St. Alphonsus Church & School (parish) (Preschool through 8th Grade) 201 Church Road, Wexford, PA 15090 Parish: 724-935-1151 Fax: 724-934-3788 School: 724-935-1152 Fax: 724-935-1110 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday) The Most Holy Trinity Sunday May 31, 2015 Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Kevin C. Fazio Deacon: Albert E. Heiles Jr. Secretary: Mary Zangrille Accounting: Lori McKinniss Child Safety: Louis Bosco, Coordinator 724-935-1160 Communications: Cindy Cusic Micco, Director Maintenance: Carl Pieczynski Music: Mary Heagy, Director Religious Education: Louis Bosco, Director 724-935-1160 Youth Ministry: Mike Shipe, Director 412-302-0603 School Staff TIMES OF SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:00 a.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Principal: Robert D. Reese 724-935-1152 Ext. 503 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Secretary: Patty Anfang 724-935-1152 Ext. 501 INFANT BAPTISM Diocese of Pittsburgh: (412) 456-3000 Diocesan Victims Hotline: 888-808-1235 Facebook@SaintAlphonsusWexford Saturday afternoon 12:00 Noon to 12:40 p.m. and by appointment with priest. Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by personal appointment. Parents, please make arrangements for Baptism preparation class before the baby is born. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) CHILDREN (RCIC) All adults and children who are interested in being received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. Twitter@StAlphonsusWex Bulletin & E-News deadline: Monday at noon Send information to SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Notification of intention to marry must be given at least six months in advance. May 31, 2015 St. Alphonsus Church & School Most Holy Trinity Sunday First Sunday Food Collection The "First Sunday" Food Collection will be held at Masses on Sunday, June 7, and at the Saturday Vigil Mass, June 6. We encourage parishioners to bring non-perishable food donations for North Hills Food Bank. During the offertory (before the collection), children, teens and others will be invited to volunteer to collect the food from parishioners and the receptacles marked "Food Bank" that are located on the old and new sides of the church. They will bring the donations to the altar on the old side. _________________________________________ Honoring H.S. & College Graduates We would like to honor the achievements of our parishioners by recognizing this year's high school and college grads at 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 14. Graduates will be asked to come forward toward the end of Mass for a blessing. After Mass, a breakfast reception for graduates and their families will be held in the cafeteria. Graduates should email the following information to Leslie Mitros ( Your name, the school/college from which you are graduating, the college/university you will be attending (high school grads only), your email address, and how many family members will attend the reception. Deadline to send the info: June 7. __________________________________________ Thank You to Gardening Volunteers Thank you to our parishioner volunteers who joined with students from Fox Chapel High School to help beautify our St. Alphonsus campus recently by planting gorgeous flowers around the sign that welcomes visitors. If you would like to become involved in this group, email We Welcome the Newly Baptized to Our St. Alphonsus Church Family Amora Rosalie Wike, daughter of Terry and Danielle Pagley Wike Madison Davie Rudy, son of Matthew and Nicole Kyslinger Rudy Noelle Lilly Schillinger, daughter of George and Kaitlyn Darver Schillinger Veronica Rae Elliott, daughter Nicholas and Colleen Daley Elliott Briken Warren Pirring, son of Jamey and Jennifer Sabo Pirring Christian Joseph Amann, son of Todd and Cara Quattrone Amann ________________________________________________ Congratulations to … St. Alphonsus School's principal -- Mr. Robert Reese – for receiving an award from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit for being an outstanding principal. St. Alphonsus sixth-grader Elizabeth Feczko for placing third out of 50 contestants in this year's diocesan spelling bee after 21 rounds. The 18 St. Alphonsus students who brought home firstand second-place awards from the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science's annual state competition. (See our website or E-News for the full list.) ________________________________________________ CCD Expands to Include Preschoolers With Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd Our CCD program is expanding to include preschoolers, ages 3 to 5. Reminder to Mass Greeters Preschoolers and kindergarten students will work together in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program on Monday evenings from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. beginning in September. If you have been a Mass Greeter or are curious about becoming one, please meet with our Greeter organizers for about 15 minutes after 8, 10 and 12:15 Masses on Sunday, May 31, and after the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass on May 30. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a faith formation experience for children that is based on the belief that young children can and do experience God. Founded on the educational principles of Maria Montessori, CGS is rooted in scripture and liturgy. They will go over how to sign up, where to be, and what to do as a Mass Greeter. Please join us after the Masses where the choir sits on the new side. For information, contact Louis Bosco, Director of Religous Education, at 724-935-1160 or email him at __________________________________________ This Week at St. Alphonsus Sunday, May 31 5-7pm Final Youth Ministry meeting. Picnic & games. Tuesday, June 2 6:30pm Pastoral Council meeting in rectory 7pm Legion of Mary meeting in cafeteria Wednesday, June 3 Last day for kindergartners at St. Alphonsus School 1pm Kindergarten Prayer Service 7pm Graduation Mass for St. Alphonsus School followed by reception in Ryan Center Thursday, June 4 7pm St. Alphonsus Athletic Association meeting in school art room Sunday, June 7 7am-noon Parish Blood Drive in Small Gym (under New Side of Church) Please Donate to Flea Market We are accepting donations for our annual Flea Market, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 12-13, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Ryan Center. You may drop off donations: At the Small Gym from May 30 to June 3. Simply place your donations inside the double doors. Donations will be accepted at the Ryan Center from June 4 until noon on June 11. Blood Drive Set for June 7 Are you the right type? Yes! Donors of every blood type are needed every day, so everyone has the right type of blood. Please help ensure there is an adequate supply of blood for our community by donating at our Blood Drive Sunday, June 7, from 7 a.m. to noon in the Old Gym. To schedule your life-saving appointment, please contact Barb Sippel at 724-561-4092 or log on to and enter sponsor code G0040043. May 18-25, 2015 Regular E-Giving Online Totals Offertory $12,479 $4,020 $16,498 Parish Share $ $5,900 $ 5,900 Nepal Collection $ 50 $ 250 $ 300 CRS Collection $ 120 $ 150 $ 270 School $ 540 $ 455 $ 995 Maintenance $ 7 $ 147 $ 154 Ascension Thurs. $ 20 $ 15 $ 35 Votives $ 264 $ 264 _____________________________________________ TOTAL $24,416 MASS INTENTIONS THE MOST HOLY TRINITY - Sunday, May 31 5:00p.m. Saturday Vigil - Vincent Pegher & Brothers by Vincent Pegher Family 6:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m. Rosemary Zappa by Husband Robert 10:00a.m. Charles Gerson by Glenn & Laurie Craig 12:15p.m. Helen Wasylson by Family Monday, June 1, St. Justin 7:00a.m. Alvin Marshall by Dave Brudy Tuesday, June 2 7:00a.m Eleanor Bryll by Parishioners Wednesday, June 3, St. Charles Lwanga & Companions 9:00a.m. Eleanor Bryll by Peter & Kaaren Ghisone Thursday, June 4 No Mass Friday, June 5, St. Boniface 7:00a.m. Nelson Tonet by Dave Brudy THE MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Sunday, June 7 5:00p.m. Saturday Vigil-Earl Leitaa by Steve & Angie Noel 6:00a.m Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m Madeline Seibert by Family 10:00a.m. Eleanor Bryll by Charlie & Elaine Wise 12:15p.m. Eleanor Bowers by Family _______________________________________________ Keep Our Military Personnel in Your Prayers Please keep our parishioners and their loved ones who are serving in the military in your prayers: Ensign Andrew Pfau, son of Robert and Marie Pfau, is serving in the Navy. First Lt. Kevin O'Connor, son of Bill and Connie O'Connor, is serving in the Marines. Master Sergeant Michael Pajak , son of Thomas and Carole Pajak, served in the U.S. Army for 27 years and is now in the Army Reserves. Staff Sergeant Bryan Winterstein, nephew of Thomas and Carole Pajak, is stationed in California with the U.S. Air Force Captain Andrew Nicholas, son of Sue and Joe Nicholas, is serving in the Army 75th Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan. To add someone to this list, please call the rectory at 724-935-1151 Tickets on Sale for Youth Ministry Outing Our Youth Ministry is making plans to attend the third annual Faith Night at PNC Park on Aug. 20 when the Pirates play the San Francisco Giants. Pirates tickets and bus transportation will be provided for just $10 total for youths who are going into 9th - 12th grades for the 2015-16 school year, or who just graduated high school. For information and to buy tickets, please contact Youth Minister Mike Shipe at 412-302-0603 or George A. Thoma Funeral Home, Inc. Family Owned • Serving Families Since 1958 Traditional & Cremation Services 10418 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090 Margaret L. Thoma, Supervisor/Director (724) 935-3400 DR. R. PATRICK FRANCIS, AuD Board Certified Audiologist “Faith comes by hearing” ROMANS 10:17 724.933.3440 Devlin Funeral Home of Cranberry 724-772-8800 solutions for every budget Devlin Funeral Home of North Hills 549 Beaver Street Sewickley, PA 15143 Tues-Sat 10 to 5 Wed 10 to 7 412-364-0510 2678 Rochester Rd. Cranberry Twp. PA 16066 Mark B. Devlin, Supervisor Exquisite Custom Framing 806 Perry Hwy. Pittsburgh, PA 15229 Joseph M. Mignella, F.D. Thomas B. Devlin, Supervisor LARGE ENOUGH TO MATTER SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE FIND NEW ROADS 500 Lincoln Ave. at Balph • Bellevue 412-734-5000 food is our passion... Service is our obsession 11675 Perry Hwy. • Wexford (724) 935-3559 “guiding families for six generations, since 1855” Catholic Funeral Plan Accepted • Protective Pre-Planning Available Charles A. Schellhaas, Supervisor • Ryan D. Schellhaas, FD | FRANKLIN PARK / WEXFORD 1600 Stone Mansion Drive, Sewickley, PA 15143 • (724) 934-3000 • Wills, Trusts & Estates Tax & Business Law Law Offices Hibachi Steakhouse & Sushi Bar Japanese Cuisine • Full Service Bar SUNDAYS 10% OFF Erik V. Scully, Esq., CPA Parishioner Wexford • Pittsburgh JOIN US FOR HAPPY HOUR MONDAY-FRIDAY 5-7 SPECIAL DRINK MENU & APPETIZER MENU Saga Cranberry 724-778-9998 724-934-4711 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 412-471-0777 Murrysville 5 Convenient Locations 724-325-3030 Serving Pittsburgh For Over 60 Years! • Interest-Free Financing • Risk-Free Trial Periods • LIFETIME FREE CLEANINGS • Real Ear Hearing Aid Verification Dr.Lori A.Howard Dr.Laura Di Pasquale- Gregory • Tinnitus Therapy • Senior Citizen Discounts • Repair & Service All Makes • LIFETIME FREE BATTERIES* *Some exclusions may apply 724-934-8744 9500 Brooktree Rd., Ste. 301, Wexford, PA 15090 Wexford House Donaldson’s Crosroads Shopping Center 724-941-2281 Wexford Plaza 724-935-4880 412-492-SAVE Nursing & Rehabilitation Specializing in Short Term Rehab (7283) A part of UPMC Injection Foam, Spray Foam Senior Communities and Blow-in Attic insulation Enjoy the many amenities of for comfort & energy this large, gated campus efficiency. surrounded by beautiful wooded conveniently located in acreage Cranberry Township. General 9850 Old Perry Hwy. 412-366-7900 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. MATT MERTZ PLUMBING INC. (724) 776-8100 412-367-0815 • FULL PLUMBING SERVICES! TRENCHLESS SEWER REPAIR Brian or Sally, coordinators Employment (724) 776-8492 PA # 033519 Employment Opportunities 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK NOW ACCEPTING ANY LOCAL COMPETITORS COUPONS WWW.MATT-MERTZ-PLUMBING.COM 412-381-4104 Andrews Painting Services Bill Andrews Master Finisher Painter Residential & Commercial 412-860-1469 021950 St Alphonsus Church APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTER “THE APPLIANCE EXPERTS” SINCE 1978 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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