ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH GO THE EXTRA MILE... Church Location: 5354 S. Hwy 85/87, Security, Colorado 80911 Office/Mailing Address: 331 Main Street ● Security, Colorado, 80911 Phone: 719-392-7653 ● Fax: 719-392-1651 Email: ● Website: Pastor, Fr. Bill Carmody Parochial Vicar, Fr. John Stearns Weekend Masses Saturday: Sunday: Pastoral Associate, Cathy King, SFO Marriage Prep Please call the office 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM (Spanish Mass) Children/Youth Faith FormaƟon Dir. Sherry Staatz Youth/Young Adult AcƟviƟes Jill Hildebrand Social Ministries, Patricia Frank ExecuƟve Parish Secretary Evelyn Irving Assistant Secretary, Alicia Cortez Maintenance Walt Parsons & Les Hildebrand First Saturday: Saturday 3:00-4:30 PM or by appointment with the Priest 2:00 PM Daily Masses BapƟsm Prep/RCIA, Deacon Bob Cole Monday through Friday: ReƟred Deacon 8:00 AM Deacon Albert Kimminau Wednesday: 7:00 PM Music Director, Cyndi Haworth Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon Wednesday 6:00-7:00 pm Sacrament of Marriage Contact Priest twelve (12) months in advance Sacrament of Infant BapƟsm Please call the office and talk to Evelyn 8:30 AM Holy Day Masses (except Christmas, January 1 and when Holy Day occurs on Saturday or Monday) Day Before: 7:00 PM Day Itself: 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Pastoral Care for the Sick For Holy Communion, contact the Parish Office. For Anoin ng and Confessions contact the Priest. For Pastoral Visit at home or in the hospital, contact the Parish Priest For extreme emergencies, please call Fr. Bill Carmody at 719-651-7587 Please pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. Accountant, Diane Olivieri If you are new in the parish, we welcome you and invite you to register at the Parish Center. If you are leaving the Parish, please let us know. ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC CHURCH SECURITY WELCOME! We are delighted to have you with us! For your convenience, to register in the parish, registration forms are available in the Narthex of the new Church or in the parish office (331 Main Street). You can fill the form out at home and bring or mail it to the church. The parish office is closed on Saturday & Sunday. The office is open for parish business Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - Noon, & 1:00 - 4:30 PM. Thank you. Fr. Bill. Sun: 8:00a † Clint Drake rb Dolores Drake 11:00a † Al & Alan Barela rb the Barela Family 2:00p The People of St. Dominic’s Mon: 8:00a † Celestina Trujillo rb Heddy Ogrodny & Conrad Kauk Tues: 8:00a † Dee Aragon rb Renee Caverly & Katie Chavez 11:30a † Joseph Archuleta rb Salomon & Balbina Salazar Wed: 8:00a Chris & Alicia Ochoa rb the Ochoa Family on their 26th Wedding Anniversary 7:00p † Donno Reyes rb Colleen Reyes Thurs: 8:00a Ernestine Aguirre rb Brian Krutka for her Birthday Fri: 8:00a † Theresa & Joe Hunke & all deceased members of the Hunke family rb Joyce Hunke Sat: 5:00p † Richard Spradlin rb Helen Taylor Sun: 8:00a † Ben & Phyllis Narvaez rb the Bosso Family 11:00a † Jeffrey Richard Espinoza rb Pat & Brigitte Shonka 2:00p The People of St. Dominic’s Sanctuary Lamp offered for: Fr. Walter Smigiel rb Lea & Family NOVENAS: The Mir aculous Medal Novena will be pr ayed Monday after the 8:00 AM Mass, & the Novena to the Sacred Heart will be prayed Friday after the 8:00 AM Mass. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed each week after daily Mass on Tuesday & Thursday & during Holy Hour on Wed. at 6 PM. 11:30 am Mass on 3rd Tuesday of the Month Come join us on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, October 21st, at 11:30 am in the Day Chapel. There will be a potluck to follow in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please call Karen Rebitski at 439-2510. ATTENTION CONFIRMATION STUDENTS! The time of the Confirmation Classes for Sunday, October 19 and Sunday, November 2, will be at 12:30 pm and not at 9:30 am. ATTENTION LECTORS: Your new Workbooks are ready for pick-up in the Family Room. Please sign the sheet that you have received your copy. Please Keep in Your Prayers Prayers are requested during the month of October for: Erika Tadelhauser, Santiago Cordova, Cathy Dibene, Helen Hargis, Ernest Adams, Josephine Taimanglo, Johanna McDonald, Ronald Biondini, Amber Twiss, Katalina Sablan, Steve Schiro, Faron Miller, Edward Bombalski, George E. Beauvais III, Jaxon Wickkiser, David Herrera, Paul Goetzinger, Bob Thibault, Bonnie Valcik, Robert E. Valcik, Teresa Jaramillo, Ruth Tomb, Mary Cronin, Ruth Schwarzman, Julie Andrade, Glen Mendiola, Heddy Ogrodny, Dalton Johnson, Shirley & Rudolph Gallegos, Helen Falk, Mark Sellers, Wendy Adams, Rory Watson, James Snodgrass, Isidro Santos, Dr. O. J. Lucero, Rita Sanchez, Anna Worthington, Laura Mitchell, Joyce Hunke, David Kirwin, Jeremy Thompson, Jose A. Flores, Ingrid Carter, Paul Carter, Paula Gillette, B.J. White, Sandy Vaulton, Elizabeth Falk, Barbara Barnes & Family, Anthony Battiato, Charles & Lillian Katalenas, Christine Valverde, Patty Casey, Eddie Basterl, Cindy Otani, Allen & Annie Espinoza, Mary Yedinak, Charlie Hovasse, Christine, Dominque & Christian Nelson, Tom Lawson, Elaine Robinder, Richard Schauf, Connie Johnson, David Cullen, Tomas Herrera, Michelle Delgado, Loretta Kochis, Michael Lizama, Joana Eddy, Nancy McDowell, Tony Jensen, Alejandro Gutierrez, Mary Beth Dubuisson, Ell Urban, Jean DiPaola, Marilyn Hoperrichter, Tiffany Whitten, Michael Lemay, Garrett Thibault, Fritz Spies, Leon Falk, Mary Layman, Carmen Ruelas, Alice Hernandez, Fr Walter Smigiel, Divina Cain, Marie & Monte Hagen, Carolyn Cathcart, Richard Williams, Barbara Russell, Bob Peterson, Billy Cullen, Jasmine Rosemarie Garcia, Joe Gilson, Rito Marino (father of Rita Turner), Bambi Venetucci, Jeremy Raney-Vicario and Helga Addiego (twin sister of Ingrid Carter). Please pray for the repose of the souls of Hedwig T. Grandy (friend of Patty Casey), Nicole Valle (mother of Amanda Rael) and Dennis Hunke II (son of Joyce Hunke). Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 QUESTION: Who were the intended audiences for each of the Gospels? (Look for the answer next week ) JOB OPENING St. Paul’s Parish, near the Broadmoor Hotel, has an opening for a full-time custodian (Monday-Friday). The position includes general custodian coverage, easy maintenance and landscaping. To apply, contact the parish at (719) 471-9700. WORDS AND ACTIONS When people hear us speak God’s word, they marvel at its beauty and power; when they see what little impact it has on our daily lives, they laugh and poke fun at what we say. —Anonymous second-century Christian 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PANTRY CORNER The Mother Theresa’s Hands and Hearts Ministry at St. Dominic Catholic Church is temporarily closed as it is in the process of being relocated. Thank you for all your donations & support. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTION: Which Gospel was the first to be written down? Mar k’s Gospel was the first to be written down. St. Papius, an early convert through the Apostles, reminds us that “St. Mark was neither a hearer nor follower of the Lord...but wrote things down as he remembered them; as he made it his concern to omit nothing that he had heard or to falsify anything therein.” DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOU T THE CATHOLIC MASS?? Father John Stearns is offering a teaching Mass for everyone. Come with your questions and be ready to ask them. This TEACHING THE CATHOLIC MASS is set for Thur sday, November 6th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 392-7653. PRIEST APPRECIATION DAY On the weekend of October 25 & 26, 2014, the Diocese celebrates Priest Appreciation Day. If you would like to give a card to Father Bill Carmody, Father John Stearns, Msgr. Don Dunn and Father Walter Smigiel, you can find baskets in the Narthex. Please leave the cards there and we will make sure they receive them. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! If you receive offertory envelopes and you don’t use them, please call the parish office and we can discontinue sending them to you and you will still be a registered member of this church. For questions, please call Evelyn at 392-7653. TRICK OR TRUNK Friday, October 31st 5:30 to 6:30 pm Come bring your car, your candy and your kids — we’ll pop the our trunks and let our kids Trick or Treat through the St. Dominic’s Church parking lot. This a fun and safe way to celebrate Halloween! Trunk Decorating Contest—1st prize will be awarded! ST. MARY’S HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Please join us for an Open House at St. Mary’s High School on Wednesday, October 22nd from 9-11 am and experience St. Mary’s High School in action., We will begin at 9 am with a “meet and greet” with administration, followed by a question/ answer session with a student Ambassador panel, visit to classrooms and a school tour. The first Shadow Day will be Thursday, Oct. 23rd from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. 8th grade students will shadow a SMHS Ambassador for the day. Info or register your student, contact Robyn Cross, Director of Admissions, at OCTOBER 19, 2014 TIME AND PRAYER (Chapel Attendance — 10/3 - 10/9/14 (Friday to Thursday) # of People # of Hours 207 291 Total Possible Coverage 168 Hrs Actual Hours Covered 168 Hours Not Covered 0 Hrs Hours Needing Substitutes: 20 Stewardship Thought: The more we give, the more we receive. As we joyfully practice stewardship and respond to the Lord’s call to serve others, we will, in turn, be blessed. TALENT # of Donors Hours Donated Faith Formation Music Ministry Library Altar Linen Cleaners Money Counters Prayer Group Perpetual Adoration Ushers Greeters Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion Lectors Praying in front of Planned Parenthood Office Help 35 25 4 1 5 5 207 20 10 105 53 2 3 10 5 291 20 10 63 12 75 12 10 4 10 15 TREASURE (weekend of October 12, 2014) # of % of Total % of Amt Amt Given Families Families Given Given $00.00-$00.00 1750 85.78% No recorded income $00.01-$25.00 178 8.73% $ 2,677.00 20.06% $25.01-$50.00 58 2.84% $ 2,366.00 17.73% $50.01-$75.00 13 0.64% $ 867.00 6.50% $75.01-$100.00 18 0.88% $ 1,715.00 12.85% $100.01 + 23 1.13% $ 5,718.00 42.70% $13,343.00 Cash (unknown contributors) 2,695.29 TOTAL Weekly Income $16,038.29 Building Fund Mortgage Payment $ 1,240.63 Catholic University $ 25.00 World Mission Sunday $ 2.00 ********************************** Last week’s parish tithe: 4% goes to Mentally Challenged children and 6% to other Charities mandated by the Bishop. ********************************** FUNDRAISER FOR LIFE NETWORK The Life Network is having a Gala and Auction at the Hotel Elegante on Friday, October 24th at 6:00 pm (gourmet coffee bar & auction ) and the dinner and program start at 6:45 pm. More details can be found at Introducing Our Sunday Visitor An easy way to donate by Credit Card We have a new company to handle your donations by credit cards, which is really user-friendly. You can make a one-time donation or donate on a recurring basis. Just visit the parish website ( , click on “donations”, and choose “Online Giving” and complete the registration. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sun: Oct 19 7:30a KC Breakfast (7:30 am to 10:30 am) 8:00a Catholic Daughter Sunday observed at the 8:00 am Mass followed by breakfast at the KC Hall 9:15a Bible Study: The Study of Acts of the Apostles in the Family Room 9:30a Sacramental Prep Classes 12:15p Franciscan JPIC Meeting 12:30p Confirmation 2 Mon: Oct 20 9:30a “Healing Journey for Women” 6:00p LE Team Meeting in the Choir Room 6:45p Bible Study: Scripture Study in the Narthex—Gospel of Matthew Tues: Oct 21 11:30a Special Mass with potluck following (3rd Tuesday of the month) 5:45p RCIC for Children in the Narthex 7:00p RCIA for Adults in the Narthex 7:00p Bishop Sheridan’s presentation on the Eucharist—open to everyone Wed: Oct 22 9:00a Bible Study: Catholicism Series (Fr. Barron) in the Narthex 6:00p Holy Hour 6:00p Confessions 6:30p Choir Practice 6:30p Youth Group for 6th—12 Graders in the Family Room 7:00p Mass 7:00p KC Meeting Thur: Oct 23 5:00p Finance Council Meeting 7:00p Baptism Class in the Narthex 7:00p Life in the Spirit Seminar in Day Chapel Fri: Oct 24 9:00a Prayer Group 6:30p Bible Study: Book of Revelation (James starts 2015) in the Narthex 6:30p Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group in the Day Chapel Sat: Oct 25 7:00a “My House” Men’s Group is meeting in classroom 3 3:00p Confessions Sun: Oct 26 7:30a KC Breakfast (7:30 am to 10:30 am) 12:15p Pro Life Ministry in the Family Room 3:30p Franciscan Community Meeting 3:30p Baptism Class in Spanish in Day Chapel 4:00p Spiritual Book Club
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