We’re on the web! www.hpbchanahan.com 6211 Murray Drive Hanahan, SC 29410 Office: 843.797.1100 Fax: 843.797.1101 Email: mail@hpbchanahan.com Church Staff Matt Sims F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 5 SUNDAY SPEAKERS FOR FEBRUARY February 1 Dr. Ross Parker, Assistant Professor, CSU February 8 Dr. Joe Wren, Retired Pastor, Summerville Baptist Church February 15 Dr. Rick Brewer, CSU, VP for Student Affairs & Athletics February 22 Jason Davis, Youth Director, Highland Park Baptist Church MINISTER OF MUSIC Cell: 843.801.2565 Home: 843.797.7179 hymnheister@aol.com Jason Davis MINISTER OF YOUTH Cell: 1.843.430.2126 Jasoncsu7523@yahoo.com Debbie Spitler MINISTRY ASSISTANT Cell: 843.607.8429 mail@hpbchanahan.com WEDNESDAY EVENING FACILITATORS Terrie Perry AFTERSCHOOL DIRECTOR Cell: 843.532.0791 tealp2@knology.net February 4 February 11 Bob Grove DEACON CHAIR Home: 843.901.9376 bobgrove34@gmail.com Ted Stewart CUSTODIAN Lana Graham PIANIST John Chapman ORGANIST Judy May NURSERY DIRECTOR Lewis Stayer Bob Lebby (Business Meeting) February 18 John Sherman February 25 Howard Jones OPPORTUNITIES TO VÉÇÇxvà ZÜÉã fxÜäx Ä Ä SENIOR ADULT NEWS: Our next meeting will be a Potluck dinner with a late Valentine theme on Thursday, February 26 at 6:00 PM. For our entertainment we have scheduled a Barbershop Quartet to come and sing some old-time sweetheart tunes that go along with our Valentine theme. THANK YOU: Marie and I want to thank all of you for your acts of kindness and generosity during our time with you. We could not have asked for a more supportive and loving group of people with which to serve. The Retirement Celebration was a special time. Thanks to all who had a part in that. We thank God for every remembrance of you, Pastor Bob & Marie CSU STUDENT: If you are a CSU student and qualify for the Wilbur C. Horldt Scholarship, applications are due February 7. Go to charlestonbaptistassoc.org to download an application. PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE: The Search Committee has pastoral referral forms for any church member who has potential pastor suggestions. Please see any member of the committee for the form. Members are Jim McDaniel, Stuart Nuckolls, Dee Davidson, Dora Hester and Rebekah (Mrs. Stan) Davis. CONSTITUTION & BYLAWS INPUT: Church members, 18 and over, are invited to provide any comments they wish concerning the Constitution and Bylaws. Please submit them in writing to the office before February 16. RECREATION COMMITTEE: The committee has survey forms for each church member/regular attendee to express their interest in church wide recreational activities. They are available in each Sunday school box. Please fill out and return to your Sunday school teacher by February 1. MEN’S MINISTRY: Men's Lunch, Saturday, March 28th @ noon, Guest Speaker; Jamey Chadwell, Charleston Southern University Head Football Coach. More Details To Come. E-NEWSLETTER: If you are currently receiving our newsletter by mail and are able and desire to receive it by e-mail instead, please call/e-mail the office with your name and e-mail address. FINANCE$ Receipts for Jan. 2015 Regular Offering $54,225.87 Building Fund 2,677.00 Other Designations 4,531.00 Total Receipts for Jan. $61,433.87 BALANCES Checking $325,776.78 Savings 142,411.98 Vera Kneece/Emily Kay Ashley Scholarship 198,253.13 Total in all accounts $ 666,441.89 Sunday School Sunday School Average . . . . . . . . . .222 Total Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Church Attendance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 Mission Corner Meals on Wheels needs your help. We need a person or persons to help Nancy Salters deliver meals on the first Monday each month. Please let the office or Nancy know if this is something you can do. We remind parents that children are not to be left in any part of the church buildings at any time without direct adult supervision. Their safety is our priority! Also, we ask that if there is a function in the FLC, (including Wednesday night supper), no ball playing or running be allowed at that time. We would hate for someone to be knocked down and injured. Everyone’s safety is the priority. It only takes a few hours of your time, but makes a big difference to the person receiving the meal. from pastor jason RUSH on Wednesday nights. We start at 6:45pm, and you really don’t want to miss out on all that goes on at RUSH. In Sunday school we are going through the Bible Studies for Life material. It is great to see how God is teaching us through this material. Small Group on Sunday night at 6:00pm. We are currently reading through the book, Risk is Right by John Piper. Come learn why God has called all of us to take risk in life! If you have missed some come and jump in. It won’t take long to catch you up. Parents, if you have any questions, please call the church or my cell phone 843-430-2126. Please continue to pray for our students; that they would be willing to be used by God. Also, please pray for our leaders as we seek to do what God has called us to. . ON THE Menu REMEMBER IN Our Hospitalized: Fellowship Meal Wednesdays - 6 pm (FLC) RSVP with the Church Office by 4P Monday Sonny Deese, Life Care Rehab Carol Lewis, Life Care Danny Durant, entering Roper Thursday AT HOME: 2/4 HAM, MAC & CHEESE, VEGETABLES, SALAD, DESSERT Hilda Jones Harold Antley, at home Frank & Jean Baxley, at home Marjorie Byrum, at home Lois Coburn, at home Bonnie Dudley, at son’s home Dottie Durant, at home Sarah Garner, The Bridge Eddie Lou Garvin, Life Care Joy Hill, at S’ville Estates H. L. & Dot Huggins, The Bridge Paula Hutson, at home Shirley Jarrell, at home Margie Jenkins, at home Myrtle Jones, at Ashley River Plantation 2/18 CHICKEN SALAD CROISETTES, POTATO BAR, DESSERT 2/25 LASAGNA, TEXAS TOAST, SALAD, DESSERT K5-ADULTS $4.50 PRESCHOOL $3.00 FAMILY CAP $17.00 (SAME HOUSEHOLD) Menu subject to change February Birthdays 1 Taylor Austin T’Lene Brown Wesley Kennedy 2 Rebekah Davis 3 Evelyn Van Nice 4 Katie Gilmore 5 Dave Johnson Nancy Price 6 Sue Hill Audrey Rogers 7 Cherry Kizer Glenda Ott 8 Brian Dillon Marilyn Holloman 10 Hazel Brown 12 Kelly Banerian 13 Ann Douglas Mike Johnson 14 Angela Siegling 15 Edgar Salters 17 Brian Roberts Pat Singleton Our ShutShut-ins: 2/11 BBQ/BUNS, BAKED BEANS, COLE SLAW, DESSERT Everyone Welcome! cÜtçxÜ Mary Knight, at home Harriet Lambert, at home Millie Leiderman, at home Nellie Morris, at daughters Max Myers, at home Bob & Doris Nobles, at home Virginia Poole, at home James & Charlotte Reeves, at home Frances Smith, at home Blondine Still, at home Edna Tatem, Life Care Dick Trapp, son’s home, TN Vivian Vandiver, Summit Place Maxine Wallace, at home Love and sympathy to Wayne Stalvey in the passing of his mother, to Walter Fairley in the loss of his father, Morris, to the Mildred Dyches family, to Jimmy Mercer in the passing of his father, to Ruby Carter in the loss of her sister-in-law, to Lois Coburn in the passing of her nephew, Lee Beck, to Martha Andrews in the passing of her brother, McKay, to Stanley Cox in the loss of his aunt, and to Louise Cole in the loss of her brother, Ramon. 18 Mike Grubb Robert Hanson Robert Knight Jan Osborn 19 Alexandra Lord 23 Carolyn Copeland Megan Green Morgan Green 24 Lillian Infinger 25 Merrie Fisher Susan Still 26 Phyllis Althen 27 Marie Adams Carolyn Coffey 28 Mike Baxter Cheryl Durbin Emily Henry Jimmy Tillman NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY HIGHLAND PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 6211 MURRAY DRIVE HANAHAN SC 29410 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID CHARLESTON SC PERMIT NO 1334 Address Correc&on Requested Who . What . When . Where Our Monthly Calendar M o n d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/2 6:30p SMILES T u e s d a y . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/3 7:00p Deacons Meeting S a t u r d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/7 9:00a UPWARD GAMES S u n d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/8 12:15p Recreation Committee Meeting Conference Room T u e s d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/10 9:30a Busy Hands W e d n e s d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/11 6:45p Business Meeting T h u r s d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2/12 12:00p Torchbearers Luncheon M o n d a y . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/16 NO SCHOOL/ PRESIDENT’S DAY 6:30p Julia Trapp Group T u e s d a y . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/17 9:30a Busy Hands 10:00a Martha Crawford Newton Group S a t u r d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/21 9:00a UPWARD GAMES T u e s d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/24 9:45a Summit Place T h u r s d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2/26 6:00p SAGES S a t u r d a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2/28 9:00a UPWARD GAMES Sundays: 8:30a Contemporary Worship 9:45a Sunday School 11:00a Traditional Worship 6:30p Evening Worship Mondays: 6:30a Men’s Prayer Wednesdays: 6:00p Family Night Supper 6:30p MF, RA/GA 6:45p Bible Study/Prayer/Student Ministry 7:15p Adult Choir Rehearsal Deacons Of the Week Finance Counting Committee 2/01 Bob Ott (834-3555) & Sean Kennedy (793-2149) 2/08 Bob Grove (901-9376) & John Sherman (797-0424) 2/15 Stuart Nuckolls (568-8030) & Charles Hester (554-6073) 2/22 Mark Dillon (991-7041) & Brian McLean (566-4551) 2/01 Team 4: Nancy Price & Brian Dillon 2/08 Team 5: Georgia Van Nice & Brian McLean 2/15 Team 1: Susan Still & Libby Bunch 2/22 Team 2: Sylvia Lebby & Sean Kennedy Ushers 1 st Ray Ashley Charles Edgeworth Bob Grove Hayes Groves Harold Isgett Ralph Watson 2nd Robert Bowers Durward Copeland Jack Guerry Howard Jones Ben Kinard 3rd Jeff Adams Larry Driggers Jerry Hudson Bob Lebby John Sherman Ed Strickland 4th /5th Bobby Compton Dee Davidson Jamie Futrell Carl Jordan David Nylen Dick O’Brien Jeff Walker Greeters 2/01 2/08 2/15 2/22 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 Brian Roberts Tommie Barton Mark Henry Warren May 11:00 B & L Grove 11:00 Charlie Edgeworth 11:00 Amber Henry 11:00 Norma Knight Children’s Church 2/01 Denise & Youth 2/08 Sean & Alyce Kennedy 2/15 Mark & Amber Henry / Gail Price & Ola Jackson 2/22 Taylor Green & Youth / Dora Hester & Abby Kennedy Supper Clean Up Crew 02/04 Jimmy & Betty Tillman, Fred Fowler 02/11 I. Jackson, N. Salters, G. Ott, & H. Isgett, 02/18 Jack & Wilma Guerry, Sarah Smith 02/25 Bob & Lynn Grove, Harriett Clark From the [ eart Thanks have been received from Max Myers for the Christmas gift bag received from SAGES. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for your many expressions of sympathy at the death of Jimmy's dad. You have been such an encouragement and blessing to us. Jim & Lynn Mercer
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