CHATTANOOGA DISTRICT NEWSLETTER P.O. Box 80353, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37414 Mary Virginia Taylor Resident Bishop M a rc h 2 0 1 5 Dates to Remember March April May 17 19-21 10-12 11 12 14 17-18 19-21 23-24 24-25 5 9 3 30 Brenda Carroll District Superintendent A Word from Brenda Worship Planning Workshop for Clergy Clergy Spouses Retreat Clergy Marriage Enrichment Retreat Grace of Giving Workshop (Knoxville) Grace of Giving Workshop (Abingdon) Minister’s Meeting (Camp Lookout) Lay Servant Training Jubilation Worship Conference (Kodak) Worship Conference (Mafair) Spring Banquet CLM Training (Also June 6 and 11) CLM Training (Also June 6 and 11) Camp Lookout Children’s Day Chattanooga District Worship Planning Workshop The Chattanooga District will be offering a Worship Planning Workshop on March 17 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. It will be held at Brainerd United Methodist Church. This will be a time when clergy can come together and share ideas regarding planning worship. Bring your ideas to share. There will be one class for those who use lectionary and another for those who use series. If you have question please contact the District Office 423-629-0333. _______________________________________________ Worship Conferences Kodak April 19-24 Mayfair April 24-25 Pre-Registration Deadline April 10 Registration is available at the Door with no lunch Provided Cost: $40.00 per person Optional Breakfast with Barbara Day Miller $5.00 Register online at Or contact the District Office for a Brochure Presenters are: Reverend Barbara Day Miller Associate Dean of Worship Music at Emory University's Candler School of theology, and Deacon in the North Georgia Conference Dr. Thomas Long is the Bandy Professor of Preaching at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. He has Authored 21 books to date including Phone (423) 629-0333 What a long winter it has been! The ashes of Ash Wednesday even had to be postponed in many cases. But long winters make us long for spring and warmth and flowers. It means we feel thankful to the depths of our hearts. Maybe it also means we feel the approach of Easter with greater excitement. We celebrate a living Lord! There is nothing mundane or "old hat" about that. Have you experienced the living Lord in your life this week? Have you given witness this week? (i.e., Have you told of your encounters with the holy? Have you celebrated with another the blessing He brought to your heart? Has this love spilled out of your life into the life of another?) Is your church membership being intentionally invitational this Lent and Easter....and post Easter and Pentecost? Have you talked about it together? Are you encouraging each other to be invitational? Are you holding each other accountable? Do you believe that connecting people with Jesus - His love embodied in the church - is still the call of every disciple? Do you believe the Risen Lord can transform lives and transform the world? Believers, believe, and be invitational - everyday - everywhere you go. The Grace of Giving: Extravagant Generosity A workshop for Laity and Clergy A three-hour workshop that can change your Congregation’s practice of giving toward a culture of generosity. Register by April 1 Bishop Robert Schnase Resident Bishop of the Missouri Conference Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm Concord United Methodist church In Knoxville Sunday, April 12, 2015 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm Pleasant View United Methodist Church in Abingdon The cost is $10.00 additional information is available at Fax (423) 622-8360 Email Chattanooga District Newsletter Page 2 Hands On Mission Project Zimbabwe Chattanooga District Goal 400 Pack all items in a 2 gallon Zip Lock Bag. UVIM Team Leader Training Trinity Fellowship Hall 320 Robertsville Rd. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 $25 per person - registration required Saturday, March 21 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm For more information contact Maxine or Bob Schultz 865-719-4303 or 865-719-3230 or Reverend Crystal Smith 865-483-4357 Another training will be held September 12, 2015 _________________________________________________ 1 washcloth 2 Bars Soap 2 Toothbrushes 2 tubes toothpaste (6.4 oz or less) 1 bottle adult Listerine or Listerine Smart Rinse for children (250 ml or less) 1 Box Kids chewable Tylenol 80 mg or 160 mg (30 ct.) 1 bottle Tylenol/500 mg 1 bottle Advil/ Ibuprofen 200 mg (24 ct.) 1 Bottle Delsym 12 –hour for children and adults (3 oz or less) 1 bottle children’s Bendaryl (4oz or less or 1 box adult tabs (24 ct.) The local church should write one check to the District for shipping in the amount of $5 for every kit donated. (Example:10 kits $50) Please do not include money or extra items with the kits. Items do not need to be name brand except for the Delsym. The District will provide boxes for packing. Certified Lay Minister Training Chattanooga District at Christ UMC Deadline for application submission: April 15 Cost of text book $20.00 The course will take place over 4 days May 9 and 30, June 6, and July 11 A brochure is available though the General Board of Discipleship or you may contact the District Office. Contact the District Office for an Application and submit them to Reverend David Hall For questions contact Reverend David Hall ____________________________________________________ Children’s Day at Camp Lookout is May 30: All elementary age children and their parents, siblings, grandparents, and Children’s invited to participate. Fun, Crafts, games, and worship lead by the 2015 Summer Staff. There is no cost. Spring 2015 Lay Servant Training Basic and Advanced Courses Registration Deadline March 31, 2015 Cost $30 (includes lunch and curriculum) Friday, April 17, 2015 from 6:30 to 9:00pm Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:00 am to 4:30 pm Brainerd United Methodist Church Contact your local church or the District office for a Registration form or Brochure Mail Registration to: Chattanooga District Office P.O. Box 80353 Chattanooga, TN 37414 Phone (423) 629-0333 Fax (423) 622-8360 Bring a t-shirt to tie-dye and a sack lunch. Information can be found at Summer Camp Registration is Open! Congratulations to Ken, Clair and Mary Ellen Sauer in the birth of Owen Emerson Sauer born of February 28 and weighted 8 lbs and 11 ounces. Prayer Concerns Curt McKee, Brenda Woods, Braxton Cotton Email Chattanooga District Newsletter Page 4 Empowered to Connect Conference Holston Conference 2015 Mission Emphasis will be on Children and Poverty in Holston Conference The funds collected will be available to be used in all 12 of our districts to support new and existing ministries that address this issue. We are challenged to give $10 and 10 hours of service per congregation member. Holston Conference Spiritual and Emotional Care Team was established four years ago and is planning a training day for new and existing Team Members on Saturday April 24 at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville Friday, April 10, 2015 from 10 to 6 pm Saturday, April 11 from 10 to 6 pm At Ooltewah United Methodist Church. Light refreshments will be provided during breaks throughout the event with “on your own” lunch. The Empowered to Connect Conference is a two day conference for adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders, and professionals designed to help them connect with children from hard places in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. Contact Will Conner for registration information 423-238-9216 The Event will be Led by Dr. Karyn Purvis (Director of the TCU Institute of Child Development) Presenters include: Amanda R. Hiles Howard, PhD (Asst. Director of the Texas Christian University Institute of Child Development) Darren Jones and Henry Milton both child development fellows in the institute of Child Development You Are Invited to the 225th Anniversary of Bishop Francis Asbury’s visit to the Thomas Amis House in Rogersville TN. The team needs both United Methodist clergy and lay persons On Saturday, April 18, 2015 Gathering Time: 10:00 –11:00 am Dedication 11:00 am who are good listeners, those with ministry training and/or mental health training, fully trained Stephen Ministers, and others interested, caring person Chattanooga District Fellowship of Retiree and Widows will Meet on Tuesday, March 17 at Wally’s Restaurant on Ringgold Road at 11:45 am. All retired clergy and widows are welcome! for questions contact Al Bowles 423-870-2339 or Ann Sasser 706-866-8192. Plan to arrive early for parking, greeting and conversation. At the Service of Dedication, Wendy Jacobs will speak about Thomas Amis and the family; Jake Jacobs will speak about the Amis House and grounds; Grady Winegar will speak about Bishop Francis Asbury’s visit to the house. Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor will lead the Litany of Dedication and presentation of the bronze Historic Site Plaque. Following the service guests may take a tour of the house, stroll down Old Stage Road and greet person portraying Bishop Asbury and Richard Whatcoat on Horseback, have lunch at Amis Mill Eatery, visit the famous Ebbing and Flowing Springs and see the recent additions and improvements to the historic Ebbing and Flowing Springs United Methodist Church. Meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each month except in December and June. Phone (423) 629-0333 The Thomas Amis House was approved by the 2014 Holston Annual conference as United Methodist Historic Site No. 498. Bishop Francis Asbury visited the house on four occasions in April and May 1790. Silver Commemorative Coins will be available for purchase featuring Bishop Asbury, Amis House and Edward Cox House. $10 Donation to Holston Conference for each coin sold. Fax (423) 622-8360 Email Chattanooga District Newsletter Page 3 Church Evangelism Program Grant Deadline September 15 The Church Evangelism Program Grants are awarded annually by the Witness Ministry Team for local churches to begin new programs aimed at bringing new persons into a relationship with Jesus Christ and with the local church. Priority consideration will be given to new ministries which show a potential for growth in the local church’s membership and /or ministry to the community. They are not for construction or renovation of building; they are for program support only. __________________________________________________ Ethnic Local Church Concerns: “Brick and Mortar” Holston’s Pension, health Insurance, and Retirement Benefits Monday, May 4, 2015 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Cokesbury Center in Knoxville Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Pleasant View UMC in Abingdon spouses are welcome to participate Presenters will include representatives from UMC Board of Pensions, Social Security, and Medical Insurance Deadline September 1 Ethnic Local Church Concerns (ELCC) grants are intended for construction or renovation of building used by Ethnic local churches. These are one-time only grants to be used by the local church for construction and renovation only; they are not used for program ministry support. The minimum ElCC grant is $1000. Projects requiring less than $1000 should be able to secure local church funding. The maximum ELCC grant is $2500 Be sure to save this date. The seminar is free for the first 150 registrants in each location Please register by April 24. Registration and additional information is available At __________________________________________________ Change for Children Deadline: August 15 Way to Go Chattanooga District! To date, Chattanooga District has collected $105,939.77 toward the building of school blocks in Ligitolo. We believe this will complete 3 additional school blocks for a total of 4 schools built by the Chattanooga District. As you continue to raise funds, all money will be used for education and worship at Ligitolo. Send money directly to the District Office Service Saturday was a big success! We had at least 19 churches represented at the various locations. Over 225 people came out to serve. Some of the locations had only 5 -9 workers, but they were able to finish and needed work within three hours. Phone (423) 629-0333 Change for Children Grants are available to support new and existing ministries with economically disadvantage children through Holston Conference Churches and related United Methodist Agencies. Annual Conference 2015 Go to To register or for more information about Annual Conference. All Attendees must register. (This registration is separate from housing, which is handled by Lake Junaluska) If you would like a printed Book of Reports, please place your order by April 1. The cost is $10. A downloadable PDF will be available at no charge on May 7. Fax (423) 622-8360 Email
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