Holy Name Cathedral THE CORNER OF STATE AND SUPERIOR Offices: 730 N. Wabash Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 312-787-8040 WWW.HOLYNAMECATHEDRAL.ORG May 3, 2015 5th Sunday of Easter I am The vine, you are the branches At the name of Jesus, every knee should bend of those in Heaven and on earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10 Holy Name Cathedral The place where Chicago goes to celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the Gospel, and carry out Christ's message through prayer and deed WE GOT IT RIGHT get my thanks and the appreciation of the families for the terrific job they do in the Holy Name. Celebrate the First Holy Communion of the Religious Education kids next Sunday at 9:30am. _________________________________ The annual second collection basket for Catholic Charities will be passed to you at all Archdiocesan Masses including those at Holy Name Cathedral next Four children from the Frances Xavier Warde Catholic School’s weekend, Mother’s Day. second grade are Holy Name parishioners. They received their First Holy Communion Saturday at a Mass celebrated at Old St. Pat’s Every 30 seconds someone turns to Catholic Charities for help. Two-thirds are women who find Church (on the campus where their little kids’ school is housed – the big kids are here at HNC) Saturday during a Mass celebrated by me an open door, a listening ear. and OSP’s pastor Father Tom Hurley. FXW is not a parish school; yet Every day, Catholic Charities is in the community, Holy Name kids are among the 1,000 FXW kids on our campus and at caring about those often forgotten – those with no place to that of Old St. Pat’s in the West Loop. Jack Shimkus, Tiffany live or no one to answer their call for help. Rehkemper, Annalisa Manzano, and Kristano D’Cunha were invited to Life-changing care is offered at more than 161 service sites in Cook and Lake Counties for anyone in need – a child learns celebrate and will attend their “Second Holy Communion” today at the Cathedral, their home parish, at 11:00. I told them to dress up in their to play in a safe, nurturing day care center; a teenager is mentored to excel and stay in school; an unemployed veteran dresses and happy clothes again. Congratulations to all those receiving First Holy Communion in this joyous month. Blessed be Jesus in the finds work; a broken family finds healing. Annually, more than 1-million people are touched as an individual Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. _____________________________________ of dignity On Mother’s Day, Catholic Charities turns to the people at Mass for help 92-cents of every dollar will directly help someone in need Your gift next weekend will feed the hungry, house the homeless, care for children, strengthen families, and keep seniors independent. Holy Name Cathedral parishioners may be the leaders in helping Catholic Charities and their basic Christian work; please, join us. Thank you for giving to Catholic Charities. ___________________________________ Most of the Cathedral’s cohort of priests will celebrate our ordination anniversaries in the spring - Father Bill Moriarty was last Monday (4/27/66); Father Don Cambe was 3/30/06; mine will be next Monday (5/11/77); Father John Boivin (5/12/76); Father Ramil Fajardo (5/22/04); and Msgr. Mike Boland (5/24/86). Father Brad Zamora, hard as it is to believe, remains the youngest priest in our house and the youngest priest in the Archdiocese awaiting his first anniversary (5/17/14). Two of us were ordained in Rome out of Chicago ordination season – Father Bill Woestman (7/8/56); and Father Louis Cameli (12/19/69). For those keeping score, that is 270 years of priesthood at the Holy Name Cathedral altar. Add the other two residents of our house – Father Kevin Birmingham (5/24/97) and Archbishop Blase Cupich (8/16/75) – and that adds up to 328 years of priesthood. What shall we return to the Lord for all the good He has done for us? We will take up the Cup of Salvation and call upon His Holy Name. Deo gratias! _____________________________________ Next weekend after all Masses (except 7:30pm Saturday & 5:15pm Sunday), the Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland, a Catholic agency assisting unwed women with troubled pregnancies, will sell flower bouquets outside the Cathedral for the benefit of their ministry. Several different bouquets will be available until all are sold – Hydrangea ($30); Roses and Alstroemeria ($15); Mixed Floral ($10); and Carnation and Lily ($10). It will be a good cause and a pretty gift. _____________________________________ Next Sunday, a group of Cathedral children, mostly second graders, will receive their First Holy Communion at the 9:30am Mass. I can’t wait. I baptized a few of these kids; I have become friends with even more. Come to the 9:30am Mass next Sunday. It won’t be longer than any regular Sunday Mass. And I promise it will be prettier. Tom Aspell (Director of Religious Education for Children) plus Rosalba Valdivinos & Alex Gutierrez (volunteer catechists for several years who add a real mom-&-pop flavor to preparation to First Communion) Of all the spectacular scenes of last week’s funeral for Cardinal Francis George, what impressed me the most? At 9:45pm Wednesday, I looked at the TV monitor on my desk to see if all was well in Church. I expected to see the honor guard – the Chancery team and the lay guards standing stately and lonely. I was surprised to see a line of mourners extending to the State Street doors and maybe 500 others in the pews. It was a magnificent tribute that continued until I retired at midnight. The police commander told me it was even greater at 3:00am. The gracefulness of the funeral liturgy was exquisite. I thank Father Brad Zamora, Cathedral Liturgy Director, as well at Archdiocesan Liturgy Director Todd Williamson and his team for cooperating in making the ceremony proud. It could not have been better, I also thank the zillion Cathedral volunteers under the direction of Pastoral Assistant Michelle Peltier for their part in welcoming the world to our Cathedral for this famous prayer. All nine American-based Cardinals were present at the funeral – Donald Wuerl of Washington, Timothy Dolan of New York, Sean O’Malley of Boston, Daniel DeNardo of Galveston-Houston, William Levada of the Curia in Rome, Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, Adam Maida of Detroit, Theodore McCarrick of Washington, and Justin Rigali of Philadelphia. That was a tribute. There were sixty-nine bishops in all. Just about every press account of the week was positive. I am grateful to the Chicago press and broadcast media for their coverage of the week. Several times I talked with broadcast and press reporters who were most eager to present the legacy of Cardinal George in an accurate and positive way. Those reporters are our friends. They got the story right. - Msgr. Dan Mayall page 3 May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Catholic Charities is the Church’s way of responding to Jesus’ resounding call “to love one another,” ensuring that help and hope are brought to those who are the least in our midst. On Mother’s Day, we will each have an opportunity to be a part of Catholic Charities’ Gospel mission to love and serve the poor through our donations to the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection. This year on Mother’s Day, we hear Jesus’ command to “love one another as I love you” (John 15:9-17). This Gospel reading is particularly fitting on Mother’s Day because it is through the unconditional love of our mothers and all the special women in our lives that we begin to understand God’s deep love for us, and how we are to share this love with our brothers and sisters in Christ. With 153 programs at more than 161 locations throughout Cook and Lake Counties, Catholic Charities serves poor and vulnerable people of all ages, races, religious, and economic backgrounds. Our gifts to the Mother’s Day Collection will help people overcome the challenges of poverty, hunger, homelessness, joblessness, abuse, and aging. Struggling families, vulnerable children, courageous veterans, and fixed-income seniors rely on Catholic Charities for food, clothing, shelter, and other services. Mother’s Day is the one day set aside for Catholic Charities to request the financial support of each of us in the parishes. Please show your support for Catholic Charities during the second collection, or make your donations directly to Catholic Charities at 721 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, or at www.catholiccharities.net/donate. It is my great hope that we can all come together this Mother’s Day to share the love of Christ with our brothers and sisters who desperately need our help. Many thanks for considering a gift to Catholic Charities. During these final weeks of the Easter Season, you have my prayers for God’s abundant blessings for you and your families. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK ~ MAY 4, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:00 Angela Gormully Ho Yan Eumont Casey Czarzasty Consuelo Abas Joseph Z Valdez 7:00 Amado Fernandez Joseph Boden Teodora Grdunac Joseph Durham Deceased members of Hanson family 8:00 Cyril J. Dolan Yun-Ching Lee Young Special Intention Jean Hoffmaster Mary Perisin Fernando Andino 12:10 Liberty Bonomo Dennis Dryzga Rose Kruszyna Melissa Protz Sandra Miyares Special Intention 5:15 Anna J. Zarski Bratincevich Family Frank Mardjetko Christopher James Kutcher Mitchell & Loretta Dirch May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter CAREER FULFILLMENT COMMUNITY May 14 program to feature corporate recruiter Put your best foot forward---even if you're not looking for a job!! On Thursday, May 14 at 6:30pm in our Parish Center, Ned Thomas of Pearson Street Advisors and a corporate real estate head hunter, will provide very valuable advice on presentation, the importance of Linked-In, and tips for getting noticed in the corporate world. We will also have coaches available for workshop breakout sessions as needed. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to increase your chances at career success and enhance your professional and social network! The Career Fulfillment Community is intended as a sustaining, faith-based network where anyone seeking to mentor, coach or share their job/career/vocational knowledge can help those seeking assistance. Please join us on May 14; we always welcome new members. Bring a friend or two---along with your enthusiasm and ideas. Questions? Just e-mail Barton DeLacy at pbdelacy@gmail.com Cathedral Filipino Network Several dates for your calendar: Saturday, May 30th, you are invited to our first Festival of Filipino Faith from 10am until 2:00pm in the courtyard and cafeteria. Have you heard about our July pilgrimage to the Catholic shrines of the East Coast? For more details, contact Divina at 312-943-6323 or Zeny at 773-8783660. Join us for our next meeting on Sunday, June 14th at 2:00pm in the rectory. There will not be a meeting in May, Mother’s Day. page 4 page 5 May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter Catholic Charities Collection on Mother’s Day After spending years in a Nepali refugee camp, the Jha family arrived here with nothing. Catholic Charities met them at the airport and took them in hand, helping them learn English, find work, enroll in school, and get medical care. They were among the 469 refugees we resettled last year. Please give to Catholic Charities on Mother’s Day to help refugees build a new and hopeful life. Learn more at www.catholiccharities.net. “All of us together are a family in the Church, who is our Mother.” - Pope Francis “Can you spare some change so I can get something to eat?” We want to help but we are: Uneasy when approached by someone in need, Worried about pulling out a wallet or opening a purse Concerned that our money might be used for drugs or alcohol Those who ask for money on the street have many needs: a job, a place to live, counseling, - and a way out of a bad situation. Professionals are the best people to help with all these needs. What we can do is help make sure no one goes hungry. We can at least buy this person a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Chicago Shares vouchers are a convenient, safe and constructive means to provide meals and other necessities for hungry people. Here’s how they work: 1. 2. 3. 4. Purchase $5 books of $1 Chicago Shares vouchers, Give vouchers to needy people who ask for money on the street, Recipients redeem vouchers for food and other basic necessities at participating merchants, and Chicago Shares reimburses merchants for all vouchers redeemed. Chicago Shares vouchers will be on sale at Holy Name Cathedral this Sunday, May 17, 2015 in the Cathedral Vestibule, inside the State Street entrance from 9AM until 12:15PM. Chicago Shares is not an answer to poverty or homelessness - but it is a start. Easter Liturgical Music The Easter Season is a joyous part of the church year that is reflected in the seasonal liturgical music. With the Easter Season, the church rejoices in the Paschal mystery of Christ’s victory over death. It is fitting that in this Easter, the Chicago church also rejoices in the victory over death of its Shepherd emeritus, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. Liturgical Music for the Fifth Sunday of Easter Prelude from Sonata Nr. 4 in A minor op. 98: Tempo Moderato Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) Saturday, May 2, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Glory to God Missa Puerorum Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger Preparation of the Gifts Saturday, May 2, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Regina Caeli H. Ricardo Ramirez Regina caeli laetare, alleluia: Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia, resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia. Translation: Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. For He whom you deserved to bear in your womb, alleluia, has risen, as He promised, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia. Sunday, May 3, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Jubilate Deo William Walton O be joyful in the LORD, all ye lands: serve the LORD with gladness, and come before his presence with a song. Be ye sure that the LORD he is God; it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name. For the LORD is gracious, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth from generation to generation. Lamb of God Saturday, May 2, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Missa Puerorum Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger Sunday, May 3, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Agnus Dei from Missa Secunda Hans Leo Hassler Communion Antiphon Chant Ego sum vitis vera et vos palmites, qui manet in me, et ego in eo, hic fert fructum multum, Alleluia. Translation: I am the true vine, and you are the branches; he who abides in me and I in him, he it is who bears much fruit, alleluia. Saturday, May 2, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass Ave Maria Antonin Dvorak Sunday, May 3, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses Anthem I Am the True Vine Arvo Pärt I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every brach in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he prugeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fir, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. Postlude from Sonata Nr. 4 in A minor op. 98: Fuga cromatica Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger (1839-1901) Cathedral CHOIRS – Saturday, May 2, 2015, 5:15 pm Mass, Women’s Schola, Thomas Lipsmeyer, Director, David C. Jonies, Supervisor; Sunday, May 3, 2015, 9:30 & 11:00 Masses, Cathedral Singers, Schola Cantorum Cathedralis. May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter Parish Baptisms Holy Name Cathedral joyfully welcomes our newest members who were baptized in April 2015. We congratulate their parents and families, and will continue to keep them in our prayers. April 11 Vincent Michael Bippus Nikolas Alexander Luna April 18 Ethan Riddick Arnold April 19 Ivan Gabriel N. Ang Annabelle Ayuste Boyle Helena Zoe Frank Layal Grace Nouneh Layla Marie Press Barrett Andrew Standmark April 25 Thomas Edward Cherrett April 26 Ava Sophia Bottalla Elizabeth Marie Brown Jaime Alonso Galiana Ava Elizabeth Kong Averie Malia Luna Frederick Goeres Riedesel Henry Charles Tentori Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass The Archdiocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be offered on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:45pm, at Holy Name Cathedral. Couples married in 1965 interested in attending this celebration should contact Dawn Swanson at dswanson@holynamecathedral.org or 312-573-4401. Please make sure you are registered members of Holy Name Cathedral. Other couples can register at their own parish or by contacting the Family Ministries Office at 312-534-8351 or www.marriagefamilyministries.org page 6 page 7 May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter ACT II…for everyone 40 and over ACT II is committed to the needs and interests of Holy Name parishioners age 40 and over. Our goal is to encourage participation and a sense of belonging within the Holy Name community by providing opportunities for SOCIAL gathering, EDUCATIONAL pursuits, SPIRITUAL development and community SERVICE. THE AFTERNOON SKETCHING GROUP Our members made the front & back pages of the CHICAGO LAW BULLETIN, with an article and photos of its members on their recent sketching field trip to the Chicago Law Library in the Daley Center. Their “15 MINUTES OF FAME.” LITTLE KNOWN FACTS: The library is the second largest law library in the country; the views from all points of the compass are quite spectacular; it is open to the public: and IT IS FREE! Who knew? LAST WEEK’S LUNCHEON & SPEAKER… Was a rousing success with more than 60 people in attendance. The Club Room was filled to capacity and unfortunately, due to high demand, a number of people were unable to secure a reservations. After lunch, MARCIA WHITNEY-SCHENCK told of her experiences last spring on the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage trail. Her anecdotal style, scenic slides and demonstrations of the gear she wore and carried on her 500 mile spiritual journey made for an entertaining and informative afternoon. (The food was good too.) SPECIAL THANKS to members of our ACT II family for their help in making the afternoon a success: BRUCE LESPINASSE, MAUREEN MOONEY, BARBARA & BOB WEEKS, BOB HANEY and CHARLENE CONARTY & her daughter ALICIA & granddaughter KATIE. ALSO: PAT HAMILL for the luscious brownies & pumpkin cupcakes. EVENING BOOK GROUP NEW MEMBERS WELCOME MAY 15 - FRIDAY AT 7 PM: Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham JUNE 19 - FRIDAY AT 7 PM: The Hundred Year House by Rebecca Madkai WHERE: 1000 NO LAKESHORE DRIVE - Unit 1809 – (Lobby entrance on Bellevue) To tell coordinator SONIA REARDON you’ll be there: 224-659-0246 THEATER GROUP CHARELENE REPORTS THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH INTEREST IN A SHAKESPEARE THEATER MATINEE GROUP…however, we still have: 2015/16 LOOKINGGLASS WEDNESDAY EVENING SERIES: OCTOBER 28 at 7:30 PM - TREASURE ISLAND MARCH 28 at 7:30 PM - BLOOD WEDDING JUNE 22 7:30 PM - THADDEUS & SLOCUM: A VAUDEVILLE ADVENTURE IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO PARTICIPATE WITH THIS GROUP. Contact: CHARLENE CONARTY at 312-915-0423 or APJA10@att.net. SOCIAL DINING WHEN: THURSDAY, MAY 21ST WHERE: SEASONS 52 – CHICAGO, 55 EAST GRAND (SEE BLOCK AD ELSEWHERE IN BULLETIN FOR MORE INFORMATION.) BECOME A MEMBER OF ACT II There is no membership fee to join and no restrictions other than being 40 or older and wanting to participate. Simply send your name and e-mail address to haneyhomes@yahoo.com and you will receive our weekly preview e-mail which usually contains more information than can be included in this column. ALSO, go to the Holy Name website, holynamecathedral.org & click on ACT II under “Organizations” to see descriptions of our ongoing ACTIVITY GROUPS along with contact information for their Coordinators.. EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS TOGETHER The Holy Name Young Adult Group enlightens, enlivens, and enriches the lives of Catholics in their 20s and 30s through spiritual programs, social events, and service opportunities. Spring Fling Dance Friday, May 16 from 7:30-11:00 p.m. Spring is finally here! HNC Young Adults would like to invite you to our 1st Annual Spring Fling on Saturday, May 16th from 7:30PM to 11:00PM. This spring social event includes socializing, dancing, & food/drinks. Think prom in springtime for adults. The event will be held at Cityfront Place (400 N. McClurg Court). Tickets are $25 and include the entrance fee, food, beverages, a photo both and videos. Attire is semi-formal (suit and tie for men, cocktail dresses for women). Tickets can be purchased at: https://hncya-springfling-2015.eventbrite.com/ We anticipate selling out, so please buy your tickets in advance online. Paid parking is available at the building, but there is also plenty of parking nearby. However, you are more than welcome to use the free HNC parking lot and then walk (about 15-20 min) or take a cab from there. For more information, please check out the Facebook event posted in our group. Catholic Charities Supper Service Friday, May 8 at 4 p.m. Join fellow Young Adults as we prepare to serve dinner to the less fortunate. We meet at 721 N. LaSalle Street between 3:30pm-4:00pm and serve in many different capacities. No experience necessary, just the determination to ensure everyone leaves with a nice warm meal and some mid-western hospitality. We should end by 5:45pm6:00pm. If you are interested in lending a hand, please send an email to youngadults@holynamecathedral.org (subject line: CC Supper). DON’T MISS OUT: Join the Young Adult Facebook group and sign up for our weekly newsletter on the Cathedral website to learn about all of the events, activities, and volunteer opportunities we sponsor each month. facebook.com/groups/holynameyoungadults page 8 May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter Are you using your gifts? In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus reminds us how important each and every one of us is when He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” One of the central ideas in the spirituality of stewardship is how crucial each person is to the success and effectiveness of the community. Of course, together we can do so much more than each of us can individually. Are you using your gifts? Are you using your gifts to build the community and to serve others? Jesus speaks of His Father “pruning” the branches that do not bear fruit. As is often the case in ancient Greek, a word can have two meanings. The word for “prune” is also the word for “cleanse.” That is the point the Lord is most likely making. Until we are “cleansed,” until we have sought conversion and change with the help of God, we are not able to fully fulfill our covenants with God. Wedding Banns III. Patrick Jalabert & Emily Vanneste iII. Murray Warring & Gloria Orozco II. Michael Settle & Carlyn Kuzma I. Alex Nichols & Emily Williams I. Kuntal Shah & Jeanine Spielberger I. Jaigene Kang & Jeanne Heil Stewardship, of course, is a call to each of us to respond to our many gifts with thanksgiving and service. Fruits bear seeds within them. Our response to God’s call is to allow our seeds to produce more fruit. The author Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” As our Easter season continues, we need to make sure we are attached to the vine of the Lord, and that we are planting seeds. www.thecatholicsteward.com Cathedral Courtyard Update Now that Spring is upon us, the latest order of pavers has been sent to the engravers and will be installed in May. If you placed an order after August 1 of 2014, your paver will be included in this order and installed soon. Stay tuned for information on the Cathedral’s dedication of the courtyard which will be held on Sunday, June 14 after the 12:30 Mass. Thank you! Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary Regular Sunday Offertory Year to Date (July 1, 2014 – April 26, 2015) Annual Goal - $1,924,000 Amount collected to date Surplus (Shortfall) to budget Prior Year Stewardship to date $1,556,648 ($34,352) $1,581,306 Weekly Offerings (budget of $37,000) Current Year collection $31,625 Prior Year collection $37,821 We are grateful to all who are a part of our automatic contribution program. Learn more at www.holynamecathedral.org and click on Give. Thank you to those who regularly and generously give of their treasure as well as those who give of their time and talent to support the work our parish does in the Holy Name of Jesus. Thursday and Friday Suppers What? A free, warm meal. When? Every Thursday and Every Friday evening at 4:45 pm. Where? Catholic Charities, LaSalle and Superior. For whom? 130 local hungry dine-in guests, plus 80 Bag lunches to go = 210 people fed each night By whom? Volunteers like you. Sponsored by? Our parish Human Concerns Commission Funded by? Donors like you. Cost? Free for the guests; almost $1,000 for the parish. How? Cash donations in all amounts welcomed. Checks addressed to Holy Name Cathedral; Envelopes addressed to Thursday-Friday Suppers (730 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 60611) Rectory 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Fax: (312) 787-9113 Mon~Fri 8:30-8:30 Sat & Sun 8:30-7:00 HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL School Frances Xavier Warde 751 N. State Street Chicago, IL 60610 (312) 466-0700 Mary Reiling, Head of School MASS SCHEDULE (CATHEDRAL) Saturday Evening Vigil Masses: 5:15 pm, 7:30 pm Sunday: 7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am; 12:30, 5:15 pm Weekdays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 am 12:10, 5:15 pm Saturday: 8:00 am, 12:10 pm DEVOTIONS The Rosary: prayed each Monday (including the Divine Mercy Chaplet), Tuesday (for an end to abortion), and Wednesday (for priests and vocations) after the 5:15pm Mass Prayer Request Lines: 312-573-4493 “Daytime Prayer,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~11:50 am, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral “Vespers,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~5:00 pm, Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Baptism: Infant baptisms are generally celebrated twice monthly on designated Sundays at 2:00 pm. Parents are asked to participate in a one time pre-baptismal preparation class. Check the website (holynamecathedral.org) for dates and to preregister for the class and baptism. *Classes are limited to a total of 20 people, so reserve early. Baptism of children over age 6 is conducted through our Religious Education Program. Contact Thomas L. Aspell at (312)573-4478 to enroll your child. Adult baptism takes place through the RCIA process. Contact Kelly Heus at (312)573-4434 to learn more about RCIA. Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Due to the size of our parish, weddings are celebrated for registered parishioners only. A minimum of six months advanced planning and preparation is required. Please consult our website (holynamecathedral.org) for more info. Confessions Saturdays: 3:00 - 5:00pm, 6:15 - 7:15pm All Confessions are held in the Reconciliation room on the Lower Level of the Cathedral. Eucharistic Adoration: 1st & 3rd Fridays, Adoration after the 8am Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary will be prayed at 3:00pm on behalf increased respect for human life. Benediction after the 5:15pm Mass in the Chapel. Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-5pm at the Vincent DePaul Center 721 N. LaSalle Street. Display Area The tables at the doors of the cathedral have been designated for displaying parish information only. There is no space for other brochures, flyers, newspapers, prayer cards and devotional materials. Non-parish materials are removed daily. Your cooperation is appreciated. Electronic Giving Available Support Holy Name with your Credit Card or Bank Deposit. Call 312-573-4425 for info. Convent Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest 730 N. Wabash Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 787-8040 Sr. Guadalupe Lopez Seminary Casa JesúsBishop Abramowicz 750 N. Wabash, Chgo. 60611 Rev. Octavio Muñoz Capetillo (312) 640-1065 Rev. Jacek Wrona (312) 915-0598 Archbishop of Chicago: Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Dan Mayall Associate Pastors Rev. John Boivin Rev. Don Cambe Rev. Bradley Zamora Mass Supply Help Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland Deacons Michael McCloskey Stan Strom Adam Droll Pastoral Ministry Staff Kelly Heus Carol Miller Michelle Peltier Thomas L. Aspell Administrative Staff Stan Strom Dawn Swanson Morgan Henington Maureen McInerney Resident Priests Rev. Kevin Birmingham Rev. Louis Cameli Rev. Ramil Fajardo Rev. Bill Moriarity Rev. William Woestman, OMI Resident Emeritus Rev. Eugene Durkin Pastoral Associate Pastoral Assistant Pastoral Assistant Director of Religious Education Chief of Staff Msgr’s Administrative Assistant Chief Development Officer Director of Stewardship & Development Godelieve Andino Janet Scheckel Andrew Skura Ryan Pietrzak Daytime Receptionist Daytime Receptionist Controller Engineer Music Department H. Ricardo Ramirez, D.M.A. David C. Jonies John Lee (312)573-4415 Director of Music Associate Director of Music Administrative Assistant New Parishioners: Welcome to the parish! Please register in person at the parish office or online. An elevator is located on the south west side of the Cathedral. Please ask an usher for directions and/or assistance. FOLLOW US ON: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO WWW.TWITTER.COM/HOLYNAMECHICAGO h ps://www.youtube.com/user/HolyNameCathedral735
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