The Bridge Newsletter • January 11, 2015 Servants in Worship Worship Leader ........................................................................Bob Gary Greeters .................................................................................Kemp Class Acolyte(s) ........................................................................Jake Summerlin Red Book Pickup .....................................Betty Floyd / Jennifer Atchley Deacons Coordinator ..................................................Shannon Beattie Ushers & Servers..............................Shawn Fulgham, Diane Givens, Sarah Hipp, Lesley Morgan Other Servers .............................Sandy Reynolds, Connie Smithson, Kent Smithson, Scottie Summerlin, Ardian Totten Elders at the Table East #1 (Prayer of Consecration) ...................................Scot Crosslin East #2 (Table) .....................................................................Larry Kirby West #1 (Prayer of Thanksgiving)................................Rick Cutsinger West #2 (Table) ............................................................John Holcombe Elders On Call..........................................Scot Crosslin / Rick Cutsinger Scripture.............................(Mark 1:4-11) ................................Bob Gary Message...................“The Baptism of Jesus”......................Pastor Mark The Week Ahead Church 9:45 am 10:35 am 10:45 am 12:00 pm Sunday School Classes Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel Morning Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor 10:30 am 5:30 pm 7:30 pm CWF Circle; Fellowship Hall Elder’s Meeting, Conference Room NA Monday Group; Fellowship Hall 7:00 pm NA Tuesday Group; Fellowship Hall 6:00 pm Choir Practice 7:00 am Men’s Study Group; Bluegrass Grill 9:00 am 7:30 pm Community Kitchen Volunteering NA Friday Group; Fellowship Hall Tuesday, January 13 Wednesday, January 14 Thursday, January 15 Friday, January 16 Pastor Mark Jonathan Hyde CWF Circle January 12 10:30 am Covered dish luncheon! Bea Lyons will preside and present the program. Debby Demos and Judy Duncan are hostesses. Saturday, January 17 No Scheduled Activities Sunday, January 18 9:45 am 10:35 am 10:45 am 12:00 pm Sunday School Classes Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel Morning Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor The Literary Krewe will meet Sunday, Jan. 11, at 4 pm, at Starbucks on Hamilton Place Blvd. We will discuss Empty Mansions by Bill Dedman. Buy the book, read it, and let's talk. Everyone is welcome. Contact Betty Floyd, 423.870.1585 Ansel Rogers (Ardian Totten’s son); Lisa Wilkes, Debbie Demos & Judy Duncan; Allan Lehr and his family; Bill Givens Family; Katie King; Greg & Diane Givens & Family; Sandra Riddle (friend of Chuck Martin); Scrappy Moore; Jo Bevilaqua; Kyle Cutsinger; Doug Beuoy (Brannens’ son-in-law); Liz Love; JoJo Wise; Luther Whitaker; David Blackburn; Doris Aldrich; Ashley Hawkins (Sally D’s niece); Jim Northcut; Harrison Gill; John Black (Barbara Voss’s Brother); Melvin Smith; Bob Lewis; Bettye Gerow; Joel Westbrook; Sharon Narey; Bill Allen; Tim Suits; Judy Kirby (Larry & Barbara’s sister-inlaw); Erick Griggs; Bill Hobbs; Leona BonDurant (Carl’s Grandmother); Don Baldwin; Paul Shoun; Oscar Hurley; Lauren Niemeyer (Barbara Voss’ sister) Sunday, January 11 Monday, January 12 In Our Thoughts & Prayers... &20081 , 7 < 6 6, *1 / / $ 1 *8$ *( & &/ $ 66( 6 %HJL QQHUOO HY HO FFRQY HUVDW L RQDO HY HU\ GD\ VVL JQV : : ( ( . 6 6$ 7 85'$ < 6 $ 0 -$ 1 0$ 5&+ ) , 567 & &+5, 67 , $ 1 & & +85& + 0 0&&$ / / , ( $ $ 9 ( & + $ 7 7 $ 1 22* $ ( PDL O & &KDUL W \ 3 3 DL QW HUIIRUP PRUHLL QIRUPDW L RQ & K D W W & R PP6 L J Q # J PD L O F R P Gail Rich Chuck Martin Beth Harris BRIDGE Deadline Monday, NOON Website Facebook January: 7 Christine Rebelo, Chuck Martin, Renee West 9 Dan Summerlin 11 Bob Gary, Shane Beattie, Michael Knauff 12 Brian Givens 13 Jack & Jake Summerlin 17 Kip Hamilton 21 Stephanie King 25 Kevin Givens 26 Luke Edmondson 27 Alan Cates 30 Kathie Fulgham February: 1 Zach Atchley 2 Susan Haymes 5 Matt Smithson Mark’s Musings Happy New Year to all! May 2015 bring fresh meaning and joy to your living. Starting this Sunday, the 11th, you will see some minor alterations in your Sunday morning worship. The worship department and a variety of other leaders have been honing this service now for several months. The purpose is both to bring greater meaning and depth to those who worship here regularly, and to provide an invitational element for those who are our guests. Will it meet the expectation of every person? No. Will all my favorite hymns be sung? No. Can I expect some minor changes? Yes. Down deep, we all know that the purpose of worship is not primarily to meet “my” needs (although it’s nice when that happens). The purpose of gathering on Sundays around our Lord’s Table is to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. It’s a God thing, not a me thing! You and every member of the congregation need to do one thing to make this work, only one: show up with your enthusiasm! Be prepared to sing as though your “abundant life” depends on it. It does. Remove any grumbling at the sanctuary door….makes life more fun. And don’t worry about miscues. Jonathan and I will talk you through every service for the first several weeks. As Watchman Nee once wrote, simply “recline in the grace of God.” At the close of Eastertide, we’ll evaluate the service. Please, invite your friends. And young people, there will be opportunities for you to assist with the opening of the service as acolytes and leading the congregation into worship. Just make yourself available to our leaders in the back of the sanctuary. See you this Sunday. Blessings and Peace, Pastor Mark FCC volunteers at Community Kitchen Left to right: Dick Sharpe, Alan Voss, Betty Woomer, Louise Russell, Phil Summerlin, Ardian Totten, Aline Summerlin, Sherry & Don Baldwin. On Dec. 19th, FCC volunteers served lunch and assisted Don Baldwin to complete the annual inventory for the Community Kitchen. The group then toured the new Maclellan Emergency Family Shelter which opened on Dec. 15th. Thanks from Brown Academy Community Kitchen: 727 E. 11th St. 1st & 3rd Friday, monthly; 9:00 to 11:45am Rona Gary: Chattanooga Area Food Bank Jan 16 1st Wednesday, monthly Betty Woomer: Habitat for Humanity 2nd Saturday, monthly; 8:30am Larry Kirby: Room In The Inn Meals Prepare a meal for the families at Chattanooga Room in the Inn, 4 times a year on any fifth Sunday - Shannon Beattie at 423-883-9083 or Feb 4 Feb 14 March 29 Family Promise of Chattanooga A Brown Academy school-sponsored luncheon for FCC was prepared by the teachers. It was a “from-the-heart thank you" to FCC for all we do for them. A second grade class sang “Frosty the Snowman.” Students made a followalong songbook on display at the church. Help us host families for a week, several times each year. Julia Martin: PLAN NOW! Bethany Hills 2015 summer camp dates: CYF: May 31-June 6 Discovery: June 7-10 Firsters: June 11-13 Eighters: June 28-July 4 Hope: Begins July 5 Junior: July 12-16 Chi Rho: July 19-25
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