Grateful Giving - Holy Martyrs Catholic Church

Holy Martyrs Catholic Church
Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 22, 2015
Mass Schedule & Intentions this Week
5:30 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
8:00 am
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
This Week at Holy Martyrs
John Volk (Vickers Family)
Mary Brancheau
(Vincent & Linda Delaney)
John Garry (Betty Rizzardi)
Jimmy O’Brien
(George & Mary Ann O’Brien)
Rosary for Peace
Anne Cotman
(Stan & Mary Anne Mayer)
Andrew Jirka (Andrea Jirka)
Margery Sowa (Robert Sowa)
For all those serving in the Military
Thomas Richey Jr.
(Thomas & Shirley Richey)
Micaela Jimenez
(Angelo & Arlene Jimenez)
Bonnie Calvey
(Couples Faith Sharing)
Ministry of Assistance Food & Donation
weekend: after all Masses
Bake Sale: after all Masses
Jesus Kids: during 9:30 am Mass, Pfeiffer B
PSR: 10:30 am
Jesus Day Retreat (2nd Grade): 10:30 am,
Pfeiffer Hall B
RCIA for Teens: 10:30 am, Room 100
RCIA: 10:30 am, Lounge
Vacation Bible School planning meeting:
11:30 am, Room 100
Life Teen: 5:00 pm Mass followed by
Life Night from 6:00-7:30 pm, GA
PSR: 5:30 pm
Jesus Day Retreat (2nd Grade): 5:30 pm,
Pfeiffer Hall B
Glory Bees: Maureen Macisco, Roberta Braun,
Tom Yannetti
Little Rock Bible Study afternoon session:
1:00 pm, Room 103
SPIRIT: 6:00 pm, Martyrs Hall
Confirmation Candidate/Parent workshop:
6:00 pm, Pfeiffer Hall
RCIA for Children: 6:00 pm, Room 201
RCIA Inquiry: 7:30 pm, Lounge
Church Office hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am -12:15 pm, 1:00 pm-5:30 pm.
Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer: 5:30 pm, Chapel
Adult Choir: 7:15 pm, Worship Space
Pray for the repose of the soul of:
Paul Mihlack, husband of Dolores
Lent is a special time in our liturgical year and we would like
to encourage all parishioners to enter into this sacred time
with a sense of prayerfulness. To keep this time as sacred,
all parish committees and groups might want to consider
minimizing business meetings as much as possible to keep
the focus and energy on our Lenten opportunities.
Communications Committee: 7:30 pm,
Room 102
Stations of the Cross: 7:00 pm, Worship
Men’s Group: 9:00 am, Room 103
No Children’s Liturgy of the Word
No Jesus Kids
RCIA for Teens: 10:30 am, Room 100
Life Teen: 5:00 pm Mass followed by
Life Night from 6:00-7:30 pm, GA
Parish Staff
Fr. Stephen Dohner
Janet Payton
Father Mark Ott
Jason Falkofsky
Paula Phillips
Pastoral Associate
Weekend Associate
Director of Music
Father Robert F. Pfeiffer
Dorothy Thomas
Diane Bruce
Libbie Radecky
Pastor Emeritus
Coordinator of Pastoral Care
Office Manager
Director of Religious Education
Office Assistant
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Parish News
Holy Martyrs Lenten Candy &
Bake Sale will take place this weekend. Proceeds from this sale help purchase altar linens. Thank you for your
Friendship Meal Ministry--Thank You!!!
Other Lenten Opportunities
Faith CD “The Jesus Question” - sign up for one at the
Welcome Center in the Gathering Area
Rice Bowl: Pick one up at the Welcome Center in the
Gathering Area
We would like to express gratitude to all who contributed to
the success of our last Friendship Meal at Sagrada Familia
on March 14th.
Because of the involvement of Holy Martyrs parishioners,
we were able to serve a hearty meal to over 140 people.
Our menu included ham, home-made macaroni and cheese,
green beans, freshly made fruit salad, and fresh-baked cupcakes. We met in the kitchen at Holy Martyrs to prepare the
meal with the food donated by our parish. Afterwards, a
dedicated group traveled to Sagrada Familia to serve the
meal and socialize with the Friendship Meal guests. We are
very blessed to have enthusiastic and generous members of
the parish who are willing to help with this ministry. We
always receive great thanks from Sagrada Familia parish
and those we serve.
If you donated food in reusable dishes, please pick these
up in the Holy Martyrs Gathering Area kitchen.
If you would like to be updated on further Friendship Meal
ministry efforts, please contact Jennifer Klettlinger
( to be included on the email
list. Save the date for our next Friendship Meal on July 11th!
If you are an executive, professional or manager who is
looking for employment opportunities, we encourage you to
connect with our Employment Network Group. This parish
networking group meets twice a month at the following locations:
First Wednesday of each month at Holy Martyrs Church,
Martyrs Hall (off the back parking lot)
Third Tuesday of each month at Knights of Columbus
Hall – 131 North East Street, Medina
First-time attendees should plan to come to a short orientation session at 6:30 p.m. The regular group meetings begin
at 7 p.m.
For more information about the Employment
Network Group, please contact Erin Rankin at
Stations of the Cross: Friday, March 27 at 7:00 pm
Journeying Through Lent
The following are traditional Lenten disciplines:
Prayer: Catholics are encouraged to pray more during
Lent, especially with Scripture. Lent is also an ideal time to
receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for
the celebration of Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection.
Almsgiving: Moved by the sacrifice of Christ, many
Christians combine almsgiving with fasting, giving to the
poor the money they saved by eating, drinking, or buying
less as they rely more upon God’s abundant grace.
Second Annual El Salvador Golf Outing
Save the date for the 2nd Annual El Salvador Golf Outing on
May 16th, 2015. Proceeds will benefit
selected students of El Salvador. If you
are interested in becoming a sponsor for
the event, we have many options available. The next planning meeting will
take place on Tuesday, April 7 at 7:30
pm in Room 103. Please contact Brad
Thomas at 330-760-5940 or Shelley Conry at 330-687-6927.
Seniors Corner
Inviting all Seniors to join us for our upcoming events:
Monday, 4/20, 1:00 John Burke, County Treasurer,
will perform his Native American History Presentation (in full Indian attire); Light Luncheon
Sunday, 5/17 Car Pool to Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine
in Euclid (Leave at 8:00 AM; Mass at 9:30 - in the
Grotto, weather permitting); Breakfast option
Monday, 5/18, 1:00 Speaker, Troy Haftzger, will discuss "Pain Management - How to Manage it
Naturally"; Appetizers
Tuesday, 6/16 Tour Bus to the Art Museum, Botanical
Gardens, etc. with Dutch Treat lunch in Little Italy
Holy Martyrs Church
Medina, Ohio
March 22, 2015
Grateful Giving
Holy Martyrs Parish
“Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes,
those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.”
— Unknown
Called and Gifted
Thanks to the many parishioners who bake, organize, price
goods, and assist at our bake sales. They have always been
a great success. The proceeds are used to purchase altar
linens: our corporals, purificators, altar cloths and sacred
vessels. These altar linens are specially cared for/laundered
by our sacristans.
Grateful Giving
March 7 & 8
Sunday Offering
Number of Envelopes
Electronic Donations
Number of Envelopes
Central & Eastern Europe
Thank you for your generous support of the Catholic
Relief Services Collection. Through your generosity families will be reunited, valuable life skills will be taught to
those seeking a better life, and many will have vital humanitarian needs met. Please visit, (search
“Catholic Relief Services Collection”) to learn how your donations make a difference and help Jesus in disguise.
The Catholic Commission of
Wayne, Ashland & Medina will
celebrate its 28th Annual Pope
St. John Paul II, Proclaimer of
Justice Gala Dinner & Silent Auction on Saturday, April 18th
at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Medina The 2015 Michael Berken Peace and Justice Award will be presented to
Father Bob Wenz, retired Parochial Vicar of St. Ambrose
Parish in Brunswick. Also being honored with the 2015
Faithful Servant Award is Connie Ebaugh, parishioner at
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish. Social Hour and Silent
Auction begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m.
For inclusion in our program booklet as a patron or ad sponsor, or to make a reservation ($30 per person), contact Joan
Badami at 330-535-2787 or Mail
checks payable to Catholic Charities Corp. and sent to: Catholic Commission c/o WAM Gala, 795 Russell Avenue, Akron,
OH 44307.
2014 Contribution letters have been mailed. If you have not
received yours, please contact Paula Phillips at or call the church office.
Thank You to those who have made an effort to catch up
on their Sunday offering envelopes. The severe weather this
Winter affected Mass attendance and our collections. Our
programs continue all year long and depend on your support. It makes all our ministries possible. God bless you!
Added Thanks for those who support our parish through
Electronic Giving. It’s easy to sign up for, secure, and supports the work of our parish regardless of the weather. Call
the parish office for information.
Readings for the Week of March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33
Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62;
Ps 23; Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102; Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday The Annunciation of the Lord
Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105; Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31; Jn 11:45-56
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22;
Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Parish School of Religion
First Holy Communion Portraits
First Holy Communion Portrait sessions on April 11th and
18th. Please be prepared to secure your session with a
$25.00 deposit which will apply to your portrait purchase.
Limited sessions are also available on the day of First Communion (May 2nd). Please call Nancy for information at
JESUS DAY RETREAT: For all second graders on Sunday,
March 22 and Monday, March 23. Parishioners are invited to
be a prayer partner for our
second graders and their
families. Please pick up a
child's name
card in the
basket outside the Religious
Education Office.
Vacation Bible School
Leadership Team Building meeting
Sunday, March 22nd at 11:30 AM in the PLC, Room 200. If
you would like to be a part of the team, please join us.
Kris Gambacinni is the Chairperson for this event.
Kris can be reached at:
(from Catholic Relief Services)
We are half way through Lent. How is your
Rice Bowl doing? Remember it is never too
late to do something.
Rice Bowls can be turned in on Palm Sunday,
March 29 or Sunday, April 12 and
Monday, April 13 in the
Religious Education Office.
The next Confirmation session for
candidate, sponsor or parent is
Tuesday, March 24 at 6:00 pm. in the
Parish Life Center, Pfeiffer Hall A & B.
Remember to bring your
Journal for full participation.
MINISTERS SCHEDULE - March 28 & March 29
5:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
B1 Judith Linton
B2 Alicia Hathcock
B3 John Hogan
C1 Karen Munko
C2 Jan Gut
C3 Paula Spolarich
C4 Bob Hausler
(pyx) Terry Adams
Branden Agnew
Vincent Pfahl
Larry Steinbacher
Cindy Steinbacher
B1 Mary Buehrle
B2 Bob Yanks
C1 Mary Schwarz
C2 Donna Horton
(pyx) Carol Kisilewicz
Jonathan Friedl
Alexa Gatesman
Bruce Francis
Pete Rojas
C5 T. Korte
C6 L. Ruh
C7 B. Steinmetz
(pyx) J. Acks
Josh Bobey
Amanda Lutz
Karen Bartkowiak
Jerry Bartkowiak
Jeanette Cottrell
Ron Kalister
C1 Chris Lambert
C2 Jack Holland
C3 Dick Zalack
C4 Jen Coppolino
(pyx) Dave Stankiewicz
Will Hoynes
Jack Hoynes
Dave Busta
John Coppolino
Larry Vasel
B1 R. Mitchell
B2 T. Boyle
B3 D. Boyle
B4 D. Marco
C1 S. Rennecker
C2 L. Kalish
C3 N. Klettlinger
C4 S. Marco
B1 Becky Johnston
B2 Mary Slifka
B3 Dinah Lambert
Holy Martyrs Church
Medina, Ohio
March 22, 2015
Our Lady of the Elms is hosting 7th Grade Visitation on
Here’s what’s coming up in LIFE TEEN at Holy Martyrs.
We have an awesome year planned for all high school
Friday, April 24, from 9 a.m.-1p.m. When young women experience their peers as leaders, scholars, athletes, and artists, traditional gender boundaries disintegrate and new
realities become possible. We provide a single-gender educational environment that promotes positive self-esteem. An
Elms graduate is a life-long learner, a spiritual seeker, an
advocate of justice, and a community leader. Come spend
the day with us and learn more about all the Elms has to
offer! Please visit to register.
March 22:
More Than Meets the Eye
March 29:
Sunday Best
April 5:
Easter Sunday - No Life Teen
April 12:
Wipe Out
April 19:
The winter session of FOCUS is in progress. FOCUS is
April 26:
Welcoming of Rising 8th Graders
our new process for adult Christians who were immersed in the faith earlier in life but are seeking full
communion with the Roman Catholic Church now.
We will have a Life Teen Mass every Sunday
FOCUS is designed for adults who are strong Chris-
when we gather for Life Teen.
tians but have questions about the differences between
what Catholics believe and what their own faith traditions taught. If you are interested in participating, we
5:00 pm sharp: Mass in the worship space
6:00-7:30 pm: Dinner & Life Night event
For more information, please contact
will be holding FOCUS again in the fall. If you would
Janet Payton
like more information, please contact Janet Payton at: or
330.722.6633 to schedule an appointment.
Pastoral Associate
Questions? Send us an email at
Teens: Follow us on Twitter — @HMLifeTeen
L›ƒÙÄ ãÊ P½ƒù DÙçÃÝ
Contact Joe Toth at Slow-pitch family style Softball on Sundays at Blakeslee
Park in Medina Township this summer (Fenn & Rt.3). We
have room for a few more players for the Holy
Martyrs team. Church league, co-ed though no
minimum requirements…for fun and bragging
rights only! First game May 17. Call Tom Halama 330 725-0680 .
2015 First Step Program: Continuing education regarding marriage and divorce in the Catholic Church
Do you want to:
Deepen your knowledge of the Church’s teaching on marriage?
Learn about ministry to the divorced/separated in the Diocese of Cleveland?
Hear the true facts about the annulment process and how to submit a case?
Discover a path to healing after divorce?
The First Step Programs are scheduled around the Diocese, open to anyone, with no pre-registration. The next sessions are:
Thursday, March 26, 2015 at St Peter Parish, Lorain at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at St. Gabriel Parish, Concord at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Cuyahoga Falls at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at St. Ambrose Parish, Brunswick at 7:00 pm
This program is offered as a way to reach out to those whose marriage, for whatever reasons or circumstances, is not valid in
the Church, and find a way to re-establish full communion in the sacramental life of the Church.
For more information call 216-696-6525, ext. 4000, or visit
Fifth Sunday of Lent
A Sense of the Season
The word Triduum comes from the Latin and
means “three days.” It is commonly pronounced
“TRIH-doo-uhm” and is usually used in reference
to the Easter Triduum, the three most sacred
days in the church year. The Easter Triduum begins with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
on Holy Thursday, reaches its high point at the
Easter Vigil and concludes with evening prayer
on Easter Sunday. Often there is confusion
about how that block of time can be counted as
three days. The traditional Jewish practice of
counting days from sunset to sunset is used
during the Triduum. Thus, Holy Thursday evening to Good Friday evening is the first day, Good
Friday evening to Holy Saturday evening is the
second day and Holy Saturday evening to Sunday evening is the third day. After centuries of
neglect, Pope Pius XII in 1955 restored the Triduum liturgies to their rightful place as the culmination of the entire liturgical year.
Although we talk of the three days, our Triduum
prayer is best understood as one liturgy in three
interlocking movements. The death and resurrection of the Lord cannot be separated. The
meaning of these days is distorted when we imagine that the liturgy re-enacts the final events
in the life of Jesus in a sort of historical review.
We miss the point in that case. The mystery of
Jesus’ death and resurrection is a present reality; the boundaries of time, and the boundaries
of death, have no power here.
Our past, present and future are irrevocably
marked by our own immersion into this mystery
through baptism. We wash one another’s feet,
reverence the cross, light fires in the night and
proclaim the stories of our salvation with an
awed awareness that this is what it means to be
baptized. The Easter Vigil then is the premier
time to welcome new members into the church
through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Ideally, no other parish events are scheduled on
these three days; the presence, time and energy
of every person in the community are needed for
what we do here. Yes, this may be inconvenient,
but birth and death are rarely convenient! Our
forty days of prayer, fasting and almsgiving lead
us to the Triduum—beyond its history, into its
Copyright © 1997 Archdiocese of
Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue,
Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-9331800. Text by Kathy Luty. Art by Rita
Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
Our hearts, minds and prayers are also especially aware of the Holy Land. Our parish,
once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many
Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives. As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Francis, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct link for
parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are housing and feeding the poor, providing religious formation and
education, maintaining shrines and parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. For more
information, visit The Good Friday Collection is requested
by the Holy Father. Please be as generous as your abundance allows.