Newsletter January 2015 - Redeemer Lutheran Church

The monthly newsletter of Redeemer Lutheran Church-Rochester, Minnesota
January 2015
Mission Statement
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Lynora and Lynette Miller have been serving the youth of our
congregation for the last 50 years! During that time, they have served as
youth counselors, choir directors, Sunday school teachers, office helpers,
and in so many other ways.
They are not quitting, nor moving away, but are needing to slow
down and curtail some of their activities. Lynette stepped down as Sunday
School Superintendent in May, and Lynora finished 22 years as Youth
Coordinator in December. We will continue to see them, and they will
continue in several activities, but it is appropriate that we pause to say “Well
done good and faithful servants.”
Please join us for any or all of these activities:
 All worship services, Saturday and Sunday — January 3/4; we will give
thanks to God for their service.
 Lunch on January 4 following the 10:40 am service. No charge, but
please state your intention on the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center
or by calling the church office.
 Open House—Sunday, January 4, from Noon until 3 pm.
 Program on Sunday, January 4, at approximately 1 pm.
Please share this information with friends and family who are no longer
here at Redeemer, but might like to return and rejoice with us on January 4.
Inside this Issue
Story Time .................................. page 2
Staff Reflections .......................... page 3
Prayers ......................................... page 4
Worship Highlights .................... page 4
Upcoming Event ..................... pages 5-6
Miscellaneous News ................ pages 7-8
Stewardship Highlights............... page 9
Music Notes .............................. page 10
Health Notes ............................. page 10
Adult Education Notes ............. page 11
Poinsettia Donations ................ page 12
Council Highlights ............. page 13-14
Notes of Thanks ....................... page 14
Rochester Servant Event........... page 15
Youth Page ................................ page 16
Sharing Tree Update ................ page 17
LWML....................................... page 18
January Calendar ...................... page 19
January Serving Schedule ......... page 20
POBLO News ........................... page 21
Star ting January 5. . .
Page 2
Staff Reflections
Dear friends,
We’ve been moving along in our new theme for the past couple months
now. In the month of December we focus on Eunice and Lois who have
literally one verse of Scripture to their namesakes. They are the mother
and grandmother of Timothy. Although we do not hear much about
them, we hear the message God is sending to us. Paul says they have
sincere faith which they have now passed onto Timothy their son and
grandson. So in this month of Christmas, Advent, and fellowship, we
focus on Making Him Known to the next generation.
Having only been at Redeemer six months now, I can honestly say that I
can see this focus on the next generation as a huge priority here. In
Sunday school alone we have amazing people volunteering to teach all
different ages about Christ and His story. However, it does not stop
there. Through Confirmation, service trips, Ignite, and many other
programs and events, faith is passed on to the next generation. It is
wonderful to see how God is working in those areas here at Redeemer.
Church Office
Hours: M-F 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Phone: 507-289-5147
Fax: 507-289-7887
Blessed to Serve
Pastor, James W. Heining
(office) 507-289-5147
(residence) 507-282-6955
(cell) 507-202-2546
Pastor, Adam Koglin
(office) 507-289-5147
(cell) 507-316-8181
Director of Christian Education,
Michael J. Harvey
(office) 507-289-5147
(residence) 507-529-5463
(cell) 507-319-4929
Another aspect in passing faith on to the next generation works in the
reverse way. Many times the young are able to inspire faith and Make
Him Known as well. They not only help to pass on to those younger than
them, but can be a source of inspiration and hope by letting Christ shine
through them to those older than them. It is a blessing at Redeemer to
see this happening all the time. The youth here are great examples of
childlike faith.
Director of Christian Education Intern,
Brian Weyers
(cell) 715-808-2001
I pray that as we move on, God opens our eyes to all the opportunities
God has placed before us to bring together generations by the love of
Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas
(office) 507-289-5147
(residence) 507-634-7094
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your
grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am
persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:5
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in
love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
- Brian Weyers, DCE Intern
Director of Parish Music, April Beckman
(office) 507-289-5147
(cell) 651-338-0354
Custodian, Randy Kautz
(office) 507-289-5147
(residence) 507-843-3144
Youth Coordinator, Lynora Miller
(residence) 507-288-7219
Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke
(residence) 507-288-6405
Parish Nurse, Iva Kietzmann
(residence) 507-273-3809
Nursery Coordinator Anna Koglin
(residence) 507-316-8177
Page 3
Remember in
Your Prayers...
Hospitalized/Health Concerns
 Charlie Strelow, Janet
VanProosdy, Krista Corson,
Krisanne Nelson, Merilynn
Schacht, Sherill VanGuilder,
Isaac Koglin, Sharron Smith,
Arnold Boese, DeLayna Nitz,
Nancy Anderson, Dennis
With Eric and Jill Hauan upon
the birth of their daughter, Hazel
Gene, on November 30.
 The family and friends of Don
Krueger who passed away on
December 3.
 For fellow Christians living in
persecution in many parts of the
 For missionaries of the Gospel
both near and far
 For our governmental and civic
leaders in the Rochester area.
 For those who are struggling at
this time.
 For parents and all who provide a
godly influence for our children
Worship The Lord With Gladness!
Nicodemus: Making Him Known Even as we Question
January 3/4
We will celebrate the start of Epiphany with scripture readings from Isaiah
60:1-6, Hebrews 11:39-12:3, and Matthew 2:1-12. The theme will be
“Questioning! Step Out In Faith!” Holy Communion will be celebrated at
all services. Join us for a the special “Lynette and Lynora Day” celebration
following the late service!
January 10/11
The Baptism of our Lord
We will observe the Baptism of our Lord Sunday with scripture readings
from Romans 6:1-11, Mark 1:4-11, and John 3:1-8. The theme will be
“Assurance Amidst Our Questions.” We will rejoice with all who were
baptized in the last year.
January 17/18
Second Sunday After Epiphany
Life Sunday
We will celebrate the Second Sunday After Epiphany with scripture
readings from 1 Samuel 3:1-20, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, and John 1:43-51.
The theme will be “Jesus Loves Us In Spite of Our Questions.” Holy
Communion will be celebrated at all services this weekend. Join us
following the late service for our mortgage burning, lunch, and Annual
Meeting which will begin at 12:30 pm.
January 24/15
Third Sunday After Epiphany
We will observe the Third Sunday After Epiphany with scripture readings
from Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-35; and Matthew 11:1-15. The
theme will be “Even Faithful People Question.”
January 31/February 1
Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
We will celebrate the Fourth Sunday After Epiphany with scripture
readings from Deuteronomy 18:15-20, Acts 9:1-9, and Mark 1:21-28. The
theme will be “God Does The Calling.”
The Rochester Chamber of Commerce recently interviewed their new Chair of the Board of
Directors — Redeemer member, Sue Reinke Walch. The article in their monthly magazine
included this paragraph:
While Sue climbed the financial services career ladder — now entering her 34th year in banking — Troy
taught 5th grade at Bamber Valley Elementary School. In 2007, he passed away from ALS, at age 40.
“He had a tremendous impact on many children and families,” says Sue. “He said, ‘I now know my
job on earth, and it’s to let people know there is hope in Jesus.’ He took his illness with such grace.” Their strong faith
and close community of friends helped see them through. “And I’ve been blessed again,” says Sue, re-married to Jim
Walch since 2011.
Page 4
Thanks to Sue for making the most of this opportunity to “Make Him Known.”
Take Note...Upcoming Events!
Lord willing, we will have made
the last payment on our mortgage
in early January. Thanks to extra
gifts along the way, we will have
paid off our 20-year mortgage in
10 years! Think of the interest
saved! On January 18, at the
conclusion of the late service, we
will proceed to the front porch
overlooking the parking lot, and
burn the mortgage. You may then
want to stay for the lunch
provided by our youth, before the
Annual Meeting at 12:30 pm.
Dr. William Utecht, Mission
Director in the Minnesota
South District has invited us to
be included in a group of
churches who will commit
$5000 a year for the next four
years, with the express purpose
of beginning new mission
congregations in our District.
Our Stewardship Team
is recommending that we place
this in the 2015 budget, and
invite Dr. Utecht to be with us
on February 22 to share with
us more about this and other
ways in which our mission
monies are being used in the
Minnesota South District.
Movie Night
January 9, 2015
6 pm—Fellowship Hall
Put on those comfy clothes,
slippers, snag a comfortable
chair, and join us for Movie
Night! Don’t forget to bring
money if you would like a can
of pop and/or pizza — both will
be available.
THE EGG AND I – 1947
On their wedding night Bob
informs his new bride Betty
that he has bought a chicken
farm. An abandoned chicken
farm, to be exact, which is
obvious when the two move in.
Betty endures Bob's enthusiasm
for the rural life, rustic
inconveniences, and battling
nature, but her patience is
severely tested when glamorous
neighbor Harriet Putnam
seems to set her sights on Bob.
In 1878 Chiefs Little Wolf and
Dull Knife led over three
hundred starved and weary
Cheyenne from their
reservation in Oklahoma
territory to their traditional
home in Wyoming. The U.S.
Government sees this as an act
of rebellion and sends troops
in an attempt to stop the tribe.
The press misrepresents the
natives’ motives and goals for
their trek as malicious. Interior
Secretary Carl Schurz tries to
prevent violence between the
January 18, 2015
12:30 pm
Items on the agenda will include:
 Recommendations for mission
projects for 2015
 Adoption of the 2015 ministry
 Proposal to update our
technology in the Sanctuary
 Nominations for District
 Question of whether we
should move towards having a
second full-time DCE.
We will also share some possible
future ministry goals, as developed
by the Vision Team, and look for
feedback and direction.
All Redeemer members, age 18
and older, are voting members
and are encouraged to attend.
Others are welcome to join us as
Thanks to our Youth who will be
serving a lunch of walking tacos,
following the late service and
mortgage burning.
available January 10/11, allowing
members time to look them over
before the meeting.
Page 5
Benefit for Chloe Se le
You are invited to attend a Fish Fry Benefit for Chloe Settle
on Friday, January 9, from 3:30 to 7:00 pm at Immanuel
Lutheran Church (20200 Fairlawn Avenue) in Prior Lake.
The cost is $10 for Adults, $8 for Seniors (60+), $5 for
Children 12 and under.
The menu will consist of Baked Cod, Battered Pollock, and
Pan Friend Perch, potatoes, salads, dessert, and beverages!
Proceeds will benefit Chloe Settle with matching funds from Thrivent Financial.
We are a
Stephen Ministry
Congrega on!
The Feed’Em Committee has given the last two
confirmation classes Love and Faith Journals. We will have
them out once in awhile. If you would like to write a kind
word, prayer, or favorite Bible verse in any or all, please do
so! We will then be giving the journals to the youth when
they graduate to take with them on their next stage of life.
Thank you!
Feed’Em Committee
Page 6
Have you had a chance to view the
newsletter on our website? If not, be sure to
check it out! If you would like to receive
notification when the newsletter is available
online instead of having a paper copy
mailed to your home, please fill out the
information below and return it to the church
office or email Chris in the church office at
E-mail address: (please print clearly):
Is this e-mail address for: 
Household Work
IHN Update
Interfaith Hospitality Update
Redeemer will be hos ng families in
the IHN program the week of January
25‐February 1. These families will
come to Redeemer each day that
week to have supper and stay
overnight. Volunteers from
Redeemer and our buddy churches
will be on hand to visit, bring a meal,
or sleep at church while they are
here. Each volunteer usually signs up
for 1 or 2 of these things during the
To be a volunteer that has interac on
with the guests, you must a end an
orienta on. In order to increase our
number of volunteers, and update
our current volunteers, we will have a
training for both on Tuesday, January
13, at Redeemer. It will be at 6:30
pm in the North Fellowship Hall and
last about 90 minutes. Please plan to
a end if you would like to learn more
and be involved in "Making Him
Known" through our concern for
these families.
In Loving Memory...
Donald Albert Krueger was born July 6, 1928, in West Union, Iowa, to
Carl and Martha Krueger. God made him His own through the washing
of Holy Baptism on August 4, 1928, at St. Peter Lutheran Church in
Denver, Iowa, where Don would also give public witness to his faith in the
Rite of Confirmation on March 29, 1942.
Don and Arlene Jans were united in marriage on May 19, 1950,
and their union was blessed with two daughters, Mary and Lisa. Don
served his country in the US Navy before attending Wartburg College. He
came to Rochester with Norwest Mortgage, retiring in 1989.
Don and Arlene have been faithful members of Redeemer since
2000, sharing their faith in many ways. Don received the crown of eternal
life on December 3, 2014, at the age of 86. The service in his memory was
held at Redeemer on December 8.
Faith Legacy—Faith Chest
During the 10:40 am service on Sunday, November 23, we celebrated with
the families who completed the Faith Step “Faith Chest”. These families
met for three weeks to learn how to begin to instill faith in their child and
the importance of baptism. As the children grow, they will get to fill their
Faith Chest with important reminders of the love that God has for them.
Please keep these and all families in your prayers as they have the important
task of passing the faith on to their children.
You may have no ced the newspaper
ar cle about a name change for IHN.
The local organiza on will now be
known as "Family Promise
Rochester"; an affiliate of the na onal
Family Promise. Under that tle, the
important work of providing
hospitality for homeless families
through various faith communi es
will con nue to happen and be
known as Interfaith Hospitality
Network. The larger Family Promise
will also encompass several other
programs that include: housing, a
Family Stabiliza on Program, and
long‐term case management.
Please call Kay Fockler at 288‐0668 if
you would like to know more about
volunteering for IHN.
Page 7
UMR (University of Minnesota—Rochester) Update
We are one semester into our campus ministry at UMR, and here is what has already happened...
We have served over 355 students at our Saturday Free Lunches!
We have had 13 students visit Redeemer and/or Trinity! This only counts those that have signed the
friendship registration!
We have had 2 requests for a ride to church!
We have made two job shadow connections between students and members of our churches!
We have had the opportunity to be a welcomed part of their student union every Saturday!
We have gained the appreciation and excitement of the Student Life Activities Director and Housing
We were the only outside group asked to provide a lunch to students during finals’ week. Served
well over 120 people! At this event I personally had the privilege of...
 Engaging a girl’s questions about why we do this! We have a gracious Lord so we in turn are
gracious people!
 Was able to make lunch plans with a student to connect him to one of our churches.
 Invited over 100 UMR students to Redeemer's Advent Midweek services and the dinner in
If you want to help with this exciting ministry, please contact Pastor Koglin -
The Youth will be selling their famous sub sandwiches again this year for Super Bowl Sunday,
February 1. The cost is only $5.00 each. Orders will be taken before and after church services. There may
be a few left over to sell that Sunday, but don’t count on it - they go fast. Please fill out the form below
and give it to one of the youth, place in the offering plate, or return it to the church office. If you
want, you can email your order to Renee Rahlf at
YOUTH, keep January 31st open from 9:30 to 11:30 am. That is when we will be making the subs.
The more help we get, the faster it gets done and the more fun we have.
Super Bowl Sub Order Form
Name _________________________________________________________________________
No. of Subs ____________________________ Amount $________________________________
Page 8
Stewardship: Your Response to God’s Love
November 22/23
Worship Attendance .......................... 520
S.S. & Bible Classes..........225 (79+146)
Guests .................................................. 28
Budget Offerings .................. $11,188.50
District/Synod ......................... $1709.00
Renovation .............................. $2096.00
Worship Attendance .........218 (140+78)
Guests .................................................. 10
Thanksgiving Offerings ........... $2912.00
November 29/30
Worship Attendance .......................... 532
S.S. & Bible Classes..........195 (72+123)
Guests .................................................. 75
Budget Offerings .................. $10,314.13
District/Synod ......................... $1442.50
Renovation .............................. $1389.50
Mid-Week Advent: December 3
Worship Attendance ...... 257 (144+113)
Guests .................................................... 4
Advent Offerings ..................... $1221.00
December 6/7
Worship Attendance .......................... 492
S.S. & Bible Classes..........192 (70+122)
Guests .................................................. 30
Budget Offerings .................. $18,530.50
District/Synod ......................... $2315.50
Renovation .............................. $2885.00
Mid-Week Advent: December 10
Worship Attendance .........207 (153+54)
Guests .................................................... 6
Advent Offerings ........................ $789.00
December 13/14
Worship Attendance .......................... 662
S.S. & Bible Classes..........229 (80+149)
Guests .................................................. 79
Budget Offerings .................. $10,894.31
District/Synod ......................... $1427.00
Renovation .............................. $2065.00
Mid-Week Advent: December 17
Worship Attendance .........206 (132+74)
Guests .................................................... 4
Advent Offerings ..................... $1298.00
November Budget Income: $88,439 YTD Budget Income: $881,071
November Budget Expenses: $75,820 YTD Budget Expenses: $874,999
After running a deficit for the last couple of months, a five-Sunday
November proved to be a very good thing for us. As we approach the end of
the year — we are in great shape! The full report is on the bulletin board in
the Narthex. We thank God for each one of you who together make our
ministry possible.
NEW! EARN 3% (on first $5000) with ConnectPLUS
Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) helps provide affordable funding
for ministry needs. Where does the money come from ? LCEF investors
provide vital loan dollars for today’s LCMS ministries. LCEF is so thankful
for our investors’ faithful partnership.
Now, new investors (those who have not invested with LCEF in the
last 24 months) have a special opportunity to connect with LCEF. With
ConnectPLUS you join that powerful partnership between individuals and
LCMS that are ensuring more people hear the life-saving Gospel message.
Pick up a ConnectPLUS packet at the church office. For complete
details and an application, visits or call 800-843-5233.
SIMPLY GIVING is an automated giving program that the congregation
offers to our members at no charge. Forms are available in the church office
and at the Welcome Center. Completed forms should be returned to the
church office.
The offering envelopes for 2015 are out on tables in the Education Hallway.
Please pick yours up soon — but do not use until 2015 (envelope numbers
change every year). If you cannot find your envelopes, or would like to
request a set, please leave your name on the sheet provided.
Memorials and Special Gifts
 $10 for Undesignated Memorials in memory of Gerald Wilde.
 $100 for Christmas Decorating
 $50 for Quilters and $1050 for Undesignated Memorials in memory of
Alice Marzolf
 $70 for Church Work Scholarship Fund
 $275 for Good Samaritan Fund
 $10 for Creation Fund
 $70 for Redeemer Youth
 $85 for Project Compassion in honor of Elvera Cordes’ 85th Birthday.
 $20 for Endowment Fund and $20 for Budget in memory of Don
 $97.59 for POBLO
 $450 for Feed ‘Em
Page 9
Health Notes
Folic Acid and the Spina Bifida Connection
by April Beckman, DPM
Thank You
A Gracious and HUGE Thank You to all
Musicians who shared their talent this
Advent and Christmas Season! I’m
humbled by your dedication and joy to
share music. Thank you for taking the time
in the already busy season to sing and play
praises to our Savior!
Thank You
Thank you to those who went Christmas
Caroling! Seven groups caroled in 25
places! What a blessing you are to
Redeemer to share and serve your fellow
believers with song in the Christmas
season. I know that our homebound
members greatly appreciated your visit!
Happy New Year!
In your thoughts and goals for 2015,
consider joining a music group at
Redeemer! There are a variety of groups
that reach any age:
Cherub Choir—ages 4—gr. 1
Alleluia Singers & Angelic Chimes—gr.
Youth Chimes—gr. 7-12
Sounds of Praise—adults
Chancel Chimes—adults
Men’s Choir—adults
Instrumentalists—anyone with at least
2-years experience with an instrument
Celebration Team—
Solo or Small Group opportunity—let
me know!
If you have any questions, please feel free to
email ( or call
(507.289.5147) April Beckman.
Page 10
Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps a woman’s body produce new
cells. Maintaining healthy levels of folate (called folic acid when
taken via a supplement) has been identified as a key factor in
prevention of Spina Bifida (SB). While taking folic acid before and
during the first three months of pregnancy does not guarantee that
the baby will not have SB, it can significantly reduce the risk.
Research has shown that if women who could become pregnant
were to take a multivitamin with folic acid, the risk of neural tube
(the embryonic structure that eventually develops into the baby’s
brain and spinal cord, and the tissues that enclose them) defects
like SB could be reduced by up to 70%.
Folate occurs naturally in foods like green vegetables, fruits and
juices. Some cereal and bread have folic acid in them. Most people
do not get enough folate through food alone. The best way to get
the right amount is to eat a healthy diet, and take a vitamin with
folic acid every day.
Women who could become pregnant should take 400 mcg (0.4
mg) of folic acid through a vitamin.
Women who have SB, a child with SB, or had a pregnancy
affected by SB should take 4000 mcg (4.0 mg) of folic acid for one
to three months before pregnancy. This amount of folic is available
only through prescription, so high risk women must carefully plan
their pregnancies.
Information taken from the Spina Bifida website: Search: Folic Acid Facts
This class will be held at Redeemer on Monday afternoons,
beginning January 26, 2015, on from 1:30 to 4:00 pm.
This program will help you take care of yourself while
caring for an older relative or friend. You will benefit from this
class whether you are helping a parent, spouse, friend, someone
who lives at home, in a nursing home, or across the country. This
class will help you develop a wealth of self-care tools to reduce
stress, change negative self-talk, communicate more effectively,
recognize the messages in emotions, and make tough caregiving
If you have any questions about this class, please contact
Parish Nurses, Jan Dicke (288-6405) or Iva Kietzmann (273-3809).
To register, please call the Elder Network at 507-285-5272.
will resume on Tuesday,
January 6, as we continue with
our study, “What God Really Thinks About
Women,” picking up on page 95 with question 17.
Should Redeemer Call a
Second Full‐Time DCE?
The Redeemer Church Council and the Vision
Task Force have been prayerfully looking at the
future needs of Redeemer. From these discussions
and a brainstorming done at last May’s Voters’
Meeting, these groups have formed three “Guiding
Principles” that align with Redeemer’s mission
statement and provide Redeemer with direction as
we move forward in ministry.
The three Guiding Principles are:
Strengthen our members and facility as a launching pad
for ministry
Fostering relationships to strengthen youth and families
Share the joy of the gospel in word and deed, locally and
One specific and powerful opportunity these
Guiding Principles point us to, is the potential of
calling a second full-time DCE. With the last
mortgage payment going out in December (2014),
with ministry opportunities going unmet here at
Redeemer and in Rochester, and with the
possibility of adding increased depth and attention
to current ministries, this is an exciting and
opportune time to seriously consider calling a
second DCE. To explore what this could mean,
there will be an information sharing time during
the adult education hour (9:20-10:20) on January 4,
2015. The Church Council needs your input and
direction before formulating a recommendation for
the Voters’ Meeting. We pray many will participate
in this discussion and then join us for the Voters’
Meeting on January 18, to discuss more
opportunities our Mission and Guiding Principles
are pointing us to.
beginning January 11, 2015
9:20 to 10:20 am
God’s Commandments for Today:
This class will look at the 10 Commandments in their
original context, Jesus’ comments upon them, Martin
Luther’s explanations in the Large Catechism, and their
application to our contemporary culture. Pastor Heining
will lead the discussion.
Everything is Meaningless:
Everything is Meaningless will take you on a journey
through the book of Ecclesiastes. This may be a book you
are not used to — you might not be able to pronounce its
name! However, this book has a huge impact on you and
your world. In Ecclesiastes you will find new perspective
on life, the reason behind events in this world, and even
the secret to happiness! Yep it’s all in there. Michael
Harvey will lead this class.
The Art of Lamenting:
Christians need to lament as well as praise! In a time
where everything has to have a positive spin, we need to
study some lament poems from Lamentations and the
Psalms. How can asking “why” or voicing our frustration
and hurt to God actually be a blessing to our faith? Pastor
Koglin will be facilitating the discussion
Page 11
Poinsettia Donations
Many thanks to the following people for their
dona on of Poinse as this Christmas Season!
Bryce and April Beckman, and Adelaide Leona in
memory of Fred and Leona Krupp.
By Jane e Benson in memory of Wes Luehmann.
By John Brandt in memory of Karen Brandt.
By Janith Corkill in memory of Gary and Brian Corkill.
By Royce and Marlie Ernst in memory of our dads,
Wayne Wright and Roman Ernst.
By Dan and Lana Evers and Jennifer in memory of Joshua
By Mark and Cindy Fister and the Paula Erickson family
in memory of James and Ardith Fister.
By Jim and Diane Fitzpatrick in memory of our parents
and grandparents
By the Mike and Mary Hanley family in memory of Don
By Pastor Jim and Jolene Heining in memory of Jolene’s
mom, Delores Engelmann.
By Beverly Helmbrecht and family in memory of Floyd
Helmbrecht, Ruth Ke ner, Jerry Wilde, and Verna Wilde.
By Nina Hesby in memory of Herbert and Arlene
By Elizabeth Horstmann and family in memory of
Lawrence Horstmann.
By Bob and Ardis Jenkins in memory of Kay Boyum.
By Mary and Bruce Kennedy in memory of parents, Ruth
and Warren Kennedy.
By Ken and Judy Klennert in memory of Verle and Ruth
Klennert, Allen Klennert, and Clarence and Helen Rustad
By Doug and Mary Koepsell in memory of our parents.
By Paula, Mark, Hannah and Abby Kuisle in memory of
Lowell and Lorraine Fahrman and Laurence Kuisle.
By Arne and Lois Kuntz in memory of our parents Arnold
& Arlene Hammermeister and Valen n and Mary Kuntz
and in honor of our daughter, Cheryl Prouty who is a
cancer survivor.
By Lois Leuth in memory of parents, Henry and Leona
Walters, and brothers, Melvin and Gerald Walters; and
in honor of family and friends.
By Bruce and Jan Ludwig in memory of Darla, Douglas,
Arthur and Beatrice Ludwig, Ida and Arnold Burmeister,
MaryLou Klongerbo, and other loved ones.
By Dick and EiLeen Miller in memory of loved ones.
Page 12
By Jamie and Nancy Mussell in memory of Judd and
Dorothy Reifsneider, Jus n White, and Forrest Walters
By Willard and Denise Nisbit and family in memory of
Rodney Nisbit, Dennis and Eleanor Oredson, and Willard
By Tom and Marilyn Olson in memory of Raymond and
Helen Olson, Alfred and Pearle Moeller, Cyrus and Avis
By George and Gloria Poch in memory of Willy and Alta
Hansen and George Sr. and Martha Poch.
By Rebecca Circle
By Mick, Diana, Ian, and Josiah Reese in memory of Linda
Blue, Great Aunt Leona, and other loved ones in heaven.
By Larry and Myrna Reinartz in memory of daughter,
Laura Mae Reinartz.
By Marge Rengstorf in memory of Dick Rengstorf.
By Rev. John and Julia Schwerman Rieck in memory of
Rev. Earl O. and Mrs. Ruth Schwerman and in honor of
Earl and Donna Schwerman.
By Terry and Sandy Severson.
By Dawn Shelstad in memory of Gail Shelstad and Dean
By Janet and Roy Stevenson in memory of Mr. and Mrs.
C.W. (Bill) Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevenson.
By Arlene Strelow in memory of Don Strelow.
By Deb Tennis in memory of Paul Tennis.
By Roger Toomey in memory of Bill and Helen Toomey.
By the Tostenson Family in memory of our Mom and
Grandma, Susan Daniels.
By Barb Wallskog in memory of Mike, Fran and Floyd ,
and Elaine and Albert.
By Donna Walters
By Dave and Kathy Zarling in memory of Jay and Fae
Kinney, Kenneth Zarling, and in honor of our children
and their families and Ruby Zarling.
By Alan and Linda Zeccardi in memory of Laura Zeccardi,
and Eleanor and Charles DePaolo.
Church Council Highlights - December 9, 2014
 Church Vision Task Force
 Update on Technology
Guiding principles
 Strengthen our members and facility as a
launching pad for ministry
 Fostering relationships to strengthen youth and
 Share the joy of the gospel in word and deed,
locally and globally
 Create a “facilities” fund for future ministry
 Continue the DCE intern program
 Increase mission giving and support
 UMR Campus Ministry (University of
Minnesota Rochester)
 POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran
Outreach) ($12k/yr Stewardship line item)
 TIM (Together in Mission—Danielle Putman
in the Dominican Republic)
 District “new mission” consortium
Discussions: Pastor Utrecht came to talk with Pastor
Heining regarding the new mission consortium. He is
looking for 15 congregations to commit to $5k per year
over 4 years and the district would put in a similar
amount. The area where they are going to be would put
in the same amount and start a mission congregation
every other year staring with a pastor and a DCE, wellfunded, so they can do very well. He is willing to come
at any time to come to any group. Pastor Heining
shared that the Stewardship Committee recommends
this and added it as a line item, over and above regular
donations. We may invite him to come at our annual
meeting or he could come to one of our Bible Study
sessions or to one of our services or we could have a
Mission Sunday where he could come and tell us what
this is about.
Update on Technology
Stephen Smith will have a recommendation for the
Voters’ Meeting.
show us how valuable it is to have two DCEs
at our congregation. This new DCE would
allow us to have leadership development,
apprenticing, and discipleship – to
strengthen our members and connect all of
our members to share our faith in Jesus
Motion: Larry Reinartz made a motion that we
prayerfully consider the idea of having a new
DCE or a DCE intern and talk about it more at
the January council meeting, with the intent of
having a recommendation from Council as to
which direction to head for the January Voters’
Meeting. Paula seconded the motion. Motion
Budget - Many budget items are in, some are not.
Sue Walch will contact those who are responsible for
the missing line items. This will be completed
before the January 13 Council meeting for the
Council. We need to add a facilities fund line item
to the budget amount to be determined. Members
discussed the Personnel and Staffing proposed
budget and noticed an error on the worksheet for
the 2015 $/unit for account number 05-20
(bookkeeper) which said $19.58 but should read
$20.00/hour. Curt Walter made a motion to accept
the personnel and staffing proposed budget along
with the one correction, as mentioned above, as
submitted. Sue Reinke Walch seconded it.
Discussion ensued. Motion passed. Next, Council
members discussed benefits. Larry makes a motion
we approve the benefits, Sue seconded. Motion
Theme “Making Him Known” (deferred)
Technology Committee update (Stephen)
Stephen shared that the Technology Committee will
meet soon and outline the technology package they
are recommended for Voters to decide upon at the
January Voters’ Meeting.
Process Handbook (deferred)
Camp Omega rep visit (deferred)
L&L Celebration –Marcia shared that L&L’s
celebration on January 4th, 2015, at Redeemer, 123pm with light lunch.
DCE intern position versus DCE staff position, and
in order to make the 2015 deadlines, we need to
have this in for the January Voters’ Meeting.
 Having the DCE Intern is such a blessing to
Page 13
Story time/Library – Adam Koglin shared that
since the Christian Book and Gift Store is closing,
there is a need to have a place for Miss Kristen to
do the Bible Story time on Monday mornings at
10:15 am in the Narthex that she has been doing
there, so that we can share the joy of the gospel in
word and deed locally and start having our Family
Life Center now. The costs would be minimal
$25 per Monday and reevaluate at six months.
The GTO team will purchase a big Globe rug for
the kids to sit on. Motion made by Stephen
Smith to fund Miss Kristin for $25 weekly for up
to six months using Thrivent funds and will
reevaluate at six months. Motion seconded by
Larry Reinartz. Motion carried.
 Annual Meeting agenda
 Assimilation ministry team direction (deferred)
 Treasurer’s Report:
Sue shared the Treasurer’s report. Sue made
a motion that we move $212.86 and $44.33 to
the Confirmation and Music Fund dedicated
accounts respectively for a total of $257.19
from the Council Undesignated dedicated
account. Larry made a motion to approve the
Treasurer’s report and Marcia seconded it.
Motion carried.
 Pastor shared that we need to set housing
allowances for 2015: This is for tax purposes and
does not affect the church budget. Motion to
approve Leslie/seconded by Dawn. Motion
 Pastor shared that John and Miriam Gayed from
POBLO met with Pastor Jim this week. They are
trying to bring her sister to Minnesota. Miriam’s
brother was killed last year under suspicious
circumstances. They have requested that
Redeemer sponsor her, and John and Miriam will
house her. John and Miriam would like to know
if we are willing to be the sponsoring organization
for her. She would come on a work Visa. Tanja
mades a motion for conditional approval for us to
move forward in sponsoring her in good faith
contingent upon legal advice. Larry seconded the
motion. Discussion ensued. Motion carried.
 Pastor shared that the Stewardship team would
like to make a recommendation that we transfer
the Lenten suppers and the Lenten offerings to
the Redeemer church work scholarship.
Page 14
Notes of Thanks...
Thank You
Thank you to Project Compassion for the beautiful
poinsettia plant that was delivered to me. It is beautiful!
- Gary Polikowsky
Thank You
Thank you to Project Compassion for the beautiful
Poinsettias that were delivered by Gloria Poch to
Donna, Ketan, and myself. - Donna, Ketan, and Earl
Thank You
Thank you to Project Compassion for the wonderful
poinsettia plant that was delivered by Arlene Strelow.
The plant and visit are much appreciated. - Elaine Morse
Thank You
Many thanks for the poinsettia that was delivered while
I was not at home. I received another poinsettia plant
from my family on Thanksgiving Day. The plants are so
beautiful and are surely a morale booster. God’s
blessings to you! - Helen Lenz
Thank You
To our Redeemer family,
Thank you for remembering our family with cards, gifts
and joyful greetings as we celebrated the birth of our
Savior! What a gift we have been given in you as you
share the love of Christ with many! May the Lord guide
each of you in the New Year!
- Pastor, Anna, Aaron and Isaac Koglin
Thank You
Thank you to all those who contributed to the Advent
devotion booklet. Reading about your memories and
traditions has been delightful. Thanks you so much for
sharing with the rest of us. - The Family Ministry Team
Thank You
Thanks to all for your kind words, cards, and gifts at
Christmas time. We are blessed to be able to continue
to serve here. - Pastor Jim and Jolene Heining
We will again be offering supper on the six
Wednesdays during Lent. Volunteers are needed to
prepare and serve a meal. If you are interested,
please call the church office at 289-5147. Thank you
to the following groups who have already
February 18—Thrivent/ Men’s Group
February 25—open
March 4—open
March 11—open
March 18—open
March 25—open
Page 15
to Dick and Maxine Fieck and Zadeo’s for
Autumn Jahnke
Ben Rivas
Kaitlyn Hagen
Kailyn Manthei
Jadyn Shumaker
furnishing the pizza for the Advent supper;
to Bob Fitch, Pat Fitch, Shirley Fingerson,
Randy Hellickson, Jill Horstmann, Paul
Lewis, Nancy Menecke, Darlene Poch,
Renee Rahlf for helping out at the Advent Dinner;
to LuAnn Hack for getting the food organized.
Coffee Schedule
Jan. 1
Jan. 4
Jan. 18
Jan. 18
Jan. 31
Happy New Year!
Ignite—6-8 pm
Ignite—6-8 pm
Serve Lunch for Voter’s Meeting
Make Super Bowl Subs - 10 am
Don’t forget to join us on January 4 and
18 for Ignite. This is for all youth grades
We have devotions, music,
games, food. A great way to see your
friends and make new friends.
On Tuesday, January 27, Redeemer Youth
will be helping out at the Pizza Ranch in Stewartville. We need youth to sign up to help.
There is a sign up sheet on our bulletin board.
Please indicate what times you can work and if
you need transportation.
Be sure to spread the word to all your
friends. family, teachers, etc. The more that
come to eat, the better we do. Lots of fun and
the food is really good!
Grace Lutheran is going tubing and we
have been invited to go along. The date
is Saturday, January 10, and the cost is
$15.00 per person which gets you 2 hours
of tubing and a bus ride from Grace Lutheran to
Ironwood Springs and back. We will meet at
Grace at 4:55 p.m. and return around 8:45 p.m.
There will be no meal provided, but light snack
material, water, and mixing hot beverages will be
provided. Sign up now.
Page 16
January 4 .....................................................
January 11 ....................................... Alexis Nelson
January 18 ...................................... Maddie Werle
January 25 ..............................................................
February 1 ..............................................................
REDEEMER YOUTH - On Sunday, January 18,
the youth will be serving lunch at the Voter’s
Meeting. We will need help that Sunday during
late service (so plan on going to early service).
We also need help serving the food and, of
course, cleaning up. Please mark this date on
your calendar.
The Youth will be selling their sub
sandwiches again this year for Super
Bowl Sunday, February 1. The cost
for the subs this year will still be only
$5.00. Orders will be taken before and after
church services. There may be a few left over
to sell that Sunday, but don’t count on it. Besides we need to have a pretty accurate count as
to how many we should make.
You may fill out the form in the bulletin and
give it to one of the youth put it in the church office. Proceeds from the subs will go towards the
Youth’s summer events.
Youth, keep January 31 open from 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon. That is when we will be
making the subs. The more help we get, the
faster it gets done and the more fun we have
doing it.
Thank You Redeemer Members for Your Generosity!
Listed below is a list of most of the items that were received as donations for the Sharing Tree this year! It’s quite a
list! The gifts have been distributed among the Women’s Shelter, Bear Creek Services, and Project Legacy. Thank
you for “Making Him Known” through your selfless giving.
$10 gas card
$10 HyVee gift card
$10 Target gift card
$15 JCPenney gift card
$20 HyVee gift card
$25 Shopko gift card (3)
$25 Target gift card (2)
$30 HyVee gift card
Baby body lotion & Baby Powder
Baby body lotion, powder, diaper
rash crème & rubber duckie
Baby doll
Barbie (2)
Card games (2)
Child's hat, scarf, mittens (2)
Cocoa butter lotion
Crayola Art Studio
Diapers Size 3 (Package of 144)
Doll with clothes
Dove Men's body wash (4)
Dove Men's face wash
Dream Catcher
Head phones
Hooded sweatshirt, Lg
Hot Wheels
Lap blanket & scarf
Lego Kits (2)
Lotion & perfume (20-30)
Matchbox Cars (2 packs)
Men's aftershave
Men's bathrobe, Med
Men's merino wool socks, Lg
Men's slippers (sz 8-9)
Men's slippers (sz 9)
Men's slippers, Lg
Men's socks (3)
Men's sweatshirt, Lg (2)
Men's sweatshirt, Med
Men's sweatshirt, Med
Men's sweatshirt, XL
Board games (7)
Old Spice After shave, lotion gift set
Paint by Numbers (2)
Paper towels 16 rolls
Port Authority zip up jacket (Ladies
Puzzles (12)
Sauce pans (2)
Sponge Bob Tin backpack & tatoos
Stuffed animals (3)
The Buckle gift card
Toddler Toy (Fisher Price)
Toilet paper 18 rolls
Toilet paper 6 rolls
Vidal Sassoon shampoo
White undershirts, XL
Women's jewelry (2)
Women's pajamas, Lg (2)
Women's pajamas, Med
Women's Robe & slippers, Lg
Women's scarf & mittens (2)
Women's slippers (sz 5-6)
Women's slippers (sz 7-8)
Women's slippers (sz 9-10)
Women's socks (sz 4-10)
Women's sweatshirt, Lg
Women's sweatshirt, Lg
Women's sweatshirt, XL (2)
Crayons & coloring books (3 each)
Tonka Fire truck
$25 Kohl's gift card (2)
$25 Kwik Trip gas cards (2)
$25 HyVee gift card
Kleenex (8)
Star Burst quilt
Tonka truck
Flannel Shirt, XL
Women's pajamas, small (3)
Children's books
Ear Buds (2)
Lincoln Logs
Frozen Child's craft kit
Mega Blocks
Twin Sheets
Bath towels (3)
Bath and body fragrances (6)
Shaving cream and after shave
Toy kitchen playset
Teen makeup (3)
Page 17
Page 18
18 Annual Meeting
WORSHIP - 8 and 10:40 pm
9:00a Blood Pressures
9:20a Sunday School/B.C.
6:00p Oikos CC
8:00a Quilters
7:00p Health Cabinet
8:00a Quilters
6:30p Redeemer Brass
7:00p Salt Shakers CC
7:00p J.O.Y CC
WORSHIP - 8 and 10:40 pm 8:00a Quilters
8:00a Reception of New
6:30p Emmanuel CC
9:00a Blood Pressures
9:20a Sunday School/B.C.
9:20a New Member Welcome
4:30p Instruments of Praise
6:30p Agape CC
7:00p Lutherans For Life
HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 10:40 am
9:00a Blood Pressures
9:20a Sunday School/B.C.
11:40a Mortgage Burning
11:45a Voters’ Luncheon
12:30p Annual Meeting
6:00p IGNITE
6:00p Partners In Christ CC
9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study
10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever
6:00p RLCW Exec
6:00p Stewardship
6:15p GTO Team
6:30p IHN Orientation
6:30p Trustees
6:30p Youth Board
7:00p Fund Development
7:30p Church Council
11 New Members
28 5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12)
6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6)
6:00p Men’s Bible Study
6:05p Cherub Choir
6:10p Confirmation
6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6)
7:00p Sounds of Praise
8:00p Celebration Practice
9:00a Shalom CC
1;00p Seekers CC
5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12)
6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6)
6:00p Men’s Bible Study
6:05p Cherub Choir
6:10p Confirmation
6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6)
7:00p Sounds of Praise
7:30p CC Equippers
8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever
8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever
6:30p Malachi CC
8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever
1:00p Faithful Followers
6:15p Young Families CC
6:30p Stephen Ministry
6:30p CC SEA
7:00p Technology Team
7:00p Chancel Chimes
8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever
9:00a Circuit Conference
9:00a Sarah Circle
7:00p Chancel Chimes
Office Closed
1 New Year’s Day
Interfaith Hospitality Network at Redeemer: January 25—February 1, 2015
9:00a Men’s Bible Study
9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study
10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever
7:00p Women’s Bible Study
7:00p Friends in Faith CC
7:00p Membership Ministry
9:00a Men’s Bible Study
9:00a Ladies’ Bible Study
10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever
6:00p Music & Worship
6:30p Koinonia ChristCare
6:30p Couples in Christ CC
5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12)
6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6)
6:00p Men’s Bible Study
6:05p Cherub Choir
6:10p Confirmation
6:30p Angelic Chimes
7:00p Sounds of Praise
7:30p Rebecca Circle
7:30p Memorials Committee
1:00pFamily Ministry Team
5:45p Youth Chimes (7-12)
6:00p Alleluia Singers (2-6)
6:00p Men’s Bible Study
6:05p Cherub Choir
6:10p Confirmation
6:30p Angelic Chimes (2-6)
7:00p Sounds of Praise
8:00p Celebration Practice
7 9:00a Staff Meeting
13 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 14 9:00a Staff Meeting
8:00a Quilters
6:30p Redeemer Brass
9:00a Men’s Bible Study
9:00a Ladies Bible Study
10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever
7:00p Elders
HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 10:40 am
9:00a Blood Pressures
9:20a Sunday School/B.C.
12:00p Lynette and Lynora
Thank you Event
6:00p IGNITE
Redeemer Lutheran Calendar
4 Lynette &Lynora Day 5
Page 19
9:30a Library Committee
5:00p Staff Christmas Social
6:00p Movie Night
3:00p Eagles Wings CC
5:00p Blood Pressures
8:30a Celebrating God’s
Grace #4
9:00a Sisters in Christ CC
January 2015
5:30 pm ........................................Caleb Ketchum
8:00 am ......................................... Robert Dubke
10:40 am ......................................... Mark Radtke
5:30 pm ........................................ Kevin Peterson
8:00 am ............................................Dean Jensen
10:40 am ............................................. Joel Pralle
5:30 pm ........................................... Scott Feeder
8:00 am ............................... James Weispfenning
10:40 am ........................................ Andy Hanson
5:30 pm ................................................ Jim Bronk
8:00 am ................................................. Tony Fick
10:40 am ...................................... Mark Gennrich
January 4 ....................................................... Mary Henkel
January 11 ................................................... Barb Wallskog
January 17 .......................................................... Sue Kazos
January 18 .................................................... Julie Probach
January 25 ............................................... Angela Peterson
Blood Pressure Nurses
Blood pressures are taken every Sunday and every third
Saturday of the month.
Altar Guild
Chair: Shelly Potter
5:30 pm ......................... Connie Harnack & Linda Krueger
8:00 am .................... Karen Dee, Lois Kuntz, Norma Holst
10:40 am............................................. Volunteers Needed
8:00 am ................. Audrey Timm / Alexis Nelson
10:40 am .......... Kailyn Manthei / Emma Probach
8:00 am ............. Austin Manuell / Ethan Manuell
10:40 am .................... Josh Zemke / Davis Schulz
8:00 am .................... Ethan Poch /Aaron Mueller
10:40 am ...................Addie Harvey / Maria Kann
8:00 am ................... Hailey Moore / Jenna Miller
10:40 am .................. Tyler Bell / Blake Hellickson
Page 20
Nursery Schedule
9:15 am........................ Anna Koglin / Erin Harvey
10:40 am..................... Anita Werle / Madi Werle
9:15 am...................... Anna Koglin / Sara Bonnes
10:40 am............ Marcia Cochran / Katie MOrello
9:15 am.......................... Shawn and Emily Vierus
10:40 am Carole Sorenson / Stephanie Fingerson
12:30 pm .......................................... Anna Koglin
9:15 am........................ Anna Koglin /Anita Werle
10:40 am................... Lindsay and Stephen Smith
Lay Readers
5:30 pm ................................................ Jim Bronk
8:00 am..........................................Rich Gommels
10:40 am........................................ Jennifer Pralle
5:30 pm ....................................... Donna Mundell 1/11
8:00 am.......................................... Julie Gehrking
10:40 am ........................................... Erin Harvey
5:30 pm ................................... Clare Lovick‐West
8:00 am......................................... Ardell Brenner
10:40 am............................................... Jess Ihrke
5:30 pm ........................................... Joel Dubbels
8:00 am........................................... Carolyn Walk
10:40 am..................................... Tim Strohschein
5:30 pm ... Grant & Cara Wilson/Lyle & Kathy Voight
8:00 am... Tom & Dory Moore, Bobbie& Gene Lewallen
10:40 am... Elvera & Marty Cordes/John & Brooke Murphy
5:30 pm ................. Sue Kazos/Gary & Sue Tollers
8:00 am.......... Ernst Family / Bruce & Jan Ludwig
10:40 am.....Darlene Thompson / Caroline Ferdig
5:30 pm ................................... Kurt & Clare West
8:00 am.................. John & Carrie Johnson /Linda
.........................................Malnar/Donna Walters
10:40 am..... Dan Zemke Family/Dick & Shirley Valde
5:30 pm ..................... Janet & Gordon Hoffmann
..................................... Julia and Ryan Meverden
8:00 am........................... Kristi and Tim Rossman
................................ Gordon and Laurie Rupkalvis
10:40 am.......Lois Norby / Aaron and Sara Lassila
Worship Recorders
First Sunday .................................................... Greg Utesch
Second Sunday................................................. Royce Ernst
Third Sunday ................................................... Greg Utesch
Fourth Sunday...................................... Sherrill VanGuilder
Fifth Sunday .................................................... Greg Utesch
Welcome Center
5:30 pm..........................................Doug Koepsell
8:00 am ............................ Bernie and Ellie Nesler
10:40 am .......................................... Beth Hanson
5:30 pm...............................................Kim Jensen 1/11
8:00 am .......................... Terri and Sharon Muller
10:40 am ...................................... Sherry Haugen
5:30 pm............................................. Diana Stoen
8:00 am .............................................. Larry Stoen
10:40 am ............................. Dan and Terri Zemke
5:30 pm................................................................
8:00 am ................................................................
10:40 am ...................................... Caroline Ferdig
5:30 pm ................................... Lyle Voight and Rich Ward
8:00 am .. Ed Feeder, Harold Jenkins, Andrew Fockler, Jeff
...................... Lee, Sam Gehrking, Kelly Anderson
10:40 am ............... Willis Fitting, Joel Pralle, Gary Seering,
...... Christian NIsbit, Jacob Pralle, Madison Pralle
Please call the church office by Noon on Thursday (289‐
5147) if you need a ride to worship.
Page 21
Redeemer Lutheran Church
869 7th Avenue SE
Rochester, Minnesota 55904
Return service requested
Non-Profit Organization
Rochester, Minnesota
Permit No. 376
Special Music
On Sunday, December 14, the Trinity Sanctuary Choir and our Sounds of Praise Choir combined their efforts to
bring us a service filled with special music.