St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford 201 Church Road Wexford, PA 15090 Parish Founded in 1840 School Established 1889 TWENTY –EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 12, 2014 PARISH PRIESTS Father Peter P. Murphy, Pastor Father Edward M. Czemerda, Parochial Vicar DEACON Mr. Albert E. Heiles Jr. ST. ALPHONSUS SCHOOL Pre School to Eighth Grade Mr. Robert D. Reese, Principal DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CCD Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Youth Ministry - Adult Religious Education Sacramental Preparation Louis Bosco, Director of Religious Education YOUTH MINISTRY Mike Shipe, Director COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATOR Cindy Cusic Micco MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Heagy, Director of Liturgical Music & Choir John and Lynn DeNisi, Directors of Folk Choir Nancy Barnes, Organist PHONE NUMBERS (area code 724) Parish Office (Rectory) ..................... 724-935-1151 Fax ................................................... 724-934-3788 Dept. of Religious Education-CCD ... 724-935-1160 St. Alphonsus School ....................... 724-935-1152 School Fax……………………………724-935-1110 DIOCESAN VICTIMS HOTLINE………….888-808-1235 Qr to Parish Web Page WEB-SITES: Parish… School .................................... Diocese ............................... PARISH TWITTER - @StAlphonsusWex SCHOOL BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Our Parish Mission Statement The faith family of St. Alphonsus enjoys a rich heritage and historic tradition supported by Catholic education. Nourished by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Scriptures, our purpose is to learn and share our faith with each other through each generation. We are committed to prayer, service, and building the Kingdom of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to create a vibrant spirit of generosity and evangelization throughout our church and community by inviting and empowering all to use their treasures and talents. The Wedding Banquet in Scripture is a Promise of the Kingdom of Heaven TIMES OF SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning: 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday afternoon 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m. Saturday evening 6:00 p.m. after Mass INFANT BAPTISM Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by personal appointment. Parents, please make arrangements for Baptism preparation class before the baby is born. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) CHILDREN (RCIC) All Adults and children who are interested in being received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Notification of intention to marry must be given six months in advance. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Jesus said “The Kingdom of Heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. ...And the hall was filled with guests.” —Matthew 22:2,10 BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN This Sunday - 6:00pm - Youth Ministry Gathering at rectory Monday - Columbus Day - No School. No CCD ` Tuesday - 9:00am. - Bible Study at K of C Hall Tuesday - 9:00am. - Book discussion on “Rediscover Catholicism” - in the rectory Friday - 8:30am - 2:45pm - Eighth grade students of St. Alphonsus School and parish CCD class gather for Catholic Vision of Love (CVOL) Retreat Day at our school. Next Sunday - 10:00am - Mass - Rite of Enrollment for 8th Grade Students preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. TICKETS GO ON SALE THIS WEEKEND FOR CANDLELIGHT EVENING WITH SAINTS Tickets for the Candlelight Evening With The Saints go on sale this weekend after the 5p.m. Mass on this Saturday, Oct. 11, and the 10a.m. Mass this Sunday, Oct. 12. St. Alphonsus’ SOUL Youth Ministry is planning the event - a candlelight tour through the darkened parish and school grounds during which costumed characters portraying saints and prominent figures in the life of St. Alphonsus Church and School speak about their lives. The Candlelight Evening will be held on two evenings to honor All Saints Month - Friday and Saturday. Nov. 7 and 8. The first tour begins at 6:30p.m. from the school cafeteria and the last tour leaves at 9p.m. Tickets will be on sale throughout the week at the rectory. Tickets cost $10 and include food - your choice of soup or a hot dog, cookies or pie, and a beverage (coffee, hot chocolate or bottled water). Nut rolls also will be on sale. For more information, contact Youth Minister Mike Shipe at The Candlelight Evening is one of many events planned to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the parish and the 125th anniversary of the school. Remember that baby bottle you picked up last week? Keep filling it with coins, cash or checks for the Roselia Program of Catholic Charities. Don’t forget to bring all bottles back to church with you next weekend (October 18-19). All monies collected will support their ministry to homeless, pregnant women and infants in the Pittsburgh area. Donations by check may be made payable to St. Alphonsus with “Roselia Program” noted in the memo section. If you did not get a baby bottle, you may still make a donation. Please put your donation in an envelope, mark it Baby Bottle Campaign for Roselia” and return it to church next weekend. Thank you for your support for life! 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign St. Alphonsus Parish will take part in the international 40 Days for Life Vigil which extends until November 2nd. This ecumenical 40 day pro-life campaign involves prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach to help end abortion in our community and country. Parishioners are invited to participate in the vigil on Thursday, October 23 from 7:00-11:00a.m. Our time there will involve periods of prayer and reflection for the women contemplating abortion and their babies. You do no have to be present for the entire four hours to participate. Any time you can spend would be welcome. For more information, or if interested in carpooling, please contact Marie Pfau at 724-940-9045. MASS OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Saturday, October 25th, at our church we celebrate the Mass of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick at our regular Saturday evening 5:00pm Mass. We invite all the chronically ill, the disabled, all our people currently in treatment for illness or disease, and anticipating surgery. The persons who are to receive this Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick during Mass, should come early to the side entrance of the new side of the church, and you will be seated in alternate rows on the organ side. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Oct. 11/12 ST. ALPHONSUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL FALL OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, October 22 - 6:00am to 8:00pm Thursday, October 23 - 9:0am to 10:30pm Please join us for an Open House and an opportunity to see our school first-hand. Established in 1889, Saint Alphonsus offers a dynamic education Deeply rooted in Catholic Faith and Tradition 3– and 4-Year AM and PM Preschool Full Day Kindergarten Grades 1 - 8 Morning Care Extended Day Program Visit our website for more information: PIES FOR THANKSGIVING DISTRIBUTION It’s time to purchase Market Day pies for the St. Alphonsus 4th Annual Pie Drive! Please donate a pie to the North Hills Community Outreach for their Thanksgiving meal distribution. The pie order form can be found in the back of church. Orders can be placed in the collection basket or dropped off at the rectory and school office. All orders are due by Sunday, Oct. 26. CATHOLIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION MASS Physicians and healthcare workers are invited next Saturday, October 18 at 10:00am for Mass at the Pittsburgh Oratory, 4450 Bayard St., Oakland, Pittsburgh, for the Feast of St. Luke, patron saint of physicians. A presentation by Dr. Christopher Reibold will follow at the nearby Newman Center. EVENING OF REMEMBRANCE FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 ALL SOULS’ DAY You who have suffered the loss of a loved one during this past year, are invited to a Memorial Prayer Service in which your loved one will be remembered in prayer. When the name of your dearly departed one is read, a member of your family may come forward to light a vigil candle in their memory. If you are unable to attend, you may ask a relative or friend to come forward to light the candle. MASS INTENTIONS TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Oct. 11/12 5:00p.m. Saturday - Francis Pegher by Wayne & Regina Yetter 6:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m. Madeline Seibert by Family & Friends 10:00a.m. Elizabeth Dathe by Sturgis Family 12:15p.m. Mr. & Mrs. J. Suchy by Family Monday, October 13 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Michael Galuska by Family 9:00a.m. Jack McAleer by Joyce McAleer Tuesday, October 14 - Pope St. Callistus 7:00a.m. Gary Davis by Schwoebel Family 9:00a.m. Melzi Antonucci by Daughter Wednesday, October 15 - St. Teresa of Avila 7:00a.m. Walter Pitschke by Family 9:00am Fred & Sara Siciliano,Sr.& Family by Family Thursday, October 16 - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:00a.m. Mary Ann Durkin by Richard Michels 9:00a.m. Olive & Robe Senita by Family Friday, October 17 - St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:00a.m. Julia Pahela by Daughter 9:00a.m. Donald Christel by Michael & Diane Christel Saturday, October 18 - St. Luke 9:00a.m. Alan Chips by Nolan Family TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME –Oct. 18/19 5:00p.m. Saturday - Francis Pegher by Wayne & Regina Yetter 6:00a.m Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m Mary Saffa by Ed & Faye Basa 10:00a.m. Praxedes Pfeifer by Howard W. Pfeifer 12:15p.m. Olga Krantz by Family Please pray for the Souls of the Faithful Departed especially for Mr. Michael R. Galuska, of St. Bonaventure Parish, Shaler, brother of James L. (wife Sharon) of our parish. Last Sunday’s Offertory Regular Sunday Collection $ 15,085,94 Online Offertory 1,967.00 Maintenance Collection 1,811.00 Online Maintenance 95,00 Online School 80.00 Online Parish Share 35.00 Online Bishop’s Education 25.00 Thank you K of C Thank You The Knights of Columbus’ Tootsie Roll collection held in our parish on Sat. & Sun. Sept.21/22 netted $1,308. Your support benefits St. Anthony’s Regional School Program & the McGuire Memorial Home in New Brighton. Thank you for your generous support.
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