20150407 P&F newsletter - Holy Family Primary School

Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
Term 1 Week 10
Welcome to Week 10, the last week of term 1!!
I hope everybody had an enjoyable Easter.
What's happening this week…
This week we have the Athletics Carnival on Wednesday, thanks
to those of you that have been able to volunteer to help out on the
day, hopefully the weather is ok.
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Presidents Message
Page 2
Canteen Update
Page 3
Mothers’ Day Breakfast
Page 3
Changes to School Bus
Services (Route 650)
Have a great last week of term and enjoy the holidays.
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Recipes Needed!
Page 3
Helping kids deal with loss
Page 5
HF Gala Celebration Dinner
Josh Mundy
Holy Family Primary School
P&F President
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Cooking Corner
Page 6
Parish News
Page 6
Community News
We have had a great response to ordering lunch for the carnival
on flexischools, thanks for making the effort! It really does save
Eleni a lot of time.
Important dates to remember
Athletics Carnival and Fun Food Day
Wednesday 8th April
Term 2 Begins
Monday 27 April
Mothers’ Day Breakfast
Friday 8th May (Term 2 Week 2) from 7.45am
Holy Family Gala Celebration Dinner
Saturday 8th August
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
A note from Eleni in the Canteen
Welcome to the end of Term 1. I hope you all had a great Easter and lots of family time over the long
weekend. I’d like to say a massive and huge thank you to all that have helped out over the term. I’ve had
parents come for just 15mins drop-ins and parents that have helped out all day with the fun food day and all
night for the disco. I can’t thank you all enough, without your help it simply can’t be done, no matter how
organised I might be.
This week is another big one with the athletics carnival on Wednesday. I’d like to thank the parents who
ordered online via flexischools. I’ve received just over 430 orders. There are canteen facilities available at
the oval. I will be selling some drinks, chips and lollies.
Please make note of the new winter menu that will start in Term 2. I have removed the salads and added
pizza, mac & cheese, twisty bolognaise and the burgers are back. Please note that I make everything fresh
onsite, using veggies from the school garden when available.
I will also be absent for several weeks into Term 2. The lovely Patricia and Christine will be taking my
place until I return, so feel free to lend them a hand.
Happy Week 10 everyone, happy holidays, keep safe and see you all in Term 2.
Thank you,
0402 907 87
Mothers’ Day Breakfast 2015
Tip of the week
Would you believe that it is nearly time to celebrate another Mothers’
Day? So for all those mothers and grandmothers out there please come
along with your family to our wonderful Mothers’ Day Breakfast on
Friday 8th May (TERM 2 WEEK 2) from 7.45am in our school’s
Presentation Hall.
There will be some wonderful artwork displayed from the children for you
to see.
Cooking broccoli
and cauliflower
When steaming broccoli, add
a teaspoon of sugar to the
water. It will enhance the
flavour and help the broccoli
keep its bright green colour.
To keep your cauliflower
white, add a little milk to the
water when cooking.
Image: http://www.eatingwell.com
Source: http://food.thefuntimesguide.com/
President: Josh Mundy
Our chosen charity this year is Bosom
Buddies ACT. There will be a range of
merchandise available at the breakfast.
Along with a light breakfast provided,
there will also be a raffle.
The money that we raise from all areas of the breakfast goes directly to
Bosom Buddies ACT, which then goes directly to helping Breast Cancer
survivors in the ACT region.
An invitation and request for helpers will go home to all families in week
1 of next term.
Let’s all come together and celebrate all those wonderful mothers in our
Holy Family community.
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
Changes to School Bus Services (Route 650)
On Monday 18 May 2015, ACTION will be introducing a revised timetable for all normal weekday route
services and some dedicated school services. This is part of a commitment to continually revising and
improving the current timetable.
Route 650 has been reviewed and improvements have been made. A detailed list of these changes is
available on the ACTION website. Students that use regular route services will need to check timetable
information as many services in the regular weekday network have undergone timing adjustments.
Should you have any queries regarding your school service please call ACTION on 13 17 10.
Are you using flexischools for your Canteen orders?
Thank you to all of you that have changed over to our using our online canteen ordering system,
flexischools. If you haven’t we urge you to start, and do away with the fuss of paper bags and coins.
To register go to www.flexischools.com.au on your phone, tablet or computer and click ‘register’, then
follow the steps. It is very easy to use and you can create an account, making the payment even quicker.
Be part of our Holy Family Cookbook…
We need your recipes for a beautiful cookbook the P&F are creating to commemorate our 30th
Anniversary. If you haven’t already done so, it would be appreciated if you could submit your recipe as
soon as you can.
To submit a recipe:
Go to http://www.createacookbook.com.au/
Click on submit recipe
Choose Holy Family Primary School from the drop down list
Click next to the list to access the recipe form.
Then fill out the details of your recipe.
Please include your email address and phone number so that we can contact you if there are any questions
about your recipe. We would love for you to include a description of why the recipe is special to your
If you have any questions, or would like to be part of putting the cookbook together please contact
Michelle Williams c/- Joel in 4 Green or by email at dmcjhwilliams@gmail.com
A note on copyright:
Your recipe title should be unique. There is no copyright over ingredients in a recipe, but there is on the
method. If you are submitting a favourite recipe from another cook book you must write the method in
your own words, describing how you make the recipe. If you were inspired by a published author, please
quote a source.
Helping kids deal with loss
by Michael Grose - No. 1 parenting educator
Children frequently experience fear and sadness after loss. They fear the future and the unknown that lies
ahead and they feel sad for the loss of a loved one, or situation. Kids may experience many different kinds
of loss, including a friend who moves away, the death of a treasured pet and the death of a loved one.
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
Although death is the most permanent loss we face, there are other forms of loss that can be devastating
such as, moving home and family separation.
Helping kids deal emotionally with loss is something that all parents experience from time to time. While
nothing really prepares kids for the loss of a loved one, helping them cope with the smaller losses such as
the death of a pet, does impact on kids when more significant loss occurs.
When loss is sudden and unexpected, there is much less time for kids to adjust. An anticipated death,
separation, or move is easier for kids as they have had time to think, mourn and anticipate how they will
react. These gradual changes make loss easier to deal with. When loss is sudden there is more confusion
and distress.
Loss, by its very nature involves a grieving process, which is our natural reaction to an event that reshapes
our world. For kids grief has two requirements. First, kids need to process the event that lead to loss. “Will
Daddy ever come back?” “Can I die too?” Second, they need to mourn the loss of the loved one. “I wish
grandma was here to read me a story.”
Children frequently experience fear and sadness after loss. They fear the future and the unknown that lies
ahead and they feel sad for the loss of a loved one, or situation. Kids grieve in different ways. Adults
frequently are grieving the same losses, so assisting kids through difficult circumstances is tremendously
Here are some general guidelines when children experience significant loss such as the death of someone
close to them:
1. Talk about death or loss. Children do not benefit from putting it out of their minds. Share important
facts about the event. Attempt to get a sense of what kids think and feel about the situation. Invite them to
talk about their feelings regarding the event, but be guided by their reactions.
2. Share some of your own feelings and thoughts. Sometimes children act as if they have not heard
anything you have said when experiencing loss, but they have. Be prepared to repeat the same information
again and again as kids often don’t process information when they are distressed.
3. Reassure kids that feelings of sadness and helplessness are normal. Knowledge of the grieving
process can be reassuring to kids, and can provide hope that they will not always feel the way they do.
4. Involve children in the rituals, including the funeral. There are no hard and fast rules here, but
involvement can help them move through the grieving process. Most children, even preschool age children,
can handle going to a funeral (although they should never be forced to go). If it seems too overwhelming
for your child, or if he doesn't want to go, then you can create your own ritual or memorial service later. If
you do intend to take your child to the funeral, be sure to prepare him in advance for what is going to
happen and be ready to answer any questions that he may have during the service.
Dealing with loss is a long process and children usually go through the same stages as adults, but it’s not
always a continual process. Kids may be sad and grieving one minute and then later they may playing and
appear happy and carefree. Some kids act out, develop behaviour problems or withdraw after the death of a
loved one. At times like these, it’s best to be empathetic and let him know that you feel sad too and
sometimes it makes you get angry or lose your patience. If behaviours and emotions are still extreme after
six months it’s probably time to see a professional to help you and your child cope with the loss.
Published by Michael Grose Presentations. For more ideas, support and advice for all your parenting
challenges visit: www.parentingideas.com.au
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
When: Saturday 8th August 2015
Where: Canberra Southern Cross Club, Woden
All Holy Family staff, families and friends past and present are invited to
our 30th anniversary celebrations. Please email Angela Ryan with
expressions of interest in attending. angela.ryan@cg.catholic.edu.au
More details to follow.
Recipe of the Week
After school snacks
This week I have included a couple of quick and healthy after school snacks courtesy of Leaning4Kids
(www.learning4kids.net) that and your kids are sure to love without filling their bellies up too much before
dinner. Please note that some options include nuts.
Celery & Peanut Butter Boats
Fruity Skewers
Cut celery sticks into little logs. Spread a dab of
peanut butter onto each celery stick and allow
your kids to add sultanas, raisins or other dried
A much more fun and inviting way of serving fruit
than a traditional fruit salad or a cut up piece of
fruit. Serve them with your kids favourite yoghurt
to dip into.
Source: Learning4Kids http://www.learning4kids.net/2015/03/22/5-simple-healthy-school-snack-ideas/
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
Parish Mass Times
Parish Weekend Masses: Saturdays 6pm, Sundays 8am, 10am, and 6pm.
All held at Holy Family Church Gowrie http://www.ccparish.org.au
Parish Priest: Fr Peter Day
Assistant Priest: Fr Luke Verrell
*Participants will learn and play a variety of sports over
the two days with Hockey, Touch, Netball, Cricket,
Football and Volleyball all involved in 2015
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
To register please go onto the Hockey ACT website.
Registrations will close 6th April 2015
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
Belconnen United Sharks
Contact: Peter McCook
Phone: 0403 310 084
Email: peterandsharon@iinet.com.au
Home Ground: Melba Playing Fields
South Tuggeranong Knights
Contact: Tracy McCaughan
Phone: 0432 106 376
Home Ground: Gordon Playing
Training Ground: Conder Oval
Bungendore Tigers
Contact: Jo Cave
Phone: 0413 031 314
Email: tigerssecretary@gmail.com
Home Ground: Mick Sherd Oval
Tuggeranong Buffaloes
Contact: Yvette Croft
Phone: 0408 860 486
Email: info@thebuffaloes.org
Home Ground: Kambah Playing
Crookwell Green Devils
Contact: Rachael Croker
Phone: 0400 021 635
E: Rachael.Croker@cg.catholic.edu.au
Home Ground: Crookwell
Tuggeranong Valley Dragons
Contact: Jackie Smith
Phone: 0458 913 280
E: secretary@valleydragons.com.au
Home Ground: Gowrie Oval
Goulburn Stockmen
Contact: Troy Lacey
Phone: 0418 466 029
Email: tlacey7@bigpond.com.au
Home Ground: North Park Goulburn
West Belconnen Warriors
Contact: Shane Scott
Phone: 0412 027 506
Email: secretary@wbjrl.org
Home Ground: Kippax Playing Fields
Gungahlin Bulls
Contact: Mark Wright
Phone: 0419 423 096
E: gungahlinbullsjuniors@hotmail.com
Home Ground: Nicholls Playing Fields
Woden Weston Rams
Contact: Deb Charman
Phone: 0419 828 217
Email: debcharman@live.com.au
Home Ground: North Curtin
North Canberra Bears
Contact: Kristal Priestly
Phone: 0414 995 942
Email: k.priestly@optusnet.com.au
Home Ground: Kaleen
Yass Magpies
Contact: Mell Beck
Phone: 0439 337 987
Email: beckstrees@yahoo.com.au
Home Ground: Yass
Queanbeyan Roos
Contact: Tracy Deasey
Phone: 0433 300 259
Email: roossecretary@hotmail.com
Home Ground: Freebody Oval Qbn
President: Josh Mundy
Queanbeyan Blues
Contact: Robert Reeves
Phone: 0411 182 265
Email: vipqbn@bigpond.net.au
Home Ground: Wright Park Qbn
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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Holy Family Primary School P&F News
7 April 2015
AUT UMN 2015
Wk 1 Mon 13t h–Fri 17t h April
Wk 2 Mon 20t h-Fri 24t h April
Tennis & Chess 9AM-5PM, WK 1 ONLY
Hot Shots Modified Play 1-5PM
Pee Wee Camp (4-7yr olds) 9-11AM
Gold Creek Country Club, Curran Dr, Nicholls
Weston Creek Tennis Club, Dillon Cl, off Namatjira Dr (Behind McDonald’s)
Pines Tennis Club, Cnr Norriss St and Goldstein Cres, Chisholm
Email robert@csot.com.au or Call 0432 118 204
Head coach Robert Jamieson, Tennis Australia accredited
Visit csot.com.au
If you have anything you would like included in the P&F Newsletter, please send it to Amy via
Lilly K in 1R, or email derm.amy.kennedy@gmail.com no later than the Saturday night.
We cannot guarantee it will retain the same format unless it is sent through as a JPEG or PDF
President: Josh Mundy
Vice President: Jaime Eaton
Secretary: Ellen Acheson
Treasurer: Paul Wood
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