Sacred Heart Catholic Church 2140 N. Cedar Avenue Everyone is Welcome Bienvenidos a Todos Fr. Alex C. Ignacio, Pastor Rev. Mr. Robert Sesma: Director of RCIA Rev. Mr. Tom Ognibene: Pastoral Care Coordinator Office Manager: Kelley Aviles Director of Religious Education/YM: Kathy Alegria CCD Spanish Coordinator - Esmeralda Hernandez Director of Environment: Edna DeLuca Wedding Coordinator: Inez Castro Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Cecelia Lingenfelter Altar Servers Coordinator: Debi Cooper Ushers Coordinator: Florensio Espinosa Music Director: GeeGee Villarama Finance Council Chairperson - Mike Chavez Parish Ministries Council Chairperson - Cliff Cooper Spanish RCIA Coordinator: Antonio Alas Sacred Heart Helping Hand - Ted & Connie Borges Altar & Rosary Society: President: Cecilia Herrera 645-0168, Meeting: 1st Wednesday of Month@ 6:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Walter Brown 473-9478, Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. Italian Catholic Federation: President: Mike Caglia 360-8332,Meeting: 4th Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. Guadalupe Society: President: Lydia Ledesma 241-4867, Meeting 1st Monday at 6:00 p.m Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. held in St. Mary’s Room. Spanish Prayer Group: Every Friday @ 7:00p.m - held in St. Mary’s Room Men’s Prayer Group: Every first Tuesday @ 7:00pm held in St. Joseph’s Room (JUST SOUTH OF CLINTON ON CEDAR) Fresno, CA 93703-2697 Phone: 559-237-4121; FAX: 559-237-0122 E-mail: Website: OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Liturgical Schedule: Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday at 8:00a.m. Wednesday: Communion Service 8:00a.m. Saturday: Vigil Mass at 4:00p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:00a.m. - Early Risers Mass, 9:00a.m. - Family Mass, 11:00 a.m. - Children / Life Teen Mass, 1:00 p.m. - Charismatic Mass. Horario de Servicios en Espanol: Misa Diaria: lunes, miercoles, jueves a las 6:00p.m. y viernes a las 5:45p.m. Misa de Domingo a las 5:00p.m. Hora Santa: jueves a las 6:30p.m. a 7:30p.m. - en la capilla Adoración Eucarística Nocturna en la capilla cada cuarto sabado a las 8pm hasta 5am Domingo con Misa. RICA: Rito de la Iniciacion cristiana de Adultos: martes a las 6:00p.m. en St. Martha’s Kitchen. Grupo de Oracion: Viernes 7:00p.m.-St. Mary's Room Reconciliacion/Confesion: Viernes - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Educacion Religiosa: Las clases son en espanol los viernes de 5:30p.m. a 7:00p.m. en St. Patrick’s Room Reconciliation/Confession Friday’s - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Friday’s: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30a.m. 4th Saturday from 8pm till 5am on Sunday-Spanish LifeTeen EXALT every 1st Tuesday 6:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Every Tuesday in English 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m Every Thursday in Spanish 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m. Baptisms: First & third Sunday is for baptism in English. The Second Saturday is for baptism in Spanish. Weddings: By appointment, six months advance notice. Religious Education Office: 237-4121. CCD Classes: in the Activity Center on Sundays - 1st grade-8th grade, 9:30a.m. to 12noon. Concludes with Mass. Confirmation/Life Teen Youth Program: Sundays 11am2pm: Includes Mass at 11:00a.m. RCIA: Thursday’s 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s Room Welcome! We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. If you would like to register as a MEMBER or UPDATE your personal information, please fill out this section and return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. Full Name/s....................................................................................................Phone......................................... Address.........................................................................................City...................................Zip...................... ____New Member/s ____Send me Sunday Offering Envelopes ____Update Address Information ____Moving, remove me from Church mailing list Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 I, the Lord, am your God . . . You shall not have other gods besides me. — Exodus 20:2a, 3 Most of us, if we were asked “Does the phrase ‘the Ten Commandments’ appear in the Bible?” would likely get it wrong, because the answer is “no.” “The Ten Commandments” is a post biblical, phrase that developed along with an image of God as police officer that is not found in today’s passage from Exodus. The first phrase is the key: God is the one who brings us out of slavery; following God’s law or commands is our path to freedom. The moneychangers whom Jesus drove from the temple were not explicitly breaking any of the commandments, but neither were they helping people to find God’s path to freedom as they came to worship at the temple. This is an important Lenten lesson for us. We need to stop asking ourselves whether or not we are breaking specific rules or regulations and instead examine our lives to see if we are truly following a path to God’s freedom through Christ. Participating in Lent, we are engaging in patterns that have endured across the centuries. From very early times, we have the sense of accompanying the elect on their journey to the font. From as long ago as the fourth century, we receive Lent as forty days to shake the dust from our spirituality and reorder our conduct. Then, fasting was not seen as a strict duty, yet it seems it was widely observed. Think of the rules of politeness and courtesy that everyone agrees on. Fasting was also seen as a social duty, since food was in short supply as winter wore on, and the weak and the sick had the first claim on what remained on hand. As a boost to the fasting of the body, the church developed a richer spiritual fare, including celebration of the Eucharist every day. This practice began in Rome by the sixth century. Weekday Mass was only at designated “stations.” The pope would arrive on horseback at the stational church. In those days, although the catechumenate was already in eclipse, there were prebaptismal activities at the stational Masses: the giving of the Lord’s Prayer, prayers for the godparents, and constant references to baptism. PLATE COLLECTION / COLECTA March 1, 2015 $6,790.00 Building Fund $2,278.00 TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION - CCD Building UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Mar 15, International Needs Mar 22, Facilities Improvement Please use your Offering Envelopes Por favor, use sus sobres de ofertorio PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Por Favor recen por los enfermos Thelma & Bob Jones, Leonard Pavy, Pat Martin, Annette Hardinger, Sylvia Lowe, Brenda Chan, Dominic Rossi, Art Sanchez, Paul Rodriquez, Maria Quiroz, Jeanette Cserna, Max McGinnis, Gay Hock, Lynn Hock, Daniel Silverman, Isabel Anderson, Elizabeth Hock, Mrs. N. Lopez, Concepcion Moreno, Vance Hamzy, Carmelita Ochoa, Please call the Parish office each week on Monday [Tuesday if Holiday] to keep the above persons’ names on this list, otherwise we will assume they are doing better and remove their names....Thank you for your cooperation. Por favor hablen a la oficina de la Parroquia los lunes de cada semana (martes si es día festivo) para mantener en la lista los nombres de las personas escritas arriba. De otra manera asumiremos que están mejorando y quitaremos sus nombres de la lista…… Gracias por su cooperación. Pastoral Ministry of the Sick, Homebound & Dying Please call the Parish Office: 237-4121 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Intenciones de misa de la semana Saturday, March 7 4pm Birthday wishes to Josue A. Gutierrez Sunday, March 8 7am + Esther Pulido by Margaret Zanabria 9am Birthday wishes to Lalen Alsing 11am Religious Education Catechist & Aides by Kathy Alegria 1pm Sacred Heart members Spanish Religious Education Catechist & Aides by Kathy Alegria Monday, March 9 8am + Deceased members of Sister of St. Paul by Mary S. Spanish 6pm Tuesday, March 10 8am Infant Jesus by Mary Castillo Wednesday, March 11 8am Communion Service Spanish 6pm + Lois Laygo by Dr. Paul Laygo Thursday, March 12 8am Thanksgiving of family by Mary S. Spanish 6pm + Family Mijangos my Mijangos family Friday, March 13 7:00pm + Corina Bettencourt by the family To schedule a Mass Intention, please come to the Parish office, the requested donation is $10.00. Para reservar una intención de misa, por favor venga a la oficina de la parroquia, la donación solicitada es de $10.00. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Spread the Love of God through your life but only use words when necessary. Love God, Love Others...change the world. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday:2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt. 18:21-35 Wednesday:Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday:Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42] TODAYS READINGS First Reading — The law was given through Moses (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) or Exodus 17:3-7. Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified; the foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Gospel — Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]., and his clothes became dazzling white MASS SCHEDULE During the Lenten season daily mass will be at 8am except for Fridays, the Mass on Fridays will be at 7:00pm followed by the Stations of the Cross. Come and meditate the unconditional love of Jesus and keep Fridays during Lent, a day of abstinence and prayer. Friday Lenten Dinners Are Back!! The Knights of Columbus will be having Fish Frys in Guadalupe Park from 5pm and 7pm on March 20. They will be serving Dixie fried fish, hush puppies (spicy or regular), coleslaw, and frys. Clam chowder ($4) and fish tacos (2 for $5) will also be available. Dinners are $9 for adults, $6 for kids. A family pack of 2 adults and 2 children are $27. TIMELINE BIBLE STUDY "The Prophets: Messengers of God's Mercy" Held on Mondays at 6:30pm in St. Mary's room in the Activity Center the first class is April 13. For questions or to register, please contact Martha, call, text 559-709-3625 LIFE TEEN BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER 2 Eggs, 2 Bacon, 2 Sausage, 2 Pancakes or 2 Biscuits & Gravy & 2 Eggs PALM SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BREAKFAST Adults $6.00 - Children under 12 - $4.00 By Guadalupe Society of Sacred Heart held on Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 8am - 10:30am in St. Patrick's Room Proceeds go towards our LifeTeen Students trip to March 29, 2015 after the 7am, 9am, & 11am Masses in St Stuebenville San Diego Youth Conference Patrick’s Banquet Room. Menu Menudo or Eggs, Sausage, potatoes, tortillas, fruit, coffee, juice and champagne. Cost: $8.00 Adults/$5.00 Children. Tickets available on March 8th, FESTIVAL COMMITTEE NEWS We are asking for new or gently used items 15th & 22 after the 7am, 9am & 11am Masses only. Call for our Auction and Game Room, Becky at 271-0671 or Yolanda 252-8945 for more all donations can be brought to the Parish Office. information. Thank you for your support again this year! Our Festival is set for April 26, 2015 on the Religious Formation Center Grounds (behind the church) EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE NEEDED Prizes: Grand-$3,000, 2nd-$2,000. 3rd-$1,000 Sacred Heart is seeking individuals who would like to visit 4th prize- 5 $100 prizes-need to be present to win the sick & homebound. We are currently visiting hospitals & FOOD-ENTERTAINMENT-GAMES-LIVE AUCTION-FUN rest homes and homebound people in the 93726 & 93703 zip code area. Please call the church office and leave your NEXT Festival Meeting 3-10-15 name & number for Deacon Tom Ognibene - Pastoral Care @6pm St. Joseph’s Room coordinator. GIFT BASKETS ARE NEEDED FOR OUR SILENT AUCTION: Do you wish to donate something towards this BISHOP ANNUAL APPEAL Bishop Armando X Ochoa sends his personal “Thank You” years Festival? You may prepare a basket filled with a to the many who have responded generously to the variety of items of your choice. Baskets can be made for 2014-2015 Together in Faith/Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Those any age, household items, games, toys, garden etc. Make who have not yet had the opportunity to respond, please be this a family project and see how creative you can be. mindful of those services and ministries which the Annual SAVE THOSE EGG SHELLS Appeal supports and no gift is too small. Ways to give are We are already filling eggs for Confetti Eggs, please start Mobile Giving (text to give) through the use of your cell phone. Also, you are encouraged to give online by visiting saving those eggs and turning them into the office. the Diocese of Fresno website and click on the donate “Watch KNXT Channel 49 your Catholic Television Station” button for the Bishops Annual Appeal. BIRTHDAY WISHES/felicitaciones de cumpleaños 3-07 Scott Gaffett 3-08 Eli Melander Jr 3-08 Thomas Aviles 3-09 Lalen Alsing 3-10 Tom Ognibene 3-11 Jesus Torrez 3-13 Micala Valles To add names to the Birthday & Anniversary list please fill out a tan colored birthday & anniversary form located at the entrance of the church or stop by the office for one. Owned & Operated by the Diocese of Fresno UPCOMING SALES, EVENTS AND FUNDRAISERS AT SACRED HEART 3-8 Spanish Prayer Group - Food Sale - Guadalupe Park 3-15 Altar & Rosary - Food Sale - Guadalupe Park 3-20 Knights of Columbus - Fish Fry - Guadalupe Park 3-22 Life Teen - Breakfast Sale - St Patrick’s Room 3-29 Guadalupe Society - Palm Sunday Breakfast -St. Patricks
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