April 26 2015 1 Fourth Sunday of Easter WE REMEMBER: Gavin Paul Millon, Clare Karl & Mary Lindsay, Mark Campbell, William & Bertha Owen, Christine Owen, Dennis Owen, Deceased Members of Gerwolds Family, Edwin Schodorf, Jacob Spolarich, Andrew Donnelly, Mafalda & Angelo Vallecorsa, MacDonald & Fedewa Families, BernalDino Carrasco, Christiana Carrasco (baby), Hal Harper, Peter & Pearl Joy, Deceased Members of the Jobbagy Family, Margaret Schopieray, Carl Schopieray, Families of C.H. Gibbs, Gerald Berryman, James Ceno, The Racine Family, The Luokka Family, Departed relatives, friends, benefactors & holy souls of M. Sabong & M. Singson, Joseph, Tracy, & Thomas Rothley, Vicky Jardenil, Jack Sharp, Abelardo Jardenil, Timothy D. Roche, Deceased Members of the Wright & Foss Family, Ann Selke, Deceased Members of the Malinich Family, Beeler Family, Stanley F. Nemecek, Tony Tomassilli, Guadalupe Trujillo, Thomas Joseph Newcomb Sr. & Thomas Joseph Newcomb, Jr., Joseph Michael Newcomb, Harold Hood, Josephine & John Hood, Isabel & Fred Hood, Deceased Members of Bienlein, McAuliffe, Frisbie, Major, & Rowland Families, Deceased Members of the Garrett & Schmitt Families, Dinilo & Florence Bonani, Rudolph & Adeline Polakiewicz, Deceased Members of Bede & Wodwaski Families, Jacqueline Withey & Intentions of Duane Withey, Rosemary Walker, Members of Marchesi & Walton Families, Stephen & Mary Behil, Anthony S kipper, Deceased Members of Myers & Fortune Families, Tom & Ida Woycik & Family HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH 1227 East Bristol Road, Burton, Michigan, 48529 810.743.3050 Holy Redeemer, Burton 2 810.743.3050 Fourth Sunday of Easter “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Our Gospel passage on this Fourth Sunday of Easter begins with those words from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a question of perspective and attitude. Jesus also reminds us that other shepherds may think the flock exists for them, but for Jesus, He lives and dies for the sheep — for us. As our Easter season continues, we are prompted over and over to keep in mind what the Lord sacrificed for us. Our readings are meant to keep His redemption at the forefront of our thoughts. St. Peter’s words, as he preached in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, echo this central theme. “He (Jesus) is the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the corner stone. There is no salvation through anyone else.” Peter’s message to us is absolutely unambiguous: there is only one way to deliverance and that is by means of the Lord. St. Peter made this speech in a court; he is filled with courage through the Holy Spirit, and what he says is consistent with all his preaching as reported: Peter preaches Jesus, the crucified Jesus. This speech is as much for us as it was for those witnessing it. In our second reading from the First Letter of John, St. John uses the phrase “children of God.” This is a superlative transitional phrase to the Good Shepherd in the Gospel. This phrase demands a relationship from us beyond what is immediately apparent. It has to do with how we relate to our Father God. However, it also has to do with how we interact with our siblings. Stewardship calls us to more than just loving. It demands that we reach out, that we share, and that we love in action all those with whom we know and meet. As the “children of God” we become the family of God. John closes this passage of his letter saying “…we shall see him (Christ) as he is.” This is the glorious promise made to us. We will not only be with Jesus; we will be like Him. That is the deepest meaning of our salvation, and we need to concentrate on that. This Sunday is traditionally called Good Shepherd Sunday. Each year, regardless the cycle for the readings, we hear about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. It is interesting to note that the Greek word for “shepherd” was the same word for “pastor.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but our lives may well be filled with many “shepherds,” many who will truly sacrifice all for us. That is why in many parts of the world this Sunday also contains a heavy element relating to vocations. Jesus’ love for us as reflected by the image of the Good Shepherd calls us to try to be a shepherd to our friends, our family, all with whom we may come in contact. That, too, is stewardship. Going back to the theme of Resurrection and life Jesus states, “I lay down my life in order to take it up again… I have the power to lay it down, and power to take it up again.” At the very end of his book, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis says, “Keep back nothing. Nothing you have not given away will ever be really yours. Nothing in you that has not died will ever be raised from the dead. Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, everything else thrown in. Homily Guides, Stewardship Reflections on Lectionary Readings Fr. Steve Anderson, Pastor frstevea@gmail.com Deacon Kenneth Preiss, (810) 244-1691 kennethp@holyredeemerburton.org Paul Schlegelmilch, (810) 240-7879 Pastoral Associate & Director Religious Education pauls@holyredeemerburton.org Ken Jubar, Business Manager, (810) 244-1683 kenj@holyredeemerburton.org Fran Rowland, Office Manager & Bulletin Editor (810) 244-1681, info@holyredeemerburton.org Emily Arthur (810) 244-1687 RCIA & Adult Faith Formation, emilyf@holyredeemerburton.org Daniel Schmit, (810) 244-1685 Youth Minister & Director of Music hryouthburton@gmail.com Nancy Elledge, Bookkeeper, (810) 244-1684 hrbookkeeper@yahoo.com Beth Clark, Assistant Bookkeeper (810) 244-1692 bethclark522@gmail.com Patricia Weatherly, (810) 244-1695 patriciaw@holyredeemerburton.org Parish Directory Office: (810) 743-3050 Fax: (810) 743-4381 website: holyredeemerburton.org Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday, 5:00p.m. Sunday, 9:00a.m., 11:00a.m., 5:00p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30a.m. Wednesday, 6:30p.m. Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation Friday, 8:00a.m. Saturday, 4:00p.m. First Thursday Mass at 8:30a.m. Sharon Webster, Outreach, (810) 743-8530 hroutreach@holyredeemerburton.org Bill Beem (810) 275-2269 Family Life Center Rentals April 26 2015 A historic event took place here at Holy Redeemer last Sunday, April 19, at 1:00 p.m. The First Region III Mass for Special Needs Families was celebrated. The idea of the Mass came from teachers and administrators who saw a need that was not being filled and ask our Pastor Steve Anderson if he would be willing to celebrate a Mass that meet the needs of special needs families. A Mass that would have a homily and music that was tailored to children. A Mass that would enable children and adults with special needs to serve, read the prayers of the faithful and what ever else they felt comfortable doing. Fr Steve of course said yes to the first request from Jeannie Steibel, MaryAnn Skunda, Sharlene Howe, Jan Donnelly, Cherie Wager, Cheryl Klinert, Jennifer Smith, Suzanne Tucker, Jennifer Loftin. Sue O’Brien, Haley Wilmot. Their hope is to make this a region wide Mass for our area for all of the Parishes in our Region III area. The First Mass was held here at Holy Redeemer. Fr Steve was the celebrant. Deacon Ken Priess read the Gospel and gave the first Homily. He shared how Jesus touched the Apostles and showed them his hands and feet. He said Jesus said “touch me” and he asked those around him to do the same. It was very moving to help the children understand that Jesus touched the Apostles then and He touches us today as well. The Loftin Family presented the Gifts and Sharlene Howe signed the whole Mass and music for all in attendance. The closing song included the children in attendance to use music shakers, rhythm sticks. Shakers, tambourines and other instruments to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. A reception followed in the back of the church for all of the families to continue to celebrate together and to get to know one another. The Mass was a beautiful beginning of a Mass that we hope will continue every fourth Sunday of the month here at Holy Redeemer. Please tell your friends and family about this special Mass so that all will come to the table of the Lord. This is a celebration that will enable everyone present to enter into and immerse themselves into the liturgy & prayers. From St. John Vianney School: Our students and staff want to express our sincere gratitude for your support of our school. A generous sponsor offered to match any cash donations given to this Fundraiser up to $50,000. With your help we reached our goal! Your Matching Hands Donation valued at $1,000 will benefit St. John Vianney Catholic School community as we encourage all children to grow in knowledge & love of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you! 3 Fourth Sunday of Easter YOUTH EVENTS Youth Conference at Steubenville for any students 8-12 grade. Come join us for this amazing conference June 19 - June 21. The youth of this parish attend every year and our goal is to take a full bus of 50 students. We are also looking for any parents to help chaperone the event. Do not miss this life-changing event. For information, email: hryouthburton@gmail.com MORNING OF PRAYER AND REPARATION FOR WORLD PEACE The World Apostolate of Fatima Diocesan Morning of Prayer and Reparation for World Peace will be held at St. Matthew Parish, 706 Beach Street, Flint on May 2, 2015 at9:00a.m. The morning will include Divine Liturgy, Investiture in the Brown Scapular, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour of Prayer and Rosary. Please call Suzanne at 810.742.0773 with any questions or concerns. WHO IS 98 YEARS OLD? Antonia Spicko, that’s who. She is a life time member of Holy Redeemer, and celebrated her 98th birthdays April 24, 2015 Have a blessed year! EVERYONE IS INVITED! Our next brunch will be Sunday April 26. We will serve from 10am until 1pm. Please join us for a continental breakfast featuring homemade cinnamon rolls (Sr. Carol and her group from St. Luke's New Life Center), coffee cakes, cereal and lots more. Donations welcome. Come and join us for good food and fellowship. Spring Cleaning Time! WE NEED YOUR HELP!! 75TH Anniversary Celebration Meetings Next Meeting is Monday, April 27 at 6:00p.m. in the Convent Dining Room. Everyone is welcome. Many hands make the work easier. Everyone has a story, whether you have been a parishioner since the beginning, or just joining. This is an opportunity to share your experiences & precious pictures & collectables. Any questions, please call the office: 810-743-3050 For those who have already done so much, thank you. As you clean out your closets this spring, please remember Catholic Charities' Community Closet. We are in need of new or gently used blankets, sleeping bags, towels, sheets, and comforters. We will also gladly accept clothing, furniture, working appliances and household items. Monetary gifts are always welcome. The Community Closet is located at 517 E. Fifth Ave., Flint, in the former St. Michael School. Hours are Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For more information: call 810-265-7025 Holy Redeemer, Burton 4 810.743.3050 Mass Intentions for the Week of April 25 MUSIC FOR April 25 & 26 Saturday, 5p.m., Sunday, 9a.m., 11a.m. Prelude: Agnus Dei Opening Song: All Creatures of Our God & King Psalm: Let Us Rejoice 118 #158 Offertory: Cornerstone Communion: Christ is Risen Communion: Alleluia Sing to Jesus Communion: Panis Angelicus Closing: Joyful Joyful #669 MUSIC FOR April 26 5p.m. Mass Prelude: We Believe Opening Song: Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed Offertory: Christ is Risen Communion: Because He Lives Amen Communion: Agnus Dei Closing: This is Amazing Grace Saturday April 25 5:00p.m. 1st Anniversary, Pat Paris by Tom & Rita Birchmeier Sunday April 26 9:00a.m. 11:00a.m. 5:00p.m. Joseph Karr by Patrick & Annora Bade Intentions of the Parish Varetta Powers by Yvonne Dias & Family Monday April 27 8:30a.m. Thomas Joseph Newcomb Jr. by Mary Ponsetto Tuesday April 28 8:30a.m. Ryan Riley by Kudwa Family Wednesday April 29 6:30p.m. Stella Harchick by Mary Rita Rivera, Amy & Anthony Blondin Thursday April 30 8:30a.m. 7:00p.m. Gloria Fonsiel by Friends of the Family Confirmation Friday May 1 8:30a.m. First Friday Memorial Saturday May 2 5:00p.m. Lois Blondeau by Alice L’Huiller Sunday May 3 9:00p.m. 11:00p.m. 5:00p.m. Living & Deceased Members of CCW First Eucharist Intentions of the Parish Liturgical Ministers: May 2 & May 3 Readings for the Week of April 26 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:8-12; 1 Ps 118; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42; Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87; Jn 10:22-30 When the king’s own son expressed a desire to be baptized, the king dispatched a group of his warriors kill the missionaries. St. Peter was seized & clubbed to death by those he had come to save. His death brought his work to completion - within 5 months the entire island was converted to Christianity. Wednesday Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin & Church Doctor Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67; Jn 12:44-50 Catherine continued to have visions of Christ, Mary, and the saints at the age of 16. St. Catherine was one of the most brilliant theological minds of her day, although she never had any formal training. Thursday Saint Pius V, Pope Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89; Jn 13:16-20 He is chiefly notable for his role in the Council of Trent, the Counter-Reformation, and the standardization of the Roman rite within the Latin Church Friday Saint Joseph the Worker Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2; Jn 14:1-6 In 1955 Pope Pius XII established May 1 as the "Feast of St. Joseph the Worker" to counter the Communists' May Day. The last time Joseph appears in person in any Gospel is the story of the Passover visit to the Temple in Jerusalem when Jesus is 12 years old Saturday Saint Athanasius, Bishop & Church DoctorActs 13:44-52; Ps 98; Jn 14:7-14 Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 He took part in the christological debate against Arius at the Council of Nicaea and thereafter became chief protagonist for Nicene orthodoxy in the long struggle for its acceptance in the East. Athanasius was the greatest champion of Catholic belief on the subject of the Incarnation that the Church has ever known 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Saturday, May 2 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Judy Perkins Lectors #1: Delores DiGiacomo, #2: Dottie Grizzle Eucharistic Ministers: Monica Amberg, Deborah Irvin, Dorothy Pillen, Larry Pillen, Betty Ponziani, Vita Guajardo, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Joseph Amberg, Michael Amberg, Meagan Snider, 9:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, May 3 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Raymond Ranville Lectors: #1: Catherine LeBlanc, #2: Paula Paul Eucharistic Ministers: Barb Butler, Jim Butler, Timothy Schneider, Michael Sherman, James Vaughan, Juliann Voiles, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Clara Schaeffer, Jackson Doyle, Patrick LeBlanc 11:00a.m. Liturgy for Sunday, May 3 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson There will be an Interpreter at this Mass Mass Captain: Jacqueline Perez Lectors: #1:Dennis Kutchey, #2: Edward Witucki Eucharistic Ministers: Madeline Martin, Jennifer Mikonczyk, John Mott, Robert Neumann, Joseph Wargo, Judy Peto, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Megan Herta, Joseph LeBlanc, Matthew LeBlanc 5:00p.m. Liturgy for Sunday May 3 Celebrant: Fr. Steve Anderson Mass Captain: Steve Clark Lectors: #1: Ellen Robbins, #2: Keith Williams Eucharistic Ministers: Tony Androsky, Jim Gonsler, Leta Gonsler, Jody Hill, Michael Marshall, Sue Marshall, Deacon Ken Altar Servers: Noah Margrif, Emilie Poirier, Sean Tucker April 26 2015 5 FINANCE COUNCIL OPPORTUNITIES! We have two members of our Finance Council whose terms are expiring in June. If you are interested in volunteering for one of these positions, please contact Ken Jubar at the Parish Office. Phone:810.743-3050 Festival is Just Around the Corner May 28 - May 31 It’s Tootsie Roll Time Do you have gently used items you no longer need? Do you have something you are planning on regifting? How about donating it to the Tootsie Roll Booth? Also, Kid’s Games is in need of donations. We are looking for new and used stuffed animals, crayons, coloring books, small wrapped candies, stickers, temporary tattoos, bouncy balls, small toys, whistles, horns, large candy bars and the movie theater dollar boxes of candy. Please bring items for both of these booths to the Church Office. All and any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Questions: Contact Aaron or Heather Almassy 810.743.1970 Knights Around the Table The Michigan Singing Knights present Knights Around the Table on Saturday, May 16th, at the Knights of Columbus Hall (8428 E Davison Rd., Davison, 48423). Happy Hour 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., dinner 5:30 p.m., show time 7:00 p.m., live band 9:00 p.m. Beer/wine setups BYOB. Donation $30.00 per person. Tickets sales close May 5th. Contact Jim or Lynn Lusty 810-636-7328. Fourth Sunday of Easter The Week Ahead in our Parish Sunday April 26 Monday April 27 6:00p.m. 75th Anniversary Planning - Convent 7:00p.m. K of C Officer Meeting - Convent Room 104 Tuesday April 28 10:30a.m. Divine Mercy #1- Convent Chapel 5:30p.m. Education Trust - Rectory Conference Room 6:00p.m. Cursillo - Rm. 104 6:15p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry - Convent Dining Room 6:30p.m. Finance council- Rectory Conference Room Wednesday April 29 5:00p.m. St. Vincent DePaul - Convent Rm 104 Thursday April 30 7:00p.m. Confirmation Friday May 1 7:00p.m. First Friday Adoration Saturday May 2 8:00a.m. St. Joseph Covenant Keepers - Convent Sunday April 3 10:00a.m. 11:00a.m. Coffee and Donuts (Last one until Fall) - Convent First Eucharist Your Festival Raffle Tickets are ready to be picked up. They are in alphabetical order on tables located behind the welcome desk. PLEASE pick up your tickets. If you Can Not sell them, just turn them back in with a note “CAN NOT SELL”. When the tickets are returned, we can re-use them. Thank You. CCW UPDATE Our next meeting will be May 6th. It will start with Mass in the church at 5:15p.m. The dinner will be catered and cost $10. If you plan on attending and have not yet paid, checks can be dropped off in the CCW mailbox in the church office. We will also be collecting baby clothes for Heartbeat at the meeting ( Not during the mass like in December.) Remember this is the last meeting until Fall so please plan on attending. World Wide Marriage Encounter STEWARDSHIP FOR April 19, 2015 Sunday Weekly Tithing: Envelopes: Loose: Total: $ 16,131.25 1,295.00 $ 17,426.25 You are invited to take this opportunity to witness first hand the value of Worldwide Marriage Encounter for married couples and priests. This is a time to explore your relationship to Christ and His Church. This is a very life giving weekend for both priests and couples. It will be held April 28 - 30 at Weber Center at Siena Heights College in Adrian. Registration Couple: Karen & Harry Potter, 810.629.2829 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINES APPROACHING!! The deadlines for both CCW scholarships has been extended until April 30. The Council is awarding up to (2) $1000 scholarships for graduating seniors as well as sponsoring the Pat Paris Memorial Scholarship for $1000 to a non-traditional college student, to be awarded to a 25 year old or more female, registered 2 years or more in the parish. Applications are available in the church office and MUST BE POST MARKED NO LATER THAN APRIL 30. For questions, call Gloria Rendon (810) 516-6073. Spiritual Gifts of the Mass for Mom At each entrance there are baskets with envelopes to fill out for the woman you want remembered on Mother’s Day. We need it completed to know what names to include on our lists. Please indicate if they are living or deceased. Donations may be placed in a completed envelope, but are not necessary to have a Mother’s Day Mass offered. Also select a card to give to them on their special day. Holy Redeemer, Burton 6 Prayers for Those in Need of Healing Christine Ackerman Cindy Anderson Marvin Anderson Fr. Ron Anderson Tyler Arwood Edna Azanza Nick Abbott Jerry Amrich Mark Anthony Mike Ames John Bach Frank Bajus Marilyn Bartkowiak Pat Blais Aline Bourque Jose & Amelia Brao Char Bratton Peggy Brown Tom Burns Mike Butler Carol Linda Carroll Steve Carroll Donald Chevalier Gerry Chisholm Chris Vi Clark Dee Cooke Pamela Cooper Crystal Corcoran Jacob Anthony Corsi Jeannine Crowder Jolene Dean Andrea Desmarias Ken Dillon Patrick Donoghue Jim Dryfuse Betty Dziczek Cecelia Eagan Ed Ecker Catherine Fechik Chris & Ray Fejedelem Nancy Folaron Fila & Family Ruth Flint Patricia Foster Ed Giedrojc Madeline Graham Teresa Grant Lois Grizzle Ignacio Guerra, Sr. Robert Guiles Julia Haynes Margaret Head Maurice Hollis Stefanie Hopkins Christopher Humble Beverly Johnson Tammy Joubran Chris July Shirley Kage Kayla Kamego Kotarski Boys Phyllis Kotowicz Barbara Klauss Peter Kurncs Katherine LaVanway Norah Leitz Dianne Lewis Madison Lewis Rosa Lopez Gregoria Luna Jr Jerry Lynch William Malinich Louise Mallette Michael Marshall Donna Marzonie Larry McCowan Shayla Merinsky Janet Metz Brenda Miller Irene Morgan Robert Neumann Shirley Neminski Melissa Newcomb Norman & Virginia Neustedt Ella Ocampo Leo Olivo Ed Osorio Jayden Osorio Katherine Pacyne Brett Piggott Dorothy Pillen Renee Pillen Brad Pilon Mark Pilon Charlie Popadich Mikey Raborne Veronica Raborne Douglas Racine Jean Rao Ruth Richards Sophia Rider John Rubel Craig Robbins Theresa Robbins Carolina Robinson Joan Roche Neal Roche Jr. John Rubel Wray Russ Mila Sabong Robert Scanlon Sr Deborah Scott Jane Sessions Corazon Singson Eddie Skoczylas Pam Skoczylas Helen M. Smith Kelsey Smith Eric Snyder Brenda Taylor Doris Thompson Chris Thornton Courtney Thornton & Baby Donald Venturino Dale Walters Geraldine Walters Jean Wargo Sharon Weeden Angie Weston Sharon White Cohen Witten Margaret Wilson Barb Winfield Deanne Woody Mary Zuwala 4th Annual Spring Art Group Exhibition Sunday April 26, 4-6 pm Come and see the art that reflects “Family of Faith” Enjoy light refreshments and wonderful conversation SPE at St. Francis Retreat Center 703 E. Main Street,DeWitt, MI 48820 Full Time Position Available at Powers High School Position assists with the Ministry of the school by performing all processing of accounts receivables, including reports and reconciliation of money. Must be fluent in Microsoft, Excel & Word. Send resume to: Diane Dockery - dddockery@powerscatholic.org 810.743.3050 Any women that are interested in joining Davison’s Daughters of Isabella, Regena Coeli Circle 1095, a representative, Beth Brancheau will be in the main foyer off the main entrance of our Church for information & applications at the 9a.m. and 11a.m. Mass on Sunday April 26th. Please call Beth at 810.308.8490 for information. The Daughter of Isabella are having a 1 day Rummage Sale Saturday, May 9, 2015 on the grounds of the Knights of Columbus Hall on Davison Rd. from 8:00am-3:00pm. All proceeds will go the Catholic Women’s Scholarship Fund. Donations will be accepted on the day of the sale or please call: Sara St. Martin 744-1948 Everill Conroy 653-6074 Mary Boegner 653-2340 Marilyn Hancock 691-9675 ALTAR CARE TEAM SCHEDULE Team B Team C Team D Team E May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 Catholic Charities Volunteer Award Parish Members Ed and Karen Marsh's received the: Business of the Year Award from the Catholic Charities. Their business is Edible Arrangements. This award is presented to a business or agency that has made Catholic Charities' mission its own: serving the most vulnerable in Flint and Genesee County. Edible Arrangements take their left over fruits to the soup kitchen instead of discarding them. Great Job Ed and Karen. Can Anyone Help? Two ladies are needed to assist another person to volunteer during day time hours for an elderly parishioner to tidy up her home nearby Holy Redeemer. For more information. please call Carol Hunt, Parish Nurse at 287-5585. 75th Anniversary Trivia Did You Know? Fr. Tim Nelson, Parochial Vicar from June 2000 - January 2002 and the administrator of Holy Redeemer from January to June 2003 was a cardiologist for 12 years prior to his entry to the priesthood studies.
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