Mission u July 16-18, 2015 “Mission u” is the primary mission education event for Holston Conference. Mission u provides opportunities for everyone: women, men, pastors, families, youth and children to grow in understanding of the mission of the church in the current world context as well as initiate opportunities for spiritual and educational experiences. The time is spent in worship and in-depth study with music, prayer, sharing, exploring and much food for the body and the soul. Preregistered childcare will be available. CEU’s and/or Lay Servant credits are available. Come, enjoy this learning opportunity. CREATED FOR HAPPINESS: UNDERSTANDING YOUR LIFE IN GOD. BY Cynthia A. Bond Hopson and Sarah Heaner Lancaster The early Methodist tradition used the language of happiness often. Not only did John Wesley preach and teach about happiness but his brother Charles wrote hymns about happiness that the early Methodists sang. The happiness they sought was happiness in God. This study examines the understanding of happiness and how to live the life that God calls us to. LATIN AMERICA: PEOPLE AND FAITH by Sonia Maria Barbosa Dias Latin America: People and Faith is an overview of the richness of Latin America and its people for readers on the North American continent. The study examines the history of the region from pre-Colombian times until colonization and the struggle for independence. It also explores the current challenges of the nations, along with their rich art, culture and the ongoing contributions of women. The role of religion is woven throughout the pages and will help the reader understand how Latin America has been influenced by various religions and faith traditions. Photos by missionary Paul Jeffrey offer a glimpse of the work of The United Methodist Church in the region. The children’s study uses four biblical studies for children to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of Latin America and its people, promoting sharing opportunities, growth and transformation. THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES BY Peggy A. Johnson This book, which will build awareness in the church regarding issues of disability, calls the church to provide full accessibility to services and opportunities and promotes advocacy for justice for people with disabilities . Unlike other categories of human experience, disability crosses all lines of gender, orientation, ethnicity, socioeconomic position, age and culture. A disability can happen at any time to anyone. This book will encourage you to identify ways that your church can do more to be inclusive. OUR MISSION u LEADERS DEAN OF MISSION u: M itzi Sadler-Thorne, Dean of Mission u, is a member of the Narrows First UMC in the Tazewell District. She has been active on the local, district, and conference levels in the church and the United Methodist Women working with youth and children for most of her adult life. Mitzi is a certified Lay Servant. She is a Special Education Teacher in Mercer County in West Virginia and loves her job. Mitzi is married to Rocky Thorne. Her daughters, Hannah and Hali are following in her footsteps with UMW as she did her own mother’s. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She feels so blessed to have met many wonderful people in her journey as a United Methodist Woman. Mitzi’s contact information is 540-599-8026 or mitzi.sadlerthorne@gmail.com ASSISTANT DEAN OF MISION u: Glenda Eastridge, Assistant Dean of Mission u, is a member of Green Meadow UMC in Alcoa and a lifelong Methodist. “United Methodist Women has been a part of my life since 1975. I have held various offices on the local, district, and conference levels. I retired after 37 years of teaching in 2014, and currently serve as a teaching assistant in second grade. It is the perfect job because I am working in my same school, with many of the children whose family members I've had as students, and I leave each day at 12:00. No lesson plans! No state tests! No papers to grade!” Glenda has had the opportunity to travel extensively in the U.S., Europe, and China. Her family includes her husband (and answering machine) Darrell, son and daughter-in-law, Jeffrey and Brittany, and daughter, Amy. Glenda’s life has been shaped not only by her family, but by her career, church, and most definitely by her membership in United Methodist Women. "Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!" Glenda’s contact information is 865-984-8682 or Eastridge_gs@bellsouth.net PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION! CLASS REGISTRATION FEE IS $50.00 FOR EACH ADULT AND $30.00 FOR EACH CHILD (AGES 6 TO 12) ATTENDING THE CHILDREN’S STUDY. LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED! Childcare is provided for 2—5 year old children, only if the child is pre-registered prior to the deadline of June 27th. Refer to the Registration Form on Page 7 . ROOM RESERVATIONS are available through Holston Conference United Methodist Women at special rates until June 12th. After that date, you will need to make rooms reservations. Refer to pages 8-9. 2 STUDY LEADERS “Created for Happiness: Understanding your Life In God.” Nancy Hobbs is a Deacon in full connection and is a former Church and Community Worker. She is “officially” retired, but serves as Associate Pastor for Congregational Care at First UMC, Pennington Gap. She and her husband, Larry, live on a farm in Southwest Virginia with their dog, Shadow. In addition to an apple orchard, they operate Nancy’s childhood home as a vacation rental. Their attorney son, Lucas, lives only an hour away. She is a graduate of Virginia Tech and a life-long Hokie, but is that rare person who cheers for both Duke and Kentucky during basketball season. She finds happiness in music, books and needlework. Anne Travis retired June 30, 2013 after serving Holston Conference for 13 years as Director of Connectional Ministries. In that position, she had responsibility for age-level ministries (overseeing Children, Youth, Young Adults, and Older Adults), Camp and Retreat Ministries, and Missions, as well as relating to the program ministry teams of the Conference. Since 2007, Anne has traveled four times to South Sudan, a ministry that remains a particular interest to her. She served in 2004, 2008, and 2012 as a lay delegate to General and Jurisdictional Conferences representing Holston. Currently, she is employed part-time as the Conference Secretary for the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church. An active United Methodist layperson, she attends First Farragut United Methodist Church in West Knoxville. Her daughter and son-in-law, Clair and Ken Sauer, are both United Methodist clergy serving in the Chattanooga District and parents of two children. Her daughter and son-in-law, Lindsay and Jim Bedford, live in California with their two children, and Jim will be completing a two-year medical fellowship specializing in early diagnosis and treatment of children with autism. In semi-retirement, she is enjoying spending time with grandchildren, sewing, and having time for Bible Study small group ministry at her local church. Brad Scott is a native of Scott County, Virginia, having been raised just south of Weber City, Virginia. He has degrees from Emory & Henry, Duke Divinity and Memphis Theological Seminary. A life-long United Methodist, Brad has served as pastor in the Holston Conference for the past 27 years, most of which has been in Tazewell and Big Stone Gap Districts, in addition to Jonesborough, TN. He is presently serving as pastor of First UMC, Bluefield, VA. He met his wife Tammie in Tazewell County, Virginia, and they have been married twenty-three years. They have raised a son, Corion, who now lives in North Carolina. Brad is an avid genealogist and has written extensively about regional history, including church history in Holston Conference. He maintains a blog titled "By the Waters of Possum Creek." He is excited to support the work of the United Methodist Women in Holston Conference. 4 STUDY LEADER for “The Church and People With Disabilities” Rev. Dr. Brian Burch, born w ith glaucoma and w alking w ith a limp since 2010, understands a few challenges of being disabled. Having spent one summer as a camp counselor for adults with Down Syndrome, he has been blessed by their joyful outlook on life but is well aware of the extra effort required at times. After 26 years of full-time ministry Brian has served in six of the Holston Districts and has a passion to see growth in the local church in which missions makes such a profound impact. With both a Masters and Doctorate from Asbury Seminary, Brian loves to learn and teach others. Brian and his wife, DeAnne, have three sons: Matthew, Michael and Zachary. YOUTH STUDY LEADER “Latin America” Kacye Castenir is a representative of the M aryville District. She lives in Philadelphia, Tennessee with her husband Daniel and four “wonderful” sons. Kacye and Daniel both serve the St. John United Methodist Church (Hispanic ministry). Kacye worked at Camp Wesley Woods year round for four years and loved teaching and working with the many different people she met there. Many of them were from Mexico so she decided she would study Spanish and take several mission trips to Mexico. She has a degree in English and teaches others of different languages. Kacye says, “In our ministries I have been helping Dani with the youth and with the women’s ministry by giving small group Bible Studies. I am also fluent in Spanish and I work as a translator at a maternity center in Madisonville.” CHILDREN STUDY LEADER “Latin America” Sharlene Spaulding currently serves as P resident of Amis Chapel United Methodist Women as well as Church Treasurer. Throughout the past several years, she has served in nearly all of her local unit offices. She served four years as Secretary of Program Resources, and four years as Mission Coordinator for Membership Nurture and Outreach in the Kingsport District and four years as Mission Coordinator for Membership Nurture and Outreach for the Holston Conference UMW. Sharlene lives in Surgoinsville, Tennessee and has retired from Capital Bank, Rogersville. She is married to Jerry Spaulding and has three daughters, one step-daughter and five grandchildren. A graduate of ETSU, Sharlene enjoys crafts, sewing, scrapbooking, sharing grandchildren stories, United Methodist Women, and serving God. 5 STUDY LEADER for “Latin America” Becky Gantz Hall is a graduate of Tennessee Tech University w here she holds a B.S. in Natural Resources. She is currently the director of Ministries at Christ UMC in Chattanooga, TN. She is also District Lay Leader, chair of the Conference Congregational Development Committee, the Annual Conference Planning Team, and a Natural Church Development Coach. She has been a District UMW President and a Conference UMW Officer as well as a teacher at School of Christian Mission and Mission u. She is very involved in community service to include her efforts as a board member of the Bethlehem Center, chair of the board of Volunteers in Medicine, and other charitable involvement such as mission teams to Dominica, St. Martin, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Nicaragua, Estonia, Kenya, India Cuba, South Sudan and more. Becky is married to David; they have two grown children and one grandson. Michael L. Feely Mike Feely serves as the Director of Mission Advancement at Henderson Settlement. A longtime veteran of both urban and rural ministry, he enjoys mission trips and working with folks in all sorts of places…. Mike has been traveling to Latin America since 1992 and spent significant amounts of time in Mexico, Cuba, Honduras and Costa Rica. He has been working in Hispanic/Latino ministry since 1992. He is an adjunct history professor at several colleges, and researches in Appalachian and Latin American history. Mike has two wonderful daughters, a small car and a famous cat, and plays jazz trombone and is trying to learn the banjo. He is often riding the bus between Chattanooga and Knoxville. MUSIC LEADERS Dr. Trevor Smith is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi, the Eastman School, and Holston-Conference-affiliated Emory & Henry College. He was born and raised in the town of Bluefield on the border of West Virginia and Virginia, and is a life-long United Methodist. A lover of football, mountains, and fun, it is easy for him to call Lenoir City and Central UMC his home. He is the Director of Music and Worship at Central UMC. Trevor has a wife, Crystal, who is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, and a funny, precocious, and beautiful fiveyear-old daughter named Ella, who keeps both of them on their toes. 6 Gail Morris is serving the Johnson City Schools where she is the Chorus Director at Indian Trail Intermediate School. She has earned a B.S. in Music Education K-12, Elementary Certification 1-8, and a Master in Education from ETSU. Gail has been the recipient of many honor awards such as: Indian Trail Middle School Teacher of the Year, Johnson City Teacher of the Year; Woodland Teacher of the Year, Henry Johnson Teacher of the Year; Who’s Who Among American Teachers, and University of Tennessee Excellence in Teaching Award. She has served as pianist for the Sulphur Springs United Methodist District Camp Meeting for 25 years. She has also served as pianist, children’s choir director, and praise team pianist for Jonesborough UMC. Gail and her husband, Jeff, are the proud parents of a "miracle" son, Jonathan David, who is a recent graduate of ETSU. Gail loves the gift of music God has given her and wants to use it to praise and worship His Holy Name. MISSION u HANDS ON PROJECT KIDS FIRST CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER OF THE 9th JUDICIAL DISTRICT During each child’s first visit to our CAC, she/he is accompanied by a staff member to visit the “Treasure Chest” which contains kid friendly items. Each child selects an item that is age-appropriate and can be taken home to be enjoyed. Our “Treasure Chest” serves kids as young as 3 and as old as 17. For so many of the children we serve, a chance to open doors displaying shelves of toys is like a visit from Santa Claus! The children are not made aware of the “Treasure Chest” until the end of their first visit and at times a sibling may visit as well. The list below contains items always of interest to the children we serve and can be enjoyed by various age groups, male or female. Donations can include but are not limited to: Jump Ropes, DVD’s (G rated), Disposable Cameras, Bubbles and Bubble Guns, Journals for therapy, Play-Doh™, Books for teenagers (male and female), Footballs, Soccer Balls, Nerf toys, Hula hoops, Basketballs, Jewelry for teenagers, Wallets (male and female), Sidewalk Chalk, Barbies™, Barbie™ clothes, Baseball Gloves Mission u Registration — Part I July 16-18, 2015 Central United Methodist Church, Lenoir City, TN Registration Deadline is June 27, 2015 Registrations ARE NOT accepted after this date. Name: _________________________ Phone: ______________ First Time Attendee? Yes □ No □ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip I Am A Conference Officer: Yes □ No □ I Am A District Officer: Yes □ Church: __________________________ District: ____________________ Clergy No □ □ Lay □ Email Address:________________________________________________________________________ — For Clergy Only: — For Lay Members Only: □ □ Yes, I want CEU credit (1.5 CEU’s if all classes are attended). Yes, I want certification of attendance for Lay Speaker/Lay Servant Credit. □ Special Needs (wheel chair, difficulty walking, etc.) Please indicate: __________________________________________________________________________________ □ Dietary Needs: _____ Diabetic _____ Gluten _____ Vegetarian _____ Other ___________________ In case of emergency, please contact: ________________________________ Phone: __________________ Names/ages of children, ages two to five years, attending with you for whom you need childcare : __________________________________________________________________________________ Names/ages of children attending the Children’s Study: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ SPIRITUAL GROWTH STUDY: “Finding Joy in Christian Living” Anne Travis ________ Nancy Hobbs _______ Brad Scott ________ GEOGRAPHIC STUDY: “Latin America” Mike Feely ________ Becky Hall __________ SOCIAL ISSUE STUDY: “The Church and People With Disabilities” Brian Burch _________ YOUTH STUDY AND MISSION ACTIVITY: Latin America Kacye Castenir _________ CHILDREN STUDY: “Latin America” Sharlene Spaulding __________ It is important that you register early to get the course of study you most desire … courses are assigned in the order they are received. First come, first served. Please select your course by indicating (1) for first choice, (2) for second choice, and (3) for third choice. REGISTRATION FEE IS $50.00 FOR EACH ADULT, YOUTH $30.00 (6TH GRADE THROUGH 12TH GRADE), AND $30.00 FOR EACH CHILD (AGES 6 TO 12). LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED! Childcare is provided for 2—5 year old children, only if the child is pre-registered prior to the deadline of June 27th. Make checks payable to Holston Conference United Methodist Women. Mail completed REGISTRATION form with payment to: Beverly Smith, 118 Crawford Lane, Fall Branch, TN 37656. Names of persons who need to be assigned to the same class should mail their registrations in the same envelope. Holston Conference Mission Education Event July 16-18, 2015 PART II — LODGING ACCOMMODATIONS and ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST FORM Participants may make room reservations with Holston Conference United Methodist Women, at group rates— at the following facility: Hampton Inn, 585 Ft. Loudon Medical Center Drive, Lenoir City, TN 37772., 865-998-2000. The Room rate is $106.76/night through Conference UMW registration. A room will cost $106.76 for single, $53.38 double, $35.59 triple, and $26.69 quadruple. Deadline date is June 12th. After that date, you will need to make your own reservations. This is a non-smoking hotel with 2 queen size beds in each room, hot breakfast, fitness center, and free high-speed internet is offered at this hotel. Your payment must accompany this request — in the form of a check — sorry, no credit cards. Roommates may pay separately. Please mail forms/payments together, if possible. Reservations will be accepted until June 12th or until rooms are full, whichever occurs first. You may contact Karen Adair, Conference Treasurer, at 423-504-3432, or email her at karahiker@gmail.com if you have questions about room reservations. Please make a copy of this form for your records. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Nighttime Phone: __________________________ Daytime Phone: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________State ____________Zip__________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ □ □ Please reserve my room at the Hampton Inn for □ Thursday Night □ Friday Night I will make my own arrangements and/or will commute. My roommate will be:_________________________________ She/ He/ They WILL □ Are you a District Officer? or Yes □ WILL NOT No □ □ □ Please assign me a roommate. register as a Mission u participant. Are you a Conference Officer? Yes □ If yes, which District and Office/Position do you hold? ____________________________________________________________________ Total Payment enclosed: $ ____________________ Make checks payable to Holston Conference United Methodist Women. Once complete, mail this form with lodging payment to: Karen Adair, Holston Conference UMW Treasurer PO Box 80802 Chattanooga, TN 37414 9 No □ DRIVING DIRECTIONS Hampton Inn Lenoir City 585 Ft. Loudon Medical Center Drive Lenoir City, TN 37772 865.988.2000 From I-75 Northbound - Take Exit 81 turn right onto US Highway 321 - go straight for less than a half mile to the 2nd traffic light make a left on Ft. Loudon Medical Center Drive (next to Chili's) and turn left at the top of the drive. Central United Methodist Church 301 Hickory Creek Road Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771 From I-75 Southbound - Take Exit 81 turn left onto US Highway 321 - go straight for less than a half mile to the 3rd traffic light make a left on Ft. Loudon Medical Center Drive (next to Chili's) and turn left at the top of the drive. From I-40 Eastbound - Take Exit 364 (Oak Ridge/Melton Hill) - turn right onto Hwy 95 which turns into Hwy 321 - go approximately 5 miles - make a left onto Ft. Loudon County Medical Center Drive (next to Chili's) and turn left at the top of the drive. FROM THE HOTEL TO THE CHURCH: Turn right out of the hotel parking lot and proceed to the traffic light by Chili’s. Turn right on US Highway 321. Go approximately 1.6 miles through 3 traffic lights. At the traffic light by Weigel’s, turn RIGHT onto Hwy 70. Immediately get into the center turn lane. Central UMC is on your left. At the FIRST LEFT, turn left onto Hickory Creek Road. Take the FIRST LEFT into Central’s parking lot. Enter under the blue canopy to the left. FROM THE CHURCH TO THE HOTEL: LOCAL RESTAURANTS Chili’s, Cracker Barrel, Aubrey’s — Hwy 321, traffic light #4 (light not marked), turn as if going to Fort Loudoun Medical Center. Chili’s (on the right), Cracker Barrel (on the left), Aubrey’s (menu similar to Ruby Tuesday’s - behind the Hampton Inn) Shoney’s — near the hotel but have to turn right onto Hwy 321 N and then right into the Shoney’s parking lot Turn right out of the church parking lot onto Hickory Creek Road Turn right onto Hwy 70 and IMMEDIATELY get into the left hand turn lane at the traffic light by Weigel’s Turn left onto Hwy 321 and proceed approximately 1.6 miles through 3 traffic lights. At the traffic light at Chili’s, make a left onto Ft. Loudon County Medical Center Drive and turn left at the top of the drive. Ruby Tuesday’s — just west of I-75, exit #81 KFC and Zaxby’s — Hwy 321, traffic light #6, turn as if going to Wal-Mart/Home Depot FOR MISSION EDUCATION EVENT EMERGENCIES OR IF YOU ARE LOST, CALL Monica Sheppard-Viator, President of Oak Ridge District at 865-851-9763 Sandra Guinn at 865-679-1512 (mobile), or Glenda Eastridge at 865-984-8682 Holston Conference United Methodist Women MISSION u Amy Thomas Communication Coordinator 80 Splatter Creek Road Limestone, TN 37681 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Jefferson City, TN Permit No. 87 Return Service Requested FAITH • HOPE • LOVE IN ACTION Mission u Event July 16-18, 2015 School Registration deadline: June 27, 2015 Hotel Registration through UMW deadline: June 12, 2015
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