless you all Marjorie Smart BOOK STALL IN THE CHURCH FOYER Thank you to all who purchase items from our bookstall. A reminder there are envelopes to put the money in, or if you don’t have money can you please put an IOU and give to either Sheena Burwell or one of the stewards. Pat Gregory 17 18 EASTER Holy Week - continuous prayer from 10am Mon 30th March – 10am Fri 3rd April Maundy Thursday 2nd April (Communion) 10:30am Good Friday 3rd April10:30am Traditional in Church - family activities in the Hall 12.00 noon Churches Together Service at Four Lane Ends Easter Saturday family walk over Nicky Nook 3 miles approx. Meet by Scorton Methodist Church at 10am. If you need a lift there and back please call Stephen 855917. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wed 1 April Thurs 2 April 10.00am 7.30 pm 10.30 am Fri 3 April 10.30 am Easter Sunday sunrise service at Stanah country park, 6am meet in the main car park, service to take place at the top of ‘the meadow’ followed by breakfast back at TMC. Easter Sunday celebrations 9:30am (traditional) & 11am (contemporary) and 7pm with Communion 12 noon Tues 7 April Wed 8 April Tues 14 April Saturday 25 April 10.00 am 10.00 am 9.00 am 2.00 pm 7.30 pm 7.00 pm 10.00 am 7.30 pm 9.00 am 7.30 pm 12.30 pm 7.30 pm 4.00 pm Tuesday 28 April Wed 29 April Thursday 30 April 9.00 am 7.30 pm 7.30 pm ANNUAL GENERAL CHURCH MEETING On Sunday 19th April there is a United Service at 10.30 am. followed by the Annual General Church Meeting and bring and share lunch. All are welcome to this. This is the meeting where nominations are taken to vote members on to the Church Council. Please give nominations to Stephen by Sunday 12 th April. All nominees should be active members of TMC and regular attenders in worship and fellowship of TMC. This will also be our Gift Day and envelopes will be available nearer the time. 19 Lent Course Lent Course Maundy Thursday – Holy Communion Good Friday traditional Service in church or Family activities in hall CTT Service at Four Lane Ends Easter Holiday Club Easter Holiday Club Parenting Course Ladies Fellowship – AGM Parenting Course Family Fridays restart Coffee Morning Children’s Team meeting Parenting Course Church Council Thursday monthly lunch Parenting Course Christian Aid Quiz and Afternoon Tea Parenting Course Steward’s meeting Parenting Course Thurs 16 April Friday 17 April Sat 18 April Monday 20 April Tuesday 21 April Thursday 23 April 20 Tuesday 5 May Thursday 7 May Saturday 9 May Tuesday 12 May Wed 13 May Thursday 14 May Saturday 16 May Sunday 17 May Thursday 21 May Sunday 24 May 9.00 am 7.30 pm 10.00 am 9.00 am 7.00 pm 7.30 pm 10.00 am 3.00 pm 12.30 pm 3.00 pm Parenting Course Parenting Course Easter Fair Parenting Course Finance Team meeting Parenting Course Coffee Morning Easter Offering dedication at Cleveleys Park Thursday monthly lunch CTT Pentecost Service at St Nicholas Owen CONGRATULATONS Congratulations to Harry Cookson who will be celebrating his 70th birthday on 10th May. Congratulations to Bernice Smith who will be 60 on 13th May. Congratulations to Beryl Smith who will be 80 on 14 th May SPRING FAIR th Saturday 9 May - 10.00am to 1.00pm Various stalls Raffle and Tombola Refreshments Children’s activities Items can be brought for the stalls after Easter Please put the date in your diary and watch the weekly notices for further information. 21 Meeting Together: People to Contact SUNDAY Young Church Mettle (Year 10+) MONDAY Quiet time of Prayer Scruffy Club Cool Club for Kids TUESDAY Ladies Fellowship 11.00 Kristina Wilson 07974 152092 19.00 James & Kristina Wilson 07967 044327 13.30Brian Robbins 15.30 873625 17.15 Kristina Wilson 07974 152092 18.15 Rachel Kearton 07763 065997 14.00 Sylvia Clark 857754 Prayer Meeting 19.00Brian Robbins 19.30 873625 WEDNESDAY Outrageous Women's Group THURSDAY 19.30 Jenny Whiteside 07525 346922 Café 09.00 Pat Gregory 823814 Nimble Fingers 11.00 Pat Gregory 823814 Choir Practice 11.00 Sylvia Clark 857754 Monthly Lunch 12.30 Jenny Whiteside 07525 346922 Board Mates 14.00 Pat Gregory 823814 09.45 Alison Stevenson 826931 19.00 Alan Whiteside 07538 700234 08.00 Doug Harper 825871 FRIDAY YOYO Parent & Toddler Family Fridays SATURDAY Men’s Breakfast 22 CHURCH OFFICE 07967 497617 (Open Fridays 10 am to 12 noon) ALPHA COURSE Eileen Harper CHILDREN’S TEAM LEADER Kristina Wilson 07979 648348 07974152092 CLEANING Doreen Faragher 868712 FINANCE TEAM LEADER Brian Watkins 851301 MEMORIAL BOOK Margaret Daniel 826183 John Byrne Dip. F.D. John Byrne Jnr. Dip. F.D. Angela Byrne NOTICES/COMMUNICATIONS Lesley Butterworth 821957 (by 5pm Thursday) 07759498938 NURTURE Eileen Harper 07979 648348 PARENTING COURSES Wendy Reeds 594335 PASTORAL Sylvia Clark 857754 PRAYER Brian Robbins 873625 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Mansel Jones 886749 ROOM BOOKINGS Lesley Butterworth 07927 912218 room bookings phone SENIOR STEWARD Sheena Hendrie 868635 TREASURER Ken Holden 863511 WORSHIP Rev Stephen Dunn 855917 YOUTH TEAM LEADER c/o Rev S Dunn 855917 23 Pastoral Visitor’s name ………………………………………… My telephone number is ………………………………………. 24 25
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