May 2015 An Important Stewardship Message: Your Commitment to Funding 2015-2016 ALL CHURCH PICNIC! Sunday, MAY 17 on the Front Lawn 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Thanks to all who have given their financial support to FCC’s 2014 Stewardship Campaign. We are glad that at the time of print, pledges have been received totaling $649,248. At the same time, this is $170,752 shy of reaching our goal of the minimum of $820,000 needed to carry out the ministry and mission that you have come to expect from FCC. We had hoped that all pledges would be in by the end of April. If you have not pledged yet we will, of course, gladly receive your commitment in May---sooner than later will be most helpful to the process of developing an accurate budget that needs to be established before the end of June. It is very important that staff and church leaders know right now what kind of funding support there is from the congregation for programs that are being planned for July 2015 through June 2016. There are pledge cards in the pews, which you can place in the offering plate, send by postal mail, or drop off at the church office in person. You can also email your pledge to Grab your blankets and lawn chairs* and join us for our annual picnic! We will provide fried chicken, hotdogs, and beverages. The members of the Congregation are asked to bring a salad, sidedish or dessert to share. If you plan to attend, please sign up at the Information Desk in the Gathering Space to assist us in ordering food. In the event of inclement weather, we will relocate to Fellowship Hall. * Seating will be available for those who are more comfortable at a table. page 2 FROM FRED “Jesus Alert” If you do not find Christ in the beggar at the church door, neither will you find him in the chalice. ~St. John Chrysostom~ …never get so focused on the empty tomb that you forget to speak to the gardener. ~Barbara Brown Taylor~ A very influential book in my Christian journey is Marianne Sawicki’s Seeing the Lord: Resurrection and Early Christian Practices. In it, she makes the case that the gospel accounts of Jesus were written to equip all who read them with the ability to recognize and respond to the presence of the risen Christ. It is an ability that is especially honed in relation to three basic first century Christian practices: Learning the good news of Christ through teaching, celebrating the good news of Christ through worship, and enacting the good news of Christ through deeds of compassion. This is because such practices are at the heart of Jesus’ own earthly ministry—over and over throughout the gospels Jesus teaches, celebrates, and enacts the good news of God’s endless love for us and how such love transforms us in relation to God and one another. So. It’s been a month since the rejoicing we shared on Easter Sunday. Have you seen Jesus lately? Seriously. Okay, maybe not seen seen. But how about this—have you been aware or sensed the presence of Jesus lately? I’m issuing a Jesus alert. I invite you to be on the alert for experiencing Jesus, the living Christ, as you encounter people and circumstances in the weeks ahead. Keep track of what you discern. Then feel free to share your experience with the congregation on Pentecost Sunday, May 24 (with attribution or anonymously). Or maybe you have had a particular experience of Jesus previous to this alert. Feel free to share that, too. Send your experience by postal mail, email at, or dropping it off at the Church Office. Please do so by Wednesday May 20 to prepare for publication on May 24. There will also be time for sharing our experiences in conversation together during worship on Pentecost Sunday. Since Christ is central at FCC, let’s be on the lookout for him. Peace, WE LOVE OUR YOUTH! FCC has an outstanding Youth Ministry and we’re looking for an OUTSTANDING person to lead it! Are you a deeply Christian, spiritually mature person with a passion for the spiritual nurturing of teenagers and adults? Do you understand how Youth learn, relate and develop? Do you believe interacting creatively with Youth can and should be fun? Can you keep up with Youth and the technological programs they use? If this fits you to a “Teen”, we want to talk with you about the position of Director of Youth Ministries at FCC! Please submit your resume to: Personnel Committee Flossmoor Community Church 2218 Hutchison Road Flossmoor, IL 60422 or electronically to Be sure to include a complete resume! Opening effective June 1 or as negotiated. Position is ¾ time. Page 3 EXPLORING THE LIGHT OF DIVERSE RELIGIOUS WISDOM TRADITIONS Sunday, May 3, 11 am in Bell Chapel LED BY THE OUTREACH SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE This concludes the three-part diversity series. Session One explored cherishing diversity by sharing unique stories of specific FCC families. Session Two explored ways our Christian faith points toward a failure to listen to, understand, respect and love our neighbors. Session Three will explore how diverse Religious Wisdom Traditions shine light on a common view of ethics, virtues, and vision. With that light we hope to articulate ways to use our individual spiritual gifts to take small steps that lead to big changes in how we treat our neighbors as ourselves – how we undertake action for social justice. It’s not that complicated! Theodor Seuss Geisel put it succinctly: Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. –Dr. Seuss in The Lorax Come to discern how your caring can lead to powerful change! “THE CLEANER OF CHARTRES” BOOK DISCUSSION Sunday, May 17 at 11 a.m. in the Family Room LED BY TRINA HAYES Join us for our last book discussion of the season as we talk about Salley Vicker’s novel, The Cleaner of Chartres. Agnès Morel cleans the Chartres cathedral and its famed labyrinth and there’s much to discuss about Agnès, faith, love, sin, and the power of the labyrinth. If the weather cooperates, we’ll end with a walk around the FCC labyrinth in McAfee Garden. COFFEE AND. . . Sundays, May 3, 10, and 17 at 11 a.m. in the Parlor Sometimes you want a quiet place and a cup of tea or coffee. Other times you’d like to chat with a friend. Coffee, tea, newspapers, and comfortable chairs are available from 11 a.m. to noon after worship. If it’s sunny, you may want to grab a cup “to go” and sit outside in the McAfee Garden or even walk the labyrinth. Walk the Labyrinth Sunday, May 17, at noon Join us at noon in the McAfee Garden (behind the church) immediately following Christian Education classes to walk the winding path of the labyrinth prayerfully. Let go of daily stress and be open to listen to God’s voice. page 4 Children’s Ministries SIXTH GRADE CROSSES Sunday, May 10 The sixth graders will be recognized and awarded a cross pendent during worship, Sunday, May 10, celebrating their time in Children’s Ministries. Sunday, May 3, from 11 a.m. - Noon Let the games begin! Sunday, May 3, all children will be able to test their knowledge and ability in the first Bible Game Day. The activities will be held from 11-12 noon beginning in their regular classrooms. The 2yr. – kindergarteners may be picked up at noon from the Weekday Preschool playground. The elementary age children, grades 1 – 6 may be picked up from the front church lawn. THE WATER PROJECT It’s not too late to “Feed the Fish!” Donations to The Water Project may still be deposited in the large fish banks located in the Narthex. The fifth and sixth graders in conjunction with Children’s Ministries have set a goal to raise $12,000 to build a well for a Rwandan community in Africa that currently has little or no access to clean drinking water. Please join us by contributing to clean water to those in need! Children are invited to bring their own donations each week and drop in the “Water Pail” during Time with Children. Donations may also be made online at: community/profile/fcc FCC VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 15-19, FROM 5-7:30 P.M. MOVE, ACT, CARE, FOLLOW and SHARE God’s unstoppable love and discover how to fuel up and move in and through life with God. The program is open to children ages 3 through 4th grade (completed 6/15). Adults and youth of all ages are needed for a successful program. Leadership is needed for the various activity centers which include science, recreation, craft, storytelling/reflection, mission and snack. In addition, volunteers are also needed for group shepherds, decorating, registration, music and more. Check your calendar, and prayerfully consider joining the G Force team this summer! For questions or more information Please contact Belinda at or by calling 798-2800 ext. 16. Registration forms available at’s ministries. “In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:29c CEB Page 5 Eggs covered the Church lawn Easter morning, much to the delight of the children. A big thank you to Jay Barbaro for being the event’s MC and all the people who donated candy, empty eggs, and helped fill the 900+ eggs. Special thanks to the 5th & 6th graders and Harry Wojcikowski (pictured above left) for their help with the event! Claire Rissmiller was the winner of the “empty egg” and received a cross necklace. Fourth graders take a stand against Goliath. playground silliness and fun! page 6 YOUTH MINISTRIES Sunday, May 3 YOUTH WORK CAMP To Tower Hill Camp, Sawyer, MI We return again this year to Tower Hill in Sawyer, MI to work on new projects and help improve the camp facility for years to come. Because of the school schedule at the Junior Highs, Work Camp this year is only open to High School and College students. Graduating Seniors Cost = $80 Leave Monday afternoon, June 1 Return Saturday morning, June 6 High School Students Cost = $80 Leave Tuesday afternoon, June 2 Return Saturday morning, June 6 from 2 – 4 pm in the Community House Featuring Works and Performances by FCC Youth Artists $20/adults, $10/children Drawings, paintings, photographs, multimedia, theater and music will be presented by our multi-talented FCC Youth. Channel your creativity at an art station. Light refreshments and beverages will be provided while you experience the artistic gifts. There will be a silent auction of special items, as well as jewelry and pieces of art for sale. Drivers: Because we have an abundance of youth who attend, we will need assistance with driving up and back. If you can assist please indicate on the sign up form OR contact Betsy Hanzelin. This event is a fundraiser for the Youth Ministries “Safe House Project”, sponsored by Restore International.. Admission and all proceeds from sales and the silent auction will go to support the building of a Safe House for women and children in Somalia who have been victims of genderbased violence. Sign up forms will be mailed to all eligible youth and will be available on the Youth Bulletin Board. Confidential Scholarships are available for Work Camp, so please do not hesitate to ask if you need financial assistance. Tickets are available following worship in the Gathering Space, from youth families, or at the door. Chaperones: We are always looking for a few more adult chaperones, so if any parent, college student (over 21) or adult friend is interested in coming for the entire trip or for a few days, please contact Betsy Hanzelin. Adult Chaperones do not have to pay for camp and we have some rooms in an adult facility that are available for sleeping, if you prefer not to sleep with the teens. Page 7 QUESTERS TRIP to Cantigny Park Wednesday, May 20 Spring is in the air at Weekday Preschool! Preschoolers learned the sign for butterfly and practiced it on the playground in anticipation of caterpillars arriving. The children like to chart their growth, watch them make their chrysalis and then release the butterflies on the playground in late May. The preschool is also joining the National Wildlife Federation “Be a Butterfly Hero” campaign and will be planting native milkweed seeds on the playground for monarch butterflies. “The simple act of planting milkweed provides monarchs with a place to lay their eggs and helps ensure that this iconic species has a future,” according to David Mizejewski of the NWF. The final gathering of Questers for 2014-15 will be Wednesday, May 20 with a trip to Cantigny Park near Wheaton, IL. We will have the opportunity to tour the house, wander the gardens, and visit the WWI museum. We will meet in the parking lot of the Community House at 9 a.m. and car pool, so drivers are needed. Parking is free. We will gather at the lovely restaurant in the gift shop building for lunch. RSVP required. Any questions, please call Barbara Burleson at 708.922.0422. Looking for a ministry that gives immediate results AND requires no meetings? Inside children have been busy, from gluing in Parent/Toddler to building in a 4/5 year old classroom “workshop” and more. Special guests will be arriving for Mother’s Day Teas just before Mothers’ Day. The children look forward to cooking, decorating and making surprises for their very special person at this Weekday Preschool tradition. Serendipity Summer is happening May 26 – 28 & June 2 – 4. Registration is ongoing for the 2015 – 2016 school year, but spaces are limited for certain schedules. If you know someone looking for your favorite preschool, please share our name with them to schedule a tour. Join FCC's anonymous Garbage Guerrillas! Pick a local public street that needs your TLC, reuse the few plastic grocery bags you still have by filling them with trash, then report your number of filled bags to Brooke King at FCC has removed 129 bags of trash from the community since this ministry started, a gift to every passerby and a welcome to every newcomer. page 8 Women’s & Men’s Association Presents the BARGAIN BOX FASHION SHOW S AT U R D AY, M AY 2 AT N O O N I N T H E CO M M U N I T Y H O U S E Join the fun as we showcase all types of women’s, men’s and children’s fashions available at our Bargain Box shop - from chic to casual! Save your money and spend for a good cause. Profits from the Bargain Box go to many local charities. Tickets ($15) include lunch and the show. Lunch is served at 12 p.m., Fashion Show at 1 p.m. For reservations, call Kim Sifner at 754-2683. From left to right: Jan Hodes, Bob Norby, Chip Young, Shari Sweeney, Mike Rogers, Lois Toolan, Rosanne Schutz, Pastor Fred, and Doug King The Diaconate Board Needs Your Help! Do you know a church member who needs a ride to church or perhaps to a medical appointment? Do you know someone in our church family who could benefit from having a meal provided? Often those in need are reluctant to ask for assistance. We rely on referrals from others like you. The Diaconate Board can help. Please call the church office at 708-798-2800 or Sue Durkin, Diaconate Chair, at 708466-1431 to make a request. We will follow up in Christ’s name. Stephen Ministry: Help, Hope, Healing The Stephen Ministry Team shared a PotLuck dinner at Shari and Pat Sweeney's home, to celebrate Pastor Fred's completion of the week-long Stephen Ministry Leaders' Training Course (Orlando, FL). Later this month, join us for his Stephen Leader Commissioning Service on Sunday, May 24. Page 9 Flossmoor Community Church to Appear in 2015 Flossmoor Yearbook Project! Calling all FCC members to take part in this unique community project and be a part of the historical record! Thomas’ Photographic in Flossmoor has invited all residents, businesses, and organizations to be a part of the “Flossmoor Yearbook” project. The FCC Congregation will be photographed immediately following worship on Sunday, May 17 in front of the church on your way to the All Church Picnic. All members, visitors, children, youth, board and committee members, choir members and musicians are asked to be present! Those who wish to purchase a copy of the FCC portrait will be able to do so at a discounted preorder rate of $10-5x7, or $20-8x10, with order forms made available that day. Last of the Season! Open Mic Night Friday, May 8 from 7-11 p.m. at the FCC Community House FREE BYOB ALL AGES 2015 oor Flossm Photo ok Yearbo taken to be mas ‘ by Tho aphic! r Photog Hosted by Matt Bailey & Brooke King-LaBreck Questions? Ask Brooke King-LaBreck at or 798-2800 page 10 We celebrate the birth of: Our Sympathy and Prayers to: to Lynn Zima and the family and friends of her mother, Snookie Jeneson, on March 29. A memorial service will be held here on Friday, May 8 at 1 p.m. with a reception to follow in Fellowship Hall. to Tadd Gleason and family in the death of his grandfather, Tom Wells. to Don Jones and family in the death of his cousin, Danny Tyree (IN). Gabriel Bernardino Perkins, born April 20. Gabriel is the son of Alicia and Michael Perkins, the brother of Michael and Maya Perkins, the grandson of Barbara and Richard Johnson, and the nephew of Julie Johnson and Greg Johnson. We ask that you please hold Gabriel and his family in your prayers. Gabriel was born at 23 weeks, weighing just 1.5 pounds. He is currently hospitalized at RUSH in the NICU. Who wants to make a Joyful Noise this summer? There were lots of suggestions about worship music during “Come Imagine”. To make them happen, we need singers and instrumentalists who are willing to share their gifts by making musical offerings to glorify God during worship. Over the summer, we rely on volunteers to provide our special worship music. Do you have a sacred musical piece you would love to share or hear during summer worship? Please express your interest to Lori Tozer, Director of Music Ministries, at asap before all of our Summer Sundays are spoken for. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: FCC has received an unidentified gift of Johnson and Johnson stock. Please call Judy Jensen at 798-2800 ext.14 if you are the donor. Thank you! Page 11 Hospitality Time: 9 - 9:45 a.m. Worship for all at 9:45 a.m. Hospitality Time: 10:45 - 11 a.m. Adult Education: 11 a.m. - Noon Sat 05/02 Bargain Box Fashion Show (CH) Youth Groups: 11 a.m. - Noon Church School: 11 a.m. - Noon Preschool Groups: 11 a.m. - Noon Nursery Care: 9:30 a.m. - Noon 12 pm Sun 05/03 Communion Sunday An Afternoon in the Arts (CH) 2 pm Mon 7:30 pm 05/04 Personnel (FR) Tues 05/05 Diaconate (PA) Outreach (FR) Fri 05/08 Open Mic Night (CH) Sun 6:30 pm 7 pm 05/10 Mother’s Day Mon 05/11 Lay Ministries (A2C) Worship & the Arts (PA) 6:30 pm 7 Tues 05/12 Finance (GE) Christian Ed (FR) Properties (Rm.23) 6:30 pm 7:30 Thurs 05/14 Children’s Ministries (A2C) 7 pm Fri 05/15 Summer NARTHEX deadline! 12 pm Sat 05/16 Outreach Planning Retreat (FR) 9 am Sun 05/17 Annual Church Picnic (FL) 11 am Mon 05/18 Congregational Life (PA) 7 pm Tues 05/19 Foundation (FR) Nominating (PA) Stephen Ministries (Rm.23) Stewardship (SPO) 7 pm 7:30 Mon 05/25 Memorial Day Church Office Closed. Tues 05/26 Governing Board (FR) SPECIAL WEEKLY RECURRING EVENTS Tues Wed Yoga (SC) Staff Meeting (FR) 9:30 am 1 pm Chair Yoga (SC) Cherub Choir (FR) Jubilate Choir (CP) Youth Leadership (CP) 11:30 am 4 Thurs Chancel Ringers (RRB) Chancel Choir (CP) Yoga (SC) 6:30 pm 7:30 Fri Yoga (SC) 9:30 am Sat Men’s Church at the Train Station (CATS) Flossmoor Station Restaurant 8 am 7:30 7 pm Calendar Codes A2C BC CH CS FR FH Acts2Crew (Rm. 10) Bell Chapel Community House Creation Station (Rm. 15) Family Room Fellowship Hall GS Gathering Space GE Genesis Room LBLibrary MPT MasterPeace Theater (Rm. 14) MPR Multipurpose Room NUNursery OAS Oasis (Rm 11) PAParlor PEGs Parent Education Groups RRB Rehearsal Room B SASanctuary SC Spirituality Center SPO TR TP WMA WPS YC Sr. Pastor’s Office Tower Room Temple (Room 12) Women’s & Men’s Association Weekday Preschool Youth Crossings 2015
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