Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 Term 2 Week 1 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome back to the normality of Week 1, Term 2! I hope you all had a great school holidays, stayed dry and didn't get blown away! What's happening this week… Page 1 Presidents Message Page 1 Presidents Message Page 2 Mothers’ Day Breakfast Page 3 Changes to School Bus Services (Route 650) Page 3 Recipes Needed! Page 3 HF Gala Celebration Dinner Page 4 Facing up to Facebook Page 5 Cooking Corner Page 6 Parish News Page 6 Community News We are off to a flying start this week with the Dance program commencing on Tuesday and then the Cross Country on Wednesday. If anyone can spare some time to help with the Cross Country, please contact Mr Cain Holgate (cain.holgate@cg.catholic.edu.au). The 30th Anniversary celebrations committee have been very busy behind the scenes organising some big events for later in the year, more info to follow soon. On behalf of the P&F Committee, I would like to thank the Parish for the work they have done with the foot path outside the Parish office. This is certainly a big improvement and has made getting to the underpass much safer and easier. I would like to encourage everyone who is walking with their children and needs to cross Bugden Ave to utilise this new foot path to access the underpass. As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Cheers, Josh Mundy Holy Family Primary School P&F President cathjoshtana@hotmail.com Important dates to remember Cross Country Carnival - Wednesday 29th April Mothers’ Day Breakfast - Friday 8th May (Term 2 Week 2) from 7.45am P&F Meeting - Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm Holy Family Gala Celebration Dinner - Saturday 8th August President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 1 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 P & F NEWS Mothers’ Day Breakfast 2015 Would you believe that it is nearly time to celebrate another Mothers’ Day? So for all those mothers and grandmothers out there please come along with your family to our wonderful Mothers’ Day Breakfast on Friday 8th May (WEEK 2) from 7.45am in our school’s Presentation Hall. There will be some wonderful artwork on display in the hall made by the children for you to see. Our chosen charity this year is Bosom Buddies ACT. There will be a range of merchandise available at the breakfast. Along with a light breakfast provided, there will also be a raffle at $2 per ticket. The money that we raise from all areas of the breakfast goes directly to Bosom Buddies ACT, which then goes directly to helping Breast Cancer survivors in the ACT region. So if you and your family can make it please fill in the RSVP slip below and return to school by this Friday 1st May. As most of our experienced families from the school know, the P&F put on the breakfast, which won’t be possible unless we have lots of helpers. We will need help on the Thursday afternoon, then on the morning of the breakfast. So please consider helping out, even if only for 1 hour. ✂……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Family Name: _______________________________________________ Numbers attending breakfast: _____________ (adults) _______________ (children) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am able to help out on (please circle) Thursday afternoon (7th May) at 2pm-3pm, 3pm-4pm, 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm (Food preparation and hall set up) Friday morning 6am-7.30am, service 7.30am-8.30am, service and clean up 8.30am-9.30am Name of helper(s): ________________________________________________ Contact number and email: ___________________________________________ Eldest child’s name and class: _________________________________________ May we all come together and celebrate all those wonderful mothers in our Holy Family Community. ✂……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Changes to School Bus Services (Route 650) On Monday 18 May 2015, ACTION will be introducing a revised timetable for all normal weekday route services and some dedicated school services. This is part of a commitment to continually revising and improving the current timetable. Route 650 has been reviewed and improvements have been made. A detailed list of these changes is available on the ACTION website. Students that use regular route services will need to check timetable information as many services in the regular weekday network have undergone timing adjustments. Should you have any queries regarding your school service please call ACTION on 13 17 10. President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 2 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 Be part of our Holy Family Cookbook… We need your recipes for a beautiful cookbook the P&F are creating to commemorate our 30th Anniversary. If you haven’t already done so, it would be appreciated if you could submit your recipe as soon as you can. To submit a recipe: Go to http://www.createacookbook.com.au/ Click on submit recipe Choose Holy Family Primary School from the drop down list Click next to the list to access the recipe form. Then fill out the details of your recipe. Please include your email address and phone number so that we can contact you if there are any questions about your recipe. We would love for you to include a description of why the recipe is special to your family. If you have any questions, or would like to be part of putting the cookbook together please contact Michelle Williams c/- Joel in 4 Green or by email at dmcjhwilliams@gmail.com A note on copyright: Your recipe title should be unique. There is no copyright over ingredients in a recipe, but there is on the method. If you are submitting a favourite recipe from another cook book you must write the method in your own words, describing how you make the recipe. If you were inspired by a published author, please quote a source. GALA CELEBRATION DINNER HOLY FAMILY PRIMARY SCHOOL 1985-2015 SAVE THE DATE AND SPREAD THE WORD When: Saturday 8th August 2015 Where: Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden All Holy Family staff, families and friends past and present are invited to our 30th anniversary celebrations. Please email Angela Ryan with expressions of interest in attending. angela.ryan@cg.catholic.edu.au More details to follow. President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 3 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 Facing up to Facebook by Michael Grose - No. 1 parenting educator If you have a pre-teen or a teenager, you need to become familiar with Facebook and other technologies they are using. Ignorance is no excuse these days. You can tell a person’s generation by the questions their kids ask. Parents of the 1950’s thought long and hard over issues such as the age their kids left school and when to get them their first bike. Parents raising their kids in the 1990’s pondered the age at which kids should receive regular pocket-money and their children’s use of video games. In the noughties issues surrounding communication technology keep many parents guessing. The age when kids start using Facebook and other social networking media is a burning issue for many parents of pre-teen and early teenage children. Kids know more than their parents when it comes to the Internet and social media according to recent research. The Optus Family Communication survey reveals that over half (55 per cent) of Australian children outsmart their parents in technology knowledge before they are 13 years old. A further 30 per cent of parents admit they are behind their children by the time they are 15 years old. Facebook, MSN and other forms of social networking media are here to stay, so my advice for parents is to learn about social media, even if you don’t want to embrace it. It can be confronting when your child knows more about technology than you, but smart parents these days let their kids teach them what they know about technology. So if you have a pre-teen or a teenager you need to become familiar with Facebook and other technologies they are using. Ignorance is no excuse these days. Facebook doesn’t permit kids under the age of 13 to access the site for reasons of personal safety. It doesn’t require proof of age to access the site, so it’s a guideline only. Facebook’s recommendations however, may be useful reference points if you are involved in negotiations with your child over using social networking sites. More importantly, if young people are using Facebook and other networking sites, they need to fully understand the rules of safe use. Here are some tips: 1. Go through the set-up phase with your child, including establishing a personal profile. Check out the homepage of Facebook and other sites, and use their help sections to answer your questions. Tip of the week Recharge your battery faster by switching to airplane mode. 2. Help your young person adjust the privacy settings so they suit their level of comfort. Review them often. 3. Reinforce with your child the importance of never sharing their password, not even with their best friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend. 4. Discuss other safety tips such as the types of information and pictures that should and shouldn’t be placed on their pages, as well as what to do if someone sends inappropriate information or initiates unsolicited communication. 5. Monitor your child’s use by making sure the computer they use at home is in a common area of the house. Source: http://aplus.com/a/iphone-tricks-you-didntknow?so=DPY93jEJs26MuEuenM2uQR&ref=ns President: Josh Mundy 6. It’s reasonable to expect that you should know your child’s password and log-in details so you can keep a check on their Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 4 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 friends from time to time. This type of monitoring is age-related and may well not be suitable for older teens. 7. Consider getting your own Facebook page and use it as a way of communicating with your child. This has the added bonus of enabling you to keep one eye on what’s happening on your child’s Facebook. Parents of past generations did their best to keep their kids safe as they negotiated a wider world. I recall teaching my kids stranger danger, drilling safety tips into them as they gained more independence. As a parent you need to help kids navigate safely and securely in an online world, just as you do in an offline world. Know what kids are doing; spend time teaching them common sense, safety lessons and limit their use of technology so that they stay connected to you and others in your family. Published by Michael Grose Presentations. For more ideas, support and advice for all your parenting challenges visit: www.parentingideas.com.au COOKING CORNER Recipe of the Week Choc Zucchini Muffins (refined sugar free) Makes 12 large (or 15 small) muffins 1 ½ cups wholemeal self-raising flour ½ cup cocoa powder 1 tsp bicarb of soda ¼ tsp salt 100g butter, melted 1/3 cup honey 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 eggs ¾ cup milk 1 large zucchini Choc chips (optional) Method 1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 2. Grate zucchini and squeeze out as much moisture as you can using your hands or a paper towel. Set aside. 3. In a large mixing bowl, add flour, cocoa, bicarb soda and salt. 4. Add butter, honey, vanilla, eggs and milk. Beat with an electric mixer until well combined. Add zucchini and beat until combined. 5. Evenly divide into cupcake cases. It will make approx. 12 larger muffins or 15 small muffins. Do not overfill the cases. Optional** sprinkle the tops of the muffins with choc chips before putting them in the oven. 6. Bake in preheated oven for 25 mins or until cooked through. Remove from oven and allow to cool on a wire rack. Once cool, store in airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. They can also be frozen. Source: http://beafunmum.com/2015/04/choc-zucchini-muffins-refined-sugar-free/ President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 5 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 PARISH NEWS Parish Mass Times Parish Weekend Masses: Saturdays 6pm, Sundays 8am, 10am, and 6pm. All held at Holy Family Church Gowrie http://www.ccparish.org.au Parish Priest: Fr Peter Day Assistant Priest: Fr Luke Verrell COMMUNITY NEWS French 4 Kids @ St. Francis Year 1 to Year 6 Term 2 Registration Starts Now! Venue: Assisi room, St. Francis of Assisi Parish Date/Day: 28th April 2015; Tuesday until 30th June 2015; Tuesday Time: 3.05 to 4.15 p.m. Term Fee: $160 per child for 10 lessons Sibling discounts are available. For registration and information, contact Sarah Mak @0431252768or email to sarah.mak@lcfclubs.com.au and visit our websitewww.lcfclubs.com.au President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 6 of 7 Holy Family Primary School P&F News 27 April 2015 P & F NEWSLETTER CONTRIBUTIONS If you have anything you would like included in the P&F Newsletter, please send it to Amy via Lilly K in 1R, or email derm.amy.kennedy@gmail.com no later than the Saturday night. We cannot guarantee it will retain the same format unless it is sent through as a JPEG or PDF. President: Josh Mundy Vice President: Jaime Eaton Secretary: Ellen Acheson Treasurer: Paul Wood Page 7 of 7
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