Fr Shocklee’s Thoughts LITURGY SCHEDULE

St. John the Baptist Parish, Tipton, IN October 12, 2014
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:40a.m....Morning Prayer
8:00a.m....Cheryl Edwards
7:40a.m…. Morning Prayer
8:00a.m ….Rosemary Wittman
7:40a.m…. Morning Prayer
8:00a.m …Betty Tebbe
2:00p.m….Personal Intentions @ Millers
7:40a.m…. Morning Prayer
8:00a.m …Bennie Zielke
4:00p.m. – 5:00p.m. ....Reconciliation
5:30p.m....Parishioners of St. John’s
9:00a.m....Gene McCormack
October 18-19
5:30p.m. Cole & Mason, Mary Elizabeth
9:00a.m. Austin, Eli & Ethan
5:30p.m. Mary, Melissa & Jason, Christina,
9:00a.m. Dave, Bob & Cathy, Anastasia, Nancy
5:30p.m. Mike Smith & Joe Rice
9:00a.m. Chris McCormack & volunteer
5:30p.m. Vince, Troy, Fred
9:00a.m. Bob, Tim, Terry
Please remember in your prayers all of our St.
John’s family and friends who mourn the loss of a
loved one, all who have no one to pray for them,
those who have died through violence or natural
disasters and all those who have died recently,
especially Judy Smith Lamb.
Fr Shocklee’s Thoughts
Bible Study – This week on Wednesday, we’ll be
starting up a weekly Bible Study. There is a Bible
Study series out there called The Great Adventure
Bible Study, a Journey through the Bible – that is a
26 week Bible Study. I thought that would be WAY
TOO MUCH for us to start out with. So, I went with
their condensed version. This one is called the
Quick Journey through the Bible. It is 8 weeks and
gives an overview of the Bible.
8 weeks is not a lot of time to cover all of the
Bible, but I assure you that the average Catholic
will benefit from this overview and it will make
Mass more meaningful. When you go to Mass
week after week and hear the readings, you can
miss how it all fits together. As you see how the
Old Testament and the New Testament connect
together with how we live our faith each day, it
really does help you be more engaged at Mass.
I’ve been through the 26 week study before and
my MA in Theology is concentrated in scripture
studies. Last year we took the Middle School youth
group through a 6 week Bible Study based on this.
The adults who were there helping out all felt like
they got a better understanding of the Bible even
though they weren’t the target audience. I look
forward to seeing what this adult bible study will
do for the faith of the parish as a whole. Please
consider coming even if you can only make it to
one of the session. The sessions will run from this
coming Wednesday through to a week before
Christmas. If this is well attended and liked, we
have various options for a follow up. If the interest
is large enough, we could even do an afternoon
session for those who don’t drive at night. Also,
please spread the word that this is open to nonCatholics to join us. This can be a great way to
introduce non-Catholics to the faith.
As I’ve said in multiple ways at multiple times,
please give us feedback of what you want to see
happen here. My ideas are only my ideas. The life
of the parish needs to flow from not just the pastor
but from all the different and good interests of the
whole parish. If you have ideas, let me or one of
those on parish council know what your ideas are.
St. John the Baptist Parish, Tipton, IN October 12, 2014
There are no bad ideas – it just becomes the role of
the parish council to prioritize which we put our
efforts behind. Please continue to pray for our
parish that we do God’s will and bring Christ to all
of Tipton County. God bless
Fr. Shocklee
Energize your Spirituality through Cursillo.
Bring your Spiritual Life
into focus.
Discover an enhanced relationship with God.
Embrace a unique method of finding, forming,
and sustaining Lay Leadership in the Church.
A Team of Latino, Catholic Lay Men and
Women, supported by
Clergy, Spiritual Advisors, will lead the Cursillo
Weekends in Espanol.
Cursillo is accepting registrations for the
Men's Latino Weekend #2 on November 6–9, 2014
Women's Latino Weekend #2 on November 13-16,
For more information go to or
call Angie Pitts at 765-642-0381 or Deacon Castillo
@ 765-662-6078
SCRIP NOTES can now be used to place
your SCRIP orders. You may use it to let Shay know
what you want to have ready for you to pick up the
following weekend. Anything not in stock will be
sent in with the next submitted order early on
Monday morning. SCRIP is also available for
purchase during the K of C Fish Fry’s. Thank you for
your support.
Sam Armstrong, Virginia Baker, Donna Conaway,
Gene Henry, Rich Henry, Melody Horn,
Pauline Kutchkus, Michael Liette,
Marsha Marschke, Helen Matthews,
Brian McCormack, Betty Moore, Jody Ripberger,
Teresa Schaefer, Becky Small, Mike Small,
Sister Cora Thoman, Jerry Tragesser, Lori Tragesser,
Marjorie Twilling, Lou Ann Walker, Pat Yontz,
Dave Ziegler
Sacraments celebrated this week include:
The Sacrament of Matrimony with Derek
Boruff and Katharine Kirchner
ALL items being donated to this year’s Silent
Auction MUST be turned into school office by
Friday, October 31. We always have a FANTASTIC
Silent Auction! Thank you for your wonderful
donations! Call Shay and Gary Plumer 675-4801 for
questions or to arrange to have your donation
picked up.
White Elephants gifts are needed for bingo prizes.
Please wrap the gifts in newspaper and drop them
by the business office.
ROAD TRIP Raffle Tickets -The price is $1.00 each.
20 tickets are attached. The office has more.
Tickets have been sent out by email to all who view
the bulletin online.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks the rich young man to give
away all that he has in order to have treasure in heaven.
But he is unable to free himself from his possessions,
and so he goes sadly away. Does what I own keep me
from following Jesus?
Regular: $ 7,378.50
Youth: $ 13.17
TOTAL: $ 7,391.67
NEEDED WEEKLY*: $ 6,958.00
*from regular & youth
NEEDED YTD: $ 271,362.00
ACTUAL YTD: $ 262,609.43
DIFFERENCE YTD: -$8,752.57
Continuing Our Traditions
...Together: $ 665.50
May God reward you!
Upcoming Events:
►TCMA, Wednesday @ 10:00a.m.
►Bible Study, Wednesday @ 7:00p.m.
►Euchre Party, Friday 7-9p.m.
►Financial Peace University, Saturday @ 7:00p.m.
►Religious Education, Sunday @ 10:15a.m.
►Pancake/Sausage Breakfast next week-end
proceeds to Habitat for Humanity
►Life Teen, Sunday, 6:30p.m.
►World Mission collection, Sunday, envelope in
your packets