Thursday and Friday Suppers

Holy Name Cathedral
Offices: 730 N. Wabash Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611
June 14, 2015
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
At the name of Jesus, every knee should bend of
those in Heaven and on earth and under the earth.
Philippians 2:10
Holy Name Cathedral
The place where Chicago goes to celebrate the sacraments, proclaim the
Gospel, and carry out Christ's message through prayer and deed
The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary will
be honored this weekend at Sunday’s 12:30pm Mass.
Many BVM Sisters gave much to Holy Name parish,
mostly in the apostolate of children’s education from
1904-2006. In 1920, The Archdiocese of Chicago:
Antecedents and Developments by James Thompson
told the tale of the BVM arrival at the Cathedral:
In 1904, Archbishop Quigley invited the Daughters of
Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa, to
accept all of the Cathedral schools. The “BVMs” regarded this
assignment as a mission, and their task as “rescuing” children from the
public schools. As reported by Sister Mary Chionia, Superior of the
mission, the lifestyle of the little community during their first few months
was definitely frugal. When they tried to cook their first meal in the
convent kitchen they discovered that the gas meter had not been
reconnected after the departure of the Madames of the Sacred Heart.
Dinner that evening consisted of bread and milk. The “missionaries” had
to watch every penny… The new teachers were warmly welcomed by the
parishioners, especially the parents of the school-age children. In the
words of Sister Chionia, “The people of the parish had their eyes fixed on
the ‘new Sisters’ and lived in fondest hopes that their dear children would
now find a balm for all the wounds they had received in contact with
former teachers.” School opened on September 6, 1904 and children
“flocked from the public schools, the Madames, the ‘Brudders’, and
everywhere…The number of children rescued from the public schools can
be estimated from the fact that after all things were adjusted one room
contained sixty-four, thirty-two of whom were from the public schools.”
By the end of December that year the BVM community numbered
seventeen…Life was not all drudgery and cold meals. “Banquets were of
frequent occurrence in the early days at Holy Name, as we were ever on
the alert to rejoice with those who rejoiced, especially when the rejoicing
included partaking of viands choice enough to delight both the inner and
the outer man. Sisters’ feast days, anniversaries, etc., were not allowed to
pass unnoticed…” The BVMs turned “the Academy” into the Holy Name
School for Girls, and the parish grammar school into a coeducational
institution. By 1906, the total faculty numbered twenty-two. Although the
School for Girls closed in 1921, the BVMs took on the task of founding a
coed Cathedral High School in 1937 while continuing to administer and
staff the parish elementary school. For over a half century, the BVMs
continued that “mission”. The eventually changing demographics of the
Cathedral’s neighborhood shrunk the enrollment of both schools, and they
closed in the early 1990s. The remaining BVM Sisters continued to
participate in parish life leaving an indelible and personal mark on Holy
Name Cathedral parish.
On June 5, I was invited to attend the Shabbat Eve Service at the Chicago
Sinai Congregation Temple (Delaware & State) at which Seth Limmer was
installed as Senior Rabbi of that Jewish community which traces roots back
to 1861. I am very glad I went to the uplifting prayer.
Rabbi Limmer’s speech on “Reform Judaism for the 21st Century” was
both educational and spiritual. He addressed Boston University’s retired
sociologist Peter Berger’s concept of hereisis (Greek, “to choose”; the root
of the familiar Christian word heresy) and suggested that Reform Judaism
might be able to walk the road between tradition and choice. The Rabbi
challenged Jews in contemporary America to continue contributing to
society while never becoming complacent, opening the door to modern
Anti-Semitism. Finally, he observed that, in 21st century America where
among a significant number of those who identify themselves as Jews,
many are just barely in touch culturally and others dangerously never a part
of institutional worship. (Catholics, does that sound familiar? “I belong to
Holy Name. But I don’t go to Sunday Mass.”) He aimed his vision toward
a day when one does not say, “I belong TO the synagogue”; but rather, “I
belong AT the synagogue.” Three former Sinai Congregation Rabbis
spoke and participated in a dramatic ceremony during which they removed
the scroll of the Torah from the Arc of the Covenant and handed it to Rabbi
Limmer. He stood tall.
I was seated next to members of the congregation, Mr. and Mrs. Newton
Minow. I was a graduate speech student at Northwestern University who
attended a Speech Convention at the Palmer House in the early 1980s
partly just to hear Newton Minow’s keynote address. As a young lawyer,
Minow was appointed by John Kennedy to the Federal Communications
Commission and became Chairman. In a 1961 classic speech, he called
television “a vast wasteland.” He persuaded President Kennedy to invest
money into the satellite communications program. For 8 years, he was on
the Board of PBS; he was President of Carnegie Foundation which
sponsored Sesame Street. Minow recruited young Barrack Obama in 1988
to work for Minow’s law firm as a summer associate where the future
President met his future wife. Today, Minow is Honorary Consul General
of Singapore. His wife of 63 years is on the Board of the Chicago History
Museum. They told me they want to meet Archbishop Cupich. The great
Newton Minow introduced himself to me as “the first Jew on the Board of
Notre Dame.” I referred to his 1982 speech at the Palmer House (where I
also heard Illinois poet laureate Gwendolyn Brooks read her own works at
that convention). Mr. Minow told me I had a good memory.
Rabbi Limmer ended the night by referring to Mr. Minow’s suggestion that
the Rabbi end each Shabbat Service with a rousing God Bless America,
perhaps the most popular American anthem which was composed by a
Jew, Irving Berlin. Rabbi Limmer said he had fulfilled that request
whenever Newton Minow came to Sinai. That night, however, the Rabbi
challenged his music director Scott Kumer to combine the anthem with
This Land Is Your Land written by a favorite of the Rabbi, Woody Guthrie,
BVMs from the Chicago area as well as some from the Mother House in
as a folk answer to the perceived jingoistic lyrics of the older song. The
Dubuque, Iowa, will be our honored guests today. The last convent
final song of the installation, led by an excellent quartet, accompanied by
building they occupied from 1961-2006 now is the home of Casa Jesus and violin and piano (they offered 19 musical pieces that night), vigorously
Bishop Abramowicz Seminary, formation houses for young men from
played the two songs consecutively before blending the lyrics side by side,
Latin America and Poland who, while studying English and becoming
one part for high voices, the other for low voices. All at Sinai ended by
familiar with the ways of the American big city and its Church, discern
proclaiming, “God bless America! My home, sweet home!”
potential vocations to the Chicago priesthood. Adjacent to that building is
the newly remodeled Cathedral courtyard which will be dedicated
I am very glad I was there.
immediately following the 12:30pm by Archbishop Blase Cupich. When
the BVMs left Holy Name in 2006, I promised their Superior, Sister Anne
Marie Dolan, that we would never forget them. Today we formalize that
continuing gratitude to their religious community. Always, the BVM
Sisters will be a part of Holy Name.
I will be away from the Cathedral this Tuesday, June 16, through Friday,
June 19. Fathers Boivin, Zamora, and Cambe will be in the Cathedral
cockpit. If you need me personally, call on Saturday; or, better yet, see me
after Mass on Sunday.
Msgr. Dan Mayall
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June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Early Bulletin Deadlines
10am deadline on date specified below
 Bulletin copy for the July 5 bulletin must be
submitted by Tuesday, June 23 by 10am.
Bulletin copy MUST be submitted to Dawn Swanson
at, via the
approval of the staff liaison.
The Human Concerns Commission
invites you to join us on Saturday,
June 20th at Soldier Field for the 30th
Annual Hunger Walk. This event is a
festive 5k walk that benefits pantries,
soup kitchens and shelters and raises
awareness for hunger-relief in our
9:00am - 12:30pm
Please join the Holy Name
Cathedral team by registering at for the
walk and help us raise funds and
awareness for this great cause! If
there are any questions, please send
an email to Anthony Sassali at for more details.
We look forward to seeing you!
Marjorie Leahy
Mary O’Hara &
Sheila Ann
Dorothy W. Holland
Harry Green
Edward Jagoda
Patrick Hockings
Robert Smith
James Mahneke
Onofre Duqe
Mary C. Sheil
Generoso Sutilo
Special Intention
Jean Hoffmaster
Edward White
Colleen & Scott
Virginia Kaliveda
Susan Heatter
Michael, Anna &
Charles Kohut
Joseph Boden
Special Intention
Joe Valdez
Maria Para
Starshak Family
John Moriarity
June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
page 4
“Can you spare some change
so I can get something to eat?”
We want to help but we are:
 Uneasy when approached by someone in need,
 Worried about pulling out a wallet or opening a purse
 Concerned that our money might be used for drugs or
Establish peer support groups for children who are grieving
due to death, divorce or other painful transition in their
Those who ask for money on the street have many needs: a
job, a place to live, counseling, - and a way out of a bad
situation. Professionals are the best people to help with all
these needs.
To help participants share their feelings and understand the
grieving process. To provide an opportunity for emotional
healing. To assist in building a stronger sense of self-esteem.
To teach appropriate coping mechanisms.
What we can do is help make sure no one goes hungry. We
can at least buy this person a cup of coffee or a sandwich.
Chicago Shares vouchers are a convenient, safe and
constructive means to provide meals and other necessities
for hungry people. Here’s how they work:
Purchase $5 books of $1 Chicago Shares vouchers,
Give vouchers to needy people who ask for money on
the street,
Recipients redeem vouchers for food and other basic
necessities at participating merchants, and
Chicago Shares reimburses merchants for all vouchers
Chicago Shares vouchers will be on sale at Holy Name
Cathedral on Sunday, June 21, 2015 in the Cathedral
Vestibule, inside the State Street entrance from 9AM until
Chicago Shares is not an answer to poverty or homelessness
- but it is a start.
Big Shoulders Fund - 15th Annual Golf Classic
The Big Shoulders Fund invites you to support inner-city
Catholic education through the 15th Annual Big Shoulders
Fund Golf Classic on Monday, August 3, 2015 at Olympia
Fields Country Club.
The 100% of proceeds from the event provide scholarships
to ensure deserving inner-city students have access to a
Catholic education. The Big Shoulders Fund raises and
channels support for children through scholarships, special
education programs, instructional equipment, much needed
school facility improvements, faculty support, and
operating grants at 89 inner-city Catholic schools.
Raffle tickets, sponsorships and foursomes are available
now for the Golf Classic, starting at $100. Join us to help
provide the opportunity of a quality, Catholic education to
thousands of children in Chicago. To register visit or call 312-751-8337.
Program Format
Small groups led by a trained facilitator. Topical meetings with
activities designed to inspire participant interaction. A safe
place where participants can share feelings and overcome
feelings of isolation. Designed to provide hope, by
understanding the grieving process and encouraging personal
Call Fr. John Boivin at 312-787-8040 for more information.
“From Hurt. Through Healing. To Hope.”
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June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
A seminarian from Mundelein participating in the Clinical
Pastoral Education (CPE) program at Northwestern
Hospital, will be a resident at the Cathedral rectory for the
next eleven weeks. He joins a roster of seminarians from
around America who have found a home at Holy Name
over the last several years during their CPE summers. CPE,
an interfaith formation program focusing on the works of
mercy involved in crisis areas like hospitals, has been a part
of seminary training in Chicago since the 1960s. Following
is Matthew Clarke’s biography.
I am a forty-five year old seminarian
studying for the Diocese of Springfield in
Illinois. I grew up near Joliet with four
siblings. This summer my parents celebrate
their 50th wedding anniversary. After
earning an English degree in college, I
worked in the fields of education, finance
and technology. In my thirties I went to law
school and landed a position in Springfield where I heard
God's call. This summer I will participate in a Chaplaincy
program at Northwestern. In August I return to Mundelein
to finish my studies.
Matthew Clarke
Dining Out
The following restaurants have donated meals to the Thursday and
Friday Suppers served each week by Holy Name Cathedral parish
to the local hungry. As you may be dining out during the
upcoming holidays, please consider supporting them for their
generous support of our ministry. Be sure to mention that you are
from Holy Name Cathedral and appreciate their donations.
733 S. Dearborn
The Chicago Chop House
60 W. Ontario
Italian Village
71 W. Monroe
Frankie’s Scaloppine
900 N. Michigan, 5th Fl.
P.F. Chang’s China
China Bistro
530 N. Wabash
Flaco’s Tacos
46 E. Chicago Ave.
1540 N. Clark St.
More Cupcakes
1 E. Delaware Place
Joe’s Seafood & Steak
60 E. Grand Ave.
Cathedral Choral Ensemble Saturday 5:15pm: Cathedral Filipino Singers,
Vicente Velarde, Jr., Director; and, Schola Cantorum Cathedralis, Dr. H. Ricardo
Ramirez, Director.
Listed below is the scheduled liturgical music for
June 13 and 14, 2015.
Prelude – Saturday, 5:15pm
Stella Maris
Manoling V. Francisco, S.J./Arr. Vicente Velarde Jr.
The Kingdom of God
Penitential Rite Saturday, 5:15pm – Panginoon, Maawaka- Eduardo P.
Hontiveros, S.J.
All other Masses – Cum Jubilo
Glory to God - Saturday, 5:15pm from Missa Secunda
Hans Hassler
All other Masses - A Community Mass - Richard Proulx
Responsorial Psalm 92 WORSHIP 901 Saturday, 5:15pm choral verse
– H. Ricardo Ramirez
Preparation of the Gifts
Antiphon I will bless the Lord who has given me understanding. I
have set the Lord always in my sight; since he is at my right hand, I shall not be
shaken. Alleluia
Saturday, 5:15pm - from Quatre motets sur des thèmes grégoriens op. 10
Ubi Caritas
Maurice Duruflé
Text can be found in WORSHIP 598
Mass setting
A Community Mass
Richard Proulx
Lamb of God
Saturday, 5:15pm
Kordero ng Diyos
Manoling V. Francisco, S.J.
I Received The Living
Saturday, 5:15pm
Ang Katawan ni Kristo Ricky Manalo, CSP
Behold, the Body of Christ
In the presence of our God, as we gather here in Christ, fell the Spirit breathe
upon us, the breath of life, graced and divine. We have come to break the bread;
we have come to share our lives. Let us bring these fruits to the table, the love of
God, yours and mine! Ang katawan ni Kristo. Behold, the Body of Christ! The body
of Jesus, our Savior and Life! Rejoice, O people of God! We are the Body of
Christ! When we father in our homes, through our prayers and our meals, we are
fed and nourished together, our families, broken and blessed. In the household of
our Lord, where we come to share the meal, we are fed the swords of our Savior,
one family strengthened and healed. In the presence of our God, by the justice
that is shown, we will build a kingdom together; the love of Christ, given to all! Is
not the meal that we bless and share a communion in the life of Christ? One
bread, one blessing, one cup make us one body in our Lord.
Saturday, 5:15pm
Ave Verum Corpus
W. A. Mozart
Ave, verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine, Vere passum immolatum in Cruce pro
homine, Cujus latus perforatum unda fluxit et sanguine, Esto nobis praegustatum
in mortis examine.
Translation: Hail, true body born of the Virgin Mary, Who truly suffered, sacrificed
on the Cross for man, Whose pierced side overflowed with water and blood, Be for
us a foretaste In the test of death.
Father, We Thank Thee
The cathedral’s choirs will be on summer status beginning this week returning in
the fall. The cathedral parish is grateful for their dedicated and expert service to
the liturgical music this past choral year.
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June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Not a Catholic?
Thinking about becoming a Catholic?
Never been baptized?
Or, never received First Communion and/or Confirmation?
Consider the
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process offered for adults to become full members of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Those inquiring about the faith learn more about God, Jesus and the Church, and sharing their developing faith. This
is a time of instruction, prayer, scripture sharing, and reaching out to the needy.
RCIA begins on Sunday, September 20, 2015. Catechumens (those never baptized) and candidates (those baptized in
another Christian faith, but not baptized Catholic; or those baptized Catholic, but never received First Communion or
Confirmation) meet weekly. At the Easter Vigil, on March 26, 2015, those who are ready will receive the sacraments
and be joyfully welcomed into full membership in the Catholic Church.
Please contact Father Don Cambe at 312-787-8040 or (e-mail )
for more information and/or register for the RCIA program.
RCIA Sponsors Needed!
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process offered for adults to become full members of the
Catholic Church. RCIA meets nearly every Sunday morning from 9:30-11:30am beginning on September 20, 2015.
RCIA participants receive the sacraments and become full members of the Church at the Easter Vigil on March 26,
Parish Sponsors Needed:
RCIA participants are often in need of a parishioner to volunteer to be their sponsor. Sponsors often say that it is a
rewarding experience and that they learn so much about their own faith.
Sponsors are not expected to know everything about the Catholic faith, but rather to journey with the participant;
share their faith, and be supportive of their candidate or catechumen as they go through the RCIA process.
Sponsors are hospitable and welcoming representatives of the parish. They are good listeners and respectful of their
candidate or catechumen. A team of RCIA volunteers is available to assist sponsors, should the need arise, and brief
training is provided.
Please contact Father Don Cambe at the rectory, 312-787-8040 or (e-mail )
for more information and/or to apply to be an RCIA parish sponsor.
page 7
June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
ACT II…for everyone 40 and over
ACT II is committed to the needs and interests of Holy
Name parishioners age 40 and over. Our goal is to
encourage participation and a sense of belonging within
the Holy Name community by providing opportunities
for SOCIAL gathering, EDUCATIONAL pursuits,
SPIRITUAL development and community SERVICE.
Several of our groups have elected to take the summer off and
resume in the fall. These include:
during the summer and we encourage you to pick one or two and
give them a try while the weather is warm and you’re psyched to
get out and try new things. WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR DETAILS
ON UPCOMING EVENTS or contact coordinators.
Choose from:
& 4TH MONDAYS of June through September at selected local
WEEKS: 847-687-4260 or
Coordinator: MARGARETTE ALFARO: 312-280-0006 or
FIRST FRIDAY SUPPERS…at Catholic Charities, prepare &
serve from 3:30-6 PM. Coordinator: MARGARET OWENS:
EVENING SOCIAL BRIDGE…men & women, playing at one
another’s homes approximately twice a month. Always looking
for subs. Coordinator: KATHY HAYDEN: 312-944-7430 or
MEN’S POOL & MEN’S POKER…Two separate groups,
both coordinated by BOB WEEKS: 312-867-7222 or
THE MOVIE CLUB…meets one Sunday a month to view films
in local theaters.
Coordinator: MAUREEN MOONEY: 773-871-1149
HNConnections…social activities for our career members.
Coordinator: BETH AWERKAMP: or
EVENING BOOK GROUP…Monthly Thursdays, Coordinator:
SONIA REARDON: or 224-659-0246
KNITTING GROUP…knitting winter hats for clients at
Catholic Charities. Instruction & guidance.
Coordinator: HELEN MCARDLE: 773-989-8614 or
There is no membership fee to join and no restrictions other
than being 40 or older and wanting to participate. Simply
send your name and e-mail address to CAROL HANEY at and you will receive our weekly
preview e-mail which usually contains more information
than can be included in this column. ALSO, go to the Holy
Name website, & click on ACT II
under “Organizations” to see descriptions of ALL our ongoing
ACTIVITY GROUPS along with Coordinator’s information.
The Holy Name Young Adult Group enlightens, enlivens, and
enriches the lives of Catholics in their 20s and 30s through
spiritual programs, social events, and service opportunities.
Young Adult Beach Party Potluck
Sunday, June 14th at 6:30 p.m.
It's that me of the year... Join us a er the 5:15 pm mass at
Holy Name Cathedral and we will walk as a group over to Oak
Street Beach for food, fun, games, and fellowship.
Pack a bag, bring some friends, head over to church, and
meet us at the Beach. Bring Food, Drinks, Snacks, Games,
Blankets, Towels, Chairs, and more to share! The HNC Young
Adult group will bring cups, plates, napkins, and plas c ware
so don't worry about those things. See you all at the Beach!
Check the Facebook event for updates.
Big Shoulder’s Give Back Day
Saturday, June 27th from 8:20 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Spend three hours cleaning, pain ng, organizing and more.
Your me and energy will help make a posi ve difference to
the school. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow Big
Shoulders Fund supporters and learn more about what is
happening with the Auxiliary Board and how you can make a
difference. This me we will be at Immaculate Concep on
School (8739 S. Exchange Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617).
Breakfast will be provided. Wear clothes that can get dirty.
RSVP: Colleen Sprague (312-544-8691 / by Wednesday, June 17,
and include Holy Name in your e-mail. You are also welcome
to RSVP on this event page or email and we will see you at
the front steps of Holy Name on the day of the event.
We are ALWAYS looking for drivers who can help transport
our volunteers to and from the school! Please let us know in
advance if your vehicle can accommodate addi onal
passengers. Thank you very much!
DON’T MISS OUT: Join the Young Adult Facebook
group and sign up for our weekly newsle er on
the Cathedral website to learn about all of the
events, ac vi es, and volunteer opportuni es we
sponsor each month.
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June 14, 2015: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Live in hope.
“For we walk by faith, not by
sight.” Those words of great
insight are in today’s second
reading from St. Paul’s second
letter to the Corinthians. Hymns
have been written with that theme
at the focal point. It is often
quoted and used as a reference
point for how we view our faith
and the many mysteries of the Church.
We could also parallel Paul’s statement by saying
“We walk by hope, and not by sight.” Through
Christ’s Crucifixion we believe, we know, that Jesus
offered us the possibility and the hope of life
everlasting. We live in a world that puts great
credibility to what the eye can see. That is why the
visual and social media seem to have such a huge
impact on people’s lives.
However, as Christians, we
conclusions of the heart are
as valid as those of the mind.
Yet, this is one of the most
relationship to God and to
one another. Faith implies
trust. Without that sense of
trust, that feeling of hope,
that awareness that there is
more to truth than what
seems obvious, we cannot
stewardship the way Jesus
has invited us to live. Our
faith — our commitment to living as Christians —
must pervade everything in our lives, everything we
do every day.
Wedding Banns
III. Cedrick Malapitan & Feliz Sulana
III. Joseph Duffy & Regina Marchese
II. Carl Renaghan & Tracy Cleveland
II. Raymond Lee & Maren Lyngso
I. Anthony Faciano & Maria Ochoa
Our Sympathy
For the families of all those who have died, especially:
Marcella Schmidt
(Sister-in-law of Mary Schmidt)
Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary Regular Sunday Offertory
Year to Date (July 1, 2014 – June 7, 2015)
Annual Goal - $1,924,000 (year end June 30)
Amount collected to date
Surplus (Shortfall) to budget
Prior Year Stewardship to date
Weekly Offerings (budget of $37,000)
Current Year collection
Prior Year collection
Our collection continues to trend short of budget.
Please consider increasing your weekly giving to
the Cathedral if you are able.
Make a gift online in support of our general
operating fund now at
and click on Give. You can also set up automatic
giving on the same page or by calling Maureen at
(312) 573-4425. THANK YOU to those who
regularly and generously give of their treasure as
well as those who give of their time and talent to
support the work our parish does in the Holy Name
of Jesus.
Thursday and Friday Suppers
A free, warm meal.
Every Thursday and Every Friday
evening at 4:45 pm.
Catholic Charities, LaSalle and Superior.
For whom?
130 local hungry dine-in guests, plus 80
Bag lunches to go = 210 people fed each night
By whom?
Volunteers like you.
Sponsored by?
Our parish Human Concerns Commission
Funded by?
Donors like you.
Free for the guests; almost $1,000 for the parish.
Cash donations in all amounts welcomed.
Checks addressed to Holy Name Cathedral; Envelopes addressed to
Thursday-Friday Suppers (730 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 60611)
730 N. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 787-8040
Fax: (312) 787-9113
Mon~Fri 8:30-8:30
Sat & Sun 8:30-7:00
Frances Xavier Warde
751 N. State Street
Chicago, IL 60654
(312) 466-0700
Mary Reiling, Head of School
Saturday Evening Vigil Masses: 5:15 pm, 7:30 pm
7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am; 12:30, 5:15 pm
Weekdays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 am 12:10, 5:15 pm
8:00 am, 12:10 pm
The Rosary: prayed each Monday (including the Divine Mercy
Chaplet), Tuesday (for an end to abortion), and Wednesday (for
priests and vocations) after the 5:15pm Mass
Prayer Request Lines: 312-573-4493
“Daytime Prayer,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~11:50 am,
Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral
“Vespers,” from The Liturgy of the Hours~5:00 pm,
Monday~Friday. In the Cathedral
Baptism: Infant baptisms are generally celebrated twice monthly
on designated Sundays at 2:00 pm. Parents are asked to
participate in a one time pre-baptismal preparation class. Check
the website ( for dates and to preregister for the class and baptism.
*Classes are limited to a total of 20 people, so reserve early.
Baptism of children over age 6 is conducted through our Religious
Education Program. Contact Thomas L. Aspell at (312)573-4478
to enroll your child. Adult baptism takes place through the RCIA
process. Contact Kelly Heus at (312)573-4434 to learn more
about RCIA.
Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Due to the size of
our parish, weddings are celebrated for registered parishioners
only. A minimum of six months advanced planning and
preparation is required. Please consult our website
( for more info.
Saturdays: 3:00 - 5:00pm, 6:15 - 7:15pm
All Confessions are held in the Reconciliation room on the Lower
Level of the Cathedral.
Eucharistic Adoration: 1st & 3rd Fridays, Adoration after the 8am
Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Rosary will be
prayed at 3:00pm on behalf increased respect for human life.
Benediction after the 5:15pm Mass in the Chapel. Tuesdays and
Thursdays 8am-5pm at the Vincent DePaul Center 721 N. LaSalle
Display Area
The tables at the doors of the cathedral have been designated
for displaying parish information only. There is no space for other
brochures, flyers, newspapers, prayer cards and devotional
materials. Non-parish materials are removed daily. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
Electronic Giving Available
Support Holy Name with your Credit Card or Bank
Deposit. Call 312-573-4425 for info.
Oblate Sisters of
Jesus the Priest
730 N. Wabash
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 787-8040
Sr. Guadalupe Lopez
Casa JesúsBishop Abramowicz
750 N. Wabash, Chgo. 60611
Rev. Octavio Muñoz Capetillo
(312) 640-1065
Rev. Jacek Wrona
(312) 915-0598
Archbishop of Chicago: Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Dan Mayall
Associate Pastors
Rev. John Boivin
Rev. Don Cambe
Rev. Bradley Zamora
Mass Supply Help
Rev. Msgr. Michael Boland
Michael McCloskey
Stan Strom
Adam Droll
Pastoral Ministry Staff
Michelle Peltier
Thomas L. Aspell
Administrative Staff
Stan Strom
Dawn Swanson
Morgan Henington
Maureen McInerney
Amy Greene
Resident Priests
Rev. Kevin Birmingham
Rev. Louis Cameli
Rev. Ramil Fajardo
Rev. Bill Moriarity
Rev. William Woestman, OMI
Resident Emeritus
Rev. Eugene Durkin
Pastoral Assistant
Director of Religious Education
Chief of Staff
Msgr’s Administrative Assistant
Chief Development Officer
Director of Stewardship & Development
Stewardship Associate
Godelieve Andino
Janet Scheckel
Andrew Skura
Ryan Pietrzak
Daytime Receptionist
Daytime Receptionist
Music Department
H. Ricardo Ramirez, D.M.A.
David C. Jonies
John Lee
Director of Music
Associate Director of Music
Administrative Assistant
New Parishioners: Welcome to the parish!
Please register in person at the parish office or online.
An elevator is located on the south west side of
the Cathedral. Please ask an usher for directions
and/or assistance.
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