HOLY CROSS PARISH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1450 Delta Avenue, Burnaby, B. C. V5B 3G2 Office Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30am - 12:00pm & 1:00pm-4:00pm Phone: 604.299.3814 Fax: 604.299.3824 E-mail: parish.hcb@rcav.org Website: holycross.rcav.org SALVATORIAN FATHERS Pastor: Fr. Maciej Wos, SDS Asst. Pastor: Fr. Robert Ufland, SDS HOLY CROSS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL April 13 - 26, 2015 To New Parishioners & Visitors, WELCOME! Kindly introduce yourselves to the Priest after Mass. 1450 Delta Avenue, Burnaby, B. C. V5B 3G2 Phone: 604.299.3530 Fax: 604.299.3534 Website: www.holycrosselementary.ca Principal: Mr. Dino Alberti Asst. Principal: Miss Charlaine Francis 2015 Eiffel Investments Ltd. Holy Cross Golf Tournament Where Riverway Golf Course & Clubhouse 9001 Bill Fox Way Burnaby, BC When Date: Time: Shotgun Start: Dinner: Friday May 22, 2015 Lunch & Registration @ 12:00 PM 1:30PM Doors Open @ 6:00PM Please help us to make this another successful community event: Ticket prices per person are: $200 for golf (including dinner). 118 of 144 spots SOLD Hole Sponsors ($500) 13 of 18 SOLD Tournament volunteers are needed Please contact Kres Brzica (Phone: 604-312-3123, Email: brzica@gmail.com) for details THANK YOU TO ALL GOLFERS, DINNER GUESTS AND SPONSORS! FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK My Dear Parishioners, On Friday, February 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada’s assisted suicide law, giving Parliament one year to replace it. Since that day, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition has successfully activated many groups and individuals to oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. The EPC post-card campaign, urging the government to use the notwithstanding clause, has been an incredible success. In B.C. alone, they printed and distributed 60,000 post-cards; having to print up another 20,000 post-cards. They also set up a campaign website at: www.giveustime.ca. My dear Parishioners, we cannot afford to sit by idly and let this go unnoticed! Our voices count and make a difference. First, I want to invite you to an event organized by our CWL, called “The Gift of Life” on Thursday, April 16 – 6:30 p.m. in our School gymnasium. Please come and take this opportunity to learn more about the Catholic pro-life stand. Second, we will have the postcards, “Give us Time”, available for you to sign, urging our Parliament to respect every form of human life. This is the time we need to stand united and to be heard! God Bless, Fr. Maciej Wos, SDS PARISH ACTIVITIES April 13 - 19, 2015 Mon. 6:30pm CWL Executive Meeting (PREP Office) 7:30pm HC Prayer Group (Music Room) Tues. 7:00pm PREP Wed. 7:30pm Bible Study (Music Room / Kitchen) Thurs. 5:30pm Confirmation Rehearsal (Church/Gym) 6:30pm The Gift of Life (Gym) Fri. 7:00pm Confirmation (Church/Gym) Sat. 9:30am Divine Mercy Cenacle (Classroom) 2:30pm RCIA (Classroom) After 5:00pm Masses CWL Religious Articles Sale Sun. After all Masses CWL Religious Articles Sale April 20 - 26, 2015 Mon. 7:00pm Baptism Course (Classroom) 7:30pm HC Prayer Group (Music Room) Tues. 7:00pm PREP Wed. 7:30pm Bible Study (Music Room) Thur. 9:15am HC School Mass – Grade 3 11:00am CWL Mass (Church) 7:00pm K of C – 4th Degree (Music Room) Fri. 6:30pm Challenge Girls Club (Basement) Conquest for Boys Club (Basement) 7:30pm Divine Mercy Mass (Church) Sat. 9:30am Divine Mercy Cenacle (Classroom) 2:30pm RCIA (Classroom) Sun. All Masses 2nd Collection: Work of Vocations SCHOOL NEWS April 16th, Thursday at 5:30pm – Confirmation Rehearsal April 17th, Friday at 7pm – Confirmation Mass April 23rd, Thursday at 9:15am – School Mass (Grade 3) April 24th, Friday at 4:45pm – FHC Rehearsal April 25th, Saturday at 1pm – FHC MASS INTENTIONS (REQUESTED BY) April 13 - 19, 2015 +Mauro Gentile (Hewitt Family) +Hank Killeen (Wife) +Rex & Bernadette Guneratne (Lucille) Sp. Int. May Chan (Mary MacDonald) Sp. Int. Giuseppina Guttadauro (Mary MacDonald) PARISHIONERS Sp. Int. Confirmation Students & Families +Domenico Mobilio (Family) +Hao Van Le & Fr. Huyn Tien Bo (Le Family) +Myra Williams (Lea Boelens) +Nicola Testini (Victoria Candiago) +Margaret Lee (May Chan) +Deceased Members of Scigliano, Veltri & Lopez Families April 20 - 26, 2015 Mon. 8:15am Sp. Int. Franciscus (Family) Tues. 8:15am Sp. Int. Guido Orsatti (Giuseppina G.) PARISHIONERS Wed. 8:15am +Luigina D’Elia (Family) Thurs. 8:15am +Thomas Hoi Lam Kong (Family) Fri. 8:15am +Chan Kar Sing (Family) 7:30pm Deceased: Thomas Hoi Lam Kong (Parishioner) Nora & Ionio Biasutti (Daughter & Family) Sixto Velasco (Ria & Chit) Gregorio Anonas & Beatriz D. Cruz (Mrs. Cruz) Ross Nicholson (Lucille) Emerito Dela Cueva (Rigonan Family) Special Intentions: Simplicio Lopez (Family) Allan Philips (Family) Edna Sung (Friend) Bro. Desi Fogale (Nicole Pek) Sat. 9:00am +Hank Killeen (Wife) 5:00pm +George Ewart (Hank & Donna Shaback) Sun. 8:00am +Franklyn Chowsen (Mrs. Yee) 10:00am Sp. Int. Fr. Larry Mackey, OMI (Maria Viveiros) 12 Noon +Alessandro Peretto (Daughter) 7:30pm +Carmela Laurita (Family) Mon. 8:15am Tues. 8:15am Wed. 8:15am Thurs. 8:15am Fri. 8:15am 7:00pm Sat. 9:00am 5:00pm Sun. 8:00am 10:00am 12 Noon 7:30pm SUNDAY COLLECTION Our Parish weekly budget is $9,460.00 Envelopes Loose March 29 $ 8,919.30 $ 1,211.55 Holy Thursday $ 2,248.00 $ 314.25 Good Friday $ 3,415.00 $ 725.65 Pre-Authorized Monthly Donation (April) April 13 April 20 April 27 Total $10,130.85 $ 2,562.25 $ 4,140.65 $ 6,943.40 MONEY COUNTERS Emma I., Perla P. & Lucia A. Liliana S., Carmela P., & Rosina M. Cathy M., Nicole P., Marie B. & Liliana S. ANNOUNCEMENTS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4TH DEGREE MEETING is on Thursday, April 23rd at 7pm in the church basement. PRE-AUTHORIZED DONATIONS – We now have 133 families signed up for the monthly preauthorized donations. If you have signed up for pre-authorized donation, please remember to inform the parish office when your credit card information has changed including new expiry date. If you are interested in signing up for pre-authorized donations, forms are available in the church lobby. Submit your completed form at the parish office. You may also put it in a sealed envelope and drop it in the collection basket. Thank you. CWL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Gift of Life – The CWL will host an evening entitled “The Gift of Life”, on Thursday, April 16 at 6:30pm in the school gymnasium. Father James Hughes will speak on “The Value of Family Life and Strong Catholic Families”. Father Hughes is the pastor of St. Patrick’s Church in Vancouver and a dynamic speaker. The second part of the program will feature a presentation by Mr. Peter Nation of “Catholic Voices”, a non-profit educational organization that has developed a unique approach to “prepare ordinary Catholic lay people to present the Church’s position on topics of contemporary relevance”. The topic of assisted suicide will form the basis of Mr. Nation’s presentation and, in light of the recent Supreme Court ruling, this is a talk you don’t want to miss. We extend an invitation to all parishioners to join us and encourage you to invite family members and friends. Refreshments will be served after the talks. Feast Day of Our Lady of Good Counsel The Mass to celebrate the feast day of our patroness, Our Lady of Good Counsel, will be held on Thursday, April 23 at 11:00am. A luncheon will follow at Pasta Amore Restaurant, 4502 Dawson Street. All members are invited to attend. Dessertco Pie and Cookie Fundraiser Parishioners who might be interested in placing an order for the Dessertco Pie and Cookie fundraiser can complete the enclosed form and return it with payment (by cheque) to the parish office. Orders can also be placed in the collection basket during Sunday Mass. All funds raised from this sale will be used in support of the charity work to which we are committed. We thank you for your consideration! Our Easter floral design workshop at Holy Cross was well attended by 22 enthusiastic ladies! Thanks to the expertise of Maria Viveiros, the ladies created beautiful floral arrangements to take home. Thanks to the generous support of Holy Cross, our Palm Sunday bake sale was a success! Your kindness and generosity allows us to help our Holy Cross church, school and community. GIVE US TIME! – The Supreme Court of Canada recently struck down the Criminal Code of Canada prohibition on assisted suicide and gave the federal government one year to draft a new law. It is urgent that we as Catholics show we support new legislation and urge the government to obtain sufficient time by invoking the notwithstanding clause. With a federal election this fall, one year is not enough time to draft effective legislation. Help us call on the federal government to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause now to give Parliament more than one year. Please visit giveustime.ca to download and sign the postcard to urge the Federal government to invoke the Notwithstanding Clause so Parliament can draft effective assisted suicide legislation. Postcards are also available at The Gift of Life event hosted by CWL on April 16th at the Holy Cross School gym. THE NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT – Join over 4,000 Catholics across Canada and the U.S. at this premier conference for the new evangelization. On April 24-25 hear 8 world-class Catholic speakers on the New Evangelization: Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Dr. Ralph Martin, Patrick Coffin, JoEllen Gregus, Fr James Mallon, Ken Yaskinski and Michael Dopp. The NES has been designed to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. The Archdiocese of Vancouver is excited to be a host site for NES. The conference will be webcast from Ottawa to St. Patrick’s, Vancouver. Be inspired, receive formation, and connect with other Catholics. To register, visit rcav.org/nes/ TAP INTO THE MYSTERY: SKILLS FOR PRAYING THE EUCHARISTIC PRAYER – Do you want to notice what you might not have noticed at Mass? Come and pray with the transforming power of the Eucharistic liturgy, with a focus on the Eucharistic prayers. The liturgy is the source and summit of all Catholic prayer. You will have opportunities for personal and community prayer, presentations, reflection time, sharing groups and Saturday evening Mass. Led by Sr. Maureen Kunz, RGS, and Disciple Team members each of whom has experience with pastoral ministry – including RCIA, adult faith formation and grief support. Saturday, April 25, from 9:30am to 4:30pm, Mass at 4:30pm, Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. Cost: $40, includes lunch and snacks. To register visit www.rosemaryheights.com/events/ or call 604-576-8802. EXPLORE LIFE’S GREATEST QUESTIONS! – Try ALPHA at St. Francis de Sales Parish, 6610 Balmoral Street, Burnaby.Free breakfast, DVD presentation and small group sharing in a friendly environment. Start date: April 25th (Saturday) from 10am to 12pm No charge to attend but you must preregister, email fireblade@telus.net or phone 604-434-1328 NOTRE DAME REGIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL MUSICAL After a long construction period, NDRS is pleased and proud to re-open the Father Joe Cuddy Auditorium with the musical Footloose. Directed and musical directed by Simon Isherwood, choreographed by Isabelle Maheux, produced by Jessica Isherwood, and set designed by Justin Rugge. It’s time to go back to the 80’s and “cut loose” to the memorable songs from this iconic movie. Showtime is 7.30 pm from May 6-9, and tickets are on sale now at $15.00. Matinees are at 12:00 pm on May 6 & 7, where students and seniors will receive a special rate. For ticket sales, please contact Ms. Centanni at ccentanni@ndrs.org. For information on other events within the Diocese, visit www.rcav.org Bell & Burnaby Funeral Chapel “The Slavin Family” - Since 1934 4276 Hastings Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2J6 PRE-PLANNING AND PRE-PAID ARRANGEMENTS Tel. (604) 298-2525 Tony Slavin, Owner www.bellburnaby.com ORTONA DELI Specializing In Submarine Sandwiches Make Party Time Easy. Meat & Cheese Trays • Salads • Pastries • Cakes • Fresh Pasta 6668 E. Hastings Street Burnaby, BC V5B 1S4 Tel: 604 291-6322 FOREST LAWN & OCEAN VIEW CEMETERIES AND FUNERAL HOMES RINO REVEL MICHELE VERBEKE ADVISOR Senior Mortgage Consultant IMMEDIATE NEED & PRE-ARRANGEMENT SERVICES Tel: Fax: Email: DIRECT: 604-828-1551 (604) 816-1976 (888) 305-3918 rrevel@mortgagealliance.com EMAIL: michele.verbeke@dignitymemorial.com Corporate Office: 130 Brew Street, Suite 310, Port Moody, BC V3H 0E3 | Toll Free: 1-877-366-3487 PROUD TO BE PART OF SERVICE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) LIMITED. ■ Rino Sergio 4156 Hastings St. Burnaby, B.C. 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