23 GOOD NEWS INSIGHTS May 17, 2015 www.holycrossmc.org Volume 25, No. 20 Ascension of the Lord Holy Cross Catholic Church 2100 Cedar Street, Unit #3 Morgan City, Louisiana 70381 Holy Cross Church St. Rosalie Chapel Tel: 985-384-3551 Stephensville Fax: 985- 384-5790 Tel: 985-385-5713 Holy Cross Elementary School Tel: 985-384-1933 Fax: 985-384-3270 Rev. Clyde Mahler—Pastor Deacon Andrew Dragna Deacon Victor Bonnaffee, III Mrs. Amanda Talbot—Principal, Holy Cross School Miss Peggy Acosta –Director of Religious Education Mrs. Stephanie Stanley – Church Secretary Sandra Barrilleaux—Religious Education Coordinator-St. Rosalie Ms. Barbara Flowers – Bookkeeper PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL Today we celebrate one of the tenets of our creed: that the Lord ascended into heaven. From Mark’s Gospel we hear the final words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before he ascended into heaven. Those were words of commissioning, no less real for us today than they were to the disciples then. We are called to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.” For the vast majority of us, this means that we proclaim the gospel by the witness of our everyday lives. Treating others with dignity and respect, providing for those less fortunate than ourselves, being good stewards of the many gifts showered on us, coming together as God’s family in worship and praise—these are all signs that the gospel has taken root in our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MASS SCHEDULE Holy Cross Church Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM, & 7:00 PM Monday—Thursday: 5:30 PM Adoration—Tuesday: 5:00 AM-5:00PM (Benediction) St. Rosalie Chapel Saturday Vigil - 4:00 PM READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Reconciliation Saturdays 4:45 PM - 5:15 PM or by appointment Baptism Baptisms are scheduled on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month. The Baptismal Seminar is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the church office. Registration forms are available in the church office. Marriage Arrangements should be made in person by the bride and groom 6 months prior to the marriage. Anointing of and Communion for the Sick Please call the church to make arrangements. Prayer Line To request prayers for family & friends, call 384-0976 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16: PARISH SCHEDULE Saturday, May 16th 4:00PM - Mass, St. Rosalie 5:30PM – Mass, Holy Cross Sunday, May 17th 8:00AM – Mass, Holy Cross 11:00AM – Mass, Holy Cross 7:00PM - Mass, Holy Cross Monday, May 18th 5:30PM - Mass, Holy Cross Tuesday, May 19th 8:30AM - HCE 6th Grade Closing 5:30PM - Mass, Holy Cross Wednesday, May 20th 5:30PM - Mass, Holy Cross Thursday, May 21st 5:30PM - Mass, Holy Cross Liturgical Ministers Weekend of May 16th & 17th SATURDAY, 5:30PM Commentator – Grace Guarisco Lector – Rosemarie Vining Extraordinary Ministers - Vic Bonnaffee, Nathalie Weber, Catherine Menard, Loy Menard, Elaine Gussman, Rosemarie Vining, Jeremy Callais Altar Servers – Team 7 SUNDAY, 8:00AM Commentator – Mary Thomas Lector – JoEllen Fuhrer Extraordinary Ministers – Vic Bonnaffee, Mary Thomas, Ann Roy, Charles Guarisco, Sandi Guarisco, Beth Pitre, Adam Pitre Altar Servers – Team 8 SUNDAY, 11:00 AM Commentator – Lori Jo Case Lector – Claire Guarisco Extraordinary Ministers- Vic Bonnaffee, Kim Landry, Stacy Caldwell, Greg Caldwell, Donna Vorenkamp, Claire Guarisco Altar Servers – Team 5 SUNDAY, 7:00PM Commentator – Bennett Duffy Lector – Jeanne Marie Hidalgo Extraordinary Ministers- Vic Bonnaffee, Bill Hidalgo, Dwayne Barbier, Maria Barbier, Tessie Dubois, John Dubois, Mary Siracusa Altar Servers – Team 6 Refreshments- Charlie & Sandi Guarisco Children’s Church- Allison Longman Collection Counters— Team 2 Church Cleaning: May 11th-16th - Team 2/Beverly May 18th-23rd - Team 3/Peggy Deaths In the charity of your prayers, please remember Dewey "Boo" Boudreaux & Blake Melancon who passed away last week. May they and all the souls rise in the peace of the Risen Lord. Weekly Mass Intentions Saturday, May 16th- Joe Young, The Williams, M/M Curtis Verret, Jason Hotard, Kim Beaugh, J.N., Della & Nelson Beaugh, Rose Weber, Lowell & Donna Hall, Lynn & Rita Bernucho, John & Bernice Simon, Butch, Fran & Rosalie Blum, Ella Mensman, Anne Provost, Andrew Daigle, Bill & Kate Alfred, Peter Dragna, Bernie & Ella Anslum, Jerry, Laura, Eddie & Elma Anslum, M/M Sidney Solar, Anna Mae &Stanley Plessela St. Rosalie - Brandon Terry, Jerry Acosta, Sr. Sunday, May 17th - Holy Cross Parish, Mike, Rudy & John Percle & Alfred/Percle Families, Blake Mayon, Belle & Clao Mayon, Roy Schaub, Ryan Robicheaux, Adolph, Dickie, Vera & Mike Mire, Barbara Fell, Jeanne Fell, A.J. & Hilda Mayon, Jr., Joe & Shirley Baker, George & Mazie Chaisson, Kim & Shirley Ractliff, Louis, Doris & Murray Gobert, Gwen Fromenthal & Logan Fromenthal, Sr., Edna Michel, Ida Falgout, Rose Weber, Roland J. Barras, David Family, Butch Blum, Kimberly & Shirley Ratcliff, Merlin & Rose Glynn, Frank & Odelia Pellissier, Cody Fell, Henry Swiber, Sr., David Swiber, John Ritchie, Jimmy Loupe, Susan Spinella Holloway, Peter Spinella, Sr., Barbara Fell, Jeanne Fell, Audrey Bailey, Elda Hollier, Lena Breaux, Doyle Fontenot Monday, May 18th– Holy Cross Parish, Leonard & Darby Families Tuesday, May 19th– Emory & Mary Besse Wednesday, May 20th– Emory & Mary Besse Thursday, May 21st- Audrey, Victor & Laurie Bailey, Nelda Daigle, Irma Aucoin, Jerry Acosta School Masses The school masses for Holy Cross Elementary on Wednesdays at 8:15AM and Central Catholic High School on Thursdays at 9:05AM will be discontinued until school begins in August. Let Us Pray for the Sick Wanda Mayon, Enola Aucoin, Ruth Hebert, John Simoneaux, Todd Braus, Louis Hebert, Margaret Mayon, Elise Martin, Harry S. Hover, III., Hudson Falcon, Dottie Thimmesch, Irene Fromenthal, Judy Gagneaux, Lisah Gagneaux, Geniese LaHoste, Hazel Powers, Lena Breaux, Chester & Mary Blanchard, Bobby Daigle, E.J. Morgan, Gary Clark, Evan Mire, Jacques Sicard, Brenda Liner, Sammy & Samantha Barker, Rita Taylor, Cass Oubre, Jeff LaCoste, Jr., Nicholas LaHoste, Maddy Couvilier, Patience Bryant, Casey St. Romain. Joe Matte, Idynee Hebert Vacation Bible School Holy Cross Parish is planning a Vacation Bible School June 15th & 19th from 8:30AM-12:00 noon. This event will feature music, games, snacks and activities all to give you a peek at the fun you’ll experience at Son Spark Lab. At the amazing Son Spark Labs, children will excitedly explore God's life-changing plans as they find out the answers to life's most important questions. They will discover that God loves them and that through Jesus they can live as members of God's family and personally experience God's plan for each of us - Forms can be picked up at the parish office or printed from our website: www.holycrossmc.org KC Thank You Thank you to all who supported the fish fry fundraiser held at Holy Cross a few weeks ago! Everyone enjoyed the good food and fellowship. Altar Society Thank You Thank you to all who supported the Altar Society this past weekend at the bake sale. Both St. Rosalie and Holy Cross appreciate your generosity. It was a success! Thank you to everyone who baked and purchased items and worked the sale. HC Youth Group Fundraiser The youth group will host a fundraiser on Sunday, May 24th after the 11AM Mass. This fundraiser will help support the youth to go to Steubenville. They will sell hamburgers, canned soft drinks and baked goods. This event will take place in the Yvonne Anne Adams Life Center. Please support our youth!!! HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY REGISTER NOW PRE-K3 - GRADE 6 WHAT BETTER GIFT FOR YOUR CHILD THAN A HOLY CROSS EDUCATION? Technology-rich environment e-Books and online enrichment activities Rediker delivers grades and homework directly to your home computer Faith formation Small class sizes Strong academics Before and after school care Safe and caring atmosphere 2100 Cedar St. Morgan City, La. 70380 www.holycrosselementary.com PHONE 384-1933 HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY ADMITS STUDENTS REGARDLESS OF RACE, COLOR, SEX, NATIONAL OR ETHNIC ORIGIN. **Central Catholic High School** Best Private High Schools, 2015 Niche Ranking, ranks 3,880 high schools based on key students statistics and more than 120,000 opinions from 16,000 students and parents. A high ranking indicates that the school is an exceptional academic institution with a diverse set of high-achieving students who rate their experience very highly. Ninety three private schools were ranked in Louisiana. Central Catholic High School with its diverse student population was ranked 31st of 93 schools ranked and in the top third! Congratulations to CCHS!!!!!!!! Claire House Thanks Holy Cross Claire House would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Operation Lent Project. Through the generous offerings many women and children will benefit from all the items collected. The monetary donation that was given as well will help fund the summer program that was completely cut, but brought back because of the kindness of Holy Cross. Claire House made a special visit to Holy Cross and met with Fr. Clyde and the staff. The woman and children were such a joy to meet, play and pray with. They are truly appreciative for everything Holy Cross has done. Thank you Holy Cross Parishioners, Holy Cross Elementary & CCHS for your charity. Welcome Deacon Stephen Lefort! To the people of God at Holy Cross Peace and Good! My name is Deacon Stephen Lefort. I am a 27- year old Transitional Deacon for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. I was ordained a Deacon in May 2014. I just graduated from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans with my Masters in Divinity. I was baptized and raised in Houma and Cut Off. I finished high school at E.D. White in Thibodaux and entered St. Joseph Seminary. I have many interests and hobbies. I enjoy almost all sports: long-distance running, basketball and football. I also like to travel and explore the outdoors. Some of my adventures include the Pere Menard Canoe Trip, pilgrimaging to Rome, Assisi, Medujorie and the Holy Land, and working as a summer camp counselor in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. I am sure that it won't take long to become an adopted son of Holy Cross and the Morgan City area. I promise you to give you my best. Please pray for me to always live in God's will and I promise you my prayers for the same. See you in June! To Jesus, Through Mary, In Joseph, Deacon Stephen Lefort "What a Life!" Holy Cross Parish still has Fr. Todd's book entitled "What a Life!" for sale in the parish office. The books can be purchased for $25.00. It's based on daily readings for a Holistic Spiritual Life. New Student Registration Continues for more information about what CCHS has to offer your child or family please contact the school office at 985-385-5372 or visit our website at cchseagles.com We strive to develop the whole child Soul, Mind, and Body. Week of May 9th & 10th Holy Cross St. Rosalie Envelopes: $ 6,344.00 Envelopes: $ 107.00 Loose: $ 1,406.00 Loose: $ 153.00 Total: $ 7,750.00 Total: $ 260.00 Your generosity is greatly appreciated!!!
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