ISSUE No. 11 November 2014 VOL XIX Philippians 1:6 (NRSV) I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. As many of you shared at the beginning of the sermon last weekend, God has begun many “good things” in us—since 1941 when First Christian Church was first founded. Some of those “good things” are completed, and many of them are still in progress. Jim’s Gems God’s Groceries Upcoming Events Special Services Financial Report First Christian Academy November Calendar Updates Birthdays & Anniversaries Prayer List It is important that we notice in the Scripture above that it is God who is the subject of the sentence. It is God (not us) who “began a good work”, and it is God (not us) who will “bring it to completion.” It’s also important to note that it is God’s timing (not ours) that determines when everything will be brought to completion (at the day of Jesus Christ). That doesn’t mean we sit idly by and wait for God to do God’s “good work”. The challenge for us is to discern what God’s part is and what our part is in the “good work” God has begun in us. A significant part of God’s work is already done. God’s part includes equipping and preparing us for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12) so that we can become partners with Christ (Philippians 1:5) in the fulfillment of God’s plan for the ages (Ephesians 1:9-10). Perhaps you recognize some of these words and scriptural references from my closing series of sermons on unity. Since unity is a priority—it is the Secret of God’s Will—it follows that a very important part of our work is to manifest (demonstrate, reveal, express) the unity of Christ’s Body that is the Will of God. God will not work with disunity; and God has provided everything we need to live and work in unity. Once again, the guidelines for understanding and living in unity include (but are not limited to) the “Seven Biblical Principles of Unity” that focused my closing series of sermons: Principle 1: The Priority of Unity ~ It is the Secret of God’s Will (Ephesians 1:9-10) Principle 2: The Tools of Unity: Words that Build Up and Give Grace (Ephesians 4:29) Principle 3: The Foundation of Unity: Love (I Corinthians 13:4-7) Jim’s Gems (cont.) Principle 4: The Model of Unity: The Mind of Christ ~ Humility (Philippians 2:3-5) Principle 5: The Strategy of Unity: A Ministry Partnership (I Corinthians 1:8-9) Principle 6: The Purpose of Unity: God Can Finish What God Has Begun (Philippians 1:6) God’s Groceries Update Principle 7: The Blessedness of Unity (Psalm 133:1) In the month of September 2014, we served: The church that lives out these seven principles will be a church in which God will begin and complete “good works” on a regular basis. My prayer for you is that you will choose to be that church. (Still) Together in the Walk, Pastor Jim 178 Households 259 Adults 90 Seniors 238 Children CHRISTMAS SEASON The Christmas Season will soon be upon us. This is a time for renewal of the spirit. We hope to see everyone at these special worship services and fellowship opportunities. Nov 29: 9:00 am Advent Decorating in the Sanctuary - please come and help Nov 29/30: Hanging of the Greens-First Sunday of Advent HOPE Dec 6: 9:00 am Advent Decorating in the Sanctuary Dec 6/7: 2nd Sunday of Advent PEACE Dec 14: 7:00 pm Christmas Concert Fellowship get together after concert in the Fellowship Hall Dec 13/14: 3rd Sunday of Advent JOY Dec 20/21: 4th Sunday of Advent LOVE Dec 24: 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec 31: 5:30 New Year’s Eve Service Potluck Meal after service in Room 3 Miracle League is in full swing with 12 teams and 185 total players registered. Spruce up day for the office and sanctuary—we will need to shampoo rugs, vacuum pews, repair carpet, clean windows etc. Everyone is invited to join us: 8:00 am to 10:00 am Opening Day included a visit by UNLV’s mascot Hey Reb and a Michael Jackson tribute entertainer. Face painting, a balloon artist, Las Vegas showroom performers singing the national anthem, and free raffles after each game have added to the fun of playing ML baseball. Other special events include Crazy Socks Day and FCC Trunk or Treat. All players have been photographed for individual baseball cards and have also taken team pictures. The world famous ML Chicken Dance is widely popular as is the playground located outside center field. You’re invited to witness the determination and feel the love of Miracle League baseball. NOVEMBER 2014 1st Boulder City Train Ride The Fall season concludes November 22. (Lunch at Railroad Pass after ride) 7th Movie 1:00 pm Room 2 12th Koffee Klatch 10:00 am Fellowship Hall 20th Game Night 6:30 pm Room 7 ALL SAINT’S DAY NOVEMBER 1st and 2nd All Saint’s Day honors our family and friends who have passed away during the year. We will be having a special candle tribute during the Worship Services, November 1st and 2nd. Sunday, November 23rd 5:00 pm—8:00 pm The fellowship committee will provide: Turkey Mashed Potatoes Dressing Gravy Dessert Please bring your favorite Thanksgiving dish to share! Help with set up and clean up will be greatly appreciated Kathy & Karen Takos Fellowship co-chairs CWF NEWS All women are invited to attend the CWF Meeting on Thursday, November 6th at 7:00 pm in Room 7. There is NO morning meeting in November. Thanks to all those who helped at the Annual Craft Fair and in the CWF Booth and to all those who bought goodies. Be sure to mark your calendar for our annual Christmas Pot Luck/Meeting on Thursday December 4th at 6:30 pm in Room 7—bring a dish to share and a wrapped Christmas Ornament to exchange. For more information, see Ann Phillips or Jackie Reeley Member’s names will be read and family members or an Elder will come forward and light a candle to honor them. After the names have been read, congregants will be asked to come forward and light a candle to honor their other family and friends. VETERANS DAY November 8th and 9th CALLING ALL VETERANS During Worship Services on November 8th and 9th we will be celebrating Veterans Day. To help in this celebration, we would like you to bring a framed (8” by 10” or smaller) picture of yourself in uniform that will be displayed on a table in the Narthex. With your picture, we need your name, service dates and where you served. Bring either a place card with the information so we may place it in front of your picture or attach the information to the front of your picture. We ask that you bring your picture and information together in a plastic bag so they do not get separated. Pictures will be collected the weekends of October 25th and 26th and November 1st and 2nd. There is a red box in the Narthex for you to place your items. You may also bring them to the church office from October 20-November 7th. Finances and Attendance Report from Office Manager Amy Cozzens Operating: Capital Fund: September 2014 End of Month Finances Income Expense End of month Total $33,167.42 $47,325.29 $(-14,157.87) $ 4.490.00 $ 4,490.00 $ 0.00 Due to how the month is closed out, and when articles are due, the information given will be always be a month behind the current published newsletter. March’s newsletter will have January’s close out, April will have February’s close out. Worship: Visitors: September 2014 Average Weekly Attendances Average Adult 200 Sunday School 31 4 Youth 17 Worship/Visitors attendance totals include Saturday praise service and both Sunday services. Due to the newsletter being prepared a week before the end of the month and published at the beginning of the next month, the information given will be always be a month behind. 2014 3rd Quarter giving statements are now available. Please call the Office on 702-384-1544 and we will email or print one for you! First Christian Academy In October the children got to go to Gilcrease Orchard and pick their own pumpkins. Fire Safety Week started on October 6th and the children learned what to do in the event of a fire, practiced fire drills and learned to Stop, Drop and Roll Dear First Christian Church Members, On behalf of Group Cares Organization, I would like to thank you for your contribution of $2,792.50 to Operation Kid to Kid. Thank you for partnering with us, your donations will not only help children stay healthy, but will allow team members to share the life changing message of God’s love with people who desperately need it. On behalf of the staff here, and the thousands of people we serve, we are very appreciative of your donations! Tim Gilmour President, Group Cares Organization 25 9:30a Pastor’s Bible Study (Rm 7) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 26 27 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 5:30p Handbell Practice (Rm 1) 7:00p Choir Practice, (Sanctuary) 20 9:30a God’s Groceries Workday (Rm 1) 9:30a Brooks Bible Study (Brooks Home) 5:3:00p God’s Groceries Distribution (Rm1) 6:30p Etnire Bible Study (Etnire Home) 6:30p Saints Alive! Game Night (Rm 7) 28 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 21 9:00a God’s Groceries Distribution (Rm 1) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 29 5:00p Praise Service (Sanctuary) 22 5:00p Praise Service (Sanctuary) 15 5:00p Praise Service (Sanctuary) 24 1:00p Through The Fire (Rm 6) 6:30p Corbett Bible Study (Corbett Home) 7:00p Morris Bible Study (Morris Home) 19 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 5:30p Handbell Practice (Rm 1) 7:00p Choir Practice, (Sanctuary) 14 9:00a God’s Groceries Distribution (Rm 1) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 7 1:00p Saints Alive! Movie (Rm2) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 23 8:15a 1st Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:00a Holy Grounds Coffee Shop (Rm 1) 9:30a Sunday School for all ages 10:45a 2nd Worship Service (Sanctuary) 5:00p Fellowship Dinner (FH) 18 9:30a Pastor’s Bible Study (Rm 7) 11:00a Needles N More (Rm 7) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 6:00p Executive Committee Meeting (Rm 11) 7:00p Congregational Board Meeting (Rm2) 13 9:00a God’s Groceries Preparation (Rm 1) 9:30a Brooks Bible Study (Brooks Home) 6:00p Worship Committee Meeting (Rm2) 6:30p Etnire Bible Study (Etnire Home) 6 9:30a Brooks Bible Study (Brooks Home) 6:30p Etnire Bible Study (Etnire Home) 7:00p CWF Meeting (Rm7) 17 1:00p Through The Fire (Rm 6) 6:30p Corbett Bible Study (Corbett Home) 7:00p Morris Bible Study (Morris Home) 12 10:00a Saints Alive! Koffee Klatch (FH) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 5:30p Handbell Practice (Rm 1) 7:00p Choir Practice, (Sanctuary) 5 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 5:30p Handbell Practice (Rm 1) 7:00p Choir Practice, (Sanctuary) 16 8:15a 1st Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:00a Holy Grounds Coffee Shop (Rm 1) 9:30a Sunday School for all ages 10:45a 2nd Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12:15P Elders Meeting (Rm 2) 1:30p Youth Group (Rm 6) 11 9:30a Pastor’s Bible Study (Rm 7) 10:40a CWF Meeting (Rm 7) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 4 9:30a Pastor’s Bible Study (Rm 7) 11:00a Needles N More (Rm 7) 4:30p Yoga Class (Rm 3/10) 10 1:00p Through The Fire (Rm 6) 7:00p Morris Bible Study (Morris Home) SATURDAY 9 8:15a 1st Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:00a Holy Grounds Coffee Shop (Rm 1) 9:30a Sunday School for all ages 10:45a 2nd Worship Service (Sanctuary) FRIDAY 8 7:30a DMF Breakfast (Rm 3/10) 5:00p Praise Service (Sanctuary) THURSDAY 3 1:00p Through The Fire (Rm 6) 6:30p Corbett Bible Study (Corbett Home) 7:00p Morris Bible Study (Morris Home) WEDNESDAY 2 8:15a 1st Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:00a Holy Grounds Coffee Shop (Rm 1) 9:30a Sunday School for all ages 10:45a 2nd Worship Service (Sanctuary) 1:30p Youth Group (Rm 6) TUESDAY 1 5:00p Praise Service (Sanctuary) MONDAY 30 8:15a 1st Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:00a Holy Grounds Coffee Shop (Rm 1) 9:30a Sunday School for all ages 10:45a 2nd Worship Service (Sanctuary) SUNDAY Technology Update: During the month of October we were able to catch up on quite a few smaller projects and resolved quite a few issues in the office. Our anti-virus subscription expired in September so we implemented a new anti-virus solution for the server and the office PCs. A new electronic time clock has been purchased for the office and we are working on installing it. We have also been working with an outside attorney to create a Records Retention Policy and Records Retention Schedule. Having these documents will help us determine what records we should be keeping – and for how long – and what records we can go ahead and (securely) destroy. We have also finalized updated instructions for the webcast so that folks unfamiliar with the process can easily pick it up. CHRISTMAS FAMILIES UPDATE The Deadline for Christmas Families forms is very close now. Hurry and get them in We need them by Sunday, NOVEMBER 2nd You can drop them off at the Church Office, fax them to 702-384-0250 or scan and email them to As a reminder, we’re still looking for volunteers to help us out on the webcast! If you are interested in volunteering to provide webcast support, please contact the Technology Committee Chair, Robin Heck, via email at or by phone at 702.713.3268. A Thanksgiving Prayer We thank you, Lord for all you give; The food we eat, the lives we live. And to our loved ones far away, Please send your blessings, Lord we pray. And help us all to live our days With thankful hearts and loving ways. Amen Moderator Moments Michael Breen 11/01 Andrew Collins 11/02 Judith Dudek 11/02 Katie Metzger 11/02 Mila Tornero 11/02 Tony York 11/05 Terry Cordell 11/06 Lauran Decker 11/06 David Smith 11/07 Joe Dail 11/08 Alice Cruzan 11/09 Eunice Clarke 11/10 Carl Bacelo 11/13 Maxine Cost 11/14 Phyllis Hart 11/14 Anna Clark 11/16 David Jarman 11/19 Valerie Melland 11/20 Timothy Connors 11/22 Austin Daigle 11/22 Prayers for Health, Healing & Recovery Members Jim Hulsey Donna Woodward Bierig Sandy Mott Fran Wallace Darrell Driessens Harriet Slavik Ivan Holdaway Cathy Hulsey Family & Friends Dorothy Duke Thomas Lounge (Uncle of Miracle League player Brian Lounge) Dave Heaviland (Ruth Etnire’s brother) Valarie Ryan (The Chilton’s daughter) June Thomason (Harriett Buntrock’s classmate) Prayers for Grief & Loss Dean Prezioso & Family (Loss of his Mother, Rose) Jack Chapman & Family (Loss of his wife Rosemarie)(Harriett Buntrock’s friends) Lois Hardin and the Starlin family (Loss of Hellen Starlin) Cassie Slavik-Perron 11/22 Logan Smith 11/23 Carol Grife 11/24 Vince McMenamy 11/24 Steve Garrett 11/25 Kenneth Prater 11/26 Marcus Dwyer 11/29 Prayers for Continuing Concerns Members, Family & Friends Diane Hassell Chris Connors Tim Connors Jesse John (grandson of Marion Di Mario) Batrice Warrenberg Prayers for Expectant/New Parents Robert & Lisa Corbett Joe & Angie Dail (Foster to Adopt) Keith & Tina Foster 11/11 25 yrs James & Linda Marynow 11/11 25 yrs Chuck & Nancy Gorton 11/22 45 yrs Pat & Robin Thomas 11/26 34 yrs Daryl & Marcia Skelton 11/28 33 yrs Prayers for Homebound Members Mary Lou Cloud Jean Powell Thelma Sullivan First Christian Church PLACE STAMP HERE (Disciples of Christ) 101 South Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV 89106 November 2014 Worship Schedule 5:00 pm Saturday Night Praise Service* 8:15 am Sunday Worship Service* 10:45 am- Sunday Worship Service* 9:30 am – Sunday School for all ages* *Nursery Provided Office Hours Monday – Thursday 8am – 4pm Friday 8am – 12pm P: 702-384-1544 F: 702-384-0250 STAFF Steve Willis, Senior Pastor Amy Cozzens, Office Manager Gaynor Young, Administrative Assistant Director of Music Ministry Timothy Cooper Director, Chalice Ringers Directors, The Young Bell Choir Steve Smith Director, Chalice Chimes Steve Smith Directors, Praise Team Steve Smith & Jessica Herron Director, “God’s Young Voices” Kelly Martinez Wedding Coordinator Cassie Perron Custodian Michael Leadingham First Christian Academy Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Lucia Washington, School Director Academy Staff Renisha McCray Tina Brown Darcie Reynolds Anna Perez Megan Hannsz Ashley Davis Nursery Attendants Carol Richards Anna Perez Daisy Ambriz
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