Holy Family Tidings Newsletter of Holy Family Parish, Hongasandra - April 2015 Holy Qurbana Sacrament of Confession Sun - 08:00 am, 10:00 am & 05:00 pm Mon to Sat - 06:15 am Fri - 06:30 pm, Sat - 06:30 pm Sat - 05:00 pm - 06:30 pm Adoration Rosary : Tue 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Sat - 05:30 pm - 06:30 pm www.holyfamilyparish.in Intercessory Prayers Fri - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Catechism Classes Sun - 08:00 am vicar@hfmail.in info@hfmail.in 14th Main, Begur Road, Hongasandra, Bangalore : 560068, Tel. 080 25745436 Cap ySÎwU SyÔzU j]r´ WOaOUmLUY°St, hO@XRvç]pORa W¹}¡¨p¾]¤ oO°]¾LevqORa W¹Oj} q]¤ ouv]sæV Rft]pOÐ o]w]zLpORa Dp]¡ÕO f]qOÐLtLwUyW¥ Jv¡¨OU JãvOU SyÔzkP¡vÿU SjqOÐO. AÒfOh]vyR¾ oqOnPo]pjOnv¾]¤ jÚStvqOU KqOkq] i]vRq wOÈ}Wq]¨RÕŸO. NkL¡ÀjpOU DkvLyvOU WOq]w]R£ vu] pOU hLji¡ÚvOU SyÔzyo}kj°tOU AjOq³j kq]èo°tOU Ro\ÿ RÕŸ RRNWñv ^}v]f¾]jO vu]Rft]\ÿO. CavWpLWOÐ WOaOUm¾]Rs o¨tORa WPŸLpÜp]¤ v]wOÈ pTSyÕ]fLv]R£ mzOoLjL¡ÀU KqO¨]p NkL¡ÀjWtOU DTŸOSj¡\ÿpOU kO¾jOe¡SvÿW]. v]wOÈ pTSyÕ]fLv]R£ jLoSip¾]¤ KqO kOf]p h]v|WLqOe|SWNÎU WPa] CavWp]¤ qPkRoaO¾O. IsæLvqORapOU BÄL¡ÀoLp yzWqevOU RIW|vOU kqy×qSyÔzvOU WºV y~¡«}p k]fLvV ySÍLx]\ÿO. y~¡«}p k]fLv]R£ zQhpU j]r´V ySÍLxLèO¨¥ vÐO kf]¨OÐfV AjONYz]¨RÕŸ jÚORa WOaOUm°t] sLeV. NkSf|W]\ÿOU DfVWeVbpOU NkwVj°tOU SqLY°tOU yLÒ¾]W mOÈ] oOŸOWtOU JWLÍfpOU oLjy]W k]q]oOrO¨°tOoLpOç fR£ Nk]pRÕŸ o¨t] SspV¨V, CT jOr°RÕaOÐ hO@XRvç]Wt]sLeV "k]fLSv, IRÐ A°pORa Wq°t]¤ yo¡Õ]¨OÐO' IÐV yRRiq|U v]t]\ÿSkƒ]\ÿ CTSwL jRÚ w©] RÕaO¾OÐfV. CTð¡ Cv]Ra Nkf|LwpORa h]j°tLp] oLrOÐO. f]ÐOW, WOa]¨OW ySÍLx]¨OW \LvOW IÐ j]SxiLÄW \]Íp]svyLj] Õ]¨ssæ, CTSwLpORa DÀLjS¾LRa R\r]p ^}v]fU RWLaO¾O vs]p ^}v]fU SjaOÐvqLp]¾}qOWpLeV JãvOU An]WLo|U. Aò]W¥ kP¨OÐ fLuVvqp]¤ Nkf|LwpORa YLjoLsk]¨OÐ Jy¨]Sp¤ NkvL\WjOU zSsæsPp kLaOÐ CTyVã¡ ^jfp]¤ jLRoÐO v]wOÈ AYñ}SjLyOU kLaOSÒL¥ RRNWñv^}v] f¾]R£ wOnLkÅ] v]w~LyoLeV jLU ojô]sL¨OW. W¡xW SfLŸ¾]¤ jaOÐ v]¾V Af]R£ WOu]oLa¾]¤ \}´t]´V Af]¤ j]ÐOU yOÎqoLp R\a] fu\ÿO vtqOÐfOSkLRs NkWQf]p]Rs kOjqOÀLj¾]jV yLƒ|U j¤WOÐvjLeV W¡xW¢. WL¤vq]p]¤ Au]pOÐ SpwOvLWOÐ SYLfÒOoe] DÀLj h] vyU jPrOSoj]pORa lsU RWLpVRfaO¨ORÐË]¤ npÐ]qOÐ w]x|YeU R^rOysU jYqoÈ|¾]¤ Cr°]pfOSkLRs, j} Kt]\ÿ]qOÐ oOr]p]¤ j]ÐV yoPz¾]SspV¨V CrS°º h]vyoLWeU CTð¡. j]j¨V BSqLRaË]sOU v] Sh~xoORºË]¤ CTð¡ kOsq]pORa SWLu]WPvOÐf]jO oOÒV j} zQhpU RjLÍO WqpeU. CTð¡ oLy¾]¤ An]SxWL®] W¦Rv¢xj]sPRa KqO f]q]\ÿOvqv] jOç yOv¡¹LvyqU. RRhvU joO¨Lp] j¤WOÐO. S^Ls]WtORa v|NYfWt]¤ j]ÐV, Ay~òfpORa mÌj°t]¤ j]ÐOU, oqOnPo]p]Rs RRhvyLÐ]È|¾]¤ jRÚ¾RÐ kq]SwLi]¨LU. hO@XRvç]pORa k}dLjOnv¾]¤ AWRÕŸ SpwOv]R£ WqvOU WLsOWtOU W¹OU WLfOU ojôOU, oSjLnLv°tOU Cj] jÚORafLWRŸ. v]wOÈvLq¾]Rs f]qO¨¡Ú°t]¤ n©]kP¡vÿU kRËaO¾V jÚORa v]w~Ly¾]R£ AyVh]vLqoLp CTSwLpORa Dp]¡ÕOf]qOÐL¥ joO¨LSZLx]¨LU. SyÔzkP¡vÿU v]WLq] y~ÍU oLf|OSWLp]¨qp\ÿ¢ News, Events & Announcements - April 2015 March 29 7.30 am 10.00 am 5.00 pm March 30, 31, April 1: April 2 5.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Palm Sunday (Holy Week begins) Holy Mass Holy Mass 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm Annual Retreat Maundy Thursday Prayers (Holy Qurbana & Adoration) April 3 7.00 am Good Friday Prayer and Solemn Way of the Cross April 4 6.00 am Holy Saturday Prayers & Holy Qurbana 10.30 pm Easter Qurbana April 5 7.00 am Holy Qurbana (Easter Sunday) April 12 8.00 am Holy Mass (Offertory by St. Euphrasia Ward) 10.00 am Holy Mass 5.00 pm Holy Mass April 12 -16 3.00 pm to 8.00 pm: Bangalore Abhishekagni convention By Rev. Fr. Xavier Khan Vattayil April 12 10..00 am to 12.00 noon Catechism Re Exam April 12 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm Catechism Scholarship Exam at DVK Theology Block Dharmaram. April 19 8.00 am Holy Mass (Offertory by St. Joseph Ward) 10.00 am Holy Mass 5.00 pm Holy Mass April 26 8.00 am Holy Mass (Offertory by Bl. Mariam Theresa Ward) 10.00 am Holy Mass 5.00 pm Holy Mass May 3 8.00 am Holy Mass (Offertory by Bl. Mother Theresa Ward) 10.00 am Holy Mass 5.00 pm Holy Mass BwUyW¥ SzLt]lLo]s] CavWpORa 2015 & 2016 v¡xS¾¨Oç RRW¨LqÓLqLp] f]qR´aO¨RÕŸ SkLt] ANmzLU, Smm] Ør]p, m]^O vpjLaV IÐ]v¡¨V CavWpORa BwUyW¥ Biju Wayanad Baby Scaria Poly Abraham LITURGICAL CALENDAR - APRIL 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 Gen 40: 1-23 Josh 23:1-11 Heb 9:15-28 Jn 12: 27-33 Gen 22:1-19 Is 52: 13-55:9 Rom 5:6-16 Pesaha Thursday Part I Lk 22:63Ex 12: 1-20 23:12 Mt 27:19 Mal 1:10-14 1Cor 11: 23-29 Lk 23:13-23 Jn 131-14 + Mt Mt 27:24-25 26:26-30 Lk 23:24-45 Mt 27:51-54 Jn 19:23-30 Part II Jn 19:31-42 Gen 22:1-19 Jon 2: 1-10 Rom 6:3-11 Mt 28:1-20 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Is 60:1-7 1 sam 2: 1-10 Rom 6:1-14 Mt 28:1-6 Jn 20:1-18 Is 60: 15-22 Act 2: 29-36 Rom 4:1-8 Jn 14:18-28 Is 61: 1-9 Acts 2: 37-47 1 Cor 15: 12-19 Lk 24: 13-27 Is 61: 10-62:5 Acts 4:23-31 Eph 4: 1-6 Jn 15: 1-10 Is 54: 1-10 Acts 6:1-7 Col 2: 12-15 Mt 10: 1-15 Dan 3: 25-31 Acts 6: 8-15 Heb 11:3-10 Mt 10:26-33 Col 3: 1-4 Mk 16: 1-8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Is 55:4-13 Acts 4: 32-37 Col 1: 12-20 Jn 20:19-29 1 Cor 1: 10-17 Lk 24: 28-35 Acts 9: 20-25 Jn 5: 41-47 Gal 5: 1-6 Mk 7: 31-37 Phil 1:27-30 Mt 15: 21-28 1 Cor 1: 18-24 Mk 4: 1-9 Col 3: 14-17 Lk 24:36-43 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Dan 6: 12-24 Act 12:1-5 2 cor 12:1-10 Mt 10:37-42 Jas 2: 14-17 Lk 6:46-49 Is 56: 1-7 Act 5: 34-42 Eph 1: 3-14 Jn 14:1-14 Jas 5: 7-12 Mt 25: 1-13 1 Thess 5: 12-22 Mk 4: 13-20 Phil 1:21-26 Mt 8:1-4 2 Cor 8:1-11 Mk 4: 35-41 26 27 28 29 30 Is 49: 13-23 Act 8:14-25 Eph 2: 1-7 Jn 16:16-24 1 Tim 6:13-16 Lk 20: 9-16 1 Tim 6: 17-21 Mt 19:23-30 Heb 7: 1-10 Jn 5:30-38 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 Mt 11:25-30 2 Pet 2: 1-3 Mt 15:1-9 IMPORTANT DAYS 02 03 04 05 thu Maundy Thursday FRI Good Friday SAT Holy Saturday SUN Easter Sunday 10 FRI The Feast of Martyrs 25 SAT St. Mark the Evangelist 29 WEDSt. Catherine of Sienna Holy Family Tidings April 2015 5 Catechism News CENACLE EXPERIENCE RETREAT 2015 FIRST BATCH Date : 26th to 29th April, 2015 Venue : Logos Retreat Centre, Babusahpalaya Registration Fees : Rs. 500 Retreat Start at : 4.00 pm Retreat Start at : 4.00 pm GENERAL NOTES FOR PARTICIPANTS: →→ Since this is a residential retreat, students are requested to bring necessary personal belongings. →→ Students should carry note book, pen and The Holy Bible →→ Information regarding the number students attending the retreat (along with the intended batch) from a parish/unit should reach the Catechetical Center by Sunday, 12th April, 2015. TUTION CLASSES Tuition will be taken for Classes From 1st to 10 th (ICSE, CBSE) 8th to 10th (State), 1st and IInd PUC (Maths) Our 15th Year batches Starting from 6th of May 2015 Contact: Hemachandran K R, M,Sc, M.Ed 9902471599 Special care for Mathematics Near Holy Family Church Hongasndra, Bangalore 560 068 RW.RW.B¡. W] Dp]¡Õ]R£ hTf|U yVfO Dp]¡R¾uOSÐãO IÐ KqO SmLi|U joO¨OºL WeRoË]¤, AÌWLq¾]S£pOU kLkSmLio]sæLpVopOSapOU \]ÍWRt Aa]S\ÿLa]¨OÐ KqO w©]RRNWyVfvqLp jÚ]¤ j]ÐOºLWeU. Dp]¡Õ]R£ iL¡Ú]W w©]jÚ]sPRa oãOçvq]Ss¨V kaqeRoË]¤, jLU f|LY°¥ AjOxVb]¨OvLjOU WOq]wOW¥ \ Oo¨OvL¢ fáLrOçvqOoLp]q]¨eU. NW]yVfOv]SjLRaLÕU WOq]wOvz]¨OW IÐO kr´L¤, NW]yVfO AjOpLp]WtLvOÐSfLRaLÕU ANWo¾]jOU Aj}f]¨OU Au] of]¨OU If]qLp]y~qoOp¡¾OWpOU, AvR¨f]qLp]Nkv¡¾] ¨OWpOU SveU. IË]¤ oLNfSo Dp]¡R¾uOSÐsVÕ]R£ AjOnvUBjξ]S£pOU, yoLiLj¾]S£pOU, Nkf|LwpOSapOU AjOnv °tLp] jÚ]sPRa oãOçvq]Ss¨O kW¡ÐORWLaO¨OvL¢ yLi]¨OWpOçP. oqeo]sæLRfDp]¡Õ]sæ, AÈ~Lj]¨LRfyÒLh|o]sæ, yzj °t]sæLRf yoLiLjo]sæ. CRfLR¨pLeO jLU NW]yVfOv]R£ k}dLjOnv°t]sPRa ojô]sL¨OÐfV. CÐR¾ yoPz¾] Rs SqLY°Rt fOa\ÿOoLãeRoË]¤ NW]yVfOWLe]\ÿO fÐ f|LY ¾]S£pOU, yVSjz¾]S£pOU kLfkÍOaqOvL¢jLRosæLvqOU fáLrL veU. Quiz Answers for March Edition 1. Herod (Luke 23:7) 2. Beasts (Dan 7:3) 3. Those people who hear God’s word but then it’s choked out by worldly cares (Matt 13:22) 4. Amittai (Jon 1:1) 5. John the Baptist (Luke 7:28) 6. Timothy (Phm 1:1) 7. Ten male donkeys and ten female donkeys laden with goods from Egypt (Gen 45:23) 8. Bethany (John 11:1) 9. Work quietly (2 Th 3:12) 10. Abimelech (Gen 20:17) Quiz for April 1. How many people were saved in the ark? 2. What disease did the Lord send upon Miriam? 3. The name of the Lord is like what place of safety? 4. With what was Jesus’ side pierced? 5. Who wrote the book of Acts? 6. What were the names of Elimelech’s two sons? 7. What was the first plague the Lord sent upon Egypt? 8. Who does Jesus say are the two most important people to love? 9. Which apostle was a Pharisee? 10. How old was Moses when he died? Holy Family Tidings April 2015 7 Saint of the Month St. George 23rd April There are many legends in many cultures about St. George, but they all have a common theme; he must have been an outstanding character in his lifetime, for his reputation to have survived for almost 1,700 years! Most authorities on the subject seem to agree that he was born in Cappadocia in what is now Turkey, in about the year 280 AD. It is probable that from his physical description, he was of Darian origin, because of his tall stature and fair hair. He enlisted into the Cavalry of the Roman Army at the age of 17, during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian and very quickly established a reputation amongst his peers, for his virtuous behaviour and physical strength; his military bearing, valour and handsome good looks. He quickly achieved the rank of Millenary or TribunusMilitum, an officer's rank roughly equivalent to a full Colonel, in charge of a regiment of 1,000 men and became a particular favourite of his Emperor. Diocletian was a skilled military tactician and strict disciplinarian, who set himself the task of rejuvenating the morale of the citizens of Rome by reviving the prevailing traditions and paganism of Rome. It may be recalled that this was a time of high inflation and civil unrest and one outcome of this was the increasing influence of Christianity. Diocletian's second in Command was Galerius, the conqueror of Persia and an avid supporter of the Pagan religion. As a result of a rumour that the Christians were plotting the death of Galerius, an edict was issued that all Christian Churches were to be destroyed and all scriptures to be burnt. Anyone admitting to being a Christian, would lose his rights as a citizen, if not his life As a consequence, Diocletian took strict action against any alternative forms of religion in general and the Christian faith in particular. He achieved the reputation of being perhaps the cruellest persecutor of Christians at that time. Many Christians feared to be loyal to their God; but, having become a convert to Christianity, St. George acted to limit the excesses of Diocletian's actions against the Christians. He went to the city of Nicomedia where, upon entering, he tore down the notice of the Emperor's edict. St. George gained great respect for his compassion towards Diocletian's victims. As news spread of his rebellion against the persecutions St. George realised that, as both Diocletian and Galerius were in the city, it would not be long before he was arrested.He prepared for the event by disposing of his property to the poor and he freed his slaves. When he appeared before Diocietian, it is said that St. George bravely denounced him for his unnecessary cruelty and injustice and that he made an eloquent and courageous speech. He stirred the populace with his powerful and convincing rhetoric against the Imperial Decree to persecute Christians. St George, having defended his faith was beheaded at Nicomedia near Lyddia in Palestine on the 23rd of April in the year 303 AD. Holy Family Tidings April 2015 8 Stories of St. George's courage soon spread and his reputation grew very quickly. He soon became known in Russia and the Ukraine as the Trophy Bearer and his remains are said to have been buried in the church that bears his name in Lydda. However, his head was carried to Rome, where it was preserved in the Church that is also dedicated to him. In the year 1348 King Edward Ill established the Knights of the Garter, which is the oldest order of Chivalry in Europe. The Order of the Garter was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Edward the Confessor and St George. The Insignia of the order consists of a collar and badge appendant known as the George, the Star, the Garter and the Sash with the Investment Badge called the lesser George. This is a gold and richly enamelled representation of St George on horseback slaying the dragon. It was in the year 1415 AD that St. George became the Patron Saint of England when English Soldiers under Henry V won the battle of Agincourt. During World War 2 King George V1 established the George Cross for outstanding acts of Civilian Valour and one of the earliest recipients was the Island of Malta, for its outstanding courage in the face of the constant bombardment by the Italian and German Airforce. It is, coincidentally, the Island that was so closely associated and governed by the Crusaders who arrived from the Island of Rhodes in the 14" Century, following their 200 year war with the Turks. The legends about St George spread far and wide and it was claimed that near the town of Silene in Libya, a dragon dwelt, keeping the population in terror. To satiate him the population tethered an animal, until they had no more. They then provided human sacrifices and in ultimate desperation, a young princess was selected, the king's daughter named Cleolinda. The story then relates how St. George rode up on his white charger, dismounted and fought the monster on foot; until it eventually succumbed. He then dragged the dying monster into the city, using the girdle of the Princess and slew the dragon in front of the people. St. George was greeted as their saviour and the King offered him a bag of gold as a reward for saving his daughter. This he refused and asked that it be given to the poor. The story is a powerful allegory, emblematic of the triumph of good over evil; but it also teaches of enduring Christian faith in the extreme and the trust that at all times should be placed in the Almighty by the invocation of the name of St. George, Soldier, Saint and Martyr. Jomin J Dominic April 14 Best Wishes from Joshy Pappa, Sherly Mummy and little Jowane CHURCH EVENTS Feast Day Celebration of Fr. Roby Vadana CMI Ootrunercha Celebrations Mar Jose Puthenveettil, Auxiliary Bishop of Ernakulam - Angamaly Diocese celebrated mass at Holy Family Parish on March 27. St. Joseph Ward Inauguration
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